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Show Top High School Seniors Recruited By Coach Meeki By MIKE JACOBSEN Chrcnicl Sports Editor Head Football Coach Bill Meek, although only recently named to that position, has convinced many of the top Utah high school seniors 7 " ."?-. Si ?'7", ,.' '; X ' ' --. '' ' 4 Si I ' V ' -V y x r m. i to play at the University next fall. The 10th head football coach in Utah's history has "letters of intent" in-tent" from 20 of the state's best athletes. "We are going to concentrate on bringing in freshmen to Utah so ' we can have four years to work with them instead of just the two with junior college transfers. We want to indoctrinate these people not only into the football program at Utah, but also into the scholastic and social program of this university. univer-sity. We are especially looking for seniors coming from the state of Utah because we feel there is a lot of talent in this state," said Coach Meek. By signing a "letter of intent," the signer pledges to come to the school, and he cannot go to another school in the same conference without with-out forfeiting a year of eligibility. He could, however, go to a school in another conference without any penalty. Robbins Heads Recruits Scott Robbins heads the list of recruits. He was the all-state quarterback quar-terback on Skyline High's championship cham-pionship team. He also was named the outstanding football player in the state last season, and he had offers from all over the country. Tackle Ron Walcott, also from Skyline, is coming to Utah. Quarterback Dan Cowan, split end Neil Hales, and end John Knoble from South High have signed letters. Cowan was all-state in both football and basketball, and Knoble was second string all-state in basketball. bas-ketball. East High will be represented repre-sented by center-linebacker Dave Rcsenbury and defensive back-punter Roger McQueen. Head Football Coach Bill Meek has convinced 20 Utah high schod seniors to sign "letters of intent" to play at the' U next Fall. Davis High, which finished second sec-ond in state, is also sending two players. Fullback George Swan and guard Dave Sprankle are coming to Utah. Dennis Bearden, guard-linebacker, guard-linebacker, and Niche Chambers, halfback, will represent Judge Memorial. Me-morial. Two players will come to t h e University from West High : Tackle Rich Garcia and defensive back Blair Hunt. Quarterbacks Nick Ca-pele Ca-pele of Granite and Blaine Church of Murray bring the list of players at that position to four. Others To Utah Split end Leo Gibby of Tooele, kicker-defensive back Gerald Warner War-ner of Granger, guard-tackle Vern White of Orem, kicker-defensive back Ron Smith of Ben Lomond, and halfback Ron Fisher of Olympus, Olym-pus, complete the list of local footballers foot-ballers coming to Utah. The football team is going through conditioning drills five days a week. - 78 players, including 35 lettermen are participating in the exercises. The work-outs are only thirty minutes min-utes a day, but the players are working as hard or harder than they did last year in two-hour drills. The squad is divided into two groups one group exercises from 3:15 to 3:45 p.m., and the second takes the next half hour. Three days are used for quickness and agility drills in the wrestling room, and running takes up the other two days. Coach Meek said, "The attitude of the team is very good. The players are really getting out there and. working hard to get in shape. I demand that the players put out, but I also want them to enjoy what they are doing. If a football player is also good in another Spring sport, I will encourage him to play that sport. I am at the University, and I'll do anything I can to help a Utah team win, whether it's baseball, track, football or any other com- petition." Spring football practice will ct mence April 19 and last until N 18. The intrasquad game will ft be played on the 18th at 2 p.m, Ute Stadium. Beginning April the team will practice Tuesd through Fridays from 3:30 K p.m., and Saturdays from 2 1 p.m. The practices will be 1 on the field north of Ballif Ha Coach Meek believes there great advantage in having Sp practice- "It helps a boy dev and the players couldn't go 1 December to Somber wit some sort of wotVl-oa. Icotcv any particular rules lot the pj. to follow during the summer tj in shape, but if they don't exev on their own, they will ptob get hurt when they return Ml Fall for practice." "I don't know how aany p the 78 players are. Tie Army to I coached last year playei fte:l but I haven't seen any films on y squad, and I don't want to see ari When we start Spring ball, we;j just going to put a name on s i helmet, and I'll soon be able i identify the good and bad ot.1 Everyone, then, will start out j; an equal basis, and each incfc must prove himself." 1 Basic Fundamentals "I will go on the assumption J we can run and pass equally. Spring I want to find out who football players are, and te: basic football fundamentals, will then be able to come barf; the Fall with a suitable offense defense for this personnel." Coach Meek will be assisted : Jim LaRue, who is the first ass-ant ass-ant and defense coordinator; J Hanifan, in charge of the recavej Ken Vierra, linebacker and d sive end coach; Dick SceanaM fensive line coach; Rn freshman coach; and Tom defensive line coach. ;? |