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Show "cNtfa, at fife tke S?tUnM.u City ike. ofOltafl" Voli039 at te Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, December 2, 1948 Number 49 A Boy Scouts Supt. Urges Schedule Program Visiting It is the desire of the Superinten dent of Schools, the principals and ; Hv:. "!: 7 z teachers of Juab school district, !' X'U.-xu that parents should know that they are always welcome to visit our schools at any time convenient for them to do so. Parents Urged Private consultations with the To Attend teachers should come at the close We are al of the school day. ED--"-- Monday Program ways anxious and happy to have parents join with us in adjusting Boy Scouts of Nephi, Levan pupil problems, and assisting us in and Mona, along with their par- creating better schools. Supt. C. ents will all be down on the front Evans. seats at the high school auditorium Ray at Monday night December 6th 7:30 p. m. for an outstanding Boy Scout program. The program as outlined includes: Flag ceremony and pledge by color guard; candle light law ceremony, climaxed by t presentation of Eagle badge to school awaited The high long his Belliston mother, by Angus Mrs. A. H. Belliston; and two mot- faculty play "Adams Evening" will ion pictures to be shown through be presented on Friday evening, the courtesy of Standard Oil Co. December 3, at 8:15 p. m. This Here's what to expect when you enter the gymnasium for basketball games this winter . . the new farce comedy was writand D. C. Boswell, local agent. three-aten by Katherine Kavanaugh and balcony Is complete ready for the opening game on Saturday night The films are said to be against the "Forkers. is under the direction of Elma and are entitled "Injun Talk". Larson. a special invitatRemember Cast members are Harold Aust ion is being issued to all Scouts, in, Cecile Romney, Clarence Pay, Moms and Dads to be in Marie Larsen, Afton Peterson, Theron Snyder, Winona Greaves, Don Gowers, Harry Beagley and Vilnah Winn. Assisting in the production are Cleon Memmott, R. C. Braithwaite, David Winn, and By Angus Belliston Doris Ann Shaw. What would happen if the "Big Wheels" (the student body officThe stockpiles provided by the ers, that is) in the student The Nephi Junior chamber of bodies Mormon Church Welfare program of several schools Commerce annual Christmas party Saturday will be Journalism day got together? Mormons to hold The would enable for student writers and their inpeople who run the schools for the children will be held on out even if an atomic war cut off in the structors in intermountain high Nebo Division of Region Saturday, December 11th, accordsources of supply. schools and Junior colleges who to an announcement this week Three it thought A 2500 word report on the pro- idea to find out would be a good ing Jaycee officials. will gather at Brigham Young by Charles E. Stephenson celebat-e- d gram published in the December University campus in Provo for the Complete plans, and the Jaycee the Student Proxhis 79th birthday anniversary issue of Country Gentleman makes iesAccordingly, 13th annual Intermountain cons and two chief assistants annual issue of The their on November 25th in St. George. this assertion: ference. will be out next week. the vice and (usually prsideent "Even if atomic warfare should "The Press and Youth" is the At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl-yl- e secretary) together with the prin-ciy series of theme of the Thompson a dinner was served come, these 840,000 Mormons, unin their respective of each school met last year departments exhibdiscussions in blasted face of and his the their from affair honor. Enjoying the less meetings, and besides this, its the "District Council of schools. to,form H. Lake its. Ernest were Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, Mr. lovely valleys .could hold out for Linford, Salt Three" with the goal in fun! Tribune editorial writer, win give and Mrs. Lester Briggs and son several years without a harvest. Region It is an opportunity to meet of mind strengthening the keynote adddress in the 10 a. Cecil of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon They would be healthy and warm. associate with some of the and and and spirit g cooperation, gain-im. sasion. too, for not only food but vast Simpson and son Wayne of new ideas to aid in solving outstanding students from other newsa 0f score other of Mr. and Mrs. B. Glen Smith quantities fjSjy fuel, drugs, clothing, schools and to broaden our own problems. men and production experts will be and sons Bert, Paul and Richard, bedding, furniture, and construct- school horizons by learning the way peo What it was Well, happened? heard in the convention sessions. