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Show THJ LfXAjH fdONA NEWS KEPHI JEWELRY iPPLIAHCE NEPHI, TlHiS-HE- LEVAN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. George Higginson and family of Santaquin were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kay on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Maughn and family enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Williams and family. Whether it is a gift for your "girl friend" or for ' Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Finch of your lifetime "sweetheart", you will find that Goshen, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stick-ne- y of Payson and Mr. and Mrs. a gift of Jewelry is a gift that is appreciated Blanchard Greenhalgh of SantaOften times quin came down throughout many, many years. Saturday to celewill endure as long as life itself. brate the birthday anniversary of a jewelry gift Below we are showing a few of the many won- Mrs. Julius Sticknev. A short time later a derful Gift Items found at Nephi Jewelry and or Mr. group of friends consisting and Mrs. Darwin Williams, Co. . . . shoor todav for the best , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Maughn, and Annlinrf fi rl ' Mr. ana Mrs. Wallace Roundy & buys in Christmas gifts surprised her. The entire group had an enjoyable time. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Webber and family enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner 1 with Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Kay, and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Kay spent Friday and Saturday in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande HigginihiBiiri son of Santaquin were a. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Kay. xArt r rv i from DeauTitui rearis $3.00 for the Mr. and Mrs. LaMar priced Stanley most moderate type, and up for the more and daughter Nyra and Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stanley enjoyed beautiful and durable pearls. Thanksgiving as guests of Mr. and r 4 Mr. A. M. Ross of Eureka. mr. ana Mrs. H. J. Fnwkoc or,, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Kay and family spent Thanksgiving day in jLayton visiting at the homes of jMr. and' Mrs. Alex Cowan and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roundy. Mr. and Mrs Jim Farris , of Salt . Lake City spent the Thanksgiving week end visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs": Earl vest. Mrs. Betty Yates, Mrs. Hortense Yates and Miss Delora Carter visand Cuff Links, tie clips many ited in Salt Lake Cameo Rings for Key Chains, City on Monday. Mrs. Hazel Nielsen has returned other gift items for the Man. "Him" Prices begin home from Price where she has at $20.00 for these spent the past two weeks. handsome rings i fipAfiect Qilf I f, ft Mc A v - , I Bracelets to the beautiful lady Beautiful ter a price range that flat. . in will fit your budget needs Elaine Taylor of Salt Lake City spent Thanksgiving and the week end here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Owen Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belliston of Provo were guests over the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Taylor. Mrs. Vinnie Memmott returned home after having undergone an operation at the Payson hospital for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hemen- -' way of Roy, Utah enjoyed the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hemenway. