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Show Universal 277 a6detmUhl).e Sixth vr. Salt L'Vr City, Opening Day Hunting "Was Great' Utrt- - Jm 54 InIWi BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1953 VOLME 58, NUMBER 41 LeGrande Horsley and Bill Smith Named Mayor Candidates Monday Goods Continue to Pour in For South Box Elder Stake Auction Set Oct. 31 Valuable household, farm, and sporting goods continued to pour in this week for the South Box Elder stake Welfare Farm auction October 31, at the farm three miles south of Brigham City on the west side of the main highway. President Glen M. Bennon of the stake today listed a new GE range with a double oven, with time clocks and cooking controls GE and more, a 10 PAGES dishwasher and two TV sets. Previously listed were new LARSEN, cars, being donated at cost by Central Chevrolet and Anderserv-Forincompanies, livestock cluding calves, steers, pigs ready for market. There will also be household items, farm machinery C. LeGrande Horsley and Dill Smith were nominated by and a host of sporting goods. the Republican and Democratic parties, respectively, as candidates for mayor of (Brigham City at party conventions At the auction the high priests Monday evening. quorum will serve sandwiches and soda water. Both parties met at 8 p.m., the GOP at the War MemoOnly one registration day re All proceeds from the auction mains for people of Brigham rial home and the Democrats in the county court house. will be used to help pay off the City for the November 3 (TuesFor the two city councilmcn cost of the welfare farm. day) city election, Mrs. Fannie Called On Mission Christensen, city recorder, pointposts open this year, the DemoThe 115 acre farm has 10 acres ed out It will be on Tuescrats nominated Jack Horton,, today. of fruit on it and the rest is dairy who is employed at Horsley Seed day, Oct. 27. land which supports 22 dairy company and John Larsen, cowho are must People register cows and 14 head of young stock Fowl Hunters With Their Reasons To Smile owner Brothers of Larsen those who vote did in not the that will soon be producing. . . . more or less typical of opening day hunters are (left to right) Jimmy and Dr. J. Gor-de- n and Heating comIf a perPlumbing last election. general are All turned in to son voted in the products pany. Running against them Felt and Earl and Kenny Seegmiller, who knocked down their geese near Promonpresidential the region headquarters in Ogden will be Wallace Reeder, owner automalast election he is year tory Saturday afternoon. Hunters reports ranged from "got my limit" to skunked", where (the milk is processed and of the Reeder Dairy, and Les tically registered for the city but virtually every hunter brought home a dinner or two. Final arrangements are being distributed to welfare recipients election Bundy, owner of Bundy Motor this year. made for the Fifth ward an- in the Btakes. company. Mrs. out Christensen pointed be to nual Talent show presenThe election will be held that election law changes at ted on Thursday evening, OctoNovember 3 In all Tuesday, the last 'session of the legislaber 15, at 8 p. m. in the recreaCity precincts which Brigham to it ture make vote in illegal tion hall. are almost exactly the same as any precinct except the one in the LDS wards of the commun- -' which Mrs. R. voter P. the and Mrs. Parker lives, and the HIT-RU-N ity. Sunvoter must change his registraJay Hansen of the Junior candidate The Republicans tion from his former precinct to day school hold the reins for the for mayor. C. LeiGrande Horsley, his new one, If he has moved, affair. is a seminary teacher at Box Max Huggins, 13, Injured Boy, Doing Well to be eligible to cast a ballot. is A full evening of talent Elder high school and Bishop of new the voter the (Under with law, In Ogden Hospital After Being Smashed Down dancing, singing, promised Brigham City Second LDS ward. viowho has moved to a new prepiano, clarinet, accordion, Democrat Bill Smith operates A new double entry system cinct Condition of Lowell Nelson, harmonica and may contact his old regisCharges against a pair of teen-ag- e boys who were in a of bookkeeping installed at Box lin, readings and numbers Bills Motel In Brigham City and vic- tration agent who will strike his 28, electrical be accident to pole novelty guitar a farm near Tremonton. He Is speeding car that hit and critically injured Max Huggins, 13, Elder high school after the for- shown. tim Is listed as "much improv- name from her rolls and give last Thursday on Brigham Citys main street were expected mer method was found inadesecond counselor