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Show She's LkUk Fine dry barn- FOR RENT Good apartment unfurnished. Call Heated. yard fertilizer for lawns and flowers. Phone 321 daytime. 90S. PHONE 71 AUTO REPAIRS 1952 PONTIAC Body and Fender 1948 6 cylinder Tudor Sedan. ,Radio- heater, hydrama-ti- c drive, good tires and new seat A low covers. price of $1,000 below a new car price. PONTIAC $695 Special price CHIEFTAIN 8 cyL Deluxe Tudor Sedan. Radio and heater. Ilydra-mati- c. This has had excellent family care with the past owner. Very clean. Cant go wrong with this one. Low price of 51345 Elder NEWS FOR foot 14 CHEAP SALE boat and FOR RENT SUPERIOR 0197-R5- . 014-16-p- in Five shirts washed and Ironed $1.25 Brigham Laundry and BOYS WANTED Boys 12 to 17 can average $1.00 west 014-16-p- FOR SALE Ex- sodation provides the beet Holstein, Jersey, and Gumsey sires for artificial insemina tion service. Phone Carroll Hall, 92 north Fourth west FOR SALE Heavy duty 8 ft by Norbeet rack. Ph. 0199-Rman S. Hunsaker, Honeyville, Utah. 15 Ph. 1163. PLAY THE FOR SALE Delicious apples. 420 west Seventh north. ACCORDION Pri- vate and class instruction to start immediately. on. Phone For Rent or Lease Accordion free. Mrs. Ruth Lem0382-J- Furnished base, ment for adults. 3 rooms with bath. 129 north Fourth east . Phone 3 room partly Deceased. D., $4500 fur- nished apartment Automatic heat TV antenna. 11 east Fourth south. 1 1. TWO BEDROOM BRICK This neat brick home is available for immediate occupancy. There are two bedrooms finished in the basement. This place is only eight years old and Is priced to sell NOW. WE HAVE OTHERS We have other EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS on homes CaU for an appointment. A and farms. (D.HB.WniLMAM REAlL ESTATE INSURANCE 140 South Main Street Phone 6 TON2TON COUNTY FARM SERVICE TODAY SPECIALS! CENTRAL CHEVROLET COMPANY 1941 Intr. Model A with This Is Your Brigham City 1953 Chev. Pickup, Mens & Boys Wear We vacuum clean ail makes and BLOCKS, The Friendly Store for PHILCO Television sets. Radios, sizes heating equipment ImMen Quality merchandise, Freezers, RefrigeraRanges, mediate service. Phone 420. and fair prices. service good tors, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal Phone 53. North Main Furniture Co. Ph. ARE BETTER BUYS I 1951 R&H .$095 PONTIAC Streamliner "8" Two door. One Owner. 30,000 miles. 51205 51095 1951 CHEVROLET BETTA ST. JOHN sing and dances a native song from her mythical country of Bukistan in the new M Styline Sedan picture,Dream 1950 BUICK Translated it is said to mean, My Lonely Heart. Wife. Special Sedan Clean Up King Does Exactly That ForGI 1950 STUDEBAKER Land Cruiser Sedan Me. (UP) SCARBOROUGH, Jules Sch.wartz worried when an bought a bay racing horse from him named Clean Up King. The horse hadnt won the price of oats in the two seasons Schwartz, a New Yorker, owned him. Schwartz got to thinking it was a rough deal on the former soldier, who was breaking into the horse business in a small way. So he offered to buy the horse back. IBut the former GI entered the bay at Scarborough Downs and Clean Up King cleaned up in his first outing, paying $20. . ex-G- 1947 FORD Vi TON Stake 5575 THE BEST BUYS ARE ALWAYS FOUND AT REMEMBER CENTRAL CHEVROLET CO. PHONE 935 i t $395 $1050 $190 $895 $1495 .... .... Will Trade Works. 250. BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. service. 36 years friendly Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto Repairs. SIMDNSENS Expert watch, SHEFFIELDS IGA U. S. Choice clock and Jewelry repair. Work beef sold, custom cut and guaranteed. 38 So. Mn, Ph. 868. wrapped for your home freezer or locker. 120 So. Main Ph 69 Laundry & Dry Cleaners Auto Paint And Body Ph. body and fen der work. Burts Body Shop, 604 North Main, phone 83-- Lumber Cleaners CLEANERS Speclatee In Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31. Sanltone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free .. pick lift and delivery, Ph, 86. MODERN GLEANERS. 