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Show WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS News Analyst and Commentator. There are two experiences which no one should miss if he can help it. Coming into Paris, the "city PRESSURE: Polite SU of light," and Washington, "the city of magnificent distances, Sore point in all the Berlin conat twilight by airplane. Soviet to with I the Lately dropped down from the clouds upon Washington, lingering embrace of southern sunlight about me. The tiny sparkling lights below winked their welcome. But this esthetic experience ended bruskly when I left the airport. The winking lights stared, and by the time I reached the National Press club, eyes winked but they belonged to my colleagues who patrol the beat from the White House to the Capitol. Fresh from the Innocent delights of the vacationing fisherman, I gressive Ideas set forth in Mr. bragged about my Dewey's speeches with the sometan, and then what pleistocene attitude (as one inobserver described It), of some of carelessly is "What quired: the for house and going to happen senate. next in congress Witness the embarrassing situamonth?" in West Virginia, not to mention One of the col- tion Illinois. The New York goverleagues answered: nor simply couldn't stomach crossrpM..w.nn iiti ing the borders of West Virginia to lucky- - He owes embrace its recalcitrant senator. u H SS'I I 1 nn deht he never Chicago on the other hand is a will have to pay center and it was necesto Henry Wal- railway Governor Dewey to change for sary lace. When Waltrains there and "in Rome do as lace bowed him- Romans do." He did, and endorsed self out he stepped the Republican senatorial candidate Baukhags on the red ruffles from Illinois. But the citizens of of Miss Democrat's petticoat, and Illinois did not. pulled it along with him." Had Mr. Dewey been elected, and had the Republican senator from And It was generally admitthe White Illinois been ted that much of the stigma House would have faced difficulties, connected with the charge of among them the embarrassing par"coddling Communists" was adox: Sen. C. Wayland Brooks removed when Wallace left. Like the Fled Piper (not of opposed the Marshall plan which Dewey strongly endorsed. Taking Hamelln, but once of Iowa) he that as a guide, it seems possible piped away a lot of the "lunathat Brooks could have been counttic fringe" which la the eternal ed upon to vote against a Dewey-Dullheadache of all political parties. foreign policy as he did The rodents in this ' .ae (both against Mr. Truman's. red and pink) followed the piper's Liberal Thought dulcet promises. But the piper was in U. S. unable to take his revenge. Un- Growing I believe, caused The election, like the flutist in the poem who lured Hamelin's children away thoughtful people to emerge with when their parents wouldn't pay one idea which the entire nation, regardless of its politics, will have the Henry's pipto get used to. The thought is not ears. few Democratic titillated ing original with me, but it is one that follow. The voters didn't mentioned by the only person was There were other unwept losses the election reamong Harry Truman's alleged who did predict the man I lost a bet supporters. He won the election sult (except without the solid south. The other to). Agriculture Economist Bean ' end of the Democratic spectrum said something like this: wave colored by the views of those who of liberal thought The which appeared to have preferred mint juleps under the reached Its zenith under Roosefragrant magnolias, to straight Yankee or middlewestern spirits velt is still on the upswing. withdrew discreetly and completeApparently the natural post- veranwar reaction stopped it, but ly to their jasmine-curtainedas This doesn't mean they won't didn't start it going in the opbe heard from later, but they posite direction. aren't the worry they once were. Now some of you may not like While no one would bracket the that thought, but it were well to with the "lunatic accustom oneself to the idea. Nor conservatives fringe," the Dixiecrats did cause need you expect the pendulum many embarrassments to the Demever to swing as far back as you ocrats. Now they are at least sep- might wish. Personally, I enjoy arately ticketed. riding behind a spanking team in a buggy "with the fringe on top," The Republicans likewise deand I wonder if we wouldn't all rived certain healing qualities be better off if the internal combusfrom the cold douche they took tion engine had never been inventon November 2, not nnlike Mr. ed. But I am willing to admit, Truman's. A number of their died in the struggle things being what they are, that we have traffic lights and other anwith the