in the Seventh Admittance will be gained by ed at the St. Benedicts hospi- him a slip indicating he may LDS ward. to be filed Tuesday as it became apparent the injured young- quate is working very well, acin. or then new his in tal cards Ogden. register pre pay presenting budget All of the retiring city offister was out of danger. cording to the last minutes of ment of funds to be applied to Nelson was admitted to the cinct. of cials, Board the Education. Mayor Lorenzo J. Bott and file W. 2 a. m. at he Sheriff Warren All the October voters said wouldnt 27, ward budget by ward members. hospital , day, may Hyde, who Sunday Willis Hansen and Councllmen He was transferred register pt the following places. The general public is also in morning. charges because he didnt figure in the capture, expeetecLthe At that meeting Hervln Delos Thompson, turned down cover from same Precincts as to area Memorial the attend. vited Cooley hospital older boy, Robert Weekley, 19, to be charged with hit and new set who sysup the the opportunities to run for the here where he had been con- LDS wards: run and reckless driving and the younger boy with juve- tem, reported that a trial baloffices they now hold. B. One: Satfined since Anderthe Precinct Louie on accident ance of the books indicated the nile delinquency. Democratic City Chairman son, 60 south Third east. urday morning, October 10. school has asses of $8,889.11 and 9 Jack Horton, who was also nomFawas Nelson 'Precinct Two: Mrs. a Emma bulb replacing liabilities of$5, 533.02. Though hit while crossing inated as a candidate for counon a pole near the Ben Olsen cer, 161 south First west. Main street on his bicycle by a 67 T. cilman, said Tuesday morning In other actions the board Precinct Three: Mrs. Dan F. Gary Mortensen residence, Forest and First east. car witnesses estimated was trahave two The metal arm brace, which he Olsen, 81 north Fourth west. former BEHS student . . that the Democrats their okeyed advertising for bids for veling at least 75 miles per hour, definite planks in platSi- M. had Precinct two been Four: of Lottie the since last heating replacement was wearing Max Huggins making rapid 'Fhe jet plane form: circled that a 525 j River when week units the East arm for broken Forest. (Bear monsen, Dies high injury improvement at the Dee MemoIs (1) That all city contracts and school swimming pool. They es- Brigham City at dusk on Satur reoccurred, touched a live wire. Precinct .Five: Leah Joseph-son- , rial hospital in Ogden. was 10 October city purchasing will be from lopiloted by day, He 403 cost run to about of will timated the cab south Second west. the wps repelled His mother, Mrs. Claire HugIf .thejCan --meet spec. J. firms Alan cal Lieutenant Price, First the trucks He then fell from the Precinct Six; Louise Theuson, James Thomas Dunn, 67, died $2300. gins, said that he had sat up . son of Mr. and Mrs. !R. N. Price cab to the ground. He was rush 607 south Second east. ifications, and , Mission for short periods ot tima - in ' a at, his home .In Brigham City (2) Development of adequate of this city. Survey Planned to ed Mrs. hosPrecinct Seven: the Memorial John Oooley wheel chair, Monday. During Saturday after a three-montIt was reported that a state-leve- l recreational center, built around He and Captain Gene Butler pital where were taken Funk, First west and Second the evening after Max was iUness. Gary B. Mortensen, son of Mrs an r on what has hap- landed the at to determine the extent of his north. trainer swimming pool. survey jet struck down, he underwent a Ila B. Mortensen and the late who quit Hill Air Force case concluding a injuries. No broekn bones were Precinct Mr. Dunn was born April 17, pened to students C. GlovEight: Phyllis callfour and a half hour operation been Smith has Mortensen, school while in the 9th to 12th 3,000 mile flight which began at evident in the er, 324 north First east. on his leg. It was necessary to 1886, at Terrace, a son of Thomed to serve an LDS mission in is contemplated by a cola. m. on Saturday in Phoenix, the night he began During remove some muscle from the as James and Margaret Thomas gradeseducator the West German field, it was for the to Arizona. traveled The lege years Dunn. in He was reared Salt couple hemorrhaging from Internal inlearned leg that was mangled by a tor- Lake 1950-antoday. 