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Christensen were accompanied by Mr. and j"3. where x'iaiiv;uiii uu oaii Lime City they spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brotherson. Miss Vinnie Christensen accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Leo Christen sen and family to Cedar City, vis- iting there for a few days. Leo has been transferred from the Standard Station at Nephi to be manager of the Standard Station at Cedar City. Mr. "and Mrs. Austin Mangelson and family of Salt Lake City came down Friday to visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Diamond sets . . Thrill the girl of your dreams with a PARKER PENS Priced from $8.75 to $18.75. Good stock SATURDAY FRANCHOT TONE ANN RICHARDS TOM CONWAY available LOST HONEYMOON ... it 4 ALSO ADVENTURES IN SILVERADO MONDAY i In GOOD SAM FOR YOUR BEST BUYS BO YOUR CHRISTMAS PAYMAN IMPLEMENT AND cunDDivr. APPLIANCE CO. EVERYTHING AT PRICES YOU I at SAVE GIVE HER "HOTPOINT" FOR CHRISTMAS TOYS ELECTRIC RANGE WATER HEATER REFRIGERATOR WASHER IRONER HOME FREEZER CARS WINDUP TOYS TOOLS NIGHT TIME COMBINATION RADIO 8C RECORD PLAYER 20 GIVE THAT BOY A REAL GUN for CHRISTMAS HARDWARE APPLIANCES FOOD MIXERS TOASTERS WESTINGHOUSE ROASTER OVEN Sunbeam nd Proctor IRONS HEATERS FAN COFFEE PERCOLATORS ELECTRIC BLANKETS COOKERS SCHWINN BICYCLES DOOR CHIMES (20-24-2- 6 in) FLUORESCENT LIGHTS Model 721 Rem, 30:06 GUNS Model 84 Stevens .22 Repeater 0 Model Over Under Model 15 Single Shot 22 PAKMAM Imp. 19.49 LOT $16.98 XMAS SPECIAL 1 14.95 PRATT S r Odds and 20 PAIRS WOMENS DRESS AND SPORT 'S "IK "iraWTT ALL GIRLS WINTER COATS SHOES IN ALL GROCERY ON PAGES 4 AND $ i'j ! i tin n IXZ -- J HH- Pi I'wiff! NOW ONLY 3.98 REDUCED TO CLEAR 2.00 PAIR Hall wooir styles BOYS CORDUBroken Sizes ROY PANTS NOW 14.00 REDUCED RIGHT IN TIME FOR SNOW DRESSES 3 1 and Heavy Winter Merchandise must qo to make room for New Holiday Merchandise Arriving Daily COLD WEATHER 6.00 TO 8.00 SUITS JLOW PRICE Wool Materials Brown Fur Collars Good Warm Linings SIZES 10 1 Sizes 3 to Cap Cap 79c Extra MERCHANDISE ON OUR TABLES AND over our VALUES GABARDINE SHIRTS li 14 - 14V, and 16 Onlv REDUCED TO CLEAR 5.00 TABLE ENDS TOYS ARE IN GOOD SUPPLY ! ONLY MEN'S ODDS AND OF PRINTS FOR APRONS AND FOR GIFTS Come in and look 18 REMNANT GOOD SELECTION SHELVES to 12 9.00 SELECTION OF XMAS 6 6 7.00 79c Extra Sizes 7 to A GOOD Select Now . . A I Small Deposit will Holt Till Xmas WEARING REDUCED TO THIS NEW AH Dressy Styles Dark Colors Fine Rayons WE NOW HAVE NEVADA First Section SV, , ii Ends 22-41- ALL AT HEAL LOW PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD COME IN AND SAVE UP TO iQ TO 15 j SATURDAY in FOOTBALLS PRESSURE LOT $22.95 XMAS SPECIAL ROY ROGERS AND TRIGGER TOY GARDEN SCOOTERS All ' - 1 WOMEN'S ADDOTT AND COSTELLO MEET AND 23.95 MISSES AND GIRLS in FRIDAY TRACTORS .. ' c a re) n a. y it fiami fti JUST BUD ABBOTT A LOU COSTELLO TRI BIKES off SMALL TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRANKENSTEIN WAGONS XMAS SPECIAL flBTThfiiil GARY COOPER ANN SHERIDAN 1 Sizes 6 yrs to 12 yrs 1 LOT $29.95 Mr. and Mrs. Norris Christensen of Provo have been guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Christensen. Val Christensen of Logan was also home for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Christensen returned to their home in Ogden after enjoying his vacation here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Christensen. WILLIAM BISHOP GLORIA HENRY SUNDAY COATS Wankier. 1 1 CHILDRENS j Mangelson. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Wankier and Lee Wankier of Logan spent the Thanksgiving holidays here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arvil i fp FRIDAY All Wool 100 ) j. r 164.95 Glibi'itwuiA' LOOK OURS OVER GIRL'S BLOUSES .. WOMEN'S BLOUSES CHENILLE BED SPREADS GIRLS DRESSES MtN'S WOOL PANTS BOYS O'COATS $1.00 $1.00 U nn $3.00 5.90 $7.00 (2 only sizes 5 and 7) BROKEN SIZES BUT GOOD VALUES |