electorate. regulations. noying Joseph Minority Leader to Be At rate, when President TruMartin of Massachusetts, is no man any takes the rostrum to deliver wild-eye- d radical. So what he says his message in January, he will on the subject of change (which is out on a congress which, his look Is what the radical always wants) friends claim, he fashioned in significant part with his own hand. Or Joe warned his friends back in large I might say with his own sharp Attleboro, Mass., a district which tongue from a back platform. probably will elect him as long as Harry Truman went out and he chooses to run, that the Repubfought tooth and nail, no holds licans in the recent campaign ofbarred, for the kind of confered the people "too many Brahbe wanted. The people, gress These too mins, many plutocrats." whether or not that was their Republican candidates, said Joe, only Intention, gave it to him. likewise offered too little personAnd now as one somewhat cyniality, did not appeal to the people, and formed a narrow circle which cal observer remarked to me: prevented what he called "expan"Harry's got what he wanted, sion and the opening of ranks." God help him." (Of whom could he have been He has to deliver now. thinking?) Democrats" The Wednesday "We digressed too far from the people." the former speaker said, have turned out to be Saturday's and the "GOP must reorganize in children when it comes to getting the cities and towns, getting in jobs in Washington. new blood at every level." Joe An elephant can do a lot of things was speaking then out of his deep his trunk but he has to carry with wisdom. political it with him when he travels. I can Social Legiilation check mine. till1' es d die-har- ds -- Rep. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, chairman of the Republican national committee in the recent campaign. Rave another significant postelection warning to his party. Republicans must recognize, he said, that legislation embodying social gains is here to stay. ho It would appear that these men, and many of the other Rewho now represent publican the OOP tn congre, are as happy to be relieved, not of lunatic fringe like the Dembut of an albatross ocrat, around their nerks. The Republicans who are trying to their ranks and re build for 19.ri0 are by no means pejsi mistic. To quote Joe Martin again, he predicted that the GOP would snap back quicker than they went out. They know now, if some of them didn't before, they must keep I" step with the times. One of the great problems the Republican national committee faced in the campaign was reconciling the pro ! The ocean Is growing saltier, according to the National Geographic. Probably getting jealous of the Great Salt hike. Television Is climbing out of its cradle, says Electrical Advertising. Let's hope it won't crawl back to meet the occupants of cradles half way. Export of butter from the Argen- tine is increasing. Perhaps because it won't melt In President Peron'i mouth when he tells what he'll do to people who want to prevent his It's an ill wind (I'd sny serious- that blows nobody's Cigarette lighter out. ly to Writer! Staff (EDITOR'S NOTCt When plntont are expressed In the eolnmna, they Are these ef f this newspaper.) Western Nswspaper Union's news analyst ana not neeesssrily WASHINGTON. It Here to Stay WNU By Bill Schoentgen, By BAUKHAGE -- ? Pressure 'Out9 in Berlin Controversy; British Welcome Lilibet's Princeling; Farmer Priority Looms in Legislation The Election Has Changed Both Democrats and GOP -- Thorsday, December 2. 1948 THE TIMES- - NEWS. NEPITT, UTAH PAGE TWO 111) It's hard to find anything you eat when you're on n diet. suppose you were an good like But ant-eater- ? Home sewing is a bigger business than ever but what's being sewed is nobody's business. be the troversy continued blockade of the capital. The Big Three Western powers still blamed Russia for continuation of the crisis through perpetuating the blockade, and President Harry Truman bad given emphatic evidence that he planned no further discussions with Russia on the subject until the blockade was lifted. Following his return from a Florl-d- . vacation, the President went into review of American a foreign policy with Secretary of State Marshall and W. Averell f i -- Aft & ; Y ft-- f f i j 'Vl y h r iv & t 7:,--: V in Mr. Presidents elected recently - have bad cabinets. Why the difference? ANSWERS Ilidcki Tojo, former prime minister and top war lord of Japan, was found guilty of wartime atrocities by an allied tribunal in Tokyo and was sentenced to death by banging. He is the last survivor of the infamous axis. jo former agriculture secretary, took a direct hand in supervising drafting of the new measure and personally will