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Show jr i rp Pasteur Institute '"VI Helps Cancer Test America's First Sports Car Reaches Market Show Set The Pasteur Institute has agreed to help a former German industrialist who is an American citizen, test out an idea of his for the treatment of cancer. PARIS (DP) For Dec. The theory of Alexander of New 62, a resident York, is that cancer celte might be Induced to kill themselves if a chemical means were found to speed up their life processes. Ber-glas- The following had birthday anniversaries In the month of September: Luella Tracy on Sept. 1; Lee Whitaker on the 2nd. The following three on September 7: Grace Teeter, Eliza Taylor and Orville Taylor; Eugene Smith on ithe 10th; Naomi Tracy on the 12th; Ray Teeter on. the 18th. Cells, like all living things, depend on-- rhythm of life. An upset in this rhythm can bring death. ' The Institute agreed to provide laboratory facilities and techical collaborators. Berglass research will be helped along by Prof. Jacques Treffouel, director of the Institute; Dr. Antoine Lacassagne, head of the and cancer service of the Institute; Gen. Georges Gregory Imbert, a specialist in tropical diseases, and Dr. Jean Aublant, former mlniters of public health. a radio-biolog- rtf? The Corvette measures only S3 inches high at tha One of the most widely discussed automobiles the Chevrolet Corvette has been placed in dis- door. Wheelbase is 102 inches. Traditional Chevtribution. A open model (with re- rolet features include a special e engine and a Powerglide automatic movable top), the car is the American auto to carry transmission. Production followed special showindustrys first sports car and the first methods. ings of an experimental model in many cities. a plastic body built by mass production weeks ago is home from the Dee Wood Work hospital in Ogden, and feeling When fine. He will soon get his new MADERA, Calif. (UP) feet. Joseph Riggs, and assistant state Blue-Flam- 'Approximately 80 percent of the more than 120,000 officers now on active duty t iwith the afcrty'aK reservists.' nmii timn Mr. and 9O(DG0 lief society was held in the Relief society rooms in the ward evening. Wednesday chapel mm wun sewino inrnrocioe Mrs. Anderson of Brigham City DRESS SIMM) NOTIONS e SINGE! entertained 35 members with a POMS e HOPfUL PtNiSHINO SERVICES travelog on her trip to Europe SUCH AS BUTTON COVERING e BEU this summer. Boyd Packer, semAND BUTTOMMOUMO. uHJUUIIO inary teacher at Box Eider high school, gave a spiritual talk at Mthf the beginning of the meeting. Light refreshments were served to all prsent. Mrs. Viola Ames and Mr. Alma Kenney of Salt Lake City 1156 Wa-- h. Itlvd. Ogden were guests at the home of Mr. or see and Mrs. Otto Hill the past week. PHIL HOLMES Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pack of Los Angeles, Calif, arrived in Honey312 West 4th South ville, Wednesday, to visit with Mrs. Packs mother, Mrs. Pau-li- e or T. Boothe and other relatives. Mrs. Pack is the former Helen &UI SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. THONE 768-N- W Boothe. Miss Jane Martendale of Og- ICt YOUR PROTECTION den, visited at the home of Mr. Slsg w Sowing Mochiae Co. and Mrs. DeVere Wintle, Sunsoafiases fit long-tim- a policy I salliag Ss mochiMt oaty Ihroagh Siogar Sawing Caa-ta- ra idantifiad by Iho famooa Bad S trade-ma- rk oa Ike wiadow day. - Mr. A. W. Jones of (Bengough, Sask., Canada, and Mrs. Mary Ann Duncan and, son Merle of aever thvoagk Pocatello, Idaho, were all guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hill and family Thursday. Paul Jensen who had both feet ground off at ankfes several daporhnaat rioraa or otW awing araduao deoian. EVANS WOODBURY SAYS: U U ,r k c. Ftr Mrs. Don Hunsaker and family have returned home from Old Mexico where they were called to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hunsakers mother. , The opening HONEYVILLE social for the Honeyville Re- fiKHlHlOG Michael Fehlman, 15th; No-liOman, the 17th. Three more on Sept. 20: Thomas Rj, Wright (the oldest man living in Yost), Marie Holtman and Brent Whitaker also celebrated their birthdays on the 20th. Dean Barnes, Sept. 23, and Glenn Jones on Sept. 24; William Smith, the 27th; Thora Oman, Harold Jones and Silas Tracy on the 28th. and Roland lEddle Holtman Barnes on the 29th day of Sept It Button up your overcoat. feels a little frosty, especially