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Show Defltnjer Thursday. 2, THE 4B TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S, " Page Three, Second Section K VISIT riiiri SPRQUSE - REITZ FOR YOUR AOMEflS WMflS SEE OUR NEW LINES N fe IN PLASTIC I TOWARDS A BETTER TOMORROW Largest Inland Sea Caspian Sea, which lies between Europe and Asia, is the world's largest inland sea, according to the World Book encyclopedeia. Bordered on three sides by Sovitt on its southern shore territory, and by Persia, the Caspian sea covers nearly 170,000 square miles, an area larger than that of Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa combined. HOLIDAY AND MAIL MELEE . . . Not even the V. S. mail traditionally aloof from the ordinary run of grief and trouble was immune to the effects of the longshoremen's strike at ports along the eastern seaboard. Here, clerks in the Morgan annex of the New York post office sort and pack into bags overseas mail which had to be kept in storage until operations got under way once again. Although passengers on luxury liners were forced into the indignity of toting their own luggage ashore, the strikers did agree to exempt from their freight handling ban such rood and fuel cargoes as were required to keep New York City warm and fed. HARBOR Look towards tomorrow today! Save regularly for your future . . for the things you plan for your wife, yourself, your children. Save regularly . . and let your money earn our liberal interest rates. It's good assurance for a bright future. 1 .3 Stephen Foster Stephen Foster, who wrote many of the hest known songs about the South, was born in Pittsburgh, Pa .i- - - OR 5 " 5Av "s , vino vvirx Ocrrcuvr ' aft- j s- - J . Jkfl- - nil! J: d CHRSSTfV9A$ i - j Coinmerolal Bank - i, Jk Y: The victorious sweep ot the Israeli army against Arab and Egyp THE ROAD FROM BEERSHEBA tian forces in the Holy Land revives in the minds of many the names of the cities of the Old Testament Ashdod, one of the five most important Philistine cities, and ancient Beersheba. Now Jewish soldiers In road after the capture of the agee-4l- d modern vehicles of war are speeding over the main city. The Mosque of Beersheba can be seen looming in the background. The city was wrested from the Egyptians hy Israeli forces after the U. N. enforced truce in the Holy Land broke down. . I I SAFE o w imn MO OHM rareuns num. nun laiiir ,imm, ooc SAJOTT Social News "WW COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE A it tti DON'T WAIT - ORDER NOW AND HAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DONE Gerald Cazier was recent to the members of the hostess ly Fine Arts club when they enjoyed the story of a leper colony "Who Walks Alone" by Perry Burgess, which was given by Mrs. Dean' Archibald, a special guest. Mrs. V. M. Foote was in charge of the program and club collect was given by Mrs. Earl Steele. A ten-- 1 minute talk on the subject of ed- ucation was given by Mrs. D. F.I "Mrs. " Winn. A NICE CORSAGE ft BOUQUET OF CUT FLOWERS or U toSi3 I aW"-- " 1.98 to IMA CLEANING REPAIRING ?3.98 RECORING See what Santa's brought us for your little lovely . . . sparkling holiday originals by Nannctte! . . . Perfect for Christmas gifting. Each frock hat a charm all its own . . . with the famous Nannctte detailing to assure smoothest fit in famous-nam- e fabrics to assure longest wear! NEPHI MOTOR CO. ... CHRISTENSEN'S Pontiac John Deere II c Nephi, Utah Perfect CHRISTMAS 3 3 NEWS Mrs. Ina Kay is convalescing at the Payson hospital following- an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Don Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Mont Yates spent the Thanksgiving holiday In Oakley. On their return they were accom panied by Mrs. Hortense Yates who has been visiting there with her parents, e Kent Ellertson, Grant Nielsen ankl Neldon Stanley returned to Logan on Sunday after spending the Thanksgiving holiday visiting at ttie homes of their respective parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Schwarr returnted to Logan after spending Thanksgiving with her parents, Bishop and Mrs. E. Alton Ellert- son. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Newton of Logan were Thanksgiving guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. War- ren Newton. 30 Minute HAIR DRYER 12.95 Nationally known and tested. Unconditionally GUARANTEED. Approved by Underwriters Hot er oold air IbennoatatlcaUy controlled. Hill not cauae radio Interference. with bag, wall brack! Complete muwrr. ami nini A GIFT SHE CAN USE FOR YEARS ORDER TODAY ; ALLIED DISTRIBUTING Old " NAME CC Seattle 1. Wash 194 National Election This year's national election will take place on Tuesday, November t. The contest will be the 24th between Democrats and Republicans since the present Republican party took form in 1354. Fourteen winners have been Republicans and nine have been Democrats. TO ' Hn4 NOuC fj'fe the STEWARTS NEPHI FLOWER SHOP X cheerful, personal touch- - in the Paxman Bldg. Phone 378W or 304J Made from your portrait negative, Portrait a class by themselves as a means of saying "Merry Christmas." on file, the rest will be If we have your r,. be we'll glad to explain the easy details of this new idea in greeting cards. Greeting Cards are in .: -- '. SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI CHAPMAN STUDIO Our Hours 10 Get Your Replacement Stock at Home Buy your Bulls at the a. m. to 7 P. M. UTAH HEREFORD SALE December 9, 1948 Spanish Fork 50 Bulls - 15 Females Yes, there is ALWAYS competition. People are always and continually in the process of making up their minds. Attitudes, opinions, preferences, are always changing. The soundest backlog on which to build is the backlog of public opinion. Hence, it is our earnest endeavor to merit your good will ALWAYS by giving you full value for every dollar you may spend with us for transportation. e OnW tmtl t hft WOW for l)DI'.KS.S Tlrw, Bid. Make your choice of a Fern, Cyclo-me- n Pepper Plant, Jeruselum Cherries Hather Plants or Azaleas Enlw4 u D. rj C. O. SMITH - HALVERSON MOTOR COMPANY Phone 312 Nephi, Utah These bulls have just the size, scale, bone and ruggedness for Western ranges. All have been carefully graded by the USAC Extension Service and are guaranteed to grade "B" or better. You will find just what you want at this sale. PLAN NOW TO ATEND Judging at 10 a. m. Sale begins promptly at 1 p. m. Col. E. O. Walter, Auctioneer UTAH HEREFORD ASSOCIATION "A Name that signifies Quality" P. O Bo 873 Salt Lake City 9. |