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Show I I I 4 Wednesday, October 14, 1953 - Brigham City, Utah Empty Lake MaPlHERSGN, Kan. CUP) Lake Inman, when full, Is a 300 acre expanse of water that Is one of Kansas' largest lakes. Now It Is dry for the first time In St. Henrys church of Brigham City was the scene of the mar riage of Lorene Woloszyk and Robert McKay. The wedding took place on Sept. 26, at 10 a. m. with the Reverend Edward J Wheland S. J. offering the nuptial High Mass. maid. She wore apricot nylon tulle over taffeta. Lucy Ann Badenhoop "as Junior bridesmaid was in irrldescent gold and Rose Rita Badenhoop in du6ty green as flower girl. Robert McKay was assisted by as his brother Thomas McKay best man and Joseph Cosgrove was the little ring bearer. DarThe bride wore a gown of rel Cosgrove was usher. lace over silk taffeta Mr. Chantilly A. Badenhoop, the Henry with her fingertip illusion veil brother-in-law- , escorted held In place with orange blos- bride's down the aisle. bride the soms. A high noon wedding breakMadallne Johnson was brides- - fast was held at Maddox Ranch house for the wedding party and close friends. A lovely evening reception was held that night at the War Memorial home for the many friPnds who came to wish them Students Put Out Better Work WHEN THEY USE A PORTABLE TYPEWRITER fact the first tims on any portable... pme t s , The training exercise was con ducted to increase combat readiness of the fleet forces involved. Special emphasis was placed on techniques, air defense and mine warfare. Simulated atomic attacks and s are protective Included during the operation. e counter-measure- FOR BEAUTY Friday at Freemans Irene Woloszyk Who Changed Name ... to Mrs. Robert McKay at lovely wedding rites in St. Henrys church, Brigham City on September 26. The bride is the sister of Mrs. Christine Badenhoop of Brigham City. Mr. McKay is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William McKay, also of Brigham City, ic from $14.95 to $37.50 office typewriter ... full tire Colonpeed Key board, tcxx Plus Quickset margins, Super Speed Escapement and Typebar Speed Glistening Brass Mrs J. (P. Barnard celebrated her birthday recently with family members and close friends calling during the afternoon. Birthday party refreshments were served to: Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barnard; Mr. and Mrs Raymond (Heusser and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Barnard, all of Dewey ville; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Marble, Colllnston; La Ree Fowers and Velvet Barnard. Ogden; Mrs. Mary Frod-shaBoise, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barnard, Brigham diente, sciantificafly anced to flva yon maximum relief from pein and to for- tify tho system witk larf quantities of ascorbic acid, to ossantial to sufferers of those afflictions. MTHONUl is ufc to use, non habit For test, formlnf, safe relief, fet bottle of MTHONUl . . . today. He prescription required. j HAMILTON DRUGS From where I sit ... Ay Joe Marsh Modern Art Takesa Licking! real Did you know we kid artist in town? Yes sir! Handy Jackson was a contributor to the Sculpture Exhibition nt the Centerville Fair last week. His work was streaky pink and curved all around sort of streamlined. Caused quite a stir. Nobody was sure what it was supposed to represent, but some liked it and thought it was good art. Handy gave me the lowdown : "Why, it was nothing but a piece of cattle salt our cows have been lickin at for months. I just had it mounted. Fooled a lot of folks one fellow oven itl" From where I sit, Handya modern art" just shows how wanted to buy some people can be led astray. Some even get to be experts especially about the other fellows business. Whether its art or music, or n simple thing like choosing, say, beer or milk witk a snack, we should live and let live. Theres no call for either of ns to set oorselves np as a model for the other! Copyright, 1953, United Stoles Brewert Fouodotioo 771 I I City. Gifts were (presented guest of honor. to Che RENT 'A Brand New SEWING MACHINE ANDIRONS.... $23.86 IF YOU PREFER SELECT UNDERWOOD-REMING- inch firescreen, with drawcord and two tassels. Opens and closes like draw drapes. Glistening , brass, tarnish resistant lacquer finish for enduring luster World's fastest PORTABLE OR 31x38 STOP SUFFERING from tlM palm ol UTHRITIf, ItMvmatlim, Bufsitis, Neuritis, try MTHOHUl tablets, the AiTHOmn formula combine ale medically proraff infra-- , Areyou wasting money on postal money orders? Observes Birthday Size. Flexible safety mesh. Pull-O-Mat- Phone pour society news to Mrs. J. P. Barnard PLUS SAFETY Full it soon! Deseret camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers will meet on Friday, October 16. at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Effie Free-ma144 north First east. All members are 'urged to at-- I 4 tend. - I SmitlvCorona Booster. See pre- Deseret Camp to Meet HERE'S HOW IT WORKS Page Gage warns you when you're 2 Vi inches from the end of the page ...shows and keeps showing you how much space is left as you type to the end. Come in and try it yourself. Page Gage makes typing easier than ever before and only Smith-Coron- a has itl , Pearl Compton, r, FIREPLACE SCREEN Hat the touch and action of an Regular meeting of Xi Alpha chapter f Beta Sigma Phi sorority, was held at the home of Mrs. Jane Baron with Mrs, Norma Butler, president, presiding, Monday. The program was presented by Mrs. Mary Owen. Plans were made to hold a meeting in the near future at the home of Mrs. Elaine Ward in Salt Lake City. Other topics discussed included the social and business of the current rushing season of the Epsilon chapter. lHave I Done Any Good" was opening song followed by invocation by Mrs. Louie B. Andersen. The group attending then sang "Sing We Praises of the Valiant Ones." DUP convention reports were given by Captain Compton and Mrs. Ruth L. Reeves. The ladies attending then heard the second part of a biography of Mathew Caldwell given by his Mrs. La Wana Jensen. IMrs. Reeves entertained with a piano medley. "They Came in 53 was lesson for the evening given by Sixty-fou- r Mrs. Olive fetensen. good cheer visits were given followed by closing song "In The Sweet By and By." Benediction was offered by May Horsley. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Sessions, - Mrs. Catherone Olsen and Mrs. La W&na Jensen. . Elwynn H Jensen, yeoman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elias H. Jensen, 324 west Third south, Brigham City, is with the staff of Commander Amphibious Group Three aboard the flagship USS Estes which Salt participated in operation Wave conducted off the coast of Southern California from Sep tern her 28 to October 2. r The home of Mrs. Artie Sessions was the scene of regular monthly meeting for members of the Sunflower camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers are ThursCaptain Aboard Flagship of Cal. learn than they are now with a portable typewriter. Xi Alpha Chapter Meets At Baron Home Monday sided and conducted. Elwynn H. Jensen Serves were never easier to 3-- Sessions f Home Scene Of DUP Camp Meeting day, Oct. 8. well. After, the new Mr. and Mrs Robert McKay spent a short honeymoon in Nevada. They plan to reside in Get HIGHER GRADES its a proven Bride in Church Wedding PROVE... STATISTICS Yes, love Lorche Wotonky Becomes Bride of Robert McKay in Church Ceremonies on Sept 26 Box Elder NEWS or ROYAL TON Priced as low as FIREPLACE SETS $13.35 $6850 use First Security Bank BUY ON EASY TERMS REMINDER 44 South Main MERRELLS, "Walk INC. CHASE-FIRESTON- A Block And Save" Phone 3 fry Rental May Be Applied Toward Down Payment. E PHONE 63 t. mi We Know Where the Next fire in Toon Will Start -l- ess than half Postal Money orders cost 35 cents per $ 1 00 here in the Intermountain area. Yet a First Security Bank Money Order is available at less than half this cost. Why pay more? No forms to fill out, no waiting a friendly teller completes your Bank Money Order quickly without delay! Send money save money . . ' with this , banking service. ! ... No, were not smarter than other people. But we have made a study of homes that have gone up in flames often with tragic loss of life. And in almost every case, the fire started in one of these 9 specific places (or ways): Don't leave them ow-co- st Ordinary extension cords on irons, heaters Dont use ordinary extension cords on irons, heaters!) Matches left near children near children!) r Junk in cellar, (Gef rid of it!) attic or closets No one knows when fire Sparky Dont will will strike is predictable! 3 SIMPLE STEPS PAY TELLER the amount ol your order plus o moU Mrvic fNs cigarettes out, use safety ash trays!) I 3 GET MONEY! 4$ dU ORDER ... tiitrq' a carbon cop for your records, too. j MAIL ORDER that's all Saves time, money, inconvenience Flammable cleaning fluid . . Use cleaning fluids that cant explode!) Dont!) strike; where it Cigarette carelessness ( Squash Smoking In bed Replace them when they're frayed!) Chimneys that spark (If it sparks, get it fixed!) i Overloaded electric outlets Dont overload your circuits!) Frayed electric cords the cost! And preventable in 9 out of 10 cases! Take Sparkys advice says: You Give Fire a Place to start! ..or the next home that btirni may be your 6wh ! Member Federal Depe4 lesuraace Carp federal Reserve Systeae |