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Show CLEAN ONE-OWNER 1939 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. In the pink of condition. A vehicle any car buff would be glad to own. 2990 E. 7000 So., 278-4577 after 5 p.m. OUT OF SCHOOL? OUT OF WORK? OUT OF LUCK? Presented as a Public Service by Utah Education Association Get help from your State Employment Service or Youth Opportunity Center. ' ! li p r la I m Ml (iB iMW2 1 1 Cuiiliil CwOfi) AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY IN CRISIS Union Ballroom Center Ballroom Thursday, April 11, 1968 STUDENTS INVITED 9:00 a.m. U.S. Strategy & Tactics in Vietnam I 10:45 a.m. Red China: Military Capabilities I & Political Strategy 1:15 p.m. Economic Development & Coop- H eration in Southeast Asia 2:15 p.m. Soviet Union: Military Capability 1 & Political Strategy (j 3:30 p.m. NATO, Europe & the United States Four of the Nation's foremost authorities on Red China, Russia, Vietnam, S.E. Asia, U.S. & European : relations will present their views. The U S Under- H sef etary of State for Political Affairs will defend the Administration's position. H For Diamonds lornnHouth -322-10 |