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Show Consumption of gasoline in 3952 rose to an all time peak of 46.4 billion gallons. Save The Federal Insured Way and get - Dee Glen Smith Named Fifth Ward MIA Supt. Legislative Needs Dee Glen Smith was sustained as superintendent of the Young as- Mens Mutual Improvement sociation during regular Sunday night meeting at the Fifth ward. Assisting him as counselors will be Karl Josephson and Omer Call. Jay Hansen will continue as secretary. Those honorably released at the same time were: LeGrande Tea. president and Billy Rowe and Omer Call, counselors. State Representative LeRoy D. White discussed legislative matters with the Rotary club Tuesday at tne noon luncheon meeting of the service organization. White placed special emphasis amendon the constitutional ment to be voted upon next year in regards to redistricting the state senate and house and upon school problems in the state. Dr. George Royce acted as program chairman for the special projects committee and introduced the guest speaker. Hervin Bunderson toasted Orville Sackett on his birthday Guests at the meeting were Wes Shirts, San Diego, Calif.; J. W. Peters and Willard Morton. Insured up to $10,000 Dividends paid June 30 or December 31 Come in or Save by mail at First Federal Savings and Loan Association 12 Rotarians Consider West Center, Logan, Ut. Telephone 980 Locust Camp of DUP Will Meet Thursday Eve The Locust camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold a meeting Thursday evening, October IS at 8 p m at the home Second north of Eva Burrows, and First east, Bugham City. It's Been A Long Eagles Auxiliary To Meet Tonight at 8 p.m. Time Between Drinks Arch Sims Wins A five mile hike was the orCOUNCIL BLUFFS, La. (UP) Eagles Auxiliary officers to- William Griffith. 99, has promUEA der of the day for six Seventh of members reminded all day ward Guide Scouts last Saturised hell have a birthday party regular meeting to be held to- on his 100th anniversary next day morning. beA Box Elder county teacher, night, Wednesday, Oct. 14, The youngsters, along with July 6. Arch Sims, was elected m. at 8 the at Eagles p. ginning their leaders, Mr. and Mns VicHis 99th birthday was just anof the Utah Elemenin the First Security home tor Romer, spent the day cookother day. School Principals associa- Bank building tary "Ive been smoking since I ing a meal outside, practicing tion at the Utah Education conMrs. Marie Bywater, president, was 12, he said, and any time tying knots and studying the in Salt Lake City last vention scout book. extended a special invitation to I wanted a drink, I took it. But week. They left Brigham City at 9. B0 all members to be on hand this I havent had one now in a long a. m. and rode to Mantua From time " Winning of the post automa- evening. there they hiked up the Willard tically nominates him for presiPeak road to Docks Flat, where dent of the association next year. they cooked their meal. They Arch Sims then rode up to Devils Gate en-tMr. Sims is principal of WilfcnJeu beat to can. . . Willard principal joying the beauty of the to school this and lard prior yon at autumn. After hiking year was principal of Corinne from Docks Flat to Mantua they Peanut Sales school for 12 years. He has workreturned to Brigham City comNew Aid ed In the Box Elder school disChurch rescout a second class pleting trict during his entire teaching quirement. Pea- career. BUFFALO, N. Y. (UP) Fellows enjoying the day were Also specially honored at the Eldon Bott, Richard Packer, nuts will help build a new UEA convention was James JenCharles Rigby, Charles Lee, Co- $35,000 building for the Mormon of Jesus Christ of Latter- sen who was to the lin Sheridan and Billy Sumner, Church 'BouaIxhc -day Saints, here. enjoy. board of the Utah Teachers Members frown on all forms Welfare association. Formerly Mental Checkups of lotteries and raffles; so when he served as vice president of they faced the problem of rais- the organization. May Be Routine funds, they purchased peaNEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. (UP) ing nuts In bulk lots, roasted and Moth No Flame iDr. Nelson G. Hanawalt thinks blanched them, and packaged Fire CLNOTNINATI, O. (UP) the day Is not too far away when them for sale. Marshal Walter Zimmer found annual psychological examinaThe blanching was done In the no fire when he Investigated tions will be as common as regthe cause of an alarm, but he ular physical and dental check- home of Elder Otto J. Lendt, theorized that a moth found inand the and packaging roasting ups. done by volunteers in mem side a vault protected by the was f profes-oassociate Hanawalt, fire alarm system had fluttered bers homes. psychology at Rutgers UniverKentucky SfroigM Bourbon Yhiskey, 86 proof across the r electronic a the Over period sity, bases his conviction on the church has accumulated about beam, settingsystems 'Jam B. Boom Distilling Co, Clermont, Kentucky off alarm. the "increased awareness of people to mental health problems "They are realizing that preventive mental hygiene is almost as important as the cure of mental disorders. he said. mental Hanawalt believes health problems have become more common because of the stresses and strains of modern is of living. Some of the responsibil ity for this he says, must be placed on the "breakdown of family and community units. He said industrial and religious groups are leading the way in preventive mental hy giene by giving their personnel regular checkups by psychia portant to rubber and other in trists and psychologists. dustrles. She is 'Mrs. Pearl Vachon, Chinese Reds Change daughter of Peter ("Dad) Ta par, who founded the business Purchasing Methods on knowledge brought over from CommuHONGKONG (U!P) his native Lithuania. He died In CfCjtyj nist Chinas purchasing agents 1919 and Mrs. Cachon took over, are more choosey in the buying Her mother, Mrs. Theresa Ta of supplies from abroad followpar, 61, is the firms secretary ing the Korean truce. is her husband, 'Raymond, and Red authorities Issued orders vice president. suspending rush purchases of Among the products turned materials, trade sources said out are molds for tire manufac SAVES ON SAVES ON KEEPS FAMILIES HELPS PREVENT here. They still want imports of ' MEDICINE FUEL BILLS for HEALTHIER forms or mandrels COLDS ture, strategic items but can now af. rubber hoses, and highly secret ford to be more leisurely In buy- items for the Rock Island Ato ing them and more selective in mic Project in Washington X At the prices paid. state. 