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Show If you think staying in school is tough, listen to someone who quit. FBKCtraMriijii - ill a3lAma y' :'. iff Mif : -jg p' o Presented as a Public Service by Utah Education Association To get a good job you need a good education. So if you're in school, C fffito stay there If you ve quit, find out how to get more training. ; iff YV See your State Employment Service or Youth Opportunity Center '1 A v 1 Folksinger Rosalie Sorrels will present a concert this Friday at 8 p.m. in the chapel of the First Unitarian Church, 569 S. 13th E. The concert will feature traditional tradi-tional ballads, as well as compositions composi-tions by Rosalie and local songwriter song-writer Bruce Phillips. The stark beauty of Rosalie's voice sears more deeply than the electrically-charged sounds of her contemporaries. The simplicity of her music flows naturally and soothingly into a listener, bringing a comfortable sense of fitness. ... |