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Show THE Page Four, Second Section CLASSIFIED Notices Legal NOTICE TO WATER USERS ADVERTISING The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change or appropriate water State of Utah, Juab County, throughout the entire year, unless Miscellaneous FOR SALE I in otherwise designated, all locations Modern home FOR SALE being from SLB&M. Good barn, bath. and 4 rooms Large To Change granary, chickenU coop, water share garden space. Mills "Farmstead WatMrs. John W. Kendall, phone 412J er Company, Nephi, Utah., has made application to change the BEST COALS at point of FOR SALE diversion and place of one use of 0.175 sec. ft. of water right fair prices. Any amount from half ton up. Call Dee Jarrett at acquired by Application No. 14779. S5R. The water has been diverted from a well located at a point S. 2340 ft. and E. 2600 ft from NW Cor. Coal circulating SALE FOR Sec. 25, T15S, R2W, and used for 131J Phone heater Medium size. domestic, culinary, stockwartering GARBETT'S Exclusive Agents for ExCelCis Products for East DECEMBER Juab County. $1.50 "FOUNDASPECIALS FACE $1.00 TION CREAM, POWDER BOTH FOR $1.50 (plus federal tax.) ORDER YOUR COAL from Phone RONALD BELLISTON 282J. New Sunbeam FOR SALE Furnace and Stoker. M. N. Moon, phone 417R, Springville. (Royal Bread man). 1 New Model 711 FOR SALE Lamar Remington 30:06 Rifle. Paxman. and irrigation purposes., the above Hereafter, quantity of water will be diverted from a well 468 ft. deep, at a point N. 3O8.0 ft. and W. 2634.8 ft from E Cor. Sec. 25, T15S, R2W, and used for the purposes above described. 6-i- n. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the State Road Commission of Utah, State Capitol, Salt Lake Utah, until 2 o'clock p. m. December 7, 1948, and that time publicly opened for City, Tuesday, construction of a Two Span bridge in Juab County, the same being that Section of U. S. No. 91 between Scipio and Levan identified as Federal Aid Project Con-cre- No. (1). The length of road to be constructed or improved is 0.024 miles, and the principal items of work are approximately as follows: 930 Cu. Yds. Concrete, Class "A" and 143,400 lbs. Reinforcing Steele. The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assipnintr 71-23- 8. Utah Water & Power Board, State Capitol, Salt Lake, the contract. City, Ut., has made application to; The minimum wage paid to all change the point of diversion of skilled labor employed on this 20 sec. ft. of water right acquired contract shall be $1.75 per hour, by diligence prior to 1903 from The minimum wage paid to all Basin Creek. The entire flow of intermediate labor employed on the stream has been diverted at a this contract shall be $1.40 per point N. 8130'W. 1830 ft. from hour. EV Cor. Sec. 11, T11S, R17W,) The minimum wage paid to all and used from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 unskilled labor employed on this as a supplemental supply to irrig- - contract shall be $1,275 per hour, ate 1650 acres of land embraced, The attention of bidders is n Sec. 1, EH Sec. 2, EM; Sec. 11, rected; to the fact that this Com-Sec. 12, Til E, R17W, SEV4 mission has been advised by the Sec. 36, T10S, Wage and Hour Division, U. S. Sec. 36, and S and for domestic and stock partment of Labor, that g purposes. jors engaged in highway construct- Hereafter 20 sec. ft. of water ion work are required to meet the will be diverted from Basin Creek provisions of the Fair Labor at a point N. 3233' E. 2535 ft. Standards Act of 1938 (52 Stat. from SW Cor. Sec. 9, T11S, R17W, 1060). and conveyed by earth canal a Plans and specifications are on distance of 2277 ft. to a concrete file in the office of the State Road lined ditch and thence conveyed Commission, Salt Lake City and a distance of 10,860 ft. where it at the office cf its District Engin-wi- ll be used from Jan. 1 to Dec. eer at Richfield. Utah where thev 31 to irrigate the above described may be reviewed by prospective land, and for domestic and stock bidders. Specifications, proposal forms, and plans will be furnished watering purposes. at Lake City, Utah on deposit Utah Water & Power ing Salt $2.00 which will be Board, State Capitol, Salt Lake providing bidder submitsrefunded; an acCity, Ut., has made application to ceptable bid and returns the plans of of the diversion change point within 25 sec. ft. of