introduce it, and it becomes evident the farmer's happy place in the administration sun is most assured. BASIS of Brannan's contention that farmers elected Mr. Truman: if it weren't for the farm states In the agricultural west, the 11 industrial states on the Atlantic seaboard that voted for Governor Dewey would have swung the election Republican. How will farmers fare under the administration plan? Here's the projected program: To protect the farmer against anhe ticipated crop price fall-offwould be given a flexible price floor that would protect growers, but would not burden U. S. taxpayers with an extended permanent subsidy of farm surpluses. PROVIDE adequate storage facilities for farmers in corn and wheat belts to prevent loss of bumper crops. Extend reclamation and soil conservation benefits to more farmlands and provide an increased rural electrification for more farmers, this to be sponsored and paid for by the government. This, then, is an extension of the benefits which farmers may have felt were Imperiled in the Dewey program, and for which they felt they were voting when they cast their ballots for President Truman. s, 1. Virginia eight (Washington, Jefferson. Madison, Monroe. William Henry Harrison, Tyler, Wilson); Ohio seven (Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, Mckinley, Taft, Harding). 2. Five. Texas. Virginia, Florida. North Carolina and Tennessee voted Republican. 3. Two. Theodore Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge. 4. President's term begins January 20, those of senators ana representatives on January 3. 5. Under the armed forces unification act of 1947 the cabinet positions of secretary of the navy and secretary of war were eliminated and just one was office secretary of defense added. MILLENNIUM: Very Unfunny When a radio comedian backs off, from laughs, the event rates in news item. value with the But there's method about $16,000 worth weekly in Arthur Godfrey's madness. Godfrey is the guy who, has ordered his musicians not to laugh at any of his jokes. THE radio comic explains wistfully that his musicians used to laugh at his Jokes, sing with him and "have all kindSj of fun." But that's all over now, Godfrey says. He adds that union rules provide that if his musicians laugh at his jokes, or join him in songs, they, will come under an additional union, the American Federation of Radio Artists. And that, says Godfrey,! would mean an extra cost of $800 t0 $900 a week for each musician. His men would sing choruses and they'd kid each other, the comedian says, but now "if they open their mouths to sing they come under AFRA's jurisdiction. That adds the extra salary." man-bites-d- RED-HEADE- No Hairshirt Here WELCOME: Infant Rex for d REFUND: Pay Up I If you're an and figure to cash in on those service Insurance dividends next year, make sure you're square with the Veterans' administration or you're likely to get left in the cold. VA says it may withhold all or part of the checks of two groups of veterans those who have received overpayments for education or training subsistence and those who have defaulted on GI loans. ex-G- 11(1111 QUESTION: The floor of ou; railer home is covered with an isphalt covering which is rather )adly worn. Would you recorn-nen- d laying tile over this cover-n- mil 1 1 1 or taking up the old and start-n- g lniiiiiiiir"-;-s""iiiiiiiiiiimiii'WN'J I, 1.J from scratch? Show Stealing'. ANSWER: A good floor-jrin- g Show stealing is the grandest kind :ontractor probably woul-efeof larceny. No punishment and no a take up the old covering because penalty, as a rule, and sometimes t might make an uneven base for a great press, and a mark In his- he tile. He would know best about tory. Is the gamble. Boston audi hat, however, after seeing the ences witnessing the opening night condition of the present of "Lady in the Dark" caught a scene-stealin- g play that nearly closed out Danny Kaye. A double QUESTION: Is there a paint to play miraculously saved the day - leal leaks in a roof by painting Known only to the Borschtelligentthe roofing? iver In went on solo his spot, Kaye sia, down ANSWER: Leaks often can be and brought "Tchaikowsky," the house with his feat of enunciat- stopped by the application of an ing the names of 56 Russian com- isphalt roofing cement. A roofer posers in 40 seconds. . . . Legend :an do this job for you. But if the is that Ira Gershwin, show's lyricist, oof leaks all over, a new roof went out for a smoke and came vould be more advisable. back to find the patrons still howling. . . . Meanwhile, in her dressing room, star Gertie Lawrence waited 'Tis the season to be jolly and nd burned. if you're a woman facing the vexing question of what to get him, here's