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Show Thursday, Decanvbw 2, THE ,1943 Zionist Believes r n Earth Is Flat Photos Despite ILL. rocket Recent phoa curve in the earth's surface don't mean a thing to the faithful in this sectarian community. The photographs, taken from 57 miles altitude over White Sands proving ground, N. M., were shown to M. J. Mintern, overseer of the Christian Catholic church, which holds that the earth Is nearly flat. Overseer Mintern said "when you ZION, tographs FRESH SALMON - Whole or Half - per pound - 49 C SALMON - Sliced per pound gC BEEF POT ROAST pound JC BACON SQUARES - pound 45c STEWING HENS pound 45c NUCOA - per pound 4jC ARM HAMMER SODA pkgC)G -BARS 27C P & G SOAP J KIPPARD SNACKS - - f or 27 C A PACK CANNED WEINERS 47 c JELLO or Jello PUDDING - pkg 7c DATES - 1 pound pkg - - 37G HOLLY BOX CHOCOLATES showing have something really worth while In the way of proof that'the earth Is spherical, let me know." Mintern Is the successor to the j late Wilbur Glenn Voliva who main-- i tained a standing offer of $5,000 to j anyone who could prove to his satisfaction that the earth Is round. The concept of the flat earth with four definable corners is based, Overseer Mintern said, upon a literal Interpretation of the Old Testa- ' I ment. "We have heard of a short passage to Russia across the north Overseer Mintern said. pole," "But, has anyone ever gone in a straight course over the south pole from Chile to Java?" The overseer said the theory of the fiat earth was a "side Issue" in his church beliefs. "There are things we don't know, and that applies to the earth, too," he said. 5 LBS 2.50 Hurtles His New Bus Into Brush SCHILLINGS COFFEE - 1 lb 5 Jc OYSTER CRACKERS 1 lb - - 2?C DUFFS HOT ROLL MIX for 2QC PORK & BEANS No 2 cn 2 for ) MILK- -- 4 TALL CANS 57C RUSSETT POTATOES Q lbs MIRACLE WHIP - quart - - fcgC OUR XMAS TREES ARE HERE Make Your Selection Early For 28 WILKES - BARRE. years Andrew Ondash was a trolley operator who knew every inch of rail along the line. He knew, too, that everywhere the tracks went, the trolley was sure to go. Then his company put busses on the line he served those many years. The new mechanism was unfamiliar. But Andrew took a firm grip on the wheel and turned. The bus left the highway, hurdled a ditch and J Je ploughed 10 Andrew's all right. must learn, feet into underbrush. bosses said it was They felt everyone some time. TIMK-NEW- S, NEPHI, UTAH Pg Nephi Local and Social News Items Mr. and Mrs. Alma P. Burton and family of Provo were dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. T. H. Burton on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whittaker of Rupert, Idaho were guests of his sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pay for the holidays. F!v Practical .Santas Jalie floU If Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Bodell of Alamo, Nevada were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora H. Lunt. Miss Sylvia Worwood of Salt Lake City spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Worwood. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Worthing-to- n were in Moroni for Thanksgiving as guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Morley. Miss Mildred Bean and Mrs. Dora Grant spent the Thanksgiv ing holidays with Mr. and Mrs. James Bean and other relatives Vk V You can't beat our lineMr. and Mrs. Dee Wright and up of MOJUD Nylons family and Mrs. Jack Wright were in Salt Lake City Sunday and for gift giving. BeautiMonday. in fully Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, servicable sheer Dee Wright for the holidays were guages . . .to please every Mrs. Melvin Johnson and daughtone on your list from ers Iris and Kenna of Fountain Green, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daughter to GrandmothInglefield and daughter Jackie of er. Full range of sizes. Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowers had Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ord as their guests for the holiday for Thanksgivdinner a number of relatives fromi wereasin Bountiful of Bishop and Mrs. ing guests out from and the following Nephi R. Vincent Ord. of town: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Davis and family and Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Garbett iteady-to-We- ar of Igualiiy Floyd Stauffer of Salt Lake City. of Ogden spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Prices Miss Faye Stowell who is at- Garbett. tending the LDS business college in Salt Lake City was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Davis en her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. tertained at Thanksgiving dinner Life in Padang Treaty or Basle Stowell during Thanksgiving vac- for Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Davis and In Padang island. Sumajra, the Treaty of Basle was signed Julj ation. children Mr. D. and and Mrs. Paul take their family mother's nam. 22, 1795, by which Spain ceded the f All property is held by the mother entire island Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ostler Limburg and family. and inherited by daughter. Father France. The of Santo Domingo to eastern part went were in Salt Lake City recently. Wilford Pratt and daughter Al-e- has no political, social, property or back to the Spanish crown Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mills and after left by plane Thursday morn- civil rights. the downfall of Napolean. son of Tooele have been guests of ing of last week for Los Angeles Mrs. John Pitt. and spent the week end with relaMiss Ardath Farnsworth of Oak- tives there. land, California has been a guest Mrs. Nora Medley of Grass Val of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs ley, California was a guest of her Charles E. Stephenson. niece, Mrs. Jay Warner for the She attended the Misses Mildred and Barbara past week. conference while here Quarterly Jones of Logan were at the home and also attended sessions in the of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Manti Temple. She left Tuesday V. Jones for Thanksgiving. for Pocatello and Idaho Falls, Id' Mr. and Mrs Harold Anderson aho, where she will do Temple and two sons of Greenriver, Utah, work and will also visit with relawere guests of Mas. Isaac Olsen tives. during the Thanksgiving holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Latimer Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Johnson and daughter Lynne Adele left on were hosts at a Thanksgiving din- Sunday for their Pocatello, Idaho ner. Out of town guests were Mr. home after a pleasant Thanksgivand Mrs. Elgin Hanson, their son ing wtek spent at the home of and daughter of Spanish Fork, Mr. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Mrs. Harold Anderson and Wright. Mrs. Ora Lunt, Mrs. Bud Hay two sons of Greenriver, Utah, Mr. 45C 73C and Mrs. Peter Jordan of Mt. mond and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jr. Pleasant, and Miss Ivy Olsen of Bodell were in Provo Saturday visiting with friends. Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Jarrett and Mrs. Lorin Park has returned son and Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Pax-ma- n home from the Payson hospital af and children spent Thanks ter having a major operation per giving day at Centerfield with Mr. formed. She is now convalescing at her home. and Mrs. David Ray Goates. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. (Jeff) AnMrs. J. W. Jarrett was a dinner 57C 41C guest on Thanksgivng day ot Mr. drews and family were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Jarrett. guests on Thanksgiving day of and Mrs. Bernell Lunt. They also Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Kelson were visited with Dr. and Mrs. F. H. in Salt Lake City last Friday and Beckstead, parents of Mrs. AndSaturday. rews. M. T. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Caroline Lechleidner has Mrs. Maurice Howard and family been visiting with her mother, Mrs. spent the holiday in Goshen with Mary Pitt for the past week. She Mr. ana Mrs. Willis Morgan. left Thursday for her home, in 49C TooMrs. A. H. Latimer was in Pan- - Portland, Oregon, visiting in time. for a short ele week over end the visiting guitch with relatives. 