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Show Two, Second Kae THE Section Name Utah Top Ranking 4- - H'ers Club Congress in Chicago were given to the 27th National npRIPS X Utah club members as rewards for th'jir outstanding records fur 1948 Better Methods, Farm .af '.', lold Crops National In the and Garden programs. The state winners and br' records tollow: 1 v p ' " 4 , DeVel Joan P,tton Gedgo t TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH Perhaps his philosophy is primarily one of fateful resignation, but certainly there's nothing defeatist about it. Ted Curiously, he By Kesttng holds a wry sort of natural power In nature the battle does not an enviable position in the world block, for by suddenly stopping always go to the strong and fierce. of wildlife: he consorts with man- his breeding, he could starve his enemies and thereby shatteringly Consider the cottontail, and his kind and prospers! We must assume that the cot- alter the entire wildlife economy. vigorous prosperity .advises Byron Dalyrmple, author of many out- tontail started in some restricted door articles. territory. Yet today his beat covProtecting Winter Clothes The well-love- d little rabbit, ers almost every section of the Articles in a reasonably tigMt known everywhere In the United United States and more. He trunk, chest or wooden box can b States and hunted from border to has pushed his trails up mountain protected perfectly during the sumborder and coast to coast by mill- slopes of the West, out in south- mer by scattering one pound of ions, is not, as he has always been western desert, felt his way into either flake naphthalene or between the folds of portrayed, a cute littly bunny of the cold of southern Canada, probbedtime stories, or a cartoon char- ed the borders and on down into the clothing, preferably between acter. He is actually a sly, crafty South America. No timid spirit sheets of thin t'.ean paper. soldier of fortune who has padded ever colonized such vast, varied silently about, chuckling inwardly and dangerous lands. , ior Ei'.'epy Driver over the hoax he has perpetrated To the rabbit, every moment is fcxperiincntj are belnj conducted upon his neighbors, including man. filled with personal danger. Owls, looking He has managed this great hoax foxes, hawkes, wolves, bobcats, electronictnvarj development of an cv.ahcner. The goal is a by takingthe role of forage beast house cats, dogs, hunters seek him poc!;ct-b- r apparatus that could world in his of enemies. He has always and everywhere. Yet he be with the "ocdy of aroused our sympathy and love by leaves the mark of his hunger for truckconnected el:vcr, airplane ,jilot, railposing as the meekest of the meek, advenlure everywhere. r He goes road e:r;:nc-or nirht watchmar all the while prolifically reproduc- out in plain view of all the dang- to give when ho approach his He has attained ers that beset him. species. ing td the dodger point of dozing. paraci-chlorobenze- Garth Chambers Providing his faintly with plenty Co. provide J Garth with a NaClub Congress educavegetional of healthful home-growtables was a major achievement tional trip award. Laka By eliminating accident and fire for DeVel Gedge, 17, of Salt hazards around his farm, home City, but he has now also been in honors and cojnmunity, Jimmie recognized with State Garden pro20, of Ogden, has won top the 1948 National tended honors in the National State DeVel and planted gram. Farm Safety program. Jimmie has many varieties of vegetables. safety Among them were Swiss and accomplished much in rhubarb chard, huckleberries and work such as removing broken pear tomatoes. This summer he boards on the hayrack and rehelped gather, husk and cut corn placing them with new ones. He from cobs. He has been in club replaced broken windows, and put work for seven years, each year a better lighting system in the completing a garden project. As barn which did away with dangerous makeshift cords. In addition, a recognition of his achievements, provided DeVel he has found time to serve as rewith an educational trip to the porter, treasurer, president and leader of his club. In recognition Natiomal Club Congress, Chiof these achievements. General cago. Motors provided Jimmie an An outstanding youthful farmer, Garth Chambers, 18, of Smithfleld, trip to the Nati j:.al NaClub