a two-wa- y perfect solution: Danny Kaye himself recently If he's a smoker who likes his bad a chance to learn what it cigarettes on the cool, mild side, feels like to have your thunder get him a carton or two of Camels. stolen, if only for a clappaudi-enc- e Their choice tobaccos are sure to or twe. As Mr. Goldwyn's please him on Christmas Day. Or star moneymaker, Danny has perhaps he enjoys smoking a pipe, been consistently partnered with too. If so, mellow Prince Albert frabjous Virginia Mayo. Ginny Smoking Tobacco will round out was a docile enough playmate your gift selection in a mighty while they romped through handsome manner. Both items are "Wonder Man," "Kid From right in keeping with your holiBrooklyn," and "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." But after a day sentiment; they come gaily wrapped in special Christmas change of pace as the petulant floozie la "The Best Years of packages. The Camel cartons contain 200 cool, mild Camel cigaOur Lives," Virginia's been feelrettes. And the pound tin of Prince ing her oats. In their last picAlbert is brimful of mild, tasty ture for Goldwyn, "A Song Is smoking that has truly earned the Born," she challenges Danny at title the National Joy Smoke. his own game. Makes good, too. Each gift has space for your writAnd hew does Mr. K. like it? ten greetings. When you give Albert for But for every yarn like this there Camels and Prince of are a dozen Involving dirty dealing. Christmas,him!you can be sure orto pleasing easy They're Frixample, the two femme stars der, too;' a local dealer is welt sharing marquee billing. They up- supplied right now. (Adv.) staged each other with such monotony the end of the run found them both literally with their backs to the wall of the set. Older folks Even the best ef them are not . . . above this lay it's W. C Fields was highlighting his celecommon brated pool table act in an early sense... Ziegfeld Follies. The bibulous Fields almost resolved to swear off the stuff when the act that had served him for 10 years started backfiring. LAXATIVE The yaks came in the wrong places NATURE'S REMEDY (NR) TABor not at all. In a cold fury, he LETSA purely vegetable laxative to looked under the pool table for the relieve without the usual cause of it all. . . . Ed Wynn lay griping,constipation sickening, perturbing sensations, and does not cause a there, mugging like a Peifect Fool. For several weeks thereafter. Fields NR you will see the different iftion or candy coated their went on without Wynn. Next time is dependable, thorough, yet gentle as into the Fields let act. Wynn crept millions of NR's have proved. Get a him have it across the noggin with 25c box and use as directed. cue. the billiard The audience loved e winit, and Wynn was a If g, r ac-na- al cov-srin- g. tricky-busines- ;4chSvy s. ijf 'iiOy?' ALL-VEGETA- raJry J.'n-coat- two-tim- ner. f If One of the funniest bits of business ever worked out was hit to counter another player's jipon scene-stealinGravedigger No. 1 in a certain production of "Hamlet" used to divert the audience's attention from the Dane by peeling off a coat with every speech of Hamlet's. He wore six coats. . . . One night his customary business brought double laughs, a looder one following each chortle far He wasn't doffing a coat. having echo trouble. The second gravedigger was putting on the coats as fast as he took them FUSSY STOMACH? RELIEF ACID FOR nimrrrnnu g. heir-appare- Anthropologists appear to have turned up another "missing link" In the evolution of man. The latest find, discovered In an ancient Transvaal cave In South Africa, may provide a clue to the earliest known of man's ancestors. The bones of this prehistoric creature, who may have lived a million years ago. Indicate he might have who carried been a "man-ope- " weapons and built fires. S. Seven have succeeded to the presidency on the death of the chief executive. How many ef these, besides Hr. Truman, were elected to a full term as President in their own 5. There are nine men Truman's cabinet. Other conhours the solemn-facestable had kept his vigil in the chill of the November night. Impassive in the fact of the huge throngs that pushed against the gates he guarded, he waited for the word. At last he saw a royal page, garbed in blue, walk stiffly from a palace doorway. The page strode to PRIORITY: the constable's side, bent over and For Farmers spoke in a low voice. The man with the hoe put the "X" THE CONSTABLE'S face lighted, where it counted November 2, and, he walked quickly to the iron railing as a result, America's farmers are against which the crowd was denseto reap a share of President Tru- ly packed and declared exultantly: man's smashing victory at the