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Show Maybe ft Was Better that Way BOSTON CU'P) Today you can fly from Boston to New York in about 53 minutes. Back in 1773 Joslah Quincy nought he was getting fast service when he made a stagecoach trip between the cities which he described in EXTENSION AGENT REPORTS (ds Journal as follows! 1 set out from Boston in the li,ne of stages of an enterprising Yankee, Pease by name, considered a method of transportation of wonderful expedition. The journey to New York took up to a week. We reached our resting place for the night, if no accident intervened, at 10 o'clock, and after a frugal supper, went to bed with a notice we should be called at three, which generally proved to be half past two, and then, whether it snowed or rained, the traveler must rise and make ready . . . and proceed on his way over bad roads, sometimes getting out to help the coachman lift the coach out of a quagmire or rut, and arriving in New York after a weeks hard traveling, wondering at the eats, as well as the expedition, with which our journey was effected. News Of Intermountain School YAZZIE Fall Blood Sucking Lice Is Stepped Up Box 10 Elder NEWS Wednesday, October 14, Brigham City, Utah N. Y. (UP) ROCHESTER, Just 25 years ago, a New York and Winter is The Time to Dip or TicketSale Spray Cattle for YARNS Filming Of Records Is 25 Years Old Utah Symphony bank began microfilming cancelled checks in an effort to quash a fraudulent check racked. Today use of microfilm machines has spread to 65 other kinds of industries. chairGeorge L. McCarthy, man of the board of Reoordak, a subsidiary of Eastman Kodak Co., was an official in the bank and developed the process of "photographic accounting." Microfilm has been used by department stores, newspapers, libraries, banks and other agencies where 6pace for filing is at a premium. It saves 98 percent of the space that normal files 1953 Since the Korean fighting and the atomic bomb threat, many; and businesses governments have made microfilm copies oft important documents and stored, them in caves or faraway es- tates in event original docu- ments are destroyed. j In World War II, more than 233,000,000 letters were sent by. a form of microfilm. Railroads took to microfilm ln 1937 when Ohio river floods of freight-car- s forced the and paper work piled up. Waybills were microfilmed and. made out later on interline re-- f J ports. By Anson B. Call, Jr. cattle lice to the livestock ownWith the opening of the 1953-5County Agricultural Agent ers is much greater than generinUtah Symphony season just and cattle beef The dairy By about four weeks away, sale of dustries in Box Elder county ally has been recognized. Dickman Constance tickets is stepping up sharply, provide a large farm income. In Piercing Mouths this county cattle commonly beBlood sucking lice are small, according to David S. Romney, come infested by one or wingless insects. They have managing director. "Mama! Mama! Come and more severely kinds of blood sucking mouth-part- s which .pierce the The ticket campaign opened see! Theyre just hundreds of lice. skin. They live only on the blood last week and indications are busses here all full of grandThese parasites lower the vi- from the animals which they that season ticket sales will mas. retard rate of growth, re- attack. Eggs are glued to the reach a new high The season tality, This was my first graders ver- duce milk production and cause body hairs of animals by lice. tickets can be obtained now with sion of eight bus loads of the continual irritation. In heavy in- These are commonly known as a double advantage, points out tourof Pioneers Utah Daughters festations severe anemia occurs. nits. CALIFOItNIA When first hatched, "Music fans not only use. Port ing Interrpountaln campus. My This all results in a large finan- young lice resemble the adults, Romney, Sherry get the finest seats in their own first grader didn't mention the cial loss to the livestock owners but Muscatel Tokay they are Very tiny. selection, but also get the tickets mm am MtftM IT presence of any wolves on the whose animals are infested with mm Announcing The Opening Of The mm tanmu busses. She failed to notice the these parasites. The loss from Cattle lice control is a pro- a a substantial saving over the mm hcm wmmn m cost The tickets Individual ticket Red of winneeds which cauk, fall and Riding any presence gram Hoods with lunches for grandter attention. These lice can be also can be secured on an InstallNews I Box Elder ma. believe controlled either by dipping or ment basis, if desired, he pointFriday, Oct. 9. stated that they found . the Word has been received from spraying. In addition, infested ed out. lunches at Rees Pioneer park. Neil Bedoni. He is a teacher in- animals may receive relief from Guest artists who will appear of with Conductor Maurice Abra-vane- l The Daughters of Utah Pio- terpreter on military