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Show Thursday, December 2, 1948 THE TIMES- - NEWS, NEPIII, UTAH PAGE SIX WEEDLECRAFT PATTERNS FICTION Cothev THE JAGGED SCAR I By DONALD HUNTER j I Tom and his dad had always been pals, so much so that when "the breath, his young chest swelling quickly with the sharp intake of old man" suddenly became sullen and morose toward his son, Tom attribair. He held it stiffened his lip. to find almost life he unbearable. and He would not cry. Crying wasn't uted it to his "growing up" began grown up! He him old him. man called the with the THE close croppedBoydidn't know when be was with the other boys The thought struck him then that that was the whole thing what it was. The old man spent his age, not with any disrespect maybe was hours just gazing off Into (pace. but he always called hm dad that He wrong.toHe was growing turn down that wanted up! He sat oo the top front porch step, around bis mother. If this was "Oh, leave your father alone, thought right away. his cane between his knees, his feet planted on the second step and can't you?" she said. And he went what it was like, if this was growthen he didn't want to be the cane end set on the bottom away sensing an even greater ing up big! He didn't want to be. It hurt one. With his hands crossed over wrong. Even little Rosemary, the girl too much. the cane head, the right hand Why couldn't it be like it used carefully covered the Jagged scar he talked to shyly in the school across the back of the left one. yard sometimes, seemed to be to be with the old man and him? him different Other times, when the boy was treating lately. But if that was it if it was just around, he always seemed busy "Whafs wrong with you?" she'd growing up then it never would reading the newspaper. He kept it ask right in the middle of his won- be like that again. And Rosemary she would never treat him the folded so he could hold it with one dering what was wrong with the old same again, either. She knew, too! hand, the scarred hand concealed man and his mom. in his lap. "Oh, nothing nothing!" he'd say Just getting big, you had to be Of course, he had never been quickly. "Why?" hard, cold, without love, underThere was "Well, you don't talk near so standing, feeling or very talkative. Stoic, like the hill people he came from, he never much anymore," she'd say, "and something wrong in just growing up! mentioned his troubles. When he'd you seem so far awa., like!" He wondered if just not paying The boy started - to rub his chopped his hand with an ax out in the back yard, he'd sneaked any attention to her while he was knuckle into his eye, but stopped. through the kitchan hiding the man- thinking about his dad and mom A bleak chill was settling in his gled bloody member behind him made her think there was some- - heart, as he watched the old man sc the boy's mother wouldn't see. The boy had stood in the front room wide-eye- d and anxious with fear when the old man saw him. "Don't tell your mother, boy!" he'd warned before he went into the bedroom to tear up an old sheet for wrapping his hand. But the boy's mother had noticed. She sensed the strange atmosphere, the unusual actions. She'd followed him into the bedroom, and the boy had heard the old man shushing her, while she bawled him out for hiding the thing. He kept saying it was nothing and afterwards he never talked about it, never complained. He just never let anyone see the jagged scar across the back of his hand if he could help K. Now, the old man was withdrawn; he couldn't get near him ai.ymore, couldn't talk to him. Once, he'd been able to get a kind word out of the old man. He'd say, "That's good, Tom!" or, "That's not the way that ought to be done. Son!" And though there weren't very many words between them, they were the kind that made "Oh, leave your father alone, can't you?" she said. And he went the boy feel good, and know that away sensing an even greater wrong. everything was all right. Now, it was different The old thing wrong with him. Or if maybe go in the front door. But he folman didn't seem to have time for there was lowed him, some strange knowing-nes- s him.' He didn't want to take their with him. really something wrong urging him to get his answer long silent walks together anymore, He hated the thought, but it kept confirmed. To make sure that was like he used to. And he didn't move cropping up in his mind. Maybe he it. around much. He even seemed to was The old man was bent over fumadopted! Maybe the old man resent the boy's presence, like and his mom were not his bling around on the floor for the when he'd stumbled that time in father and mother, but really had just worn leather change purse he'd the front room and caught himself him and he was just now dropped, when the boy walked in. adopted hioii - cane. He growled at the boy, finding it out. The thought fright- His hand closed on the and leaving him speechless and hurt ened him, and he buried it deep in he straightened quickly. purse But he wasn't old, not like Grampa his mind. If it was true, he'd be "Here, boy," he said hurriedly, and and the old mare down on like the old man; hide his