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Show r o B By CLAIR ARE FACTS NOTICE From ar River City days. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Johnsen enjoyed a very pleasant time in Salt Lake City, over the weekend. They attended the UniverWhen you buy our tires you sity of Utah versus Hawaii footcan be sure of a fair adjust- ball game; enjoyed several sessions of conference and saw the ment. They premiere of The Robe. also visited with Mrs. Elsie mother of Carl Hender-sen- , Clairs Chevron Service who is making her home in Salt Lake City for the winter. Tires M M Mptac It, but txtcriy how d you do h?" Hen-derse- Lubrication Complete Automotive Repairs Phone 477 97 N. Main Washing 'mmim 8 UR KIDS 7? R6A Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holman of Provo visited Mrs. Holmans sisters, Mrs. Mary Holman and Mrs. Emma Paice and other rel- atives. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nelson are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy born Oct. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Olsen and Land and Survey Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. September I, 1953. Notice is hereby given that Albert 2. Richard, Jr., of Salt Lake City,' Utah, on March 3, 1953, filed application Utah 09147, under Section 8 ot the Taylor Grazing Act, as amended, to aelect lots 2. i. 4, SNti, S Vi section 3, SL4 section 8, all section 9, 10, M, Lots 3, 4. SW',4 section 13, all 22, sections 14, 15. 17, 18, 19, 21. 2 3, 24, Lots I, 2. W2NEU. NW4 section 25, N4, NSK section 26, ail section 27. S,, NW1, L'NE y4 section 26. N 2, SE4 section 29. T I b . K 6 W and lots 4. 5. 6. 7. sec-tio19, lot 4, SbW!4, SW4SE4 section 20, lot 4 section 21, T. I S, R. 5 W SLM., Utah. II. 475 61 acres, in exchange for all sections 3, 9. II, 15. 17, 19, 23, 25. 27. 29. T. R. 9 and 35. 31, 33 N., 13 W, S L.M., Utah. 8,319 36 acres. This notice is for the purpose of al lowing all persons claiming the selected land or having bona fide objections to to such application an opportunity file their protests or other objections in the Land and Survey Office, belt Lake City, Utah, together with evidence that a copy of such protest or objec tion hae been served upon the appli cant within 30 days from the date of the first publication of this notice. ERNEST E. HOUSE. Manager. First publication Sept. 23, 1953. Kimiber. Mrs. Vey Jensen visited her mother, Mrs. Butler of Garland, Monday. Mrs Frona Frisby of Salt Lake guest of City was a week-enbrother-in-law- , her sister and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Iversen. Mrs. Lettie D. Campbell of Wjo. is visiting her daughMr. and Mrs, ter and Austin Johnsen. Mrs. Christensen Ephraim spent last week in Ogden visiting Mr. and Mrs. Duke and baby daughter, Rochelle. Mrs. Duke will be remembered as Janae 2. Break your match 3. Drawn your campfire. 4. Never born gravs, brush or trash on or windy days. son-in-la- Paint your rooms with our wonderful MOORE PAINTS. They'll add a bright touch of spring to your home during the gloomy winter months. Our MOORE PAINTS are smooth and easy to apply . . . will enhance the charm of your furnishings. Stop in . . . see our color consultants today. Budget Terms Free Estimates SINCE 1892 "WALK A BLOC Koocf SAVE" JgTWttrifc Of Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jensen were in Salt Lake City. Saturday, where Mr. Jensen received medical attention. Neil Andersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. LaVere Andersen, returned from the LDS hospital in Salt Lake City, Friday, where he had been confined for several days. Neil underwent a major operation while there. Mrs. Clinton Burt was gracious hostess to her club Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Checketts spent the week-enin Salt Lake City, attending conference and on business. Mrs. Farrell Huggins entertained at a lovely party Saturday afternoon in honor of her daughter Kristi's sixth birthday anniversary. Games were play ed and delicious refreshments served. The honored guest many lovely gifts and birthday cards. The Guides and Trekkers of the BlazPrimary entertained ers at a Welcome party on Wednesday in Primary. Games were played and light refreshments d MAIN 6,000,000 calls, just here in Brigham City in two. Af-to- "HERE'S A HOME THAT CAN USE ME" PUBLICATION DELANO. Calif. (UIP) Ray Hamilton reported he discovered a large family of hogs inspecting the garbage disposal unit in the .kitchen of hie nearly completes house here. Judging from their loud snorts and grunts, they held the device in considerable distain, he said A Oct.-7-- Brigham City. 14. 19$) Stab His tutcanny knack makes even expert casters applaud him. He also whiskey respects e recognizes the smoothness that makes Old Quaker ... The old-tim- Bourbon-man- Bourbon, s ffiftl The Bourbon-man- s Bourbon 1 4 6 fears old at no extra cost! ...and Sourbofl Straight Enjoyment Cor 75 STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. 