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Show r7 -s -V I fiber fi-ber sL ; I 14 I 1 :' I 4 - J .. .. " -i . I f 1 V - 1 Pi I ' 'fy L..J1 i I I j 3 I f ;:,: N . "i- r . 1 : M.t ... NX . ? L. v i V I i DR. PAUL Y. HAMMOND DR. SFAN T. POSSNY EUGENE V. ROSTOW DR. FRANK TRAGER DR. RICHARD L. WALKER By DUANE CARDALL Clironicle Staff Writer "American Foreign Policy in Crisis" will be discussed by some of the nation's leading authorities on U.S. foreign policy at the Conference Con-ference on U.S. National Strategy Thursday at the University. According to Dr. S. Grover Rich of the conference planning committee, commit-tee, "Each speaker is among the top five in his field in the nation. It has taken several years of plan ning in order to get such well qualified qual-ified men to take part." The speakers are not politicians and are not necessarily defenders of the administration's policy, but rather are academic authorities on the subject of U.S. foreign policy, he said. Students Invited All students are invited to attend the speeches. They will begin at 9 a.m. in the Union Ballroom with Dr. Frank N. Trager, professor of international affairs, New York University, speaking on "U.S. Strategy Stra-tegy and Tactics in Vietnam." A panel moderated by Dr. Ray C. Hillam, associate professor of Political Science, Brigham Young University, will discuss the speech. Panel members will be Dr. Paul Y. Hammond, senior staff member, RAND Corp.; Dr. Stefan T. Pos-sony, Pos-sony, director, International Political Politi-cal Studies Program, Stanford University; Uni-versity; and Dr. Richard L. Walk- er, professor and director, Institute of International Studies, University of South Carolina. Dr. Trager is a former U.S. economic eco-nomic aid director in Burma and has written and edited many books on Southeast Asia. He recently returned re-turned from his fifth visit to Southeast South-east Asia in ten years. Red China Talk At 10:45 a.m., "Red China: Military Mili-tary Capabilities and Political Strategy," Stra-tegy," will be discussed by Dr. Richard L. Walker. Dr. Walker is a specialist in the history, politics and military strategy of the Far East. He has written extensively on the Far East and during 1965-66 he was in the Far East as a Ful-bright Ful-bright research scholar. A panel consisting of Dr. Trager, Possony and Hammond, moderated by Samuel D. Thurman, dean, College Col-lege of Law at the University, will discuss Dr. Walker's speech. Afternoon speeches will begin with Eugene V. Rostow, under secretary sec-retary of state for political affairs and former dean of the Yale law school, speaking on "Economic Development De-velopment and Cooperation in Southeast South-east Asia.".; Possony To Speak Dr. Stefan T. Possony will speak at 2:15 on "The Soviet Union: Military Mili-tary Capability and Political Strategy," Stra-tegy," followed by a panel discus sion including Drs. Trager, Walker and Hammond. Dr. Martin B. Hickman, Hick-man, professor of political science, Brigham Young University, will moderate the discussion. Dr. Possony was born in Vienna and educated in Austria, Germany, France, Italy and the United States. He has been foreign language lang-uage broadcaster of CBS and a psychological warfare specialist with the Office of Naval Intelligence. Intelli-gence. "NATO, Europe, and the United States" will be the final topic of the conference. Speaking ..will be Paul Y. Hammond and the panel members will be Drs. Trager, Walker Walk-er and Possony. Moderator will be Dr. Wendell B. Anderson, director, institute of international affairs, Utah State University. University Alumnus A native of Salt Lake City and graduate of the University of Utah, Dr. Hammond has served as a consultant con-sultant to the institute of defense analysis, the joint committee on atomic energy and the Defense Department. De-partment. He is also the author of several books. Dr. Rich said, "Seldom will the University students have such a good opportunity to hear men of such standing discuss matters of vital interest to all. We welcome all students to attend." |