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson and ion materials tower to the high a idea, we think Meetings ple do things In other communit These include Les Goates, assoc- son Douglas of St. George. On ceilings of 110 different storehous- aregood once each month with ies. iate editor and Ed. Haroldsen, their return trip they stopped at es throughout Mormon territory." each held We who attend these meetings school in turn acting as host. staff writer, the Deseret News; Beaver to visit with Mr. and, Mrs. Other reports of the report, A is usually served, after feel that our council Is an excellbanquet Theron H. Luke, city editor, Provo Frank Cartwright who were cele- which is titled "They Take Care which the group goes into formal ent organization with unlimited Herald; G. Robert Ruff of the brating their 17th wedding anniv- of Their Own" describe how the of valuable service to D. W. Evans Advertising Agency; ersary. Mrs. Cartwright is a sister Welfare program has been insur- meeting and takes up problems possibilities which are presented by those pres- our nigh schools and to ourselves. Marba C. Josephson, associate ed- of Mr. Briggs and returned to ing Mormons against fire, flood ent. and crop failure for the past 16 A good deal of itor, The Improvement Era; and Nephi with them for a visit interest has been School activities have been reWillard R. Luce, president, League years. manifest in meetings thus far, and sumed vac-e- n of Utah writers. y The Columbia River flood was a again after a have bpen great many three Saturdays to make up for "The Home Town Publisher as Welfares greatest test in 1948. discused. Plans topics an Advertising Counselor" will be Within hours after a call for help several tvoes of are being laid for ation during Thanksgiving week. pypha The unusually long discussed for student business came from 50 Mormon families In ies. was dances, assemblies, caused by difficulties with the managers by Roy A. Schoninn, Mrs. Henry L. Bench of Manti- the disaster area there were 20 anu including aeDate between our schools sewaee disposal system in the manager of the Utah State Press announces the marriage of then- tens of supplies on their way from Also the school. Students are now facing Association. daughter. Miss Madeline Bench, to Welfare warehouses in Salt Lake have received help and inrorTyat-k- n the prospect of In a special "round table" for Ronald Worwood, son of Mr. and City, the report adds. attending school to aid them in managing the the lost time. newspaper editors and publishers Mrs. Joseph Worwood of Nephi on current public The ceremony was solemnized in This is j. discussion a greatly enlarged problems will be presented by th i Manti L D S Temple on version of the new "Nephi marthe 16th. Following Henry Pearson, director of the Utih Foundation, N. J. Barlow, riage a wedding dinner was ser Hospital Ass'n" Christmas assistant superintendent of the ved at the home of the bride. Im Seal which will go on sale in Utah Dept .of Public Instruction, mediately after the dinner the stores on Nephi in a for left H. and George honeymoon Monday of Smeath, president couple of the Associated Landscape Aroh the Parks of Southern Utah. They next week, or before, if the will make their home In Nephi. itcct of Utah. printing can be completed. Student joumalits themselves The stamps will be a conw?ll "take over" the canferenc? in stant reminderTo the peoa series of afternoon round table discussions devoted to student pubple who receive cards that lications work. for the good of the community we need a hospital Camp Birch of the Daughters of at Nephi. Utah Pioneers met at the home of Mrs. Mary Pitt on November 22 to hold their regular meeting. Following regular DUP business, the remainder of the time was and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Francom scent honoring Mrs. Pitt on her children of Roy, Utah spent a few 81st birthday anniversary with a days of last week here at the birthday cake and refreshments home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. and a program. Francom. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Francom entertained the following guests at their home on Thanksgiving day: Mrs. II. D. Fraughton and son, Mrs. Dave Lewis and son, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Ward and CharlTheron Snyder, intructor at Juab es Moslandcr of Evanston, Wyo. ming, and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson high school, has been selected to of Cora, Wyoming. membership on the Profession1! Relations committee of the Utih Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Francom Education association, it has beon spent Thanksgiving day in Provo announced by Allai M. West, exwi,r"elatives at the home of Mr. ecutive secretary of the associatarrtvMrs. Leon Madsen. ion. tiw VL"ifr . H r)WJ)H I- Faculty Play Friday Night ct top-not- ch Welfare Plan Reviews New Jaycees Plan Council Of Church Annual Xmas Journalism Day Scheduled Praised Show, Party Celebrate Anniversary Times-New- al full-da- inter-scho- ol - Og-de- nt, five-da- Marriages lay-o- ff Nov-emD- er DU P Group Meets Levan Local News Briefs I m Local Teacher Appointed I NOTICE Because of the Junior Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kallbacka of Provo announce the birth of a daughter on Tuesday, Nov. 30 at the Utah Valley hospital In Provo. Mrs. Kallbacka Is the former Miss Faye Golden. Grandfather to the new girl is M. G. Golden of Nephi. Chamber annual Christmas issue next week, absolute deadline for all advertising will be TUESDAY, Dec- Social News and Mrs. Henry Worthlng-toember 7 th at 6 p. m. News Mr.were In Moroni for Thankswill be accepted until Wed-nesd- giving as guests of her parents, Mx. and Mrs. W. L. Morley. noon, Dec 8th aj n fu i M: M '! 1 V 1 -- v'JT- pOR YOUR HEALTH AND COMMUNITY rr- y Neph' Hospital Assonr Wasps To Play Sewer Cavein Am. Fork Here Injures Ftn. Juab off the this years basbetball season Green Youth a preseason encounter with The Wasps knock lid of with the American Fork "Cavemen" on Saturday night in the local gym. The visitors are expected to pro duce a fast and flashy group. In the past, they have been outstanding in state competition. The local boys have been working hard to get in shape for this game although handicapped by the layoff last week. Hopes are' high, (and with a good foundation) that the Saturday night game will mark the first of a long string of victories for Juab. M Is A Play Scheduled I Wendell Mikkelson In Critical Condition In S. L. Hospital Wendell Mikkelson, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Mikkelson of Fountain Green is in a "mnr" win. dition at the L. D. S. hospital in Salt Lake City, with a broken DacK and severed spinal cord as the result of a sewer trench cave in Monday about 4 P. M. at the rear of Aliens Cash Store. Wendell, an employee of Thayn Construction Company, was laying pipe in the bottom of the trench when the west side caved in, completely burying him. Within a few seconds, other employees on the job, including a brother, Allan Mikkelson, succeeded in removing the dirt from his head and face, and a crew of men worked for more than a half-hobefore he was completely liberated. He was taken to the office of Dr. J. G. Steele where were taken, and he vwas later 12-fo- ot "Ever Since Eve" a three-ac- t be presented by the Juab Stake M I A on Friday evening, December 10th, at 8 P. M, according to an announcement today by Andy Johnson, director. The cast is made up of Natalie Orme, Clyne Leavitt, Mark Miner, Bob Beckstead, Ruth Eleanor Jean Jones, Margetta Andrews, Livingston, Rulon Brough, Kenneth Garrett, Betty Beck, Neil Sherwood, and Neil Park. Andy and Zella Johnson are directors. The play is a budget entertainment, and will be free to the genplay, will ys transferred to the Salt Lake hospital where specialists took over the case. The youth is complete paralyzed from the upper waist down. eral public. Hold Family Gathering Lescendants of Mr. and Mrs.' Alfrea J. Gowers held their annual family gathering ii: the Third ward Relief Society hall on Thanksgiving day, with a lovely turkey dinner being served at 5 p. m. The object of the gathering is to stimulate genealogival work, seeking after ancestors, and doing Templ3 worK. Those out of town were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gowers Jr, and daughter Elaine of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gowers, and sons Dale Gene and Garv Lee, a daughter Clarie, who is attending the B Y U at Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gifford of Provo. The