hurt digging into the pouch. "Run down the farm. He'd never let them know he to the corner and get me a paper!" Still, the last time he'd brought knew! He often asked him to do his report card home from school, His father called him "boy" and the boy felt a rise of that that man old to the of or "Tom" happily expecting now. Instead "Son," feeling at anything he couldgood do say. as he sometimes did, "That's like he had. And he was sharp, al- fo. the old man. He held out his good. Son, good that you're getting most harsh sometimes. hand and the old man laid three your learning!" and smile at him WAS bouncing his ball off the coins in his palm. quietly, be hadn't done it side of the house when the old "Now hurry, boy!" he urged He'd only glanced at the card on man came around from the backone side then turned it over and yard. In an excess of boyish joy, he harshly. The boy felt disappointment said something that sounded like forgot for a moment what the situa- until beat the sharp, urgent tone, glanced down at the coins. "Humph!" and handed it back to tion was between them. He threw Suddenly, he stood very still. Two him shortly. The boy had worked the ball to the old man. Instead extra hard that last month to 'get of catching it and firing it back dimes and a penny lay in his hand paper. the grades up hoping the old man so it would sting his hands the old to pay for the three-cen- t might break through to him again. man ignored it He did nothing till Waves of coldness washed up his He couldn't understand that short the ball hit him, and bounced spine as the bitter acid of knowledge bit into his nerve ends and "Humph!" harmlessly off his shoulder. He tensed then, lifted his cane. settled in his brain. There was something wrong, and He made no outcry; not even the the boy wondered if it could be him. "Stop that infernal nonsense, boy!" sound of a murmur passed his His mother seemed to act the same he yelled. The boy could feel his own lip tight lips. But hot liquid emotion way toward him. Cut him off short, when he'd tried awkwardly to ask tremble as he stared at the old scalded two lines of silent tears her about how dad was treating man's angry face. He took a deep down his cheeks as he gazed, knowingly at last up Into his father's slowly blinding eyes. "Okay, dad!" he said, his voice stumbling over his heart "Okay, Tow-Heade- d HE A 1 makes nee Imnroved dlework so simple with its charts, photos, concise directions. S4 MS W W SUM HO hss not suffered does not know All that his God would have him know. He his not learned the patient truft Thar those ho suffer bravely muft He has not seen Faith's ar arise Above the biatkeft midnight slues; Nor clung to Hope that lights the way Across the guyeft, bleakest day; Nor waited, quietly aware Of Cod beyond unanswered prayer. He has not known bow deep peace May follow some sweet, sure release. Who has not suffered does not know Ail that hit God would have him know, Grace Noll Crowtll Sewing Circle Neeuleeraft Dept. W. Randolph St. Chicago 80, HL Enclose cents for pattern. 20 No Homemade Presents Are Sure to Please Discriminating Friends LYNN CHAMBERS' Name Address. MENU Pot Roast with Potato Pancakes Green Beans Apple Sauce Pineapple Cabbage Slaw Rolls Beverage Orange Tapicoa Pudding A DAY or two or three spent in the kitchen instead of out among Cookies Christmas crowds will yield several as edible to as well lovely presents 1 lemons g:ve your closest friends. Most people are so busy around pound preserved ginger the holidays, not only with shopping pint water but with enterSugar taining that food Pare, quarter and core pears. presents will be Pare apples, core and cut cros-wis- e welcome. eally into one-hainch slices. Grate Think how nice it rind of lemons and add juice to the is to receive some water. Cut ginger in small pieces. colorful jelly to For every pound of fruit allow one serve with Christof sugar. Boil sugar and wamas dinner or a pound ter to a syrup, then add remaining homemade coffee cake done up in ingredients and boil 45 minutes or gala wrappings! until thick and clear. Place in Make a gift list of food presents, then bring out the recipes and decide just how much of each to make. Wrap prettily and deliver just as you would other presents. Keep a few extra boxes of food gifts to give just in case someone you'd forgotten drops in unexpectedly. If you put up a lot of jellies, jams and preserves during the summer, bring these out and wrap in gay s paper and tie with fancy bows. Even one jar makes a perfectly deJ lightful present. For more elaborate presents you might want to give several jars on This Christmas tree coffee cake a tray that may be used for relwill make a welcome present for ish or sandwiche- neighbors or close friends, beJUST IN CASE you do not, have cause it's good to eat as well as very festive appearing. To make ei.ough jars of jelly from summer, here are some recipes to replenish it, use a yeast dongh recipe given' In the column and decorate with the supply. candied red and green cherries to' Cranberry Jam the effect of lights. give (Makes 13 glasses) 7 cups prepared fruit sterilized cans or jars and seal at 3 cups