62. Free pick and delivery. & Hardware Merrells, Inc. Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements Knights Spring Canyon Coal Benjamin - Moors Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances 773 North Main Brigham City, Utah 5 Meet Mr. Good food at ita very best. Earls Food Fare. Ph. 17 THRIFT-T-MAR- LAUNDRY A DRY CLEANERS. 144 South Main. MESERVY AUTO PAINTING, COUNTY FARM SERVICE Markets Jewelers Auto Repairs BEEVES RELIABLE Aut thorities thought they had a jun-- 1 ior grade Houdini on their, hands when a burglary suspect, Richard F. Linder, showed themvj how to get out of handcuffs.' Under escaped from the MujS nicipal Courts building. After his recapture several days later.ij he amazed officers with hie ' 1 story of having removed the handcuffs himself. j, demon- - . Lindner obligingly strated how he did it. Sheriff Martin L. Tozier ordered a new brace-- , supply of tinker-proo- f lets. . . LIKE NEW INTR. Model H Citys Salea and Service institutions Furnace Cleaning Appliances plow . two-wa- y 1949 Ford tractor with gang plow LIKE NEWTowner Disc BUSINESS DIRECTORY (UP) ' OK USED CARS HOME AND TWO ACRES Big Allowance On Your Old Car or Truck! A handy reference guide to Brigham i THE FULL PRICE t I r 1953. This place is located in popular NE location. Possible to subdivide into eight lots. Two bedroom older home is modern except central heat. Stable, coop and shop. Elen Chevrolet Truck US d Omer J. Call, 26 First Security Bank Bldg. Attorney for Administratrix. IDEAL FOR COUPLE SEE GLASTONBURY, Conn. (UIP) State Policeman Charles Page summoned by a young mother to give medical treatment to her son, soon got at the seat of the trouble. He told her that that part of a childs ana tomy always turns red after a spanking. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the underadRned at 106 North 4th East St., Brigham City, Utah, on or before the 7th day of Feb ruary, A. D., 1954. K. VAN DYKE, ELIZABETH Administratrix of Estate of Harold Rich Van Dyke, De ceaed. Date of first publication Oct. 7th, A. This white stucco home has attractive, carpeted living room; modem kitchen with elec, stove and refrigerator. Oil space heater and elec, water heater. This home has just been redecorated. Owners will take $4500 to settle estate. 3A Diagnosis For this large home with upstairs apartment Well located on North third East. Requires $2250 down. Balance at about $40 per month. YOU CAN T0N Ghi-li- l FIVE UNIT APARTMENT RENT FOR RENT i , All apartments completely furnished with practically new furniture. Total price is $20.000 will accept $5000 down. This property will pay 12 net on investment. Everything in A-- l condition. 677-W- BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE Ghi-l- ST. ILOUIS, Mo. rs 07142128 Comfortable, small house. Available Oct 8. Want ellerly couple. No dogs. Phone 1058-J- . 30 eoutb Third west ONE" co-sta- M-G-- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of HAROLD RICH VAN DYKE, alto known as Harold R. Van Dyke, FOR RENT FOR becomes a beauty of the Lone Star State in Ride, Vaquero! in which she with Robert Taylor, as a Mexican outlaw, and Howard Keel as a hopeful rancher. Sounds like theres competition here. AVA GARDNER Legal Notices CACHE VALLEY BREEDING As 1940 Prisoner Shows How To Doff Handcuffs Probate and Guardianship Notices. Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham City, Utah, or respective signers for information. Service Offered d furnished Vi - BUNDY MOTOR CO. Monday morning, white cat with yellow and white ' markings. Please call 652. Reward. per hour selling subscriptions to Salt Lake City TV Weekly. Write to TV Weekly, Newhouse Hotel, Salt Lake City for sample copies and instructions today. h Plymouth. cellent motor. Call 0290-J2- . IIIs! ON GMAC TERMS LOST 30-3- 0 PHONE SURE WE TRADE 514-M- h SAFE & COMFORTABLE NEXT WINTER Cleaners . 