water right acquired of bids.seven days after the opening Each bidder must submit by diligence prior to 1903 from a letter from an approved surety Tom's Creek. The entire flow has guaranteeing to furnish been diverted at a point S. 1900' company .aid with required bond. W. 3681 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 15, The bidder to reject any or all bids right T11S, R17W, and used from Jan. is reserved. Z 1 to Dec. 31 as a supplemental icJ t Cash, certified check, cashiers or- approved proposal guarland embraced in Sec. 1, EVfe Sec. check bond for not less than five anty Sec. Eec. N 2, E 12, TT1S, 11, total amonunt of bid cent of per SV4 Sec. 36, R17W; SE'4 Sec. 35; PaVable to tte State Ro? T10S.R17W. and for' stock water - !made Commission must accompany each ing and domestic purposes. as evidence of good faith and sec. 25 ft. of water bid Hereafter, a that if awarded the guarantee will be diverted from Tom's Creek the bidder will execute at a point S. 4800' E. 1500 ft. contract, contract and furnish contract from NW Cor. Sec. 21, T11S, R17 the bond as required. and canal a dist W, conveyed by Any additional information may ance of 8,372 ft. to a concrete-line- d be secured at the office of the ditch and thence conveyed a dis- State Road Commission. tance of 10,860 ft. where it will this 17th day of Novemused from Jan. 1. to Dec. 31 to Dated 1348. ber, described land irrigate the above STATE ROAD COMMISSION and for domestic and stock waterOF UTAH ing purposes. By Rv'y W. McLeese, Chief EnsiiK-rTo Appropriate: Decembv i, Date of publicafm: 19721 Nephi Irrigation Co. & 1948. Nephi City Corporation, Nephi, Ut,. 5 sec. ft of water for miscelAlabama's Cotton industry laneous purposes from a well investment in cotton indusbet. 80 and lOO ft. deep at a point tryTotal is morn than three in N. 1200 ft. and W. 2.r,00 ft. from fourths Alabama bilMon cUll..rs. More than SE. Cor. See. 28, T12S, R2E. The one million people are engaged in water will be conveyed bya pipe- some rhase of the inrin ;trv. line, a concrete lined ditch or the creek channel to the Nephi City's power plants where it will be used Yc- -r for the generation of electric powTri; er after which .. of the; .ip,;.er water, up to 3 sec. ft., and wat- di-i- De-R17- Pax-ma- Good Jersey FOR SALE Milk Cow and 5 tons Meadow hay. J. T. Stickney, phone 370R5, Mona FOR RENT 2 TWO APARTMENTS Phone FOR RENT 228. FOR RENT apartment. Phone 152R. room modern furnished. Partly 3 APARTMENTS Winter rates Phone 354J. 5 FOR RENT Mt. Nebo Motel 880 North Main. contragt-waterin- oi CARDS OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our many friends for their kindnesses and sympathy during the sickness and following the death of our beloved husband and father. Their kind nesses will ever be gratefully remembered. The Family of John A. Grant CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our many friends for the kindness and syrm pathy which they so freely offered at the death of our loving husband and father. Mrs. Lola Ostler and family - r 12-i- n. 17. S. Population Census estimate of U. S. population July 1. 19C9, was 130.9 million people, and Ausust 1, 1947. 144.2 million people. By July 1. 1950, it is expected to reach 150 million with a birth rate 10 per rent above the early 30's. C'f-CTr- Hying M. U. Service Australin maintains a flying doctor service. This unique service operates from six different bases and assures the men, women and children of Australia's remote areas quick and effective medical care, and a chance to converse with their neighbors. Sword V.S one-ha- lf er over 3 sec. ft., will he all diverted by Nephi Irrigation Company and used as a supplemental supply to irrigate 11,760 acres of land embraced in Eecs. 28 and 33. T12S, R1E; Sees. 25. 26. 35 and 36, T12S. TI1E: Sees. 1. 2. 11. 12, 13. 14. T13S. R1V: Sees 3 to 9 inol., 17and 18. T13S, ME. The balPresident Truman's ift sword ance of the water will be used dia:ray includes, amonn others, a rectly or by exchange for munickukri, or ceremonial sivord, givsc ipal purposes in Nephi City. him by the commanding general of 20073 Merle McPherson. Nepal. Nephi. Ut., 3 sec. ft. of water for Don't LatMc holiday traffic well Take a carefree ride home irrigation use from a bet. 100 and 200 ft. deep at a pt. N. 12 ft. and E. 3W0 ft. from Go Greyhound for merry SW. Cor. See. 19, T12S, R1E. The holiday advenluiel wgater will be used from Apr. 1 to Frequent schedules get you there quirkly. You can stay ict. si to irrigate ti.virifi acres or longer at family reunions, land embraced In Sees. 18 and 19, visit with old friends and T11S. R1E. and for Incidental doneighbors, and still profit by mestic and stock watering purposhe (ares. Your inexpensive es. Greyhound Aitent will be Rlad Co;!