sugar once. 3 cups light corn syrup Christmas Tree Coffee Cake 1 box powdered fruit pectin (Makes 1 tree cake) To prepare fruit, add four cups 1 cup ready-to-ebran water to about three and 1 cup scalded milk pounds of fully ripe cranberries. cup shortening Bring to a boil and simmer, covcup sugar ered, for 10 minutes. Sieve pulp to 1 teaspoon salt remove seeds, if desired. (For 1 cake compressed yeast or 1 package granular yeast spiced cranberry jam, simmer fruit one-hawith 1 egg, well beaten teaspoon ground cloves and one teaspoon cinnamon 2 cups sifted flour Have creamed chicken on crisp brown waffles for one extended main dish. rfrTirv Brushing: plain biscuits and rolls with milk before baking gives crusts a rich golden color. lf at one-four- th lf Combine bran, milk, shortening, sugar and salt. Stir until shortening is melted, then cool to lukewarm. Soften yeast in this mixture. Add egg. Stir in flour to make a soft dough; cover. Let stand ten minutes. Knead on lightly floured surface. Place in a greased bowL Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk. Punch down. Form dough into a long rope or roll about one inch thick; swirl back and forth on a Presents made la your kitchen cookie sheet in reflect your Interest and thought-fulne- shape of a pine to the recipient of the gift, tree, reserving a of especially if you give gay and col- small portion orful jars of Jellies and other the dough to use canned goods. Use some of the for the trunk of stock you put np this summer for the tree. Cover and let rise until gifts. doubled in bulk. or one and one-hateaspoons of any Bake in a moderate oven for about 25 minutes. When desired combination of spices.) Measure sugar and corn syrup cool, frost with uncooked icing into a dry bowl and set aside until (made out of powdered sugar and a little milk) and decorate with canneeded. Measure prepared fruit Into a five to six quart kettle filling died cherries to represent lights up the last cup or fraction of cup on a tree. with water if necessary. Place over hottest fire. Add HERE IS an excellent fruit bread J powdered fruit 1"i to have on hand for the holidays waTI npctin. mix because it will keep fresh for weeks and continue stirif kept wrapped in waxed paper ring until mixture and placed in a tin. Slice it thin dad!" comes to a hard and use for sandwiches. It makes boil. Pour in sugar a lovely gift and syrup at once. Fruit Bread reduce (To stirring constantly. (Makes 3 loaves) teaspoon butter foaming, 12 eggs may be addecl.) Continue stirring, S cups sugar to a full, rolling boil and boll bring vrtm hard one minute. caps flour a tablespoons baking powder Remove from fire, skim, pour by NANCY PEPPER t caps chopped seedless raisins quickly. Paraffin hot jam at once. S cups chopped walnuts PARTI PICKUPS Apricot Jam k cap chopped candled orange We could tell you that the new 1 ponnd dried apricots peel 1H caps sugar party game is called "photography" but you'd know that was only a Beat the eggs and sugar together cap seedless raisins gag, because blackout stuff and H cup water In which apricots for 10 minutes on an electric mixer. kissing games went out with "Chl-bab- a were soaked (Hand beating will take an hour so Chibaba." Here are some 1 orange you'll have to enlist help from the to really good party ideas keep your youngsters!) Fold in the flour and In Wash soak water and apricots huguests in circulation and good baking powder which have been siftone to cover hour. Slice for enough mor. ed together. Add the fruits, mixed in fine each slice cut and Balloon Busters Tie a balloon to orange and floured with a bit of extra flour. fine pieces. Mix all ingredients tothe ankle of every girl at the party. Bake in greased loaf pans in a slow gether. folof The object the dance that oven for one hour. Cook slowly until thickened. Fill lows is for the girls to burst each Is a nice bread for a gift. This with seal and jelly glasses paraffin other's balloons. The boys are the at once. It's rich and has a distinctive flavor steering committee, steering their because of the walnuts. Serve It for Pear and Apple Conserve partners Into strategic positions for sandwiches when entertaining, rathbard pears bursting other girls balloons or proer than tor a meal. own. Last one a with their tart apples tecting Releaord try WNU features. a wins balloon prize. She may need too. an aspirin, LYNN BAYS: Make or buy biscuit and pantry Paper Dolls Each boy Is equipped Make Wrappings Gay mixes and store In the refrigerator with old newspapers, a scissors and For Home-Mad- e Gifts to have them ready for quick use. a paper of pins. Within a specific Plum puddings can be given away Make It easy to stuff your holiday a time be must areata newspaper In small colorful bowls or molds bird by getting crumbs ready early de4ress on his partner. Cleverest with the paper over the top. The and storing them In glasj jars. sign wins prizes for tbe designer scallop treatment around the paper Round cereal boxes rich as those and his victim. She also receives as- gives a festive effect In which oatmeal comes may be sorted stabs and pin pricks. When yenj're giving sway cook let covered