following program has been arranged for Sunday evening at 7 P. M. at the Second Ward chapel, according to Read Greenhalgh, superintendent of the First Ward Sunday School, under whose direction the program is being given: Opening- - song, invocation, Robert Orme; song, Junior Sunday school; story, Lela May Scott; vocal solo, Joyce Nielson; story, Enid H. Davis; song, Junior SunSteel guitar solo, day school; Jacqueline Christiansen; talk. Amy O. Warner; closing song, and closing prayer, Richard Sorenson. An invitation is extended to all Delene Ockey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ockey of Nephi members of the First and Second to attend. is portraying the part of one of Wards the four March Sisters In the The MIA officers of the Nephi Utah State Agricultural college Fourth Ward extend an invitation "Little to Women", play according to members of the ward to attend word received from Logan. Sunday evening services on DecMiss Ockey Is a student at the 5th at 7:30 p. m. Special ember College, and the play this week musical numbers are being arris receiving plaudits from numer anged and the speaker will be ous Logan theatregoers. Limburg, personnel director Under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Paul of Thermoid Company. Nephi DivHenderson Darrington", the play is to continue nightly, except Sun- ision. day, through December 11th. Nephi Girl Play In Cast News Briefs Seniors Set Date for Play On December 16th, the Senior class of Juab high school will present their annual play, Robert St. Clair's exciting mystery comedy "Tiger House". Included In the cast are LaMar Howell, Carol Stephenson, Douglas Cox. Wins-lo- w Ellertson. Katherine Latimer, Ruth Sorenson, Neil Sherwood, Darlene Anderson and Robert Beckstead. The play Is undor the direction of Miss Elma Larson, Dramatics Instructor at the school. Work on the production is progressing, and promises are that all who attend will have an enjoyable evening of entertainment. Neil Park, Publicity Mgr. Juab Club Reorganizes The Juab club at the The following out of town relatives attended the funeral services of Arthut Ostler recently: Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wright of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Chase of Alhambra, California; MV. and Mrs. Clarence Worthing-toMrs. Francis Margetts, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pizza, Mrs. Oleva Wtssel, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Ostler, Mrs. Verzella T. Blake, Salt Lake City. Mrs. Gwen Reitz, San Francisco, Mrs. Emma McVey, Twin Falls. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Springvllle, Mr. and Higginson Mrs. Vick Linton, Arthur Sperry, of Snlm. Mr and Mrs. Roy Spend-lovOcdcn, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan White. Jerome, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. llorton, Mr. and Mrs. Ersil Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sorenson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kay, Goshen. Mrs. Fred Jenkins. Mrs. Wm. Pingrose of Mur-ray- f Mathias Allred. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Aagard of Fountain Green. Mrs. S. P. Schmitt of Cedar City, Mr. and Mrs Loye Rice and Miss Ccllen Rice, Orem; Robert II. Mr. and Mrs. Park. Fphraim. Floyd Keyte. Mona, Mrs. N. G. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackman, Mr. and Mrs Erie Thompson. II. R. Francom, Levan. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Howard and daughters Phyllis and Veneal of Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Wankier and Mr. and Mrs. Earrell Wankier. Levan. n, e, LOGAN project is a publ- US AC was recently reorganized. ic service project of the Ne- There are approximately memphi Kiwanis Club, and all bers at the AC at th present time Chise dean including Dr. proceeds from the sale of of V'ick-erDr. Wall-icand students He stamps will go to the Officers chosen to serve for President. George Crane Stamps will hospital fund. be in book form, 100 to a vice president. Delene Ockey. secretary and tress. Barbara Jones bool, at Ic per stamp. ind reporter, Doris Halverson. A committer has been chosen to Mr. anrl Mrs a J, Gowers Jr. Buy and Use these Hospital Christmas seals on all your work on a party to be held In the and daughter Fl.iine have returned near future at the TUBon the to Salt Lake City after attending cards and lettert. the Gowert reun en. college campus. The Stamp ' e s. |