-ct1o- n 12-i- n. 20074 HOME FULL CP HEAT- -. IF YOUR IS de N 3 Case Manure FOR SALE n Spreaders (tractor drawn). Implement and Appliance. M MEfJVYO'J WILL MIS?:i f I ! V, V I Merle McPherson, Nephi, Ut., 3 sec. ft. of water for well Irrigation use from a bet. 100 and 200 ft. deep nt a point N. 12 ft. and E. 1319 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 19. T12E, R1FJ. The water will be used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 to Irrigate 80 acres of land embraced In WHSWW. Sec. 19, T12S, R1E. and for incidental domestic and stock watering pur12-l- n. poses. Protests resisting the granting of any o fthe foregoing applications with reasons therefor, must be in affidavit form with copy and filed with the State En- - In Morning NEW YORK. Getting a dead polar bear in the morning man . likely to make even a strung man flinch. But that's what happened to George Adams recently and he didn't turn a hair. It was all in his day s work That's because Adams is the chw taxidermist for New York's muse um of natural history, and when ihe I. who bagged the beat ir. Greenland wanted to preserve souvenir, he naturally sent it ti ,1 ams. Just as naturally, Adams wem work on it among a collection ol animal plaster molds, penguins in bird formaldehyde and mounts. The polar bear was one of many animal souvenirs x G.I.s have asked him to mount. Years of Experience. Adams has been working on the famous animal exhibits of the m:i seum for nine years. A lean runs tached westerner, he still retains the enthusiasm for his work UimI has marked his career ever since he skinned his first lizard at the age of seven In Kanab, Utah Smee that day he's worked with m;in.y animals, birds and fish. "It takes a year or more in man hours alone to complete just one mounted group of museum exhihi tions. Our exhibit of wolves in the snow meant four weeks in the field, five weeks each to mount the animals and six months for comple tion of the background," he re counted. There are only about 50 comparable taxidermists in the profession, because the work requires some 10 other Among years' training. things, a museum taxidermist must be something of a sculptor, set de signer, zoologist and anatomist. Makes Clay Model. Adams first makes a miniature model in clay and cardboard of what the finished exhibit will be. Then he must sculpture the animal in clay, showing muscles and veins. Depending on the animal or bird to be mounted, an excelsior or papier mache figure is made from the clay mold. Only then is the skin moistened and pinned in place with thousands of dressmakers' straight pins. While the skin is drying tight over the animal form, Adams checks it for worn spots or missing make-ujob is hair, because necessary when the skin is less than perfect. Sometimes strange substitutes are used. "The lion wouldn't like it if he knew about it, but lion hairs are replaced with mouse hairs if the lion skin I'm mounting has worn spots. Mouse hair makes an excellent replacement," Adams says. Adams thinks the reason why so few boys grow up to be taxidermists is that their mothers can't stand the mess. ex-G.- FREE folder' IN LOURltiYt IT'S EASY TO USE ,NNV LAY-AW- L n i lit PLAN U 4 ViWx i:':jys 7uiUf 1 ' uom "scoirr B includes big steam-typ- e 'With tender, gondola car, oil 1 caboose. ear Track layout com-Ptewith 10 sections of track, track coupling control, lock-o- n and powerful transformer. loco-motl- ta tr W U IN Cat. SI? 1 " 3"B.v i maaiiTi J ' BUY SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ITEM M -- Mrs. Joseph Read Greenhalgh and family of Nephi. Miss Pearl Gibson, granddaugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Greenhalgh of Nephi, and a stud-eat the University of Idaho, is in Chicago this week attending the National Club meet. Miss Gibson, a student at the Univer-- 1 sity of Idaho, received an award as state winner in club work, and as a winner in the region which includes the ll'western stat-- ; es, she received the trip to Chic-- I ago and p $200.00 scholarship. This is her second trip to Chicago as a wir.ni i'. She is the daughter of j Mr .and Mrs. Owen N. Gibson of Preston, Idaho, former residents of Will Durant Predicts Russ Nephi. Government Will Collapse T.'