86 years PROOF. OLD QUAKER DISTILLING CO, LAWRENCE BURG. d 0330 C2S0Q ONLY IfQ Q IN 50 Ho vs quick When you press the pedal of a 1953 Buick with Dynaflow, you move. You move with instantly responsive getaway, with great quiet, with truly infinite smoothness. You move in this special and spirited and vdun9 tsft watsf fs satis dithwathmg, wklts manner because youre bossing thsmpsst, delightful bathing . Ost csmplst dstsiU sa this smss tag tw svfsmsHf wstsr tsftsnsr, Dynaflow where two turbines, instead of one, now turn out the magic. Twin-Turbin- We PERMUTIT .. WATER For the highest horsepowers and compression ratios. Series for Series, ever placed in a Buick including the power of the worlds newest V8 engine in every Super and Roadmaster. Why not come in and try out this terrific performance team of Buick power and TT Dynaflow? Were ready, willing and eager to show you what youve been missing and how easy it is, price-wisto have it. Can you drop in on us for a noobligation sampling this week? soul-satisfyi- wsikst, gisrisst e can put pictures before you to show how TT Dynaflow delivers its sensational perform- e, ance and flowing-oi- l smoothness. And we will, if you ask. But surely you ought to take the wheel of a 1953 Buick with this wonder drive and let your own sensations tell you how wonderful it is. SOHINII MILTON BERLE start for BUICK BUICK-B- f Rif SHOW on TV -i- n Ih big-thri- ll ftn Coif 43 San prs-w- Tustday svtnings. Alto, svsry Saturday, tun in Ths TV Football Gams of tbs Wssk a "GM" Ksy Event You ought to try it for getaway, for cruising, for ar CHEAT YEARS for the sheer and restful suave deceleration comfort it gives you every step of the way. And, very definitely, you ought to try it for the power that goes with it . . . doubt about it as thousands of prideful Noowners will tell you. SaveOve jSHDofEI MANAGER Wednesday. October Fishermans Fisherman" Q330SS7 R. C. Alston NEWS -- WORLDS in 1953 alone, Brigham City folks will make just about that many telephone calls. Hard to believe. Maybe. But stop to consider how many times YOU used the telephone today. A call to the market. One about the party this weekend. And maybe (but for your sake we hope not) still another to the doctor or fire department. 6,000,000 calls in a year in Brigham City! Yes, thats a lot of talking a lot more than just a few years ago. But we at the telephone company like it that way. The fact that your telephone calls mount up into the hundreds and the thousands before you know it . . . well, that must mean that were doing our job well. Box Elder served. Mrs. Dolly Iverson is teacher of the Guides; Mrs. An-- , drea Huggins of the Trekkers and Mrs. Leone Hansen is the " Blazer teacher. p Friday evening ws designa- ted as Childrens Frignd evening. All of the officers of the visited Primary organization every home in Bear River to get subscriptions to the magazine. Afterward they met at the recreation hall where they were entertained Primary by the presidency. Mrs. Emery Huggins and daughter, Mrs. Dallas Jones, were Ogden "visitors Monday. Sure seems good i,o see Pratt Holmgren home again. Pratt has been in Korea for the past several months; He ip the son of Mr. and MrS: Parley Holmgren. Addie Christensen and Audrey Nelson, who are attending Hene-ger- s Busines college in Ogden, were week-enguests of their parents. Dorene Andersen who is enrolled at the BYU in Provo spent with her parents, the week-enMr. and Mrs. Burton Andersen. While here her mother entertained at a well appointed birthday dinner for her Sunday. Out of town guests were her greatMrs. Elizabeth grandmother. Madsen of Tremonton; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Staples of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Woodruff of Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Garfield of Tremonton called during the afternoon. VIRTtCAl VALYI That's Right; Ma'am. 7 DF.PARTMF.NT OF THE INTFRIOR, BUREAU LAND OF MAN AC.KMKN I'. children of Brigham City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Huggins. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Arbon and a Mrs Mary Holman .attended birthday dinner in Ogden, Sunday, in honor of Mis. Owen H. 9 mum aovsstwn FOR United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management LAND A SURYfcA OffKE.. Salt Lake Cty. Utah. Aur. 31. 1953 Under provision of section 2455, R S. as amended by section 14 of the not of June 26. 1934 (46 Slat. 1274; 43 U. S C 1171). and purnuant to the and application of Holmgren Land Bear River Livestock Co. of City. Utah, Serial No U 04122, there will be offered to the highettt bidder, but at not leas than $4 00 per aore, at a 10 o clock public sale to be held at A M . on the 6lh day of November 1953 next, at this oUtce, the following tracts o 4 land: All Sec. 26. T I2N.R9W.SLM 640 a ores. No part of this land will be old separately Land will be sold with a reservation of oil and gas to the United State Bide may ba made by the principal or hie agent, either personally at the ale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received t thie offce prior to the hour fixed for the aale. Bide must be in sealed envelopes accompanied by e certified checke or money orders made payable to the Treaeurer of the United Statee for the amounte of the bida The envelope must be marked in the lower corner "Public sale bid, Serial No. U 04122, Sale 10 A. M.. Nov. 6. 1953 The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. d Any adverse claimants of the land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. a Any contiguous owner claiming preference right must assert such right within 30 days from the above sale date The Bureau of Land Management has not searched the records ot Box Tider County to ascertain the existence 04 any adverse claim ERNEST E MOUSE, Manager. 5 23 30- - O 7 BEAR RIVER CITY Mr. and Mrs. Newell Checketts left on Tuesday morning for an extended trip to the middle west. They will go east as far as Mibouri. They plan to follow the Old Mormon Trail as near as possible. They will be gone about ten Chevron Batteries Just Jealous LEGAL NOTICES ufomotN mod oh Ask Standard on Roadmaster, optional at extra cost on other Series fer FRtl horns trial -- fcnnSs j dk A A A ,A BEEHIVE Coat and Appliance PHONE ONE WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WIU BUILD THEM A Phone 272 BUNDY MOTOR CO. itrnm 550 South Main Street |