the last few nights, but it was plenty hot yesterday. Maybe its warming up to give us a storm. It has been a very good fall so no one should com plain. The Eddie Holtman family and Fehlman family Karl Omans family left for Oakley this morning to get a week potato picking In before the deer hunt starts. An important meeting with n y 0(UIlG A. J. Altmeyer as chairman of the SoThe (Social cial Security Board said: Security) Act does not meet and indeed was never intended to meet ALL our security needs . . . neither the present law nor any other act of Government can . All social legismake a lation can do ... Is furnish the individual a SOLID FOOTING in which to ACHIEVE security for HIMSELF. Why not find out how your insurance can be coordinated with the Social Security Benefits and INCREASE the value of your Insurance at No Extra Cost. Call man-secure- 961-- J. Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Max Ca pener of Ogden have moved into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen here in Honeyville. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reddle of Tallahasee, Florida were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bin Tolman, Friday. The Peddles are in Utah vacationing and also to attend the LIDS general confern forest ranger in Los Banos, informed 'headquarters here he was going to Basalt Mountain because the lookout, Sam Johnson, broke his leg, he was advised by radio that an ambulance and doctor were being dispatched. INot necessary, Griggs retorted. Send a carpenter. Sam broke his peg leg." the school parents was held at the school house, Oct. 8. L. G. Carter was present to discuss important matters with those concerned. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Montgomery went with Holtmans to Jerome and Twin Falls, Wednes- day Ivan Meacham is building an extra room on, for Chari Mont gomery. Millie Campbell is 111 again. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Thompson, Grouse Creek, visited relatives In Yost SuryJay. Judging of this years show will be dnoe by Melvin Lovelace, Dinuba, Calif., a nationally recognized breeder and judge of turkeys, Mr. Olsen reported. The show is open to Broad Breasted IBeltsville White and Bronze, miscellaneous breeds. Although the junior division Is limited to Utah boys and girls, the open division may be entered by anyone from any state. All entries must be made by December 1, declared Mr. Olsen. Entry blanks may be obtained from J. David Carsen, secretary, Utah Turkey Utah State Agri federation, cultural college, Logan, Utah. Although Mr. Olsen has not of completed the appointment his committee he said that Cor' don Neff, Crescen, Salt Lake county, has been named show manager and Anson Call, Brig ham, will head the junior divi sion. The Utah Turkey federa UTAH routy. w Your UTAH 5 i POULTRY Manager Say ft 5 JACK KELLY, Manager c-- o e g $58,000 is distributed this week by Utah Poultry as egg patronage refunds. This represents extra income and saving for members, resulting from efficient operations. This refund brings the total patronage payments over the year to $5,550,000. You too, can More Touch Backfires NEW HAVEN, Conn. (UP) Walter J. Ledderhose. 50, went to jail for 120 (lays because po lice said he tried to bum two cents. Picked as a target for his touch were two men on a street corner who turned out to be detectives. They said Ledder-hos- e had eight cents in pocket and wanted to build his pile to 10 cents. than be-in- BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. CONOCO PRODUCTS Auto Repair Lubrication And Tire Service Years NEW DELHI (UP) Worwmen put up wire netting outside the huge skylights of the Indian House of the People (parliament). The netting will keep out the pigeons which have made a comfortable home on the ledges near the ceiling. getting It? Start the YWO-TAMU- Conoco Super Gasoline with TCP iaa been rightfully called the greatest advance in motor fuels since the introduction of tetraethyl lead in 1922. For here, at last, is a gasoline so dramatically different that the average motorist can fed the improvement in his car after just two tankfuls. Yes, after your second tankful, chances are you will know why we say Conoco Super with TCP will: 3l Boost power os much os 1 Increase spark-plu- g lifa up to Give you extra gas mileage I 1S0I For Conoco SllEST is a new kind of gasoline a gasoline especially developed to