polls. "It's a boy!" Then throwing his Even now, administration chiefs head back, he shouted: "A prince are moving to give the nation's has been born." farmers top priority over labor in To Princess Elizabeth, to the throne of England, and her any legislative program coming up tor action by the next congress. consort. Prince Philip, Duke of EdTHE FARMER'S reward is to inburgh, had been bom a son. A come immediately not in the fu- prince by a special royal decree of ture and the outlook is that labor King George VI issued several days before the birth of the child. Their may have to stand behind the farmer when awards for a part in Pres- young prince was born just six days ident Truman's triumph are to be short of the royal couple's wedding handed out in a legislative program. anniversary, November 20. Best friend of the farmers when THE NEWS that Elizabeth's child the plums are to be passed around was a son told the usually stolid is Secretary of Agriculture Charles Londoners what they wanted to hear Brannan. No doubter of where credthat the royal heir was a child it for Mr. Truman's victory belongs, who might someday be their king. Brannan already has assigned Louis Into a world of crisis and unrest, M. Bean, department economist and an age of a dwindling empire for election forecaster, to prepare Britain, was bom a princeling whose charts and graphs to show the Presi- future as a potential ruler is fraught dent that he owes his election pri- with imponderables. Both he and his mother would be marily to the farmers. THAT ISN"T all that will be done cut off the line of succession to the to insure the farmers a fair return throne should a son be born to the or their investment in Mr. Truman, king and queen; monarchist govfor top level planners are drafting ernments, even of the benevolent a new "flexible" price support protype, are fading from the world gram to go into effect early in 1949, scene; the contracting empire's diinstead of 1950, as would have been mensions are subject to speculation, Jie case under the Republican Aiken but even were these things nonfarm bill. existent, there is the last and greatAdd to this the fact that Senator-Elec- t est imponderable of them all the Clinton Anderson (D., N. M ), atomic bomb. Missing Link? 2. In this election four southern states voted against the regular Democratic party. How many southern states deserted the party in 1928? sentatives? in Europe. U of 4. When does the President's office begin? ' And when do those of senators and repre- e The gravity with which United Nations leaders viewed the Berlin situation was evidenced in the efforts of U. N. Secretary General Trygve Lie, and H. V. Evatt, general assembly president. THESE TWO made urgent appeal to chief executives of the four big powers going over the heads of these nations' U. N. delegations to do so to bring the Berlin dispute to an end and thus bring about world peace. This appeal was without avail. The United States, France and England said "no," politely but firmly. They declared the issue must remain in the hands of the U. N. security council until the Russian blockade is lifted. Russia reacted as usual, blaming the Western powers for the stalemate. Evatt and Lie argued that the dispute cannot be settled within the cramped confines of the security council and should be aired in the wider fields of the general assembly. AGGRAVATING the situation was the coming winter with its consequent obstacles to the air lift. The Russians appeared content to wait out this phase of American aid to Germany in the apparent conviction, or hope, that bad weather would so impair air lift efficacy as to make it negative in the battle for Germany. If the situation were to be resolved by diplomatic means, American thought and procedure on the question would carry top weight with the Big Three. Under this setup. President Truman's evident intention to spurn discussion of the problem unless the Berlin blockade were lifted, would indicate the United States was prepared to continue the "cold war" with the Russians, and to bet with the elements that the air lift would continue to be efficient and that Premier Stalin and his Communists would have to come to terms in the end. PRESIDENT TRUMAN reiterated that he planned no American mission of any sort to Moscow, and that he and Secretary Marshall were in accord on all questions. The President would stand for no pressuring in discussion of the Berlin question, even if it came from top chieftains in the U. N. number term of Har-rima- n, ambassador-at-larg- largest right? full-dre- U. S. the Presidents born? , : You probably will recall that the V. S. bad a Presidential election few weeks (sounds of screaming) ago. It was