4 Royal Coal Contains Moro Hoat Units and Loss Ash Par Pound New. Convertible." 1947 Buick $595 Radio, Heater. 1951 Willys Station Wagon. $1095 Radio, Heater 1919 Ford V8 Club, Radio $795 and heater 1912 Ford V8 Coupe. Radio $245 and heater Ambassador. 1947 Nash Radio, healer, over$595 drive 1939 Ford 2 Door V8 ....$75 $75 1938 Chev. 2 door 1916 Plymouth 4 door $295 Heater. 1916 Chevrolet 4 Door. Radio and heater $495 DAIRY Wanted Ford for $100. Offer expires Oct. 17. Phone 2313, Dawn Lar HOUSEWIVES AdWANTED Lost and Found son, Corinne. dress advertising postcards. Must have good handwriting. LOST Red and white tricycle. FOR SALE Monkey stove with Write National Small heavy.. Name, Steven pipes already connected for Watertown, Mass. Engraving, printed on front fender. Bush-nel- l hot water heater. Good con. Apt 42. Ph. dition. Call 194-- 014-16-c- 01 e Big discount. 1953 -- on Power-glid- 4 Door. 1953 Willys PHONE 62 Meservy BelAir. $1495 TOO HOT TO IRON? d ' BE $1595 Chevrolet Radio, Heater, 1951 Phone 504 News-Journa- used 1 ilk A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED TRY IT 712-M- 866-W- trailer and motor. Bargain. 1949 Studebaker FOR SALE See Lloyd Perkins at Lloyd's Several hours of ?t Shoe Shop, 147 FOR SALE truck. Mileage 25,800. at pickup evenings water in North Field Water Mrs. Clarence Smith. 11 East north Fourth east. c Co. Call 166-J- . Blair Sorensen, Forest 371 north Fifth west. FOR SALE 5 new gun scopes FOR SALE Red potatoes. Phone and mounts; 2 model 520 Ste- 0198-Jafter 6 p.m. vens 410 guage double barren FOR SALE Reconditioned May' J shot $49.95. guns; one 121 model tag, guaranteed, Winchester . Remington .22 rifle. Phone 159. Thompson Hardware, 41 So. FOR SALE rifle. See at 178 north Third Club Billiards. Main. ' BARGAIN PRICES 1951 Buick 4 Door. Radio. Heater, Dynaflow $1895 1952 Chevrolet 2 Door. Radio, Heater, Power-glid- e Sig-gar- Thor Thunderbolt washing machine; 1 almost new Handy Hot electric portable table model washer. 124 east First South. Ph. 182. O For Sale FOR SALE QUALITY CARS AT -- For Sale Wednesday, October 14, 1953 Brigham City, Utah Grade Modem, furnished apt. Private entrance and Bill's Associated bath. Reasonable rent 28 So. Second west Service 498 South Main FOR RENT 3 room furnished Phone 186 or 471 W apartment Disappearing bed in living room. Automatic heat. TV antenna if desired. FOR SALE 1 ram, Suffolk and 11 east Fourth south. Hamp cross. Blaine Jensen, Mantua, Phone 0387-RFOR RENT 4 room apartment MUST SELL my Martin E flat partly furnished, heated. Ph. 721-alto saxophone. Very fine instrument Contact Derral Ph. 842-J- . Youll be surprised at the exl cellent results FOR SALE Western saddle. Ph. i unified ads secure. WILL SELL $150 equity Box m FOR RENT 3 room apartment; refrigerator and electric stove. only. Call Apt heated. Adults . 171 W or FOR RENT 4 room basement house. Partly furnished. 505 . south Sixth west Ph. -- Car Washing Lubrication Specializing In Gasoline Tank Welding Complete 24 Hr. Service OLDSMOBILE Cheiftcdn 8 Deluxe Fordor. 17,000 actual miles, local car. Beautiful gold color. Loaded with 9 HARVEST SPECIALS! DELIVERED Pontiac - International Trucks - Cadillac 1950 Heroine m' V' V Q Service Offered For Rent or Lease O For Sale A Texas t. AT OUR SHOWROOM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15TH Office Supplies , Adding Madh Cash lnes and Register rented, bought, sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office. TYPEWRITERS, PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED Paint and Glass GLASS AND FAINTS Residential, commercial and au-- . tomoblle glass. Complete line of General paints lor Inside and out. Andersens Class and Pllntl, 65 Ha. Mala. Eh. 60. WRECKER SERVICE DAYTIME CALL S06-874- W Your Chrysler - Plymouth Dealer 75 South Main Phone 81 |