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Show If you think staying in school is tough, talk to someone who quit. Presented as a Public Service by Utah Education Association SALE FANTASTIC OFFER! WILLING TO GUARANTEE there is not another 1950 Chevrolet pick-up in existence like this one. It breaks my heart to part with such a dependable . bit of practical transportation. 27S-7917. 27S-7917. or call 32. -6171 after 5 p.m. A POLITICAL STUDY TOUR OF EUROPE will be conducted this summer by a professor of international relations in the graduate school of a well-known university. A two week course in contemporary problems (in English) at the Sorbonne will be supplemented by seminars with leading scholars and statesmen (such as Ludwig Erhard, Enoch Powell, MP, Prof. Count Bertrand de Jouvenal, Archduke Otto von Habsburg) in 10 countries. Social activities with European students (Oxford Balls, etc.) will be included in this non-regimented non-regimented tour for intelligent students. For more information, write Dept. 101, A.S.P.E., 33 Chalfont Road, Oxford, England. SALE FANTASTIC OFFER! WILLING TO GUARANTEE there is not another 1950 Chevrolet pick-up in existence like this one. It breaks my heart to part with such a dependable bit of practical transportation. 278-7917, 278-7917, or call 32r-6171 after 5 p.m. CLEAN ONE-OWNER 1939 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. In the pink of condition. A vehicle any car buff would be glad to own. 2990 E. 7000 So., 278-4577 after 5 p.m. MUST SELL my speedy little Fiberfab Aztec G.T. Powered by new Corvair engine, which moves out great. Best offer takes. Call 278-6790 evenings. '65 TURBO-CHARGED Corvair Corsa. All extras; excellent condition inside and out. Call 355-3934. $1200,. FLAWLESS hand made Brazillian De Giorgio classic guitar with carved head. Any reasonable offer takes. 466-6667. 4 U 1968 HONDA 125 Super Sport. $395. Call 266-1823 after 6. 1962 BUICK Skylark 2 door H.T. .4 speed. Excellent condition. $800. Call 255-3132. After 6:00 p.m. 1967 MUSTANG 2 plus 2 Fastback. Excellent Ex-cellent condition. 487-3345 between 7:30-8:30 p.m. and evenings. TENR Trailer, bought new, used once, cross country. Sleeps six, dinette, propane stove, lantern. $850. 363-7453. ZENITH console stereo. $90.00. 328-0473. WORK In Europe. Obtain ISIS Employment Em-ployment Services at reduced rate. Make offer. 355-0421 after 5:00. 1961 LARK, $200.00. Recent paint, new tires, shocks and brakes. 322-2025 eves. MUST SELL string bass and bow. Call 277-3923 after 5 p.m. FOR KENT HOUSE FOR LEASE. 57 So. 13th E. 4 bedrooms, 2V2 baths. Large living room, kitchen, study. $200 mo. 364-2923. 364-2923. NEAR EAST HIGH, large, light, quiet. $80.00 includes heat, refrigerator, stove, disposal, tub, shower, off-street parking. One bedroom. Non-smokers preferred. 1317 Gilmer Drive (1000 South), 364-3136, 467-7651. COMFORTABLE, clean, & roomy with back yard and garage. Ideal for married mar-ried couple. Call 363-9161. SALTY large 3 bedroom plus garage, ga-rage, basement. 2 private entrances. Excellent for 3-1 students. 55 E. 1st N. 359-4669. FURNISHED APTS. NEAR "U," $50. Nicely furn. studio apt. for 1-2 girls. Modern laundry, choice loc. 38 P St., 359-5673. GIRL NEEDED to share new 2 bedrm. apt. $41.00 a month. Call 364-0308 mornings or evenings. STUDIO and one bedroom apts. Starting Start-ing at $60. See at 217 Third Ave. SERVICES BARBARA McKAY DAVIS, teacher of Piano and Orgon. 