the biggest upset since Mrs. O 'Leary's cow kicked over the lantern in Chicago, and it will take its place as one of the most unusual in a long line of distinguished American elections. The subject merits a few questions which merit a few answers. Do you know them? 1. Mr. Truman is the first native of Missouri to be elected were AID TO AlLl.Sti Uotaejj By Soger Whitman ? President. In what two states Day of Judgment I Current Events J inuiui.jiiun;rjsjjy1(J has AN I L. J HEARTBURN tun ray THE TUMMY! sore-bead- ed How To Bronchitis ... V A picture of carefree contentment. President Truman accou-tere- d himself in casual shirt while tripping lightly through his postelection vacation at Key West, Fla. He whiled away the drowsy hours by formulating the broad outlines of bis administrative policy for the next four years, and paused for a moment to turn down a proposal for another Big Four conference at this time. NEW LIGHT: From Isaiah New light and interpretation ma be thrown on the Old Testament by discovery of the complete scroll of the Prophet Isaiah. All 66 chapters of the book, with only a few portions missing, have been found. One of the most dramatic Biblical discoveries of all time, the scroll was brought to light recently when four of the oldest Hebrew manuscripts thus far known were found in a cave near the northern end of the Dead Sea. Scholars date the Isaiah scroll as early Maccabean, or second century B. C, which would make it the oldest Biblical document yet to be discovered Intact. THE DISCOVERY of a complete Isaiah scroll, dating back a thousand years before the oldest one known, promises scholars an opportunity to seek new meaning from the Bible, and to determine by comparison the extent that errors may have found their wa into Biblical manuscripts with the passage of time. Bible scholars point out that the Bok of Isaiah, like all of the Bible, came dwn to us as the result of many copyings by scribes who would make additional scrolls si the old ones wore out Relieve Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden off! Scene stealing can be legitimate. Maude Adams was just a sweet leading lady to matinee idol John Drew (the distaff strain of the in "The Masked Ball." But when the sweet leading lady finished her big drunk scene, the audience stood up and cheered. . . . Helen Hayes was a child actress until she had William Gillette for a stage daddy In Bar-rie"Dear Brutus." The whimsical, romantic part gave her the opportunity she needed to capture the public's heart . . . Veterans Janet Beecher and Alan Pollock found themselves bypassed by critics for their prosale romance In "Bill of Divorcement." And newcomer Katharine Cornell was touted to the skies for her playing of the brooding, phlegm snd aid nature to soothe and beal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsioo with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION JorCoughi.ChestColds.Bronchitis d 's hysterical Sidney. Lawrence Tibhett had his day ef glory, coming from a long sucrension of minor operatic roles to steal "FaUtaff" right out from under the wig of the mighty Srottl, who had burked of them the greatest all, Caruso. . , . And who can forget the wonder and the exslng-nteal- citement of starry-eye- d Mary Martin, for the firnt time In her life on Broadway In "Leave It to Me," slngina "My II art Belongs to Daddy"? And here's a comic opera vignette lifted from, of all things, the funeral A procession of King George V certain royal roue was obliged to march but unsteady from wassail His masseur was detailed to march In his wake sirf rescue the royal presence if It seemed In danger of collapsing High spot of the parade was the handsome brawny Swede, strutting among the crowned head In s dazzling borrowed Husstr'i unl form. Relieves Distress of MONTHLY mm Also Helps Build Up Red Blood! Do retnale functional periodic disturbance make you suiter pain, feel to nervouM. Irritable at such time? Then tr Lydla K Plnkham's TABLETS to rellev uch symptom Plnkham's Tablet art alao ery effectlv to help oulld up red blood In simple anemia. Lytfia E. Pinkham's TABLETS FPUaTLa m May Warn of Iionlcred Kidney Action fJV MrtrWn lif mth I hurry hnbttA, Impropf Mt drinking 4ta rink of expomim 'rta on th thrown hfHtvy of thm mrm nt to r1 full to ftllr t.im nd ntbvr inpuriiif from th life-- f ivir blood. bidnr. Thy ditcinsi. hdarh( g I tiro, of trm bmrl getting up inrh". rmtin! ly pftina. awaiting f"l tifrvmia, all worn out. (h put" kiriny or blanrW disorder ? aom-t'm- -n burning, canty or too frequent urination. Try M'a pitU. Pm'$ Mp ! kHoya to pnm nft harmful aipa m had mora than hnt Thy b 4 fitory of public approval. A r t. 4k fow by fateful aaarra man'fhbott rarybra |