Congress, Chicago. has won State honors in the Joan Patten, 16, of itovo, Field Crops awards tional achieved annual savings of 91 program. Garth planted and tendacres acres in ironing, 131 li mrs in hours of four ed four beets, clothes washing, and 4G days and of corn and 5yi acres of potatoes this year and learned much about 17 hours in elbli washiupr, thanks Nato skill gained through seed bed preparation, use of ferR"!t'?r Methods C.eetric tilizers and approved cultivating tional and harvesting methods. He also program, loan 1ms been r.amr found time to take part in many State winner in the program in activities of the Four West Dairy recognition of the many better Club. He has served his club as methods she has developed for president for the paat three years dring home tanks. During five she has completed and this year was a member of years in the county judging team which 26 projects, riven 17 demonstrajudged at the State Fair. He has tions, held a offices in her local club. Joan received an completed nine projects in tho club five years he has been a trip to tho National Club Congress, Chicago, provided member. In recognition of his achieveby The Westinghouse Educational Harvester Foundation. ments, International All of these activities are conducted under the direction of the Service of the State Agricultural College and USDA cooperating. n Papa-georg- 4-- e, Decmkr Thursday, - from where I sit 2, .y Joe Marsh Why Dutch is Growing a Beard That beard on Dutch Miller's chin doesn't mean that he's getting ready to play Santa Claus. He's simply paying off the election bet he lost to Cappy Swanson. And while some folks allow it's like the all a lot of nonsense wheelbarrow ride that Cappy had to give Dutch after last election day from where I sit, it's a mighty wholesome aftermath to a difference of opinion. Because good Americans all take their politics and voting mighty seriously. But when the issue's settled, and the die is cast, they accept the verdict in a spiiit of good humor. And that's as it should be when it comes to any difference of opinion. Some folks vote for beer as their favorite beverage others vote for cider. In fact, we all have differences of taste in almost everything! But that doesn't mean that we can't live together in a spirit of good fellowship. w.v.-ir.- Copyright, 1948, United States Brewer t Foundation Allis-Chalme- F ih ' 1 7 II SIBJ loaie . cuaaie aumpiina. mtj son John, Drove at rdgki wiili one liglit on; He missed a curve lost his nerve. Didldle, diddle, dumpling, poor son JoKn! -- mm vferv, Poor son John his wffcs were as 'dim as his headlights I Gar delects are dungerut. One out oi every six ears involved in fatal accidents has A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR HER CHRISTMAS some mechanical fault. An automobile kept in good operating condition is as safe as engineering experts can make it as dependable as you are when yon drive it! COTY SETS EARLY AMERICAN ALL SPlCE SEIS FRIENDSHIP GARDEN SETS DESERT FLOWER SETS SHEAFFER PENS AND PENCILS EVENING IN PARIS SETS PERFUME AND TOILET WATERS See that your car gets a periodic check-uand never neglect a known defect! Check lights, brakes, tires and other features put there for your safety. You owe it to your car you may owe it your life! p, BILLFOLDS CANDY SPEND A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR HIS CHRISTMAS AMERICAN ALL SPICE SETS SHEAFFER PENS AND PENCILS BILLFOLDS MEN'S COLOGNE LOTION STAG MEN'S SETS PINAUD MEN'S SETS SECONDS SAVE'n:: LIVES EARLY AFTER-SHAVIN- WESTERN TIRE AND AUTO SUPPLY ALLEHS CASH STORE STUDIO CHAPMAN G WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF XMAS CARDS IN BOX ASSORTMENTS OR SINGLE INDIVIDUAL CARDS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. OUR CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHT SETS. WE HAVE SOME ON SPECIAL (Originally $4.75) NOW ONLY $2.00 OTHERS FROM 1.75 UP. 1948 PAXMAfi IMPLEHEFIT PAINTER & MOTOR COMPANY NEPHI VENICE APPLIANCE MOTOR CO. SMITH-HALVERSQ- CAFE MOTOR CO. H NEPHI DRUG CO. NEBO CHEVROLET NEPHI JEWELRY & CO. APPLIANCE NEPHI BILLIARDS SEE PREMIUM BAILEY R. P. GARRETT OIL CO. GROCERY CONOCO SERVICE NEPHI INSURANCE & REALTY CO. NEPHI LUMBER COMPANY FORSEYS VARIETY STORE THE TIMES HEWS PUBLISHING CO. JOHNSONS IGA SUPER MARKET TRI-STA- TE LUMBER CO. COMMERCIAL BANK NEPHI LAUNDRY |