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Show Smooth Puncher Will Appear Here DETERMINED BEHS FOOTBALL Aims For First Pro Victory Jollyette Dance Club Plans First Occasion The first dance of the season for the Jollyette dance club will be held at the War Memorial home this Saturday, Oct, 17, it was learned today. SQUAD WALLOPS BEAR RIVER Face Logan There At 2 p. m. Next Friday; Bees Still Undefeated 5 hold. Although able to score only in the first and third quarters, the Bee tea" dominated 1 BoxJElder NEWS Wednesday, October 14, Brigham City, Utah 1953 Spelled Down EVAN3V1HJLE, Ind. CUP) Rob- ert Barham, 29, went to prison for one to 10 years after he failed a spelling test. Judge Ollie Reeves enteneed Barham for y when spelling in a fictitious note that figured in the case corresponded with a "spelling exam given Barham by detectives lie spelled bought "bout and sale "seal. lar-een- play throughout, 'iliey found a tough defense to run against when the Bears played a heavy defensive line with their line backers up close and practically in the line. Art Linkletter With another league victory tucked away, the Box Elder High school football team was busy polishing up this week for a game against a potent Logan The defense was moved crew Friday. with some fine passing. The game will be at Logan Statistics were in favor of Box beginning at 2 p. m. in the Elder. The Bees played the ball offensively 64 times to 48 for ground out apwas determined Box Elder the Bears. They It proximately 270 yards to the team which ignored Bears 197. predictions last Wednesday and The Bears threw 16 passes and convincingly beat Bear River 13 to 0 to stay in the chase for the completed only four while the Bees attempted nine passes, Region title. four, one for a touch The Bee victory leaves them completing down. standing alone with Ogden as undefeated the Regions only teams. a In game that was well played byjboth teams, the locals established their supremacy early and never relinquished their Hunts Ducks Here Art Linkletter of Hollywood enjoyed his first duck hunting experience at the Bear River Bird Refuge last week-nd- . Linkletter plane landed at the local airport on Saturday morning. During his Monday afterradio noon television and shows, Linkletter told of hunting ducks near Brigham City and of learning a little about piloting a plane from Johnny Weir, local instructor. pre-gam- e Canning Group Reorganizes To Ronald Petersen Light-Heavyweig- Conform To Law STUFFY SEZ . . . who will meet Lee Haynes, Saturday, Oct. 31, in the first pro bout of his career., He is now champion in the Intermountain area in AAU and Golden Gloves competition. ht The Box Elder Canning Crop Growers Association met October 2 to adopt changes in articles s to of Incorporation and confirm to the recently enacted National Cooperative Law. President Melvin Johnson of Brigham City presided. The name was changed to Box Elder Farmers Produce Cooperative. The scope of operation will be to bargain for sales, and handle any farm product by pooling or otherwise for the best interests of the producers, and the necessary amendments were adopted. Means of securing labor for finishing the tomato harvest by securing weekend labor from the Intermountain Indian School at Brigham and dispatching other help where needed were consid- At i by-law- E THE MOMEy Bur LETS BE FAIR, FLEASE PONY TAKE MT motSTEKEP CHAIR People know a good thing when they see it. Thats why they always bring their furniture in to us for reupholstering. Old mattresses made like new. EVERTON MATTRESS CO. Ph. 27 24 E. 1 So. t y. V! 4 i t1 ? Lee Haynes, Salt Lake City . . who will meet Ronald Petersen in Brigham City, has lost one fight in 11 starts and drew one. . Rupert Blackham Heads Region One Paper Director ALL-DA- advise- I have been wonderfully bless, ed in being restored to active life after being crippled in nearly every joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and oher forms of Rheumatism, hands deformed and my ankles were set. Limited space prohibits telling you more here but if you will write me 1 will reply at once and tell you how I received this wonderful relief. CLEANSING CREAM a rich NIGHT CREAM c MAKEUP BASE ALL IN ONE JAR! LARGE 6 OZ. SIZE ONLY Mrs. LelaS. Weir lanolin enriched ILL-PURPO- 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. O. Box 2695 Jackson 7, Mississippi CIIUII SE Box and Sons reappraise the countys property for fire insurance. The commissioners directed Olsen to contact Mr. Hervin for his opinion on whether the insurance should be called for on bids. The commissioners decided to pay $300 of their assessment made by the Utah Water Users association and directed the clerk to write T. W. Jensen, secretary-manager of the Utah Water Users association, telling him they felt the Box Elder county assessment is too high. Commissioner Wight reported that Bishop William Babbitt, Lynn, had reported that Lynn ward had purchased the old Rosette church building and wanted to know what the county would do in improving roads and reinforcing bridges so the building could be moved from Rosette to Yost. The commissioners and Road Supervisor E. R- Austin decided it would take a tremendous road improvement program to make It possible to move this building to Lynn. Bun-derso- 88. last Wednesday under direction of Ranger M J. Markham, he Jensen was told to go ahead reported Monday. with the work immediately and on the Inspecting laboratory is well conservation were Sister Super- currently the job ior Mary David, Sister Marian Francis, Sister Dolores Ann and Ben Hunsaker, Corinne, asked Sister Damien. permission to hire the county patrol to deepen the barrow North Stake Fun Night pit along his property, on the road running west from the Postponed Until Oct. 31 highway at the William Welch of Corinne. He also Due to the opening of deer sea home, north about getting a culvert son the second Fun