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Show " Indian Summer " In ill Its Spcndor Theme o f Successful Beginning Fun Night - She Flies Through The Air, Etc W ,, ! - V 'Indian Summer in all Its autumn leaves, splendor was the theme for the was first Fun Night dancing session1 Highlight of the evening atten-ers le presentation of the for North Box Elder stake danc-- , on Saturday, October 3, a'f,tanee ribbon to the Seventh s is the imf the '?ard- the Seventh ward hall. 'Seventh ward walked home iMore than 230 North and, with attendance honors. Accord-Soutstake dancers joined in ling to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde the fall festival. Glover the success of the dance !and interest created' for The hall was adorned with goes to Mr. and Mrs. dancing Stuart. autumn leaves, corn stalks and Who are doing a fine really nS entered the j0t, jn the dancing department a colorful tepee, hall through,uest of the Seventh ward. Registration was under the of DonSerenaders from Fielding furCharles and supervision na Stuart, newly named Seven- nished music for the evening. th ward dance directors Punch and cookies were sold Other decorations about the from an attractive window by room, ably designed by Boyd Linda Billings, Joan Lee and Packer, were an Indian Maid Shirley Westley. and Brave silhouette, trees, a The dance originally slated for moon and geese in flight. Indian thjs Saturday is being postponed Summer was also inscribed on due to the opening of deer sea-thwall along with colorful son. W W also Also "Sky Commando" THUR. - FRI. - SAT. PIER ANGELI takes to the air with the greatest of ease as a trapeze performer aided by Kirk Douglas in Technicolor the most thrilling episode of picture, The Story of Three Lores. M-G-- with mighty THRILLS! centered the tiny sary of their wedding, she could VERA dancing girl in the stand the room no longer. She bowl of violets. Gilbert was al- decided to drive to the shop. ready an hour late. She had alAshamed, yet determined, she DANSE C fftSHt Franks JOE YOUNG mtm 'TERRY BigTow W WMtl MWtMt tNHtt COVERSJpIB M00REBEN JOHNSON AND asm iso HORROR 3fla33mi CO-HI- T itrmie ERROR BORIS KARLOff with MARC CRAMER ELLEN DREW ALSO SERIAL - SHORTS CARTOON and NEWS Elder NEWS Wednesday, October 14, Brigham City, Utah II 1953 (A p 3 sou Mrs, Kupfer and ohildien. Sandia Kay, (, and Lee Randall. 1, will join him shortly. While in Washington they visited with Dr Raymond Chi is tensen, pathologist at the clinic at Bethesda, Maryland, and Mr. and Mis Don Bowen and family. Mr Bowen Is a linguist with the NOW AT BRIGHAM TRUCK FARMALL FAST-HITC- H For The McCormick SUPER C TRACTOR Corinne Camp of DUP Slate Friday Meeting invited to at the home of Mrs Sadie Mar"Michael, The Bishops Son by ble Norman Christensen of Logan The meeting will begin at 2 will be reviewed by Mrs. W. IB. m. p. anPreston, also of Logan, in nual Literary Tea for Civic Improvement club members and Seagull Camp of DUP gue6ts on Saturday, October 17, Will Meet Thursday P.M. beginning at 2:30 p. m. in the The Seagull camp of the War Memorial home. Daughters of Utah Pioneers will iMrs. Charles Epley, tea chairmeet Thursday evening, Oct. 15, man, announced today that spe- at the home of Mrs. Lucille IB. cial guests for the day will be Olsen, 81 north Fourth west. women instructors at the InterThe meeting will begin at 7:30 mountain Indian school and the p. m. and all members are ininstructors and wives of the in- vited to attend. structors of the city schools. Others interested are also invited to attend. Musical and vocal numbers will also be presented during the afternoon. "iimtiimmiTTTT III! fill Hi Box Civic Club to Hear Book attend regular meeting of the Corinne camp Daughters of Utah Review on Saturday Pioneers on Friday, October 18, "Mission Over Korea" fhBACKW: 0 Weir. Poise 3 clul-die- All members are THREE LOVES" DOUBLE BILL took being Refreshments were served by the hostesses. ENDS TONIGHT ' Mrs Vcrn K. Kupler leturned foreign service institute. They to Bngliam City last week fiom aho spent time with Major and Washington, D C. where she Mrs Owen Owens (Major Owens RUPTURE-EASE- R had been visiting with her hus- and Mrs Kupter are both m-I 04 band. prior to his departure, by of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse plane, to Iran. Owens of Bngliam) and family. Professor Kupfer has been pro- The Owens family are leaving Dovblm4.S fessor of psychology at the col- October 15 for London, Engr UH Nl lege in Cedar City and plans land, where Major Owens has now to spend two years in Iran accepted a two year assignment, MJ in the For the past three years he has A strong, ( cm fitting wsxhahl support. Rack to setting up tng adjustable Snaps up in front Adjustable lef country there. He received a two been stationed in "Washington, strop. Soft, flat groin pad No steel or leather vears leave of absence fiom the D. C serving at the Pentagon. bant). Unexcelled for comfort Also used as after men nd child operation support for men, B.A C. five HMoaurs orotmd tho lowest pad Mrs Kupler and childien will Mdeh orders ohdemen tmd stet fight m Ms tds tr He will seive under the Four Point Progiam foi education icside with Mr. and Mis Jesse1 Owens until their repartme for! HAMILTON DRUGS Serving as an education special- Iran. ist or superv isor He aecompa nied 12 other teachers from the BYU oil the journey. An introduction to the sorority to guests present was given in short talks by five members, Barbara Rose, Diane Harper, Jackie Petersen, Deon Lichtenstein and Louise Dyer. Guests attending were: Becky Toevs, Lorene Alice R. Davis, Dick, Dean Ebeling, Doris Stander, Marvel Hirschi and Carolyn " Pick O' The Pictures' ' THURS. - FRI. - SAT. A model meeting was held for members of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority and guests on Monda evening at the home of Mrs Merle Craghead. She was hostess along with Mrs Leah Barker, Mrs. Wilma Spaulding and Miss Louise Dyer. two books. Dairy of a Young Girl by Ann Frank and The Little Princesses" by Marion Crawford. (SajpnQol "THE STORY OF Mrs. Vcrn K. Kupfcr Visits With Husband Prior to His Departure by Plane for Iran President Edna Jeppson charge with lesson time conducted by Mrs. Selma Lesson was entitled Your Mrs. Weir and Charm. gave the highlights of Everyone Is Invited to phone their society items for the News ind Journal to 771 LAST TIMES TODAY Model Meeting Held By Beta Sigma Phi most dialed the gift shop several times. She had not done so, because she was afraid that Maureen would answer and call Gilbert to the telephone. Yet Maureen, as Gilbert's assistant, had a right to answer. She and Gilbert often worked late checking merchandise. But nqt tonight the celebration of the first anniversary of their wedding. As she had many times before, Vera thought how different she and Maureen were in temperament and appearance. Vera was fair and small and chose pastel shades in clothes which she accented with fragile jewelry. Maureen was a tall woman who wore rich colors or black with only a gold clip or large gold earrings. Vera thought of her first meeting with Gilbert over two years ago. She had strayed into a gift shop on, Wabash Avenue. A tall, deeply tanned man had come forward to meet her. She hardly realized what she had bought. After that she returned to the shop many times. One bright October day Gilbert asked her to dinner. One day Vera had been browsing about the shop, when Gilbert pointed to two figurines he had just unpacked. The tiny figures looked like fugitives from the ballet. Gifts for the ladies, he had said. He handed the girl to Vera and the boy to Maureen. Theyre lovely, Vera remembered saying, but is it right to part them? I'm sure they're lovers Perhaps theyll get back together, Maureen had said. Several months later Gilbert and Vera had been married. Their home had been set up in Gilbert's apartment on the North Side. Every time she dusted the figurine, she had a shamed desire for its dancing mate. Now alone on the first anniver decided to see if Gilbert was at Maureen's apartment She hurried to the apartment hotel. The elevator could not carry her fast enough to the sixteenth floor. She knocked at Maureens door. "Come in, Maureen called faint iy- - "Its Vera, Ill be out the visitor said. in a minute, Maureen called from the bathroom. Vera dropped into the nearest chau-- . The dressing table was bare. The desk and book shelves were empty. On the bed was an open suitcase, filled with lingerie. In one corner stood a wardrobe trunk, its racks crowded with summer dresses. The evidence of flight coupled with Gilberts lateness filled her with unreasoning dread. Maureen entered. Her scarlet robe seemed to drain all the color from her face. Smiling unsteadily, she stretched out on the bed and adjusted a pillow under her head. With an effort she spoke, I suppose Gilbert has told you. no no "Why n stammered Vera. "It's hard to tell, Maureen continued. "I dread putting It in words . . . but I might as well confess. Im a sick woman. Asthma and sinus infection have joined forces to drive me out of Chicago. Im leaving for Tucson tonight. Gilbert Insisted on picking up my reservation. He said you would understand. "Im sorry," Vera murmured. "You just missed Gilbert. He was in such a hurry, I forgot to give him your anniversary present. She picked up the package on the bed and handed it to Vera. Beneath the layers of tissue paper she found the figurine . . . the partner of her ballet dancer. Perhaps it would be symbolic the lovers would truly be together at last. Water fill1 w t ; ' ? 'y - Heres how the new Farmall Fast-Hitc- h works; the farmer the two coupling beams just backs up to the implement on the implement slip into the Fast-Hitc- h sockets on the tractor, and are locked instantly and automatically to uncouple, two The latches. farmer saves a great deal of time just lift and all of the hard work usually required in hitching. ... ' AUTO-VlDRIVE-I- N Phone 300 ) THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTY with Fred McMurray Also THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL BRIGHAM TRUCK and IMPLEMENT Go car among people who want more for their money when they buy . t and more money when they sell! Theres a big reason why more folks are buying more Fords car offers so many of than ever before. No other the things people want and need for todays driving. 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Crestmark body, its Visibility (most in its field), its new fine car ride and roomy luggage locker (roomiest in its field) delivers at a figure that keeps it right down in its price class. car which Fords the only offers you a choice of a completely auto Enriched with Vitamins ROYAL BAKINS CO. ce a car which is like the finest still sells in the low-prifield. Yet a Ford with its hulltight Full-Cnd- Table Queen Bread low-pri- Ford matic transmission (Fordomatic), Overdrive or Conventional Drive. And Ford Master-Guidavailable on all V-- 8 models, is the last word in pow er steering . . . makes turning up to 75 easier. See . . . Value Check . . . Test Drive Ford at your Ford Dealers. e, Ford's type 110-hp- . V-- of engine no -- If yourt inl,rt$led io b sura to i our powering cars. Ford's Mileage Maker is tho most modern Six in tho industry. 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