leave. His lice through applications Utah and the neers enjoyed a days jamboree address is Pvt. Neil Bedoni, U.S. dusts or washed of effective inis Symphony this year include in and about Brigham City. A 502110261 Co. B. 20 Inf. Reg. Fort secticides. However, dipping TO THE tour of the school brought them Ord. Calif. Mrs. Roberta Bedoni the method which most com Helen Traubel, famed Wagnerian to the tail end of one of the stu- is matron In the boys depart- monly results in complete elim soprano who has been so much in in ination of the line from animals the news of late; Walter Shaw, dent assemblies. They appeared ment. BRIGHAM CITY by means of a single treatment. pianist; Jascha Heifetz, violin. to enjoy the tour and the talk Girls' Department On Sept. 22, Mr. and Mrs. T he Very Latest In Dance 1st; Alexander Scheiner on the by Dr. George A. Boyce. Can Be Controlled OF OUR ANNUAL Miss Victor's School John E. Loma became the proud Cattle lice can be great Tabernacle organ; Grant effectively New Routines From New York Mrs. Bonnells group had a parents df a 7 pound 16 ounce controlled when livestock are Johannesen, pianist, Jakob Gim-pel- , and California room him named Thursclass her in Reid baby boy. They party Nibley, pianist and dipped in a solution containing day evening, Oct. 1. The stu- Emerson. 8 pounds of 50 percent wettable pianist. In addition the program NEW.CLASSES ARE STARTING IN -dents danced and refreshments Wednesday, Sept. 30, Cecille DDT in each 100 gallons of wa will include the great Verdi ReTHE FOLLOWING: were served. Tsosie and Mary Mae Young ter. quiem with the' combined UniTHE CORRECT NUMBER WAS 586 PENCILS Mr. Boldn took his group to gave a shower for Mrs. Loma, solochoruses TAP BALLET of Utah 14 and Two dippings, to 16 ACROBATIC versity , ' and apart may be made, using adays Bingham Copper mine, Sept. 25. girls attendant in so- ists participating. 1st Prize - Eversharp Pen and Pencil set, won by BEGINNERS ADVANCED Mr. Govers young Emerson. PROFESSIONAL and Lunds liss It promises to be a great year lution of 1 pound of 5 percent Naomi Bennett, 221 South Sixth West, with a guess group visited the State Fair in The following guests attended: rotenone strength finely ground and we urge everyone to secure of 568. Special Classes For Boys Salt Lake City. Charlotte B. iMangseth, Girls derris or cube powder, and 10 tickets early, reports Mr. RomAlso: Special Classes For Children Miss,Bopple and her group Dept, head; Mary C. Joyce, Bil- lbs. of 325 mesh wettable sul- ney. Two special sections are Parker 21 Pen, won by Spencer Archi2nd Prize visited the court house and mu- lie Holder, Barbra Earl, Blanche fur, in each 100 gallons of water. being reserved for students at bald, Bear River City, with a guess of 567. DON'T WAIT ENROLL NOW! seum in Brigham City, Sept. 28. La Rose, Marie Howard, Amy Twd dippings will give comstudent prices. These special ' Mr. Sheffield was their guide. Shaeffer Pencil, won by David Beecher, 130 Ag3rd Prize Jane Arazon, Yazzie, Mary plete control of cattle lice. How- tickets also must be reserved in To Enroll or For Additional Information Write To Three Boy Scout troops have nes Encino. Freeda Three Stars, ever, the second treatment must advance. The first concert is North Sixth East, with a guess of 556. Vischool. Florence J. Garcia, Nora in this been formed be to timed kill lice all properly November 4 at the Tabernacle. KEMPNER SCHOOL OF DANCE And thanks to all of you contestants who took part in the Meetings will begin this week. cente, Edna Skenandore, Sadie which have hatched from eggs YOU may be the winner next year. contest Eva which were present when the The Scoutmasters are Mr. Bol- - Roanhorse, Carol Lincoln, 1383 Indiana, Salt Lake City, Utah which behave so (Penguins, den, Mr. Gover, and Mr. Gar-- , Diswood, Margaret Lincoln, Ella first dipping occurred, before much like people, are biologiSend your name, address, phone, students age dipe. Their assistants are Mr. Vale, Loris Peshiaki, Rose John- they mature and lay eggs, or cally a very primitive form of and the class you desire. Delgrito, Mr. Bitsilly and Mr. son, Bertha Bird, Louise Mor- complete cleanup can not be ex- bird. Tsosie. gan, Juana Carr, Lucy Begay, pected. This treatment does not Miss Victor's School Dorothy Wyant, Betsy Fabb, Sa- kill lice which are in the egg iMable iMrs. Ritterhaus took- her Hob- die Claw, Mae Begady, stage. by club to the museum in the Steve, Mrs. LaRose, Betty Silver Phone 3 40 South Main court house in Brigham City on smith, and Lorraine Morgan. Sprays Okey Bessie Lee was called home Cattle lice control is possible due to the death of her father. by means Of sprays. However, tinoli two extremely thorough appliShe returned last week. Enriched cations usually are necessary if School Honored Grissom Te The girls attendants of Miss eradication is attempted. One Beautify Grissoms school gave a tea for thorough