4 l At the same time they were Husband Raymond says he lowering the boom on private doesnt mind having his wife i at mainland ports, for a boss. importers re Invest that suggesting they Your home will be happier , Besides knowing now to bake you r whole family in industry. Tf there is going to metal in those big hot ovens, install insulation. the healthier ' Here's why: day you be continued "intermediate ex- she also knows how to bake g ploitation, the state organiza- cake at home for me, he said. and chilling are contributing causes of the tion is going to do it, according For Mrs. Vachon the responsi common cold and you stop uneven temperatures once to reports that say the squeeze bility of running a company is being tightened on individual also meant a certain amount of and, for all with quality insulation, properly applied. importers. They are finding its new freedom In addition, you may save money on cold remedies and harder to get import licenses "I couldnt smoke cigarets from the government. when I was working in jgn of you certainly will save money on fuel bills . . . savings 4 fice, she says. Now I can light that c vwill more than meet the cost of this wonderful home 2 Box Elder NEWS I want to." up ,any time Wednesday. October 14, 1953 improvement. Call us today for free estimates. Utah Brigham City, You View Post at Meet YOURf to and lest buy in town Ik thismost advancedcar is Wins UEAPost 7th Ward Guide Scouts Enjoy Five Mile Hike in America aia.l74s two-yea- fimdtt Moffos (tow an ounce This 53 Studebaker is a 54 in This big , Champion Qustom Sedan outahead new styling! Here is design that insures you top resale value! The 53 Studebaker is a star in economy and performance! Come in and see for yourself far-advan- $1921.61 ced DELIVERED IN BRIGHAM CITY with standard equipment. State and local taxes, if any, extra. White sidewall tires and chrome wheel discs optional at extra cost. what a buy a Studebaker is! Come in and own one right away! 750 South Main . JOE CARR, Prices may very somewhat m oeerby communities Inc . Phone 737 ) o get read v for winter . . . your car needs this check-up- ! Specialized Luhs . 5. dsieXrW ,cy roads. S p engin' free of otcaon quick, Getting your car in shape for the change of season also starts with a change of oil. Always a famous fighter against engine w'ear, UTOCO HD-Motor Oil with its new additives, fights harder than and engine-doggin- g ever against engine-ruinin- sludge. g acids, new-actio- n Utocos en8me a.ar' Und Utoco station is A established weekly newspaper 1896, published every Wednesday entered as Second Class Matter at post office in Brigham City, Utah the act of March 8, 1879 in and the It, Anyway It's A Long Way Down No down payment, Terms as low as , . . un-d- Utah State Press Association, tional Editorial Association and United Press Advertising Representative: Utah State Press Association, Salt Lake City, Utah VcoveD Balsam-Wo- ol and popular Guaranteed mineral-fil- l Month Insulation types 1 Ttm. PLAN, UjlDQjCEG OOCDQGQ GOo y painters? His studio is constructed on the rim of the gorge, overhanging a 600 foot drop. oCie vjfoy stall;n few rformam-uP- . new-actio- n engine life and is especially effective in improving valve life and lifter operation. Change Motor Oil. to Utoco HD-- This remarkable ready to provide these services now. c 0n snowy, oil cleans out engine soot and dirt. actually can add miles to With these Utoco services, you're sure your car has the care and attention it needs most in the fall. And your v;V Tires ?eriej 0 f Over-heatin- GRAND CANYON, Arlz. (UP) Emery Kolb, oldest resident of Subscription rate in Box Elder coun-ty- . $2 25 per year, payable in advance; this community, thought It was in combination witn the Box Elder a pretty sad day when he, could $4 00 Journal. (published Fridays) his per year; $2 00 for 6 months; single nt find anyone to paint copy 5 cents Outside Box F ider coun- studio. ty, $3 00 per year; combination rate $5 00 So Kolb, a photographer and operator of the studio here for Chas W Claybaugh, Publisher Robt. P Crompton, Managing Editor many years, finally had to do Gladys Johnson, Advertising Manager the job himself. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. of Reason for the reluctance Na- AnW,eea-Gu- ( protection worth a pound of cure When you travel Union Pacific, you rest as you ride in wide, roomy, comfortable seats. There is plenty of space and to stroll about. And youll like the to stretch out congenial atmosphere of the Club or Lounge Car. One of the highlights of your trip will be those delicious dining car meals of your choice. Union Pacific chefs cater to your every taste with such delights as the October dining car feature tender, tasty Fried Chicken. ewttiwiawtiwawi i (UTOCO Priore dO. . . ivith UTOCO! UTAH OIL REFINING COMPANY For Dependable Transportation Be Specific Go (toooki meopos |