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Show Candidates Campaign Ey DARRELL LEO and SUSAN WILLIAMS Chronicle Staff Writers Candidates for Organizations Board and Programs Board have been speaking to different organizations, organ-izations, presenting their platforms during the last two days. Forming panels, the candidates presented discussions to various student groups in Van Cott Hall, Union discussion posed at the panel was: why should anyone vote for you? "I'm not professing anything but experience," said Boyer. "I want to represent the non-represented groups as well as the already represented rep-resented groups. This should not be served in a position isolated from the students, but as I want to serve in touch with everything." Groot said, "I want to get out and meet and work with the stu-(Continued stu-(Continued on Page 3) Alumni Lounge and the LDS Institutes. In-stitutes. The five candidates for Programs Board are Wayne Petty, Kent Bullock, Bul-lock, Scott Miller, Stayner Landward Land-ward and Frank Overfelt. The candidates agreed on the issue that advanced appointment of committee commit-tee chairmen was needed, during a question-answer session Tuesday. Be Replaced Petty, who believes there is a necessity for early appointment, also stated, "If the chairman is not up to snuff, he should be replaced re-placed by the Programs Board." Appointment of chairmen by officers of-ficers of the preceding year to provide pro-vide time to organize various programs pro-grams was agreed upon by Over-felt. Over-felt. He said he was willing to allow al-low the appointment by others. "I think through tactful management, problems would be minimal," said Overfelt. - Concerning student participation, Landward stated, "Students need encouragement and support even when they are turned down for committee appointments." Expand Programs Miller saw a need to expand some programs on campus. He believes that through an extended leadership leader-ship training program of freshmen, more participation could be obtained. ob-tained. A re-channeling of rejected committee com-mittee applicants to other fields of interest is a possibility to encourage encour-age student involvement, said Bui-lock. Bui-lock. In addition, eight candidates for Organizations Board revealed some of their objective Monday. Richard Boyer, Bill Groot, John Thompson, Hank Nelson, Willard Morris, Laury Hammel, Bob Fillmore Fill-more and Steve Winget are the candidates can-didates for the offices. Why Vote? The important question of the Candidates Campaigning (Continued from Page 1) dents. I am very sincere about serving on the personal level." Thompson said he had no claims but he could grow into the position and meet the responsibilities. Frosh Get Psyched "Freshmen should get to know about all of the different committees commit-tees and get psyched to serve from the start," said Nelson. "And this should be prolonged into the future quarters." Morris said, "I want to make the Organizations Board the center of all my time and dedication." Hammel spoke of his experience and said that he is aware of power. "I do want to change the world, starting with student government." Change Attitude One can start action with dedication," dedica-tion," said Fillmore. He wanted to change the apathetic attitude of the students toward ASUU. Steve Winget said he wanted to keep the channels open for criticism criti-cism and to make more official things grow and develop. Candidates debates will continue throughout the week, announced Laraine (Grace) Isom, election committee chairman. According to Miss Isom, Public Affairs is scheduled sched-uled for Wednesday; Finance Board, Thursday; Student-Faculty Board, Friday; and ASUU presidential presi-dential candidates, April 15. |