1952. con1940, then Oklahoma and attended the City, Okla., It was at this time he FHA Elects His farewell will bV held Oct pedo arm on She hood of the car West City school and Hervin (Bunderson of the school tinued on to Minneapolis, Minn juries. to was transferred University high the Ogden as he was hurled up and over 18, at 7:30 p. m. at the Elwood staff, esota. The next stop was at hospital. Since then he has re of Utah. systems administrative the vehicle. ward chapel. He will enter the has previously raised the ques- Great Falls, Montana, then Hill ceived numerous blood transfuCan Wiggle Toes mission home on Oct. 21 and will He moved to Grouse Creek, tion on drop-ou- t students, Force base. Air sions and on Monday afternoon, Mrs. Huggins said that he was Box Elder County, in 1907. He when he showed leave for New York City on Nov. in .remained statistically overnight They following a day of observation, able to wiggle his toes on the married Elizabeth Davis, Nov. that a 5th. s of the AmerPriceFuture at Homemakers of the home large portion Brigham City he was operated upon. A kidpey Elder Mortensen graduated injured leg. but little else. His 20, 1918, at Ogden. They made disappear then returned to Luke Air Base, was split from the fall which ica at Box Elder high school mysteriously Preliminary hearing for Miss head was completely their home in Twin Falls, Idaho, from classrooms before gradua- Arizona, Sunday afternoon. seven girls to head the from Box Elder high school In C. Jean Shonka, charged with elected His necessitated its removal. in1951. There he was a member of Monday to determine any where he worked for the South- ting from high school. larceny and embezzlebladder and liver were also in- club for the following year at the football, basketball juries. and grand ern Idaho Wholesale Grocery The board agreed to particiBox Elder high school a of last ment meeting Thursday. jured. The accident occured at the Co. track teams. For the past two Will been postponed un pate in the cost of sending six has funds, They are Donna Morgan, presNelson has been employed by intersection of Main and First years he has attended Brigham til Oct. 22, 10 a. m., it was leant, Box Elder high school Future the Electrical department of ident; Gerry CambbelL In 194'1, they came to Brig- Farmer of America south streets about 2:45 p. m. LaVon Hunsaker. sec- Young University. He was a ed Tuesday. boys to the Brigham City Corporation since when the teen-agboys in ham City. He had been employmember of Saxon social unit at national convention on the conMarie Miss Shonka, former secretary Gotflding, report- BYU. retary; 1952. He is the B.E. in father at Utah ed General February the the late Model car attempted to Depot dition a teacher-adviso- r accomhisat the high school, was charged er; Whittaker, of His is Marqueretta three wife daughters. outrun Highway Patrolman T. until he was taken ill. panied them. Owen Westenskow with stealing and embezzling the former Joan Rosenbaum. torian; Eva Lou Mills, treasurer; Survivors include his widow, of Wayne Woodland who had reiBox Elder high school was Questionnaires for the 1953 Mrs. Lovisa Nelson of this Lois Foote, parliamentarian. Medicine of Atomic $300.55 of school funds. The city ceived a radio call from Ogden five sons and daughters, Mrs. to make the Sample Survey of Agriculture in is his mother. for the club is Mrs. Sponsor complaint was signed by. Leonthat the youngsters had left a Jack Cox, Twin Falls, Idaho; Al- appointed Letter Read trip. Blasts Studied By Utah are being mailed this week Harris. Bertha ard L. Bishop, president of the D. with the lan Dunn, without serving filling station there A letter inviting Supt. K. E. to owners and operators of all new officers report that Box Elder board of education, The Doctor PerU. S. Dale E. Dunn, Brigham navy; paying. Weight to serve as chairman of large farms and ranches in the many activities are planned for following a long investigation The boys, Who later told offi ry; Robert Thomas Dunn, serv- a group to discuss The Role of counties of Box Elder, Cache, Wendell Gilbert Home the following and two audits of high 'school year, opening Attending the cers they were from Indiana- ing with the U. S. air force; TV in Education at the Nation- Rich, Weber, Morgan and Davis, From Cal. on Nayy Leave Thursday night with an initia- course in the medical aspects funds. polis, Indiana, said they be- Charles Homer Dunn, Brigham al Education association conven- according to Crew (Leader Carl Wendell of atomic energy in Salt Lake The delay of the hearing was Gilbert, hospital tion party for all members. came scared when they saw the City; seven grandchildren; a tion in Atlantic City February R. Nyman whose headquarters with the U. S. Navy, Oct. 7, 8 and 9, was Dr. okeyed so that witnesses could corpsman City, L. William 1vin Dunn, brother, red are located in Ogden. patrolman's light flashing. 