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Show THE Page Four Utah 3 .sr ITT AH BXTKN8ION SBRVICS BOMJ BCOMOM1C8 STATS Two Juab County farmers. Wilford Belliston and Ronald Gow. ers, both of Nephi, are leading out in applying commercial (nitrogen) fertilizers on their dry land wheat Mr. Belliston began fields. gthe fertilizer in 1946 on his dry land wheat fields and con tinued the practice in 1947 and has increased his fertilized acres of wheat in 1948. The following are the results which Mr. Belliston obtained from the second year of applying nitro gen fertilizer to his wheat fields: He applied 150 pounds of 16 per cent Jsodium Nitrate per acre to 10 acres of wheat in the fall of 1947. At harvest time in 1948 the wheat yield of the firtilized acreage produced an average of eight bushels wheat more per acre than the unfertilized acreage of wheat growing on adjacent fields. Samples of the wheat were gathered at random to determine the protein content from the fertilized and unfertilized fields. An analysis of the protein content of the unfertilized acreage had an average protein content of 9.72 per cent while on the fertilized acreage the average protein content incrasd to 11.16 per cent or an increase of 1.44 per cent. The wheat grown on the Belliston farm was sold as milling what and the price he received for milling wheat increased one cent per bushel for every '4 unit of 1 per cent of high protein. The 1.44 per cent increase in protein increased the sale price by six cents per bushel. The increase of six cents per bushel plus the increase in yield of eight bushels per acre is good profitable dry farm management practice, reports Mr. Belliston who also suggests that farmers might apply their commercial fertilizer either in the fall at the time of planting or early in the spring with equal results. The results of Mr. Gowers dry land wheat farm this year in applying commercial fertilizer to his vheat fields was about the same s that received by Mr. Belliston. increase in yield was approx-matel- y eight bushels per acre on the fertilized area over the un fertilized area. He is planning on continuing the application of commercial fertilizer to his 1949 ap-ply- DRESSES IN TAFFETA, CREPE, SATIN, WOOLS AND COTTONS BEAUTIFUL SILK BLOUSES GOWNS AND PAJAMAS (Twin Sets and VIRGIN WOOL SWEATERS Coat Styles) LOVELY SCARFS AND HANKIES FLANNEL GOWNS AND PAJAMAS HOUSE COATS NYLON HOSE SLIPS NECKLACES EARRINGS SLACK SUITS ' PINS SEE THESE AND MANY OTHER GIFT ITEMS Ite Patio- Shop, - Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah as secsnd class mail matter under the act of congress of March 3, 1879. A. B. GIBSON & ROY E. GIBSON PUBLISHERS - Editor-Manag- er ROY E. GIBSON Subsoriptisn Rates: One year, $2.75; Six Months, $1.50. Subscriptions are payable In advance. Advertising rates on request. Oil Burners in Use Florida's State Parks With the sales of oil burners ln Florida has eight state parks. 1947 exceeding 820,000 the total One of them, Myakka river state number of oil burners now in operof acres Its with park, ation ln the United States is over vegetation, river and lakes, has the 3,500,000. characteristics of the African veldt. 17. S. When Baking I ics Railroad Bridges It is not necessary to grease a ioiThere are ln the United Statu 191,779 railroad bridges, which. If pie tin, for the pastry contains so much shortening that it cannot placed end to end, would ertend tick to the tin when it is baked. nearly 4,000 mUes i 4-H'- Win State Recognition ers records In 1948 National Dairy Production, SUPERIOR Rural Arts, Frozen Foods and Soil Conservation programs won four Utah club members state recognition. The state winners and brief outlines of their records follow: r in f s fvv r , hit t ' - saw, Mary Gardner 17, of Vern Ashcroft, Park, was the top State winner whose record was considered for sectional honors In the National Dairy Production awards program. During five years in club work, Vern completed flie dairy projects, developed a herd of four dairy cattle, and won 20 ribbons Including three blues for showmanship at the community. Black and White, and Cuche Valley Dairy Shows. He has served his seclocal