Night for asked in across the road leading to North Box Elder stake dancers put his property in the vicinity of will be held at Corinne on Sat- Thatcher. After considerable urday, Oct. 31 instead, of this discussion the commissioners as originally planned Saturday it would be impossible for Both North and South stake. said 1034 Patro1 to be used in the dancers and any others interest- - 3 barrow pjt but offered Mr deep ed are invited to the Halloween Hunsaker the use of a grader if dance to be held Oct. 31. he could find a caterpillar to pull it. They denied his request for a culvert because it was on a field road. More than 25,000,000 tons o The commissioners tabled a were unloaded by the freight Weber from the county U. IS. army at Yokohama, Japan, proposal watershed protective corporation the first three years on and the Wellsville Mountain during in Korea. conflict the Area Project Corporation, to trade about 600 acres of land in the watersheds above Willard More than 300 ' parents and and Perry, in which Box Elder teachers of the Central school county has an undivided interhave already joined the PTA of est, for approximately the same the school, Mrs. Chester Johnson amount of land which is now and Mrs. Gordon Rees of the considered a critical area for drive committee the Pine View Dam area. membership stated today. The commissioners said they As the membership dues have were against losing interest in been received the children have land that may very easily bepasted colorful autumn leaves come a critical area affecting on trees in their own rooms. A Box Elder county and suggested graph is to be placed in the to Anson B. Call, who presented school today showing the prog- the proposal, that before any ress of each room in the mem- action be taken they consult with Robert H. Stewart who is bership drive. The main part of the drive now on vacation in Europe. To straighten out, in everywill be concluded this week but membership is encouraged all ones minds concerned, the right through the entire year, Mrs. of way for roads at Willomere Owen Westenskow said today. park, Box Elder canyon, the Special limited you enhance the great Bourbon Taste of t , y. The - rf - OLD wl HICKORY - More Than 300 EXTRA YEARS ITRUGHT u reouf hi bckobt J OURB OH811 esiriim ttunumm. nukmu. pumyi yum- - At Central Now a super dewy-magi- On the suggestion of County Clerk K. B. Olsen, he was authorized to have Chamberlain Parents in PTA BEAUTY! a Handled by B.E. Commissioners 3 Insignia of the navys submarine service is a submarine flanked by two dolphins. Y 1 At the Sept. 21 meeting of the Elder county commissioners, Contractor Wayne A. Jensen. Four nuns of the St. Henrys Brigham City, was awarded the convent in Brigham City toured job for renovation of the county the scenic Willard Basin area court house on a low bid of $19,-79- ment the student newspaper at Bear River high school has won many honors in contests and students have won a number of journalism scholarships in recent years. QUICK NEW WAY TO He Willard Basin Is Toured By Brigham City Nuns Rupert Blackham, journalism adviser at (Bear River high school, has been elected journalism director of Region One high schools, it is announced ered. by Mrs. Mabel Blayney, presiThe price of farm hay was dis- dent of the journalism division, cussed and members felt that Utah Education Assn. Mrs. Blayfrom $18 to $20 was a minimum ney is journalism adviser at price for baled hay, as that Weber high school. brings the grower only $14 to $16 Mr. Blackham will work closeafter baling charges of $4 00 are with the Journalism Division ly paid. The price fqr pea vine ensilage of Utah State Agricultural colwas set at $3.50 per ton, and di- lege in programs tb help - high rectors were instructed to sell schools improve their publications. The UBAC journalism 6taff same as usual. has been asked by the UEA Journalism Division to sponsor such programs for Northern Utah. Under Mr- - Blackhams commissioners arranged to look at the area with the county sur-vryor and Dr. C. A. Munns, who has purchased land there from Box Elder Sons of Utah County Business Heres your chance to n95 f V offer... get this complete set of cleaning tools FREE of extra charge It's a dream cream for busy beauties! Does the work of three creams... because it contains the essence of several special beauty-givinpreparations, IT CLEANSES deep and fast, yet wont dry skin. ITS A RICH NIGHT CREAM that softens, smooths and supples your skin while you sleep. MAKEUP BASE,..contains ITS A an active moisturizer. Makeup goes on smoother, wonder today! clings longer. Get this g when you buy this new Model 115 HOOVER DEWY-MAGI- e TRIPLE-ACTIO- N CLEANER dress-u- p RAY Jkt Caudji36aeeo-Soc(ti7ottditi- separates priced sweet and low! DRUGGIST Versatile partners, our wonderful billowing skin of swishy rayon taffeta, and the delectable blouse of sheet white nylon, frothy with exquisite nylon embroidery and lace- - Its a combination pretty enough for dates and dress-uoccasions. t IM1IIIIIIIIILM1SIIII1IIII Abont the Model 115 HOOVER cleaner the ideal lightweight, compact, earnest to use and to store. Has Hoovers famous ing principle Triple-Actio- it bean, as it sweeps, n clean- as it dean Gets the deep down grit that other cleaners leavs g imbedded in the pile. Its gen-l- e gires greater life to your Boor coverings, keeps colors fresh and new looking. About the Cleaning Tools easily attached to your Hoover to convert it into an efficient above-th- e Boor cleaner. Help cut yonr cleaning time in half. Set includes 1 Converter for quick, easy attachment of hose and tools. 2 Long, lightweight, flexible bos. 3 Extension tube. 4 Brush for cleaning and dusting upholstery; drapes, wails, bare floors. 5 Crevice tool for furniture, radiators, etc. p nylon blouse, taffeta skirt, cehuhot) annum i manana 52-3- 8 12-1- 8 2.99 4.99 GJESKsfGEB1 1 Brigham City, Utah . CLYDE B. STRATFORD, Manager |