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Show Thursday, June 15, 1965 Page 9 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Am. Legion to Servicemen News Hold Instllation Arts ltd Crafts Eelcts Officers A meeting of the Kearns Arts and Crafts Committee met Thursday, June 6 to elect new officers. Elected president of the group was Renee Oakley, with Rebecca Cleveland, vice president; Bonnie Wilcox, secretary; Zelma Brundage, 8 pjn. in the Post treasurer; Marlene McBride, corand Louise USS HENDERSON (FHTNC) Bryant D. Carter, fireman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Carter of 4902 South 4860 West, Kearns, The installation banquet for new Utah, Is serving aboard the destroyer USS Henderson, a unit of the officers of the American Legion Pacific Fleet. Post 132 will be held Saturday, Banquet Saturday g The destroyer is part of a task force which periodically deploys to the Far East for duty with the Seventh Fleet. While operating from Long Beach, Calif., the Henderson helps guard other fleet units. wide-rangin- 2717 So. Redwood Road CANVAS WEAR LADIE'S CHILDREN'S to $3.49 467-628- 4 Hours 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. - at responding secretary; Garriepy, historian. McKinstry will be as the new Commander of the Legion, with Ray Jensen, First vice commander; Vern Wall, second vice commanded; Joseph Buckway, finance officer; Robert Merrick, historian; Rex Bass, sergeant at arms, and Ernest Shaner, chaplain. Charles in-stal- ed The Arts and Crafts Committee annialso celebrated their one-yeversary. They became an official organization on June 6, 1962. ar -- It is significant to note that the Kearns organization has taken many awards during past year in the field of art They won the Penny Art Award in the State McKinstry succeeds Arthur (Ron) among a number of others. Their Gilson as commanded. The new achievements have been worthy of executive committee is comprised especially considof Carl Parkinson, Harold (Pete) high recognition, ering their short time as an orCase, and Cyrus Nielson.. ganization. 8 District Gunderson, Lyle past Those in the area who are incommander, and a member of San- terested in becoming a member of dy Post 77, will be the installing the Arts and Crafts Committee are officer. invited to contact Rebecca at CY - New officers of the Kearns Arts and Crafts Committee are, front, left to right, Rebecca Cleveland, Renee Oakley, president; Louise Garriepy, historian. Back row, Bonnie Wilcox, secretary; Marlene McBride, corresponding secretary; and Zelma Brundage, treasurer. 14 From PHONE 15, Home. for further information. MEN'S $1.50 June The installation ceremony will be followed by dinner and dancing. Reservations may be made in advance for the dinner by calling Ron Day which will be held at Murray Park on June 28. One of the highOr Rex Bass, Gilson, CY CY Tickets are $225 per lights of the day will be a drawing for a Shetland pony. Concessions person. will be available for rides throughA regular business meeting was out the day, and entertainment will held by the Legion Tuesday night be provided by the Legion at 7:30 and. plans were discussed for Kids in the evening. vice-presiden- t; IOO Years of Alining in Utah the first mining claim was located In Utah In September, 1863, Utah's mines have produced nearly 8V4 billion dollars worth of minerals and metals. The greatest portion of this money has flowed into Utah's economic blood stream as payrolls, payments for transportation, power and other services, and taxes. Sine UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION "From the earth comes an abundant life for alt - THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY June 13 14 IB 16 MM MM M 5400 SOUTH 4200 WEST - (Directly West of Safeway) ' 1 - PEPSICOLA BAGS POTATO CHIPS BALLOONS (For Kids with Parents) 10 BIG DOOR PRIZES - NOTHING TO BUY! SPECIALS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! 10c HOT DOGS 5c ICE CREAM |