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Show Ivieee. Poiolsc Ana i rs Candidates Beta Theta Pi, and have served as an IFC representative." Jeff Swinton "I feel that we should stay in NSA. The benefits derived far surpass sur-pass its political drawbacks. 2) Ad Council should be expanded to handle all internal and external publicity for ASUU. 3) Freshman Orientation should include slide programs aimed at acquainting en- areas where Public Affairs Board could designate more student power pow-er to the Council." Miss Warner is a English-Advertising major and has served on Leadership Training Committee, Advertising Council, Program Council, Chairman of This Week We Honor, publicity chairman for Jr. Prom 1968 and U-Days 1967, Freshman Cabinet, and a member of Spurs and Delta Gamma Sorority. Sor-ority. ' (Editor's Note: This article is jie fourth in a series of seven to be published by the Chronicle to acquaint the studentbody with information in-formation about and views of the candidates. The following is material ma-terial submitted by the candidates.) candi-dates.) The candidates for Public Affairs 3oard are Ed Ditterline, Verl Hunt, Tony Rampton, Jeff Swinton, Har-is Har-is Vincent and Kathy Warner. Public Pub-lic Affairs Board is responsible for the general inter-action and communication com-munication of the Executive Coun- affording all students a reference group relationship. 4) through specific spe-cific attempts to involve people who are not represented through our present election system. I also believe that we need a serious ser-ious evaluation of our present form of student government. We do not place enough emphasize on things that students care about. Harris has been editor of the Chronicle, a reference Group Leader Lead-er and the Chairman of the ASUU organizations handbook, has served as head of this year's Student Participation Par-ticipation Committee where he worked for the block seating concept con-cept at football games. Other commutes com-mutes include: Challenge, CCUN, Spotlight, Homecoming, U-Days and President of the Young Democrats Demo-crats on Campus. He is also a member of Skull and Bones. Kathy Warner "If students care about anything other than raising their gpa or lowering their tuition, they should care about who represents them in the Univeresity's public affairs. This area includes our clouded image im-age in the community." hampered by the lack of support by the students. The existing barriers bar-riers in communications are staggering. stag-gering. Consequently, the efforts of student councils lack student support." sup-port." "It must be the task of the Public Pub-lic Affairs Board to renew student interest. We must begin to culti vate the young and ambitious ideas of entering freshmen rather than the present situation of shutting the door to their new ideas and desires to involve themselves in student affairs. af-fairs. We must, establish a more representative government to attain at-tain student support. The Public Affairs Board must seek to create a new spirit and a new era for ASUU." Hunt is a freshman majoring in English. He is affiliated with Beta Theta Pi and a member of P h i Eta Sigma, honorary scholastic fraternity. Tony Rampton "There remains a gap in communication com-munication and lack of understanding understand-ing between the University students and the surrounding community. This misunderstanding between the students and people is not onesided. onesid-ed. On many occasions, students have criticized public policies and sentiments due to a lack of understanding under-standing on their part. Therefore, students are badly in need of a direct di-rect form of communication with the surrounding community. I would seek to bridge this communication .., -1 . . i .. . . . . 1 1 i. ! r 1 1 1 1 mi in 7xij.nirrjj.tji in jjj u .iijujji ii jj jjmwjm ijat. jjhi w i ' j f f' : J i II f t I . - ' r - , -'V ' 1 (If f" N., 1 i i J L J KATHY WARNER S;MpP''' ' ; fiBvf ft Alii If " ' ' 1 L Cl ; iiiil t : ':&SSff&SS&:-k iliii - IllIll ! II t ED DITTERLINE t til and the general studentbody With national and regional student, .organizations such as NSA, Fresh-'man Fresh-'man Orientation, Ad Council, Dine put and High School Relations. K Ed Ditterline "If elected I propose to 1) completely com-pletely reorganize the ASUU Advertising Adver-tising Council. It has made much K;eadway this year, but in total QvCope its outlined program is gross-,y gross-,y inadequate. 2) Set up an itemized item-ized budget for the Orientation and Handbook committee and see that Lit is strictly adhered to so that another an-other committee will not suffer because of insufficient funds. 3) Aid NSA in every way, remaining closely associated with its student (government proposals. 4) Promote the Service Bureau adequately. Publicize its service categories, particularly par-ticularly in the social work areas. :5) Conduct Student Opinion Re-isearches Re-isearches in the proper manner. Use organized methods and concentrate concen-trate on complete representation JEFF SWINTON tering freshmen with life in the resident halls and membership in the Greek system. "Dine-Out should be expanded by utilizing all University organizations organiza-tions sponsored meals as a nucleus and then broadening the program enabling more RHA students to associate as-sociate with the commuter crowd. 5) High school relations and LDSSA should consider a consolidation of their efforts in high school recruitment recruit-ment 6) A committee recruiting parental enthusiasm in sending their children here should be considered." con-sidered." Swinton is President of Skull and Bones, the junior men's honorary, has served as a member of Artists and Speakers (two years), Freshman Fresh-man Cabinet Co-chairman, Freshman Fresh-man Cabinet Advisor (two years), Junior Prom Subchairman, Mock Conventions State Chairman, Home-coming, Home-coming, Utah College Convention Chairman, IFC and leader of the Little Society. Harris Vincent "Believing that an involved studentbody stu-dentbody hinges on an informed studentbody, not on apathy challenges, chal-lenges, the main blank of my platform plat-form is to open the communication channels between ASUU and the studentbody. This could most effectively be done 1) through a regular ASUU Bulletin informing students of what specific involvement opportunities are available. 2) through a revival of the direct confrontations between be-tween the Executive Council and the studentbody. 3) through an extension ex-tension of the orientation program, HARRIS VINCENT "Community Service Bureau has made a step in this direction. I suggest that a paid coordinator be established who will spend the time to expand the program." "The University's position in NSA is a public affair. I doubt that more than a handful of students realize that programs such as Challenge and Free University originated or-iginated in NSA. By taking a more serious and practical approach NSA can keep us informed on national student affairs." "With experience on Advertising Council for the past year I see TONY RAMPTON gap and develop a working relationship relation-ship between these local factions. Prior to this time, most public relations work has been done through the administration. I would like to see a public relations system sys-tem set up where students can deal with community problems. I have had a good deal of contact with many local and state leaders. Because Be-cause of this, I feel I would have the ability to get directly to the source when problems arise." "I am a junior majoring in political po-litical science and planning on going go-ing into law. I am affiliated with .p-,,!,,. j I : " ' I " '"'ninili.li i 'I . 1 Hmmmn&Miiim firn miimiiiii VERL HUNT md not inner campus factionalism. ) Work closely with the High School Services division and visit iigh schools in the area to present ssemblies and programs about hings the University has to offer he incoming student. 7) Organize Public Relations Council." i Ditterline has served as Business t Manager of the Chronicle, Adver-. ising Manager, and columnist a ' member of Sigma Delta Chi, Phi Sigma and Public Relations Chairman of Phi Sigma Kappa. Verl Hunt ''What is the future of ASUU? 0 "The point is, the power of stu-lent stu-lent government is terrifically |