club as retary, treasurer and reporter. As a recognition of his achievements in dairy production, Vern was awarded a $25.00 U. S. Savings Bond, provided by Kraft Foods -- 4--H o) 4 o)r 3 U n n L-- L, ,7- -1 Z3 s pro-grai- n. 4--H Company. Promoting recreational and handicraft work has brought State recognition to Mary Gardner, 16, of St. George. Her record will be judged to determine the eight national winners in the 1948 Naservation awards Recreation and Rural Charles gave extensiveprogram. tional and vain-abl- e Arts program. help in the planning and exan of are ecution Objectives of the program irrigation job which to assist members in develincluded the digging of a ditch and recreational opfeet cultural 3,500 long and the installation oping portunities in their homes and of weirs and diversion boxes. Ha members also made plans for installing a communities; help develop a higher appreciation of system for irrigation. A sprinkler seven-yea- r rural arts; make Charles has programs more attractive and served his local club as president, and teach members to lead recreasecretary, and reporter. In recogEach of the nition of his achievements, he has tional activities. counties having an outstanding been given a $50.00 U. S. Savings recreational program received a Bond, provided by Firestone. All of these activities are conducted under the direction of the Service of the Stite Agricultural College and USDA cooperating. 4-- 4-- wheat crop. The practice of applying commercial nitrogen fertilizers to their dry land wheat, is recommended to by farmers by the Extension Service and the East Juab Soil Conservation district. mil wj City of Hills San Francisco is built on hills, steep impressive, and full of inspiring views of the bay, the Golden Gate and the ocean. Golden Gate bridge forms a background for "The Shades", a monument by Rodin in memory of a beloved San Franciscan. Au-gus- te tasting" Costs less than a penny a J CREAM OF WHEAT 29c N U C O A 4Jc per pound 29 c VEL OR DREFT YOUNG MUTTON STEKS OR CHOPS BACON - FIRST GRADE - SLICED - 49c - 35 c lb lb 59 c Instant Suds in hardest, coldest water. rc 1 hi LOCKER PLANT 11 SC V. 3C East Center Phone S7R - 2Ib85C spreads, slices, toasts, VELVEETA CHEESE MILK Pure rich extra good. tasting PACKAGE 12 -- "rTirnrnnrin rn 212 size 59c Five Delicious diced fruits - TOMATO SOUP v 5 CANS 52C package 25c Easy to prepare MEAT DEPT. BABY BEEF ROASTS Top Grade Baby --lb 52c pound 49 c Beef GROUND BEEF Lean and Fresh TAM ALES - Big and fresh 2 for 2?C PORK STEAKS pound 55c Best Cure Sliced Ib (,9 c Young and Tender TINS. 57C BACON 4 TALLfresh whole milk and Directions for package. 8c 49 c Serves itself rifht from the pantry shelf BISQUICK SUPER MARKET CAN Versatile!! Velveeta melts perfectly. IMonte ready to serve 14C ZOOM CEREAL The Spaghetti with that EXTRA good sauce CORNED BEEF FRUIT COCKTAIL De No other spread for bread is richer in food energy, in vitamin A the year round. lb y For a quick, delicious supper Creamy White and Creamy Smooth FFRANKURTERS ten-da- y for FRANCO AMERICAN SPAGHETTI BACON SQUARS 49c lb i COME IN AND GET YOUR XMAS CANDY AND NUTS WHILE OUR SUPPLY LASTS COME IN AND SEE OUR OTHER RIG RARGAINS All Flavors pkg 7c MOTHERS OATS with premium 47c JELLO cerDessert That breakfast Voted America's "best Quick Easy Whole firm segments in the fruit's own juices SAMPLE MEAT PRICES COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 45c ib BEEF ROASTS - 53c lb g GROUND BEEF 49c lb 1 v-e- ry CMKBSTTiMS GRAPEFRUIT "Garden" SAT. Announcement has been made that the National Park Service and the Union Pacific Railroad Co. have reached agreement on a new contract covering the concessions in Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, and the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. A supplementary agreement with the Forest Service provides for the operations of concessions at Cedar Breaks National Commissioner Rulon S. Howells Monument. represented Utah at the annual The Railroad's subsidiary, Utah N. A. T. O. convention at Miami Parks Company will operate the Beach recently. In attendance at the convention lodges, cabins, restaurants, stores and a bus