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Show Thursday, December 2, THE 1943 NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- Page One, Second Section (if sf w jf-i..:- hi x "M f i 5 5i 9 iN f la i f if 1 I u tiJ ii-- in i I I iJLJ V 1 J I L--J i f Jl. LJ 1 i rSTL'SN OF TJIE EXILE . . . After four years of exile. General Fulgencio Batista, former of Cuba, returned to his native land and was mobbed admirers who tendered the "strong man" by a 1; err.e:i.'o::s welcome in IZnvana. Entliu&iaslic followers broke through police lines when he arrived at the airport to take over a senatorial oH!ce to which he was elected in absentia. rrs-.iic- nt IN PERSON) WILL BE AT SATURDAY DECEMBER 4TH FROM 11 AM UNTIL 5PM WHERE HE BE GLAD TO MEET ALL THE KIDDIES AND THEIR PARENTS "!(. ... On the farm of Henry Huppcnthal near Cedar Lake, Ind., two hills of rich black loam ERUPTION farmland. One hill, covering 2,500 square yards, has erupted to a height rowing in an area of clay-loaoTjO feet in the past 25 years. The other, 500 square yards, has risen 15 feet in 10 years. Huppenthal, shown in the photo, says he has raised more than 110 bushels of corn to the acre on the new soil, and that the yield of oats was so heavy that stems of the plants collapsed under the weight of the heads of grain. SOJT, I, m v It TOmS ' 1 ni v in "a WITH v . 4 p. j 2tr-- s WONDERFUL - nn Mm watim m a mrune mis wsetrsSwing Faucet i. Here's the "dovn ' - ' 'm W solution to your modernization problem. There ts an insulating wallboard for every building need. Spout Smartly designed, heavily chrome plated on brats. Removable soap d'h. m rzt, in ""' -- if i.y riiiiiim ijj i;i lis pi.i.ijjjj. j.wijiiw 'Ijl. back-mounti- kitchen sinks BERLIN WHERE THE DEAD AID THE LIVING This small, forlornly neglected cemetery of St. Thomas in Berlin is faithfully serving the living as well as the dead. It borders the major axis of the Tempel-ho- f airfield, most vital spot in U. S. airlift operations. Fog lights and landing lights set in tiers on these huge poles keep the operation going in fog and night. Reflected light, falling on the tombstones In the darkness, gives an eerie effect to the scene, pilots say. No graves were desecrated during Installation of the usual. lights, despite Russian charges to that effect. Funerals, too, are being conducted at the cemetery . . Steel Hammer tempered steel alloy. Tapered nail claw. Mirrorlike fin. head. m 20-o- z. Hickory handle.... 8.50 Bit Brace top quality reversible ratchet, swing bit bore. Ball bearing A 10-in- ch 3.25 )C il.fWT.il,llllli,,,ilfliliW'' Carpenter's Saw Block Plane Serviceable, block plane for home, shop. n Blade, 1H" wide, 7" lonp le Af MMtlM.s ON Till: MARCH AGAIN . . These American marines were among the 1,530 who were rushed Irom thfir rase on die iilnnd of Guam to reinforce the J.fiOO leathernecks already garrisoned at to aid in the evacuthe hnlspot of T:n"l tt. t'liina. ,ilf of a f. S. naval base. The marines were ation of 4,."',0 'i r en rivXar- 'rn- -i d incrr tones In the current C'ommunist-Nalionalis- t war territory n! f, I i', .r.'ers might add to the confusion of the main even!. It- - re where i! vns i.tA 'tr t I ..I t tuarinrs would hernmr involved in anv "i ' ;: ' l"j(i!rj,i nci ; V. S. . ', Convenien! at long at T Highest quality steel blade with perfectly shaped hardwood handle. or rip 5W-poi- nt mm X Now Is the time to turn wasted space into e attractive, useful rooms and closets gar.-room, den, a bedroom modernize the kitchen or bathroom and make youi home more pleasant and attractive. If you are a handy man with tools you can do the job See us for suggestions and yourself estimates on your job. |