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Show r8 it Vii&h&addi.. October I9$3 Brigham City, Utah April 13 to Ort. I to Irrigate 100 acres f Und emhracel in E'$ said Sac. 9, aa!NoJices Box Elder NEWS "No'.lc'EtO WATtft tIELRS The following applications have been filed with the Mate Engineer to change Elder or appropriate water in Box County, State of Utah, throughout the local all lone and entire year, being from SLBficM, unless otherwise designated: To Change! Thompeon, Hughle L. Grouse Creek, Ut. propose to change of diversion and place of the point . of water, as evidenced use of 2 eec.-ftThe water by Application No. 24238. a has been diverted from a well at from point S. 300 ft. and W. 50 fr. and NE Cor. Sec. 28. TUN. RI8W Irriused Apr. 15 to Oct. I to embraced In gate 100 acres of land Sec. mVNE'A, WhL'e 28, TJ IN, RI8W. , Hereafter, it Is proposed to divert 2 sec. it. of water from a well bet. 30 and 100 ft. deep at a point S 25 ft. and W. 2300 fit, from NE Cor. Sec. 9, 7 ON, RI8W, and use from fm uNE', , To ic Io Apnrooriatei ? 24635- - Delbert E. Cook, RD No. 2, for irriBrigham City, Ut.; 0.5 eec.-f- t. gation use from an open drain at a point S. 2900 ft. and E. 86 ft. from NW Cor. Sac. 2, T7N, R2W. from the wili ha drain the nivertei water through pipe and ditch a distance of 75 ft. where it will be used irom Mar. 15 to Nov. I to irrigate 37- acres of land embraced In SWNW. NW14 SW!4 Sec 2 and SE'4NEJ4 nd NEtf SL y4 Sec. 3, T7N. R2W. 24707Ukon Water Company, Field. 5 0 eec.-ftfor municipal use ing, Ut.; to be developed by open drains and perforated pipe placed in three developed spring areas in Cottonwood Creek drainage at nomts and in amounts as follows: SPRING AREA BeNo. I ginning at point of collection located N. 78 deg. 05 mm. W. 1652 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 22, TUN, R2W, theme S. 300 ft., W. 200 ft., N. 300 ft. and E. 200 ft. to beg. .2 eec.-ftSPRING AREA NO. 2 Beginning at point of collection located S. 36 deg. min. , the Weaver, the Baker, the Beauty Maker W.- - 3160 ft from NE Cor. See. IT, TI2N, R2W. thence 3. 250 ft.. W. 150 iU-tw- i ISO N. E. u ft. hegrf 2i0 ft., .2 eoc.-f- t. j SWUNG AREA UO. 3 Beginning at point off collection located 3. 70 deg. 34 min. Mr. 2995 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 34, TI2N, R2W. thence 3- - m ft.,- - W E. 300 300 ft. and N. 150 ft. to point of beg.- - .1 eec.-f- t. The water wHl be commingled at a point N. 72 deg. 30 mm. W. 2021 ft, from BE Cor. Sac. 22. TI2N. R2W, and conveyed to Fielding and East Garland where it will be used for municipal puri pose. 24743 Matt S. Browning, First Security Bank Bldg.. Ogden. Ut. ; 3 eec.-f- t. for irrigation use from an Unnamed Stream, trib. to Blue Springs Creek to Great Sait Lake at a point S. 2950 ft. and E. 400 It. from NW Cor. Sec. 25, TION, R6W. The water will be diverted by a dam constructed to a height of 4.85 ft., which will create an actualizing reservoir upon the natural channel having a capacity of 6.6 ac.-ftand will inundate 3.5 acres of land embraced in NWj4$W'4 Sec. 25, and NEUSEi Sec.- 2b, TION. R6W. The water will be used from Apr. I to Sept. 30 to irrigate 400 acres of land embraced in said Sec. 25. 24744-MaSeS. Browning, First tt curity 'Bank Bldg., Ogden. Ut. 2 eec.-f- t. for Irrigation use from an Unnamed Stream, trip to Blue Springs Creek to Great Salt Lake at a point S. 080 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 25. TI0N. R6W. The water will be diverted by meant of an earth dam and conveyed by ditch a distance of 2500 ft. where ft will be uaed from Apr, I to Sept. 30 to irrigate 200 acres of land embraced in SW4 Sec. 25, and N2NW4 Sec. 36, TION, R6W. 24 788 Mrs. Louie P. Matthei. 4800 Old Post Road, Ogden, Ut.; 10 sec.-ft- . for irrigation use from a 20-iwell bet. 100 and 700 ft. deep at a point S. 660 ft. and E. 660 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 4. T13N, RHW, The water will 2 in. be diverted through pipe and ft. open ditches a distance of 20.000 where it will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to irrrgate 2240 acres of land embraced in Secs. 4, 10, 14, TI3N, RltW, and Sec. 34, TMN, ROW, and for incidental domestic and purposes. Lester Carson. Crouse sec.-f- t. for Irrigation use from a well bet. 45 and 150 ft. deep at a point N. 139 ft. and E 508 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 10, TUN, RI8W. The water will be used from to irrigate 90 acres Apr. 15 to Oat. of lend embraced in SfJSW Sec. 2; S'SWf Sec. 3; N' Sec. 10 and Sec. I, TIliN, RI8W. and for year-roun- d incidental domestic and g purposes. 24976 Bryce C. Kimber, Crouse for irrigation use Creek, Ut.; 3 eec.