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Show Varied items of business pertaining per-taining to the city, were taken up at the meeting of the City Council Monday evening. The minutes of the meeting are as follows : Attorney Sumsion read a letter let-ter from the State Highway Department in reply to the request re-quest that the city be allowed to have angle parking instead of parallel parking. The city's request was turned down and the letter stated other cities would have parallel parking as projects were approved. Fire Chief Edwin Johnson requested city participation in the Firemen's Convention at Logan. It was moved by Councilman Coun-cilman Peay and seconded by Councliman Memory they be allowed $250 as set up in the budget. The county fire warden is to be contacted relative to .cleaning .clean-ing hides at the tannery. Relative to the transfer of property at the airport in fa vor of Mr. Johns at Spanislj Fork, City Engineer John Neff stated Mr. Johns had received all and more than he was entitled en-titled to. This would be confirmed con-firmed by investigation. Councilman Peay reported the Board of Adjustments had approved the request of Raymond Ray-mond Dunn to build on a lot at 92 South 2nd East, allowing a variance on the sideyard. The request of Orval Lunceford to convert a three car garage into a dwelling, was not considered con-sidered due to the fact it would not face on a public street and the possibility of a street being be-ing opened up in that area would make the building one foot from property line. The opening of roads into the area where the new high school is to be built was considered. con-sidered. Councilman Hansen is to arrange for a meeting with members of the school board and the mayor and city council at the Art Building. It was moved by Councilman Reynolds and seconded by Councilman Memory the following fol-lowing applications for city license be approved: Mobile Ice Cream Business, Miniature Golf and Recreation, 1st So. and Main St., and Sullivan Awning Company on 32 W. 2nd So. Councilman Reynolds reported report-ed the BYU students had performed per-formed a real service in helping clean up Kelly's Grove and recommended rec-ommended a letter under the mayor's signature be sent to them expressing appreciation for their fine public spirit and service rendered. A bill of $616 for landscape services presented by Robert Frazier, was unanimously approved ap-proved on a motion by Councilman Council-man Stewart and a second by Councilman Hansen. It was moved by Councilman Reynolds and seconded by Councilman Peay a bill for $26 presented by LaRell Johnson for stationary to mail letters to the parents -of the high school graduates be approved. |