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Show tary an Treasurer, Betty Marshall, Sgt.-at-Arms; Frieda Wood, Historian; and Effie Marshall, Chaplin. The meeting was then turned over ov-er to the new President. She discussed the menu for the Stock Show lunch. Meeting was then adjourned and refreshments re-freshments were served by the hostess to memberspre-sent. memberspre-sent. Steve Wilson visited with the Milton Albrecht family over the weekend. Marian Robinson and children, Beaver, spent Sunday Sun-day visiting her parents, Clark and Mary Gillins. Mr. and Mrs. Peter La Fever and Verda Tibbs of Panquitch and Mary S tubus of Parowan visited Monday with Armina Banks. Lincoln Camp of D. U. P. held their meeting at the home of Theone Mosher Wednesday afternoon. Beu-lah Beu-lah Wood, gave the lesson, "The Epistles of the Church Presidents" containing important im-portant instructions. Euzell Thomas and Al-theda Al-theda Banks, Milford visited visit-ed one day during the week with Armina Banks. Mel and Kathleen (Myers) ' Ives and family from Tucson, Tuc-son, Arizona visited a week with Em and Shirley Myers. Bishop Earl and Rema f Limb and Gladys Myers attended General Conferance in Salt Lake City over the weekend. Visiting with Dan and Eva Davis for a few days were Eva's sister, Fern Mathews and daughter of Las Vegas. Ray and Francine Garcia and sons, David and John of Los Angeles, Calif, visited vis-ited their parents, Frank and Ruby (Craw) Balough for a few days. Aletha Gillins has returned return-ed home after staying the winter months in Midvale with her children, Cliff and Eileen Terry. Cliff and Eileen Ei-leen brought her home Friday. Fri-day. They stayed until Sunday. Sun-day. Kay and Marian Lamb and son, Randy and I. H. Lamb visited a few days with Del-mar Del-mar and He en Gray. Kelly Griffiths of Boran, Calif, is spending his Easter East-er vacation with the James Williams family. Mr. and Mrs. Rory Terry and baby visited a few days with their parents, Billie and Ranae Davis. They are from Edwards Air Force Base. Marsha Waggoner and children of California are visiting her mother, Lois Pierson for the Easter vacation. va-cation. Rex and Kathy Brown were the speakers in Sacrament meeting Sunday evening. Thursday a group of students stu-dents from the Business class and Home Living class visited in Provo at the Trade Tech. and BYU. The students stu-dents going from here were Jill Albrecht, Grace Marshall, Mar-shall, Lyla Truman, Sharon Williams, Bartt Hollings-head, Hollings-head, Keri Wood, Debbie Williams and Kayleen Carter. Car-ter. Tammy Hollingshead, daughter of Marshall and Nellie Hollingshead was 11 years old on April 5. She celebrated with a party for her classmates at her home Friday evening. Dan and Eva Davis have been to Blackfoot, Idaho visiting vis-iting their children, Don and Peggy Brienholt and family. I Sherrie Lynn Marshall, , Salt Lake, was visiting her parents, Lee and Lynnea The Minersville WardCub Scouts held their Pinewood Derby Friday evening. The boys had to make their cars and race them. Their fathers were partners with the boys. Winners were 1st - Thane Marshall, 2nd - Dell Sis-nerros, Sis-nerros, 3rd - Erik Dot-son Dot-son and consolation - Robbie Rob-bie Eyre. The merchants helped to pay for the trophies. tro-phies. A group of ladies held a surprise birthday party for Devota Helington at her home Monday evening. Pot-luck was the menu. Those present were Drucella Carter, Lela Evans, Ada Edwards, June Griffiths and La Rue Thompson. The American Legion Auxiliary held their meeting Wednesday evening at the home of Daisy Gillins, with President Marybelle Eyre in charge. Pledge of Allegiance Al-legiance was given, Star Spangle Banner sang and the Preamble recited. Prayer was given by Nellie Hollingshead. Hol-lingshead. The poppy poster pos-ter report was given by Daisy Gillins, with the winners win-ners given cash prizes. They were 1st class - Tammy Tam-my Hollingshead 1st, Lori