-f- t. . well bet. 50 and 150. ft. from a deep at a point S. 21 12 ft. and W. 66 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 33. TI0N, RI8W. The water will be conveyed by earthen ditches a distance of S,2'80 ft. where it will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to irrigate 80 acres of land embraced in uid Sec. 33, and for year-roun- d E'j SE!4incidental purposes. 24977 Bryce C. Kimber, Crouse 3 t. sec.-ffor irrigation use Creek, Ut.; well bet. 50 and 150 ft. from a deep at a point S. 16 ft. and W. 66 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 33, TI0N. RI8W. The water will be conveyed by earthen ditches a distance of 5,280 ft. where it will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to irrigate 80 acres oi land embraced in EfjNE1 said Sec. 33, and for year-roun- d incidental domestic and stockwatering purposes. C. Kimber, Crouse .2497- 8- Merrill for irrigation use Creek, Ut.; 6 eec.-ft- . from two wells bet. 50 and 150 ft. deep at points and in amounts as follows: (I) S. 16 ft. and W. 1330 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 33 3 sec. ft.; (2) S. 2640 ft. and W. 1330 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 33 3 sec.-ft- ., both in TION, R18W. The water, will be conveyed by earthen ditches a distance of 5,280 ft. where it will be commingled In use and. used from April 1 to Oct. I to irrigate 160 acres of land embracedin said Sec. 33, and for yearg round incidental domestic and purposes. 25104 Hughie L. Thompson. Crouse Creek. Ut.; 4 sec.-ft- . for irrigation use wells bet. 30 and 100 from two ft. deep at points and in amounts as follows: (I) S. 25 ft. and W. 2100 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 9 2 sec.-ft.- ; (2) Cor.' S. 26 ft. snd W 1900 ft. from N sec.-ft- . Sec. both in TION, RI8W. The water will be diverted from the wells into open ditches where it Willi be commingled at a point S. 75 ft. and r W. 2100 ft. from NE Cor. said Sec. and used from Apri. I to Oct. I irrigate 200 acres of land embraced in FJj aaid Sec. 9, and for year-rounincidental domestic and purposes. Enman. ' 1454 25105 Mrs. Veryl West 6th South. Sait Lake City, Ut,; 5 sec.-f- t. fot irrigation use from well bet. 35 and 100 fet. deep at a point S. 1490 ft. and E. 200 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 22, TUN, RI8W. The water will be used from Apr. 15 to Oct. I to irrigate 200 acres of land emSec. braced in W',W!j. NE'4NW$ 22, TUN, RI6W, and for year-roun- d incidental domestic and purposee. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications, with reasons therefor, must be in affidavit form, with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer. 403 State Capitol, SaK Lake City. Utah, on or before December If, 1953. Joseph M. Tracy. STATE ENGINEER. "Published in the Box Elder News, Brigham City Ut. from Oct. 14 to Nov. year-roun- 24831 George Creek. Ut.; 2.5 want a suit you can scrub, loaf? Then we face cream, or a can help 'y6u, for Standard Oil Company of California has put oil to work for the weaver, the baker, the beauty aid maker. This being Oil Progress Week, its a good time that oil menlielp provide thousands of things you don't buy in a service Btation. Suits, for instance! That wrinkle-resistamodel you may he wearing was woven from an ingredient developed in our research nt oil-bo- rn laboratories. Bread, too! Millions of loaves were wrapped last year in paper coated with Standard wax. Whenever you light a candle, polish a shoe, or empty a milk carton, you may be using wax turned out by Standard Oilers. And when your wife creams her face were involved, too. Each year we supply H million oils to cosmetic makgallons of highly-refine- d ers enough for 10 million jars of face cream. These examples of oils place in modern living emphasize one important point. The oil indus-tr- y has moved from kerosene to synthetic fabrics in one short generation and so have you. Oil progress is your progress. STANDARD 92 What comes from a drum of oil? Tires, medicines, nylons, detergents, plastics, paints, insecticides and thousands of other products. And thats because oil companies like Standard invest millions each year to find new ways to make oil serve you better. Questions or comments about our Company or industry are welcome. Write to Standard Oil Company of California, P. O. Box 3495-E- , San Francisco, California. OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans ahead to serve you better II. 1953, Oct Protect Priceless Eyes with Low Cost Light! Safeguard precious sight these lengthening nights with this check list; dust bulbs, reflectors and shades Clean 3. your and dirt can reduce lighting efficiency as much as 40. 2, Fill empty sockets on hand. 3. Use a. supply of bulbs right bulb for each fixture: 100-200-3- bulb for floor lamp, 150 watt for table lamp, 60 or .100 watt bulbs usually for " overhead fixtures; have adequate fixtures for all needs. See that watt Am keep ay you Nov. BUST PLAIN FOLKS |