13 through 18, was read. M. stationed at Oakland, Calif., re- Feline Felon Reed Merrill, Brigham be secured to appear. Owners and operators of the turned home They sppd through Brigham Falls, Idaho; a sister, Ruby (Because pipe failed to arrive A burN. H. for NASHUA. (UP) The preliminary hearing will Friday evening City. Los Angeles. Citys main street and north on Dunn, in time, the Bear River high large farms and ranches are re- a two weeks stay with his par- glar who entered Clifford s be before Judge B. C. Call in the diDr. is services assistant be Merrill held school iwater will Funeral Highway U. S. 89 before Patrol' system will not be quested to complete the queshome stole two tiger kitMr. and Mrs. Leon Gilbert, rector of the board of health city court rooms. man Woodland finally stopped Wednesday at 11 a. m., in the installed this fall, it was decid- tionnaires and mail them to the ents, 545 South Third East. tens and a can of catfood. for Civil Defense in Box Elder them about 18 miles from Brig- Perry LIDS ward with Bishop ed. U. S. Census Bureaus district ofDee Ann Davis Leads AC county. ham City by firing into their Rulon Hirschi officiating. fice at 222 South West Temple, World-famouatomic scienFriends may call at the Harcar. Salt Lake City. Postage free enBand at Game 100 old B. Felt funeral home, Tuestists, including Dr. Graves, Marching Remembers Hearing Horn velopes are being procided for a student at Ann Davis, Dee scienti7 9 who all has directed Lowe between and this purpose. Tuesday, Mrs. Huggins 6aid day evening Utah State Agricultural college fic atomic tests, were instructhat Max could only remember p. m. and Wednesday prior to Crew 'Leader Nyman pointed led the marching band at half tors at the course. Blood hearing a car horn tooting, tires services. out that the Sample Survey of time activities at the at the will the in be Interment Brig in meetings then awoke Emphasized and screeching Agriculture of Utah is authorof game Saturday as the treatment atomic was ham was as it cemetery. ambulance the City going ized by law and that all of the Already pushing the Junior blast injuries and ra- new majorette. burns, to Ogden. to the of census law features of the the estimates basic cording Chamber of Commerce drive to Joel Parker Lowe, 67, of Wil Miss Davis is the daughter of Fall out radiation, diation. Officer Woodland, who made be complied with. This secure 100 percent community Red Cross. lard, died Saturday at his home will such as that experienced in Lloyd N. Davis and Is majoring the capture, will file the chargmeans information all that Pooh on Columbus illness. after a four-yea- r participation in a blood drive in es against the Indiana boys. Urging everyone to lend their southern Utah and Nevada in education. She is now a sophand their Brigham City Nov. 9 through 13, Mr. Lowe was born April 15, about individuals to the campaign early, was discussed in the extensive omore at Utah State. support Sheriff Hyde said an air mail Kids These is kept in Chairman Jack Horton 1886, at Willard, a son of Wil- farming operations today evHorton asked Chairman as well as atomic weacourse that letter was sent to the parents of liam and Emma Cardon Lowe strict confidence and only sta- said that both the Catholic and erybody able sign the accomATTENTION, BIG GAME Found the World pons. the beneficial uses of the youngsters immediately afwill be tistical totals published. He was reared in Willard and HUNTERS I Community churches have pled- panying pledge blank and mail atomic energy in medicine ter their arrest but there had 100 percent donations. discoverthe attended of our home counged have Columbus The Young to it on him. may Brigham more. Address the blank. people and still been no answer Tuesday afIn the meantime, Horton reCalled To Texas By ed America on October 12, but, high school at Salt Lake City. ty need the protection and help ternoon. He married Rachel Jones, June ports that all is going well with you can give by keeping strict The car the youngsters were as one father put it, that was DONOR PLEDGE AND RESERVATION the Jaycees project of making to the dis- 11, 190.0, at Malad, Idaho. They Death of father control of all fire during this compared nothing to driving undoubtedly belonged Mrs. Charles W. Claybaugh Brigham City the first commun1922 when of a in Idaho lived in until made covery pair by hunting season. We cant afford Is believed It them, Hyde said. I desire to donate my blood and help save a life and wish left Sunday evening for Perry-ton- , ity in the nation to secure a 100 to have even the smallest fire it was Insured against such ac- fants at Cooley Memorial hos- they returned to Willard, where was called she where Texas, to make a reservation at the Brigham City Blood Center percent donation. loose on the forests and pital. Monday. They discovered Mr. Lowe was employed by the running cidents. N. J. the of her father, death Governor J. Bracken Lee addSouthern Pacific Railroad. He by the world. , range lands. F.M. for (Date) (Time) ed his enthusiasm to that of The boys who were born on was a member of the LDS Conley. 