1155 First Ave. 355-8864. RESUMES developed by professional writer-research specialist. $10.00. L.B. Kolber. M.A., 322-5166, 9-5. NEED TUTORING? Tutors available in all subjects ranging from kindergarten kindergar-ten to high school seniors. Tutors also available for any U of U course. $3.00hr. Call 322-8886 any night after 7 p.m. APPLICATIONS being accepted from students. Part or full time. $50-100 wk. Call Bill, 467-2458 or 278-4469. Fuller Brush. PROFESSIONAL wedding photograph-; ' at prices students can afford. Call Mike at 35S4842 or 322-7253. VXvVeddinir Photograph 355-4842 11-3 p.m. EXPERIENCED typing of theses, term papers, etc. by former legal and statistical sta-tistical secretary. 266-0405. WANTED PART-TIME. EVENINGS. $240.00 per mo. AA-1 International Corp. Local office, 3 well-groomed men. 18-25 yrs. Delivery, display work. Car needed. Training given. Up to $1,000 scholarships scholar-ships available. 9-11 a.m. - weekdays only. 484-4121. APPLICATIONS now being accepted for hostesses at art shows and as art leasing agents. Send resume and photo. 1810 Garfield Ave. WANTED Male dancers for rendezvous. rendez-vous. Experienced. Call 322-7125 or 355-9515. EARN MONEY part-time receptionists reception-ists secretaries, file clerks, bookkeepers, bookkeep-ers, typists, etc. Call for appointment. 355-5350. WANTED: Chauffeur Service on campus cam-pus on regular basis. Use your car. Schedule to fit your classes. 322-6434. Goldberger for Congress LW WANTED Nics, comfortable apt. for young married couple close to U. beginning summer quarter. Will paint and redecorate re-decorate in exchange for rent considerations. con-siderations. Otherwise, reasonable rent. Call Ed, 8-5, 322-7041 after 5, 359-1853. BABYTENDER 3 days a week for a 2 year old. Call 322-2318. TOIL-EASE Distributors make up to $103.00 weekly for twenty hours work. Simple easy door to door selling sell-ing of the modern miracle bowl cleaner. clean-er. Call Lee Peterson, 328-89S8 or see him at 416 East 2nd South. WANTED Roommate, girl, non-smoker, non-smoker, non-drinker. Call 364-6072. HAVE FUN help people: Full or part-time work for men and women. Complete training at our expense. Call for personal interview between 3-7 p.m. Phone, 266-1084. Joe Pettit. MALE student to help drive to Los Angeles An-geles area this weekend. References. Phone 363-8653 or 363-0971. TRAVEL Susie Cloud is alive in the sky PERSONAL FREE profile handwriting analysis report re-port with each purchase of autographed, auto-graphed, hardcover book, "Grapho-therapeutics." "Grapho-therapeutics." by deSainte Coiombe. $5.95. Write Leslie W. King. 2346 South 150 East, Bountiful 8-1010. GROOT IS UNION Punch really hallucinatory? Find out Wednesday noon at Punch & Cookies & Candidates. Noon. Alumni Alum-ni Lounge. Hear your choice. Drop in, drink up & speak out. HUDDLE BUMS Remember 16 will get you 20. 1 WHAT IS HARRIS R. (Ronnie) VINCENT VIN-CENT doing running for Public Affairs Af-fairs Board? Find out Wednesday at noon in the Alumni Lounge. Punch & Cookies & Candidates. IS VERL HUNT really a candidate for Public Affairs Board? Find out Wednesday at Punch & Cookies & Candidates. Noon, Alumni Lounge. ENTERTAINMENT READERS Theatre --The World of Carl Sanberg" Union Little Theatre, 2:00 p.m., Sunday, April 7. ROSALIE SORRELS FOLK MCSIC CONCERT Friday, April 12, 8:30 p.m. First I'nitarian Chapel 5(i!) South Lith East Tickets: $1.50 on sale at door LOST 'N FOl'NI) LOST One yellow gold pearl ring. Lost between Ballif Hall and OSH. Call Lorl, 467-0338. SECRETARY SERVICE 15 YEARS' typing & printing (mulll-lith) (mulll-lith) theses. Complete service, charts, pictures, binding, etc. Phone 278-211)6. EXPERIENCED typist has IBM Se-lectric Se-lectric for theses, term papers, reports. re-ports. All Greek letters and most math symbols, italic print for scientific sci-entific names. Call Mrs. Helen Cox. 406-5572. THESIS offset multilith printing andor experienced thesis and theme typing. Any quantity. 277-7109. |