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Show &fi?rik A Ml 2 Soft Flour Tacos TVj Tr l Off All Food A riJ 2 Mon. 5-8 pm 830 South Main ' 1 Cedar City, Utah JfcAw J 586-3614 ' Introducing a dramatic new way to save! n pi rj J O High interest savings plan with passbook flexibility and protection to $10,000. O Rates equal to the average rate paid on 3-month Treasury bills at the last auction of the preceding month. There is no limit on how high your monthly interest rate can go ( 1981 high was 16.75 1 annual rate), but it w&l never be less than our Super C Q Savings Plan rate, currently 10 annual interest. JLW J kJ O $2,000 minimum balance required. O Make Annual Yield withdrawals ($50 or more) or add to your account -r a ry in any amount. f 1U.4U toterestiscorn- PickaPlum V AiS poundeddaily forHigherIntereSt 1 and CTcQl LcQ Please send me more information' monthly. O Accounts are protected fS up to a maximum of $10,000 by gjjj"" ggJST Ae Industrial Loan Guaranty Inthename(s)of Corporation of Utah, a private 4 lpleasepnnu r . i i j I Account Address I corporation which is not an in- . c. strumentalityoftheStateof ,ty State Zip UtahoroftheFederalGovern- A MS-ID ment. O Use the coupon to open ftVniT,nwlt yourT-BillSavingsPlan. Q)MMERCIAL CREDIT Salt LakeCity, 252 E. Third South 84111, 328 0291 Granger, Carriage Square, 4150 S. Redwood Rd. 84119, 969-3484 Murray, Fashion Place Mall, 6121 S. State 84107, 262-9213 Ogden, Ogden City Plaza 84401, 394-9495 Provo, 236 N. University Ave. 84601, 373-6812 CedarCity, 23 W. Center84720, 586-6581 Iwmm hoeis! Get these great collector's I items from Hesston... J J 1981 Belt P i M Buckles .ilp LA Thenewlimited-editiorTBull- t pjl fighter Buckle" commemorates iHJ ' . Jf ' Kt Hesstons eighth consecutive tele- jr y castofthe"SuperBowl"ofProRodeo r ...the NATIONAL FINALS! n 3 J3 0nly $7,50 9 f . JStikPlns J Kl 4 Jj These detailed pins carry a reproduction pj of the 1981 belt buckle. Two versions available: YA xaarasi3tf' 0ne '0f natS and 0ne 0r P181 9 "")nly $3.50 each 9 Rodeo J'jI'., .r " $ g Lithographs i i 1 -A yK Six full-color reprints ' I yjl of oil paintings com- i v mBmoral'n9 Hesstons "1 ' KJ Past N F R- telecasts, , kl from 1975 to 1980. iy "t. ' Kl These beautiful 17" x 1 .,. J M 22" lithos are suitable for framing. - """" v H Only $9.00 per set of 6 j . pj U.S. funds only; does not inchid Ctnadian tax. duty or xchang rata. - H Available at: ; 1 Tri State Motors ; H298 South Main, Cedar City, 586-6563 : HESsroi5?" LINE |