fall treatment will afhands; Miss Grissom and the teachers ford much relief to infested aniof her school. Miss Elizabeth mals, but, two treatments give BEGINNING Phone 1181 Oliver and the teachers of (her greater freedom from lice. When PERFECTION 97 South Main were invited. Other rotenone' is the insecticide used, TODAY AT department HAND CREAM guests included: Dr. Boyce, Miss always make a second applicatON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MaAei Runyon, Miss Hall, Miss .Me ion, .within 14 to 16 days of the hands Clure, Miss Hanlon, Miss Mang fjrsfc feel tofttr . rhi Spray all parts of each aniseth, and Miss Joyce. jql Mrs. Frieda Three Stars, Girls4 mal thoroughly with DDT, toxaphane or chlor-daneAttendant, was called' to her home in North Dakota to at using 8 pounds of the 50 tend the funeral of her uncle. percent' wettable powder in 100 Mrs. Bertha Bird is enjoying gallons of water. If emulsion a visit from her son, John and instead of wettable powder is his wife. John has just com used, an equivalent strength of pleted two years service with the Insecticide in - the spray usu the U. S. navy. Mr. and Mrs. Bird ally is required. TABLETS (Limit O U.S.P. are enroute to their home In Lindane, used at a strength of 1 pound of the 25 percent New Mexico. The Girls Advisory staff Is wettable powder (or of equal completing this week a series of strength if emulsion form is teas they have been giving for used) in each 100 gallons of 60c PR. EDWARDS LAXATIVE Including Federal Tax and Warranty the members of the instructional water, also gives a good constaff. The teas are in the nature trol of lice on cattle. affairs to of Apply As Recommended Engineered by PHILCO permit the classroom teachers to Benzene hexachliride gixes exto Outperform anymothers cellent control of cattle lice. Apmeet the dormitory TOILET SOAP, REGULAR SIZE CAKEqimitj of the girls in their classes. ply at the dosage recommended thing near it in price ! on the manufacturers label. Mrs. Dean Steve who is Dusts and washes may be apGirls Attendant is on 6ick leave, Here it is . . . the most sensaShe and her husband are the plied, where only a few animals tional television value of the roInvolved. are Use a the of BUY! JUMBO only boy. parents baby SOCIETY QUALITY. proud (Limit 2) year from Philco, worlds largsoftball tournament tenone as, a wash on dairy cows. The est radio and television manugot underway with a bang last This is made by mixing 0.1 facturer. Think of it a new week. Each dormitory floor has pounds of 5 percent rotenone bigger chosen a team to use in the in strength cubs or derris ground picture ... a new advance-engineere- d chassis..'. tramural program throughout root in each 5 gallons of water. new console cabinet finished in the year. The girls are getting iBe sure to repeat this treatment in trim for. a varied program of in 14 to 16 days. rich Mahogany, Now at the activities under the direction of Do not allow infested animals Lowest Price in Philco CREAM Miss Barbra Earl, physical edu- to mix with lice-frecattle, or History. Get in touch with SHAMPOO occur. reinfestation will cation director. us at once to see the Philco 410u or any of the new 1954 fe..-89SHAMPOO & Philco models, just arrived. 4 Kempner School Of Dance Congratulations THREE WINNERS PENCIL GUESSING CONTEST 10-2- Pre-Scho- REMINDER ol Office Supply - LOWEST PRICES EVER! Mack's Pharmacq NORTH 88 ' ,, 100 Pure ASPIRKl run FURNITURE fir PM 13' lie 21 h. TV $ Tm 14m OLIVE TABLETS CASHMERE Bouquet gc 2in. tinsofeJ 400 FACE TISSUES 28' MPS5I ... 21-in- ni ayiEevenAids csa h . ' Rinses completely, keeps hail soft and radiant TABCIN Avtihistimm COMPOUND BottU Tie 10 BATH SPRAY Antihistamine A7Se ANZFRIN TABLETS Tube Q(Jc 36 09 ?. AQe , .. W 5 foot hose. Vain do ASMANEFRIN Sets and Solution An e JVi-o- Inhalant. VICKS BOTTLEDTINiBONq VAPO-RU- B Parents! When your child Ittkt tha Mniiil amount $f energy... TM No More Steintl AYTINAL DELUXE PEH JR. Olafsen IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Sit i. PIPER-MAT- S with Vitamins & Minerals E 4 iarref colon .,, I Menthol cool , . . 38' 69 JVSTRITE TIMET01SAVE! CLEANING FLUID ( 10-- 0 z. OQc IF under U.S. Government Supervision! 4 100 PROOF V-) PREMIUM QUALITY YOU ACT FAST Philco 4000, new for 1954, with new bigger 21" okture. 4k cj STRAIGHT BOURBON ! PHILCO TV Models begin at $179.95 Including Federal Tax and Warranty Vitamin Bl THIAMIN CHLORIDE A SJ.S0 Valual Luminous Dark Eyes Ivory plastic 093 ... tm Gf Surfer ELECTRIC ALARM Fay to 099 1 00 Tablets . Olafsen, - . 0 98 50-m- FOR Med C7c MIIIIIIIIIIIH' 60c Sit A SJ.9I V,htl GILBERT ELECTRIC Kitcht 039 Time fr.ne POCKET WATCH Popularly Q98 tm priced ... CARASTA CARDS Mo dttt 1 19 I wap ... design Loti of ANTENNA INSTALLATION 'SOAPLESS SHAMPOO Plty-l0-D- EXPERT I HALO MURINE for EYES Vi or. boitlt 54' W.A.HAUCt COI P. f H 1 1A f A. THE BEST BUYS... BEST TRADE-IN.- .. BEST TERMS... SEE |