'Please guard your matches, Mr. Conley passed away Sun- Drew Pearson and PresiVice closethe of church. fires the anniversary day PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN PROMPTLY great cigarettes and camp r are the Survivors include his widow, day after a long illness. Funeral dent Nixon in boosting the Jayif you see a fire left by and ly sons of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Pack- five sons and daughters, Wil- services were held Tuesday af- cees in their campaign here. another person hurry to put it Name 'I will be more than happy to er and Mr. and Mrs. Ljfle Ham liam M. Lowe, Bountiful; Par- ternoon. out. The Utah State fire law reMrs. to with the Brigham Claybaugh expects Address (Home) ker Lowe and Varge Lowe, both ilton. provides severe penalties for . week-endThe Hamilton youngster was of Willard; Mrs. Fred (Dorothy) turn home this City Junior Chamber of Comcarelessly or wilfully starting Address (Business) merce and the American Red First of the winter-lonfire on wildlands. A little help city born at 5 a. m. and weighed Jones, Rio Linda, Calif.; Mrs, Cross in promoting the blood from you might prevent a fire handicraft class will be held on eight pounds eight ounces and Raymond (Ruth) Cecil, Salt Brigham City Jaycees Telephone (Home) (Business) drive you are planning during or the evidence you can gather Thursday evening, Oct. 15 at the Packer baby was born at Lake City; 13 grandchildren, one Will Hear Bishop Talk can- 10:15 and weighed seven pounds sister, Mrs. Della L. Nuttal. the week of November 9, he 7:30 p. m. at the Teen-agmight help to get a conviction Group affiliation The con be will Funeral services ounces. of the to Thorne (Brigham on a serious violation Marie City Junior said. eight teen, according Horton said that the imposThe Packers plan, to name ducted (Wednesday (today) at Chamber of Commerce will hold Date , 19 Jeppson, supervisor. Signature The deer and elk are yours and Classes will be conducted each their baby Douglas Leon and 2 p. m. in the Willard ward cha their October dinner meeting sible goal is very possible and m. at we will reach it in Brigham Bloodmobile Will Be In Erigham City mine, the range is yours and Thursday evening from 7 to 11 the Ramiltons will name their pel, with Bishop William Kunz Thursday evening at 8 p.accordson Kenneth LeRoy. ler mine. In case of range fires the officiating. Friends may Maddox Ranch House, City. November 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 p. m. during the winter. Because many people are not Other children at the Packer call at the family home today ing to Verl Petersen. loss is yours and mine. Lets The first class will feature MAIL TO Special speaker at the meet- able to give blood, others are play safe with fire. registraiion and determining in- home are Carolyn and Beverly, prior to the services. Interment will be. In. Willard ing will be Leonard Bishop, Gar- too old or too young, a collection WABREM W. HYDE. Jack Horton, Blood Drive Chairman terests of. participants. An exhi- and at the Hamilton home SteSheriff, Box Elder County, bit of finished articles will be ven is awaiting his new broth- cemetery, under direction of the land, president of the Box Elder of 1.000 pints of blood is a 125 West First North. Brigham City 100 percent collection, ac .school board. Harold B. Felt funeral home. er Shown, .j d Last Registration Day for City REEDER AND HORTON, BUNDY COUNCIL CANDIDATES Election Oct. 27 Talent Show to Be Sponsored by Fifth LDS Ward CHARGES EXPECTED TUESDAY AGAINST PAIR HERE Bookkeeping Electrician System at BEHS Injured In Fall From Pole Working Good Bun-derso- - Jet Here Saturday James Dunn, Piloted by Price Last Saturday Gary Mortensen Called on -- out-doo- T-3- Hearing Delayed On Embezzlement Seven Officers Thursday stu-den- Of BEHS Funds - - Big Farms e Be Questioned e Nad-reau- Joel Parker Succumbs Sat. Handicraft Class Percent Donations Churches Pledge Of s to Boost Jaycees Campaign Aggie-Redsk- explorer-adventure- Slated Tomorrow g e the-retic- IO-ll-- C J-- I in |