with striped paper If those games don't help break In a round, flat, tin box. make It and filled withcandy cookies. the ice, better bring on the refresh- decorative by placing frill lacy Children's Hoodies can be given ments early. There's nothing like around the edge of the cover A In a refl way In small socks. a banana-peanu- t butter and marsh-mallo- real holly sprig on top will show candy csne for color Put and tie the to a on off put email slurpwlch much better if placed everybody sock with a red. green or colorful In a mingling mood lace dolly ss (375-degre- lf H W3f one-fourt- h WHO Stuffed Bunny for Kiddies oattern To remove cream stains from washable fabrics, rinse out with lukewarm water before laundering the garment. Wonder how to get rid of a scratch on your furniture? Try rubbing it with an oily nut meat such as walnut or pecan. you can remove the odor of joyful toy for your I Funny Bunny is onions from a frying pan by. boilsuch a cheerful companion, all ing a mixture of three cups of dressed up, too. He's easy sewing. water and three tablespoons of vinegar in the pan for a few min- MAKE this utes. Drain, wash in hot soapy water and rinse in boiling water. Stuffed bunny, fine for birthday or bazaar! Pattern 962 has transfer ef toy, clothes patterns. aim . FR5' HOUSE TO XUC rW-"1- - " I " by Roger C. Whitman gjg ANSWER: Try filling the jug of hot soapy water and then stuff in some pieces of shredded up newspapers. Swish this around a number of times. There I would like to the seats of my antique chairs. It is very difficult to find someone who does this work, and I understand it is a very expensive operation. Do you know where I could learn to do this work? ANSWER: Possibly the Home Craftsman magazine, 115 Worth street, New York, or Popular Mechanics Press, 200 East Ontario street, Chicago, may have printed instructions on doing this work. Or you might inquire at your local public school. There may be a teacher of manual training who gives instructions in chair caning. QUESTION: j! re-ca- ne half-fu- ll are many alternatives, such as small marbles, birdshot, eggshells, etc., all acting on the same principle of rubbing off the scaly deposit. QUESTION: The nails in the house (outside) are rusting througn the paint. What is the best way to prevent this in the future when repainting? ANSWER: First, sandpaper the nail heads to remove the rust. Then QUESTION: I live in a using a nailset, drive the heads house. It has a cement foundaslightly below the surface. Apply tion that seems to have settled a priming coat and then fill the about six to eight inches on the small space with putty. Paint can rear corner. I am wondering what go on over the putty. is the solution to this trouble. Should I leave it alone or will it QUESTION: How can a porch grow worse? post be kept from decaying when ANSWER : The footings are evi- placed down in its bed of cement? dently not broad enough, which ANSWER: The cement should would explain the settlement. If prevent decay, if properly mixed the ground is soft, more settlement and applied. However, it would may be expected. I advise you to do no harm to give the wood a have a good building contractor or coat of wood preservative. Some mason examine the foundation and of the lumber used in construction make the necessary repairs. If you work is by nature. cannot get anyone to come, try to of the settlement and keep track see if it becomes worse'. If it does, you had better find someone with experience to inspect the footings and foundation walls and reinforce them to prevent further settling. nt QUESTION: Would you tell me what will take the brown stain out of my glass water jug? I have tried vinegar and soda but neither seems to clean it. "IT "1 H II I; TMlhsireeiff yoor strong, Fluorine Checks Decay A group of men working with hydrofluoric acid in an atomic energy project have been found to have unusually healthy teeth, the Journal of the American Dental Association says. The phenomenon is cited as additional evidence that fluorine is valuable in preventing dental decay. The workmen laboring continuously in an atmosphere laden with acid fumes were found to have less than half the number of dental fillings as others in the same plant not exposed to the fumes. bulky children whan roa rive them Scott's Eaialalon every day I Sflott'a Is "sold mine' ofMtamiiAD Vitamins and U. ) rTv natural energy-bandln- e' lieipa children stow right, develos r ft ward off eoida when they Help . . .... -. 1. .mru k wh gmu vitamin food. Many doctors recommend it. Economical. Buy today a your drug torn, MORf than ust tonic if '$ powerful nourishment! For Safety Invest in Your Own Country Buy United States Savings Bonds! (325-degre-e) Quick relief with A 5XTMS MENTHOLATUM IRRlTAlEO Ba i Don'i give in to r4.17r f vrJOORXS Yrrcv , III el Ml IIM.I 3" ?i.J -7M m",x W , ' I i.. rjTf head-col- d misery get Mentholim. Feel Mcntholatum's famous combination of menthol, camphor and other ingredients belp thin out thick mucus, leen congestion and swelling, soothe smarting nostril. Soon soreness eases up, bead starts to clear, you brtalh again I m torn on. 35, and 75. 1 i fatt-actin- g tn |