correct the greatest single cause of power loss affecting most of the cars on the road today. Combustion deposits drastically reduce power When you drive your car, deposits constantly build up on spark plugs and in the combustion chambers. These deposits can cheat you of power two ways. First, they short-circu- it spark plugs causing them to mis-firSecond, deposits in the combustion chambers cause fuel to ignite before it should. This is called or wild ping. The combined DOUBT. ..FIND OUT e. Next time try Glemnore. Its tasty, uniform high quality leaves no doubt that you have finally found the finest of all Kentucky straight bocrbooai Prove it to yourself tonight take borne a books rn nn MUlVLi , KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON faruurw rrrwtTOff fTwrug , irmtvui rfr - The sixth annual Utah Turkey show and annual convention of the Utah Turkey federation will be held Jointly December 11 and 12 at the Newhouse hotel. Salt Lake City, it was reported today by Marion O. Olsen, Paradise, chairman of the show. Mr. Olsen said the show will again feature the open and junior divisions as in past years. This will be the third Utah Turkey Show to be held in Salt Elder NEWS Discrimination whiskey... are you V 2 Box Wednesday, October 14. 1953 Brigham City, Utah conference over TV. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polya of Butte, Montana were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hill last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Mills and children, Dawn'tte and Johbnie, of Ogden, spent the week end In Honeyville at the home of Mrs. Mills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bin Tolman. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Hunsa-ke- r and children of Richland, Washington, are visiting at the home of Newman Hunsaker, father of Darwin; and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hunsaker. The two Mrs. Hunsakers are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bensen of Salt Lake City were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bensen last week. for top quality IMH 11-1- 6 The Greatest GosoDine Development ence. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Tolman of Berkeley, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Reed Tolman of Oram, Utah, and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Tolman of Ogden, and Miss Fay Winfoorg of Nibley, Utah, were all guests at the home of Mrs. Paulie T. Boothe, Sunday. They all enjoyed watching the LDS You're paying , Lake City. The initial show was at Provo in 1948. The past two shows were at St. George. Utah Turkey pre-igniti- -- Glemnore TESY C tUGQXiD 'TOli!' 02ID OSD CemlNittiM depoiAi form here, touting mifrJinng and lott of gower. TCP nootrolizoo Ihtto dopotitiy giving tog gewer orvd gerfermenc 'TCP Helps Now sntimov sisiir your car, whether new or old If you are driving a new car, with a engine, you need Conoco Super Gasoline to keep your car delivering all the power that was built into it. If you drive an older car, with tens of thousands of miles on the speedometer, Conoco Super can restore much of the new car performance and power youve been missing. Start your g and effect of lack of pep and wasted gas. mis-firin- How Conoco Super pre-igniti- with is loss of power, TCP works a special chemical additive which is added to Conoco Super Gasoline. It was specifically developed to overcome the loss of power and fuel caused by combustion deposits. TCP neutralizes harmful deposits on spark plugs your plugs spark as they should. It prevents deposits in the combustion wild ping is chambers from causing controlled. Thus, every time you fill up with new Conoco Super, its like getting your spark plugs cleaned and your engine tuned-up- . TCP is TWO-TAN- TEST K today When your gasoline tank is full or less, fill it with Conoco Super with TCP. Now, there will still be some ordinary gasoline mixed in with your Conoco Super. So make sure your next tankful is Conoco Super, too. So rapidly does Conoco Super work, that with this second tankful, chances are youll feel as if your Youll feel a boost in engine has had a tune-upower. Try it today. Were sure youll stay with one-quart- er ' p. Conoco Super. pre-igniti- Trademark owned and patent applied for by fehell Oil Company ttNTVCKT STIUIGHT today! exclusively at your Conoco dealer! i NEW CONOCO Super GASOLINE x- -J v CeeSoMtal Qd i |