.r. and Mrs. Eugene Gowers DALLAS, TEX. A historian, who nnd f.imily. have returned to 'he:r successfully predicted World War home in California following a vis-- ! II, believes the Russian govern- it in Nephi, and with their daugh-- i ment will collapse within Ave ter who is u student at the years. I?righ:im Ycur.g T . versify in Pro-vWill Durant told a Dallas civic club that "if Russia gets the atom bomb during that time, she might use it. But I'm betting on a collapst from within." Durant, who in 1937 told a Dallas audience that a world war was Inevitable, declared that communism had spread because it was a OS wy pi s myth which had caught the fancy world. a of starving He termed the race between Russia and the United States a race between food and a myth. 1 T 111 OUR STORE On New Year's day in 1804 the independence of the country of Haiwas declared. It was no longer Thanksgiving jday dinner guests ti at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- - a French possession bvt a country in its '.r liirht. eph H. Greenhalgh were Mr. and Mrs. Owen N. Gibson and son ' To Reir.oviug Chewing Gumhold a remove chewing gum, Keith of Preston, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenhalgh and sons piece cf ice directly under the David and Paul of Fillmore, James gum. toThis willoff.freeze it, making it If the gum leaves pick Merl Greenhalgh, a student at the easy a stain, sponge with carbon tetraof and Mr. and University Utah, V5 15.1 i., Haiti's Independence Briefs 5 S of houses. chloride. First TIL CHRISTMAS Poughkeepsie-Alban- y On October 11, 1851, the Service Hudson River railroad was completed and opened from Poughkeepsie to Albany, N. Y.. making through connection with New York City. Ice Boxes to Warm Milk Ice boxes are not always used to keep milk cold. Admiral Byrd took two ice boxes with him to Jhe South Pole to keep his milk warm. Otherwise the ccld would have frozen it. j nt i 4-- II ! 4-- H j ' , Cl-ri- f ns TURIN. Ure. ITALY. 4 5 UNIT FREIGHT TRAIN JERSEY CITY. N. J. Led by his seeing eye dog Brau, Benjamin J. Masciale, who lost his sight on Okinawa, walked into the public The former marine operates a newsstand in the lobby at city hall. The sale was just upstairs. There were some 500 persons on hand to bid on the homes. William P. Black, deputy city collector, put on the block a six room frame house at a minimum price of $2,500. Six persons stood up to bid on the property. Then Masciale slowly climbed to his feet and entered the minimum bid. The other six stood silent while the gavel fell a final time, and the house was knocked down to the blind veteran. Masciale, who lives with his parents, said now that he had a home he would De able to carry out plans to marry. TSIE ZAl' Bidders Remain Silent as Blind Veteran Buys House sale Y A SUc&Uc p Darlo Fabrlzl. unemployed father of two children, picked all 12 winners in a football tournament. That meant nine million lira, or slightly more than $15,000, In the weekly football pool. From his hospital cot where be was taken after trying1 to commit suicide by Rulpinf 39 quinine pills Fabrlzl told how It was. For the first time in three years he had not sent In his pool ticket because he did not have the required SO NEPHI CAFE Call NEPHI 255 1948 ki AWAY FROM WINTERI Leave winter's wrmth behind, and enjoy a vacation under tunny nkirtl Let your Greyhound Agent help plan your trip. Transportation, hotel, i$htrinli all lor one LOW price. Ak tor GET LEADS 2, S-- Italian Picks Winners Worth $15,000 but Loses HOUND December Dead Polar Boar to give you complete travel information on any holiday trip. CM. Thursday, New Yorker Gels gineer, 403 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, 1, Utah, on or before January 29, 1949. Ed. H. Watson, STATE ENGINEER Dates of publication: December 2, 9, 16, 23 and'30, 1948. at NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- GAS HEATING Clean Automatic WATER HEATING COOKING NEBO GAS SERVICE NEW ERA Shlrti ore local Chritmai flift. But dsn I . come in now and c'i;:: selection before frz rv:fi They're priced riji.t ijo $2.50 and up |