transportation system were representatives of nearly in the parks. Salt Lakes ources State Publicity Department in familiar with the operation said the Union along with travel editthat the investment by the rail- ors and writers from the nation's road in the parks amounted to leading newspapers and magazines. I the opinion of the Utah rep- about $5,00,000 plus millions spent on promotional advertisine' rlurinor In the opinion of the Utah repthe past few years." Railroad of- - resentative, the highlight of the nciais have indicated that a large convention was the showing of scale renovation and exnensinn two Utah films prepared and program will be undertaken at by the Department. The two Utah films shown were "Land once. of the Crimson Cliffs" and "Valley Utah Rated First In of Triumph", the latter a new "Smart People" film just being released. The Utah has been rated first in tho films depict Utahs scenic attractiStates of the Union in producing ons in color and narration. The the most smart people per one films turned the eyes of the enmillion population by Professor tire group on Utah and what Utah to offert he tourist. toward L. , Thorndike. Columbia hasWestern members of the N A University psychologist. Massachusetts got the nod as the second T O are hoping to bring next west to either greatet producer of "men and years convention women of great ability. The Denver, Salt Lake City or the Thorndike ratings were based on West Coast. Rangly Oil via in three publications listings Who's 'Who in America; Leaders Pipeline in Salt Lake During the past few days oil in Education, and American Men from Rangley field arrived in Salt of Science. Lake via the new pipeline after New Enterprise for completing a journey. Oen miles of hundred and eighty-tw- o Emery County Utah has many people who pipe were laid between Rangley makea hobby of "finding, cutting, and Salt Lake at an approximate The pipeline polishing and mounting of semi- cost of $5,000,000. precious stones." Two Castle Dale will deliver oil to the new Standmen, who have been exploring the ard Oil Company's refinery at adjacent Utah desserts for quartz, North Salt Lake where 15,000 bargeodes, fossils and gizzard stones rels a day (for the preserft) will be as a hoppy, and turning their hob-h- processed. The plant has a capacinto a commercial venture. ity of 25,000 barrels a day. The Finger rings, broaches, pendants, pipeline will employ around 45 ear rings, table and desk orna- Utah men and the plant will hire ments will be produced in quantity a few less than a hundrd men. mir nrniM" serving. TOY. 1948 for sale. Utah Films Shown at Travel Convention Since the encouragement and promotion of tourist travel is one of the most important objecti" of the Department of Publiiwr and ' Industrial Development and since the Department has memone of the largest bership in travel promotion organizations in the United States, the National Association of Travel Officials, Operate Utah Park JMWiMt-J.'i!'- eal. Economical. 0 U. P. To iTiilliffllitfliililflii'iflfflitli rLa (ft Patricia Hatt $25.00 cash award, provided by United States Rubber Company. Learning to freeze foods that make for a tastier, healthier diet, has won State honors for Patricia Hatt, 18, of Riverton. Patricia learned much about selecting and processing foods for storing in her home or community freezer by taking part in the 1948 National Frozen Foods She prepared and packaged for tho freezer 45 pounds of chicken, 150 pounds of deer meat and 82 packages of fruit and vegetables. During her eight years In club work Patricia has completed 14 projects. For these achievements. International Harvester has provided Patricia with a $50.00 V. S. Savings Bond. Charles Hall, 17, of Kamas, received the State winner's award for outstanding achievement in the 1948 National Soil Con- Hyde 2, SPOTLIGHTING UTAH... 20-ye- ar . i iua V.rn Alii croft Dcemlr Thursday, 4--H AOJUCCUVM DISTINCTIVE NERHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- -- MUTTON ROAST- 45c SAUSAGE Country delicious bakings on every LARD PALMOLIVE SOAP Regular 9 c RLLEITS CasBi - PURE - - young lb style 2 - LB pounds Come a Try Some Store 35c 49 C 55c o |