59C Dell Jones of Idaho Falls, IdMr. and Mrs. Bernell Lunt and aho has spent the past few days his sister and brother in law, 64C daughter Helen were in Salt Lake with Mr. J. Wm. Ockey. and Mr. Miss end. week City over the Lunt was returning to school. Mr. and Mrs. Len Blackett of -lb 53C Nevada spent Thanksgiving Wells, Mrs. of Mr. and Dinner guests H. Emerson Foote Thanksgiving day week with his sister, Mrs. W. they were Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Bosh Sperry. On their return trip Lake and family of Salt Lake City, Mr. were accompanied to Salt BJ W T W and Mrs. Earl Francorn of Spring-vill- e, with Mrs. Sperry, and Harry SperMrs. Hazel Bosh, Vernon and ry. Mary Bosh of Nephi. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON AIRPORT ZONING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVLN PROTtClX that the Airport Zoning Commis- 1 WHfH OftlVlN sion of Nephi City and Juab CounOBSERVING 1 e I yourself tv annointed by the Joint Airport I TRAFFIC RULES - WHEN Zoning Board of Nephi, City andmunnrTTTTi ivmni.imii, iCftlPTIONS HAVING Juab County will make a prelimnary report of its recommenda filled, protect tour health tions for the boundaries or me BY RELYING UPON THE various zones to be established EXPERT SERVICE AT and the regulations to be adopted therefor in the area surrounding the Nephi Municipal Airport and public hearing thereon win be granted to all interested persons at the County Commissioners room in the Juab County Court Court house at Nephi, Juab Coun ty, State of Utah, on the 6th day of December, 1948, at 7:30 p. m, n accordance with the provisions of Section 5 (2), Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1945. DATED this 2nd day of December, 1948. AIRPORT ZONING COM -MISSION OF NEPin CITY AND JUAB COUNTY By W. C ANDREWS Chairman I Yl JT T m. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Howard entertained at Thanksgiving dinner for the following friends and relatives: Mr. and Mrs. James Ham-elto- n and son Dennis of Bell, Cal ifornia, Mrs. Vara Peterson of Beverly Hills, California, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Allred of Mt. Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Madsen of Ephraim, and Mr. and Mrs. Mont Sperry and family of Nephi. During the holidays, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Smurthwaite and family of LaGrande, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Irons and children of Provo enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Irons. lTrNi 1 1 . full-fashion- ed and Ml Exclusive L.adies9 Shop at Popular ne CHEESE BUTTER Banquet Mild lb O. P. S. lb MILK NUCO All Brands pound 4 Cans Preserves "Dude Pine-C- ot lb. 27c 2 lb. 49c Libby's Yellow Cling Peaches - 212 tins - each 29 C Ranch" 1 CREAM OF WHEAT - Large pkg "5 minute" or Regular Each - JQC RASPBERRY PRESERVES "Dude ranch" 2 lb fcQC MOR BEEF, VEAL OR PORK -- 12 oz tins each Jqc HORMEL DEVILED MEAT Vas tins 19 C FRANCO-AMERICASPAGHTTI - With that extra good sauce - 1 lb tins, 2 29 C LIBBY CHILI CON CARNE with Beans No 2 c - N fr JELLp PUDDINGS - $ pkgs - je Large Package jjc TIDE "Waves of Suds" OXYDOL or DUZ Large Package jjc RIVER WHITE RICE - 2 pound package - 37c Oats - pkg J9C Albcrs Old-Fashion- ft-- - p- ed , THREE LITTLE WORDS! "Flavor-Nutrition-Spee- d" SPERRY WHEAT! UP A DTCi a ; ,,,,,,-,- ,I JL V 29 c Lg0 parage DREFT bar 17c IVORY SOAP CAMAY Bath szc " 2 or 26 c P 6C G White Naptha Soap - 2 for JC APPLE CIDER GALLON QUART - 75c 19c lb GROUND BEEF CORNED BEEF SLICED BACON POT ROAST lb lb mm Heinz 3 cans for 25C XMAS CANDY 3 LBS 1.00 LB 38c MIXED NUTS NEPHI DRUG XMAS TREES SHAVERS GRAPEFRUIT PER CAN JftC LB 18c MJB-- RICE Fk Trv in your container Hanctni Curtains i Finger of an old glove placed over the end of a curtain rod will enable one to slip the curtain onto the rod with no danger of catching or tearing the material on the met-1 rod. ..." - , n in urn ni i mm r " '"" "" " |