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Show Calling U .VS DKADI.INK: Thn deadline for H'ouhm's AWS and honorary scholarship scholar-ship application is loday. Due in Stu-d Stu-d ni Activity Center. M. IIKI?S: siti.,: Camnia Chi is sp;n-', sp;n-', rin ' ; n !;.(. Evening Fireside". Sunda'v. at the 'Jastute. Elder Spencer V.'. Kimball v.iU the the speaker. All .velcaiie. Si HOI.AKS: Turn in Hall of Fame scliilaiship applications today. Reference Refer-ence sheets need not he in until Fri-dav. Fri-dav. '(iS HOMECOMING: Si:';c mniittee budgets bud-gets are to be turned in to the Student Activities Center. Homecoming box. Friday. April 12. SLAVOPHILES: Professor Roger Pax-ton. Pax-ton. History Department, will speak on Yugoslavia. Wednesday. 8 p.m., Union 227. DKl.TA KiKMA l'i: There will be a professional meeting. Wednesday, Business Busi-ness Lecture Lounge. 9 p.m. Members, pledges and guests invited. (iOT: College Republicans will meet Thursday. Hinckley Institute, high noon. GC OF JLDS: Gamma Chi Chapter of Lambda Delta Sigma will have informal rush. Thursday, pledging Saturday. Fun seekers contact Mary Lou, 295-.1591. 295-.1591. Eastute. DAUKKOO.M: The darkroom committee will present Steve Wayda on "Solari-zation." "Solari-zation." 6 p.m.. Union 311. IiANl'E ON: Final tryouts for the Ball Room Dance Club will be Saturday, 9 a.m.. Stewart Gym. Ballroom dance experience ex-perience is a qualification. More info.: 363-9162. (Jl'KKN: Applications are now available avail-able in the Activities Center for U-DAYS U-DAYS Queen. Individuals or groups may enter contestants. Deadline is April 16. The U-DAYS Queen represents repre-sents the University in the Miss Utah Contest. SOl'HOMORK CHICS: Applications for Cwean, Junior Women's Honorary, are available in the Student Activities Center Cen-ter until April 12. Interested girls invited in-vited to apply. BECOME A LEADER : Applications for the Leadership Training Committee will be available all week in the Activities Center and ASUU offices. Everyone is encouraged to apply. Deadline is April 13. FILL THE L'NION GAP: Chairmanships Chairman-ships and memberships now open on the Union Committee. Bodies interested in joining the Union's big happy family get an application in the Activities Center. HEAD TUTOR: Applications for chairman chair-man of the Tutor Society are available in the Student Activities Center (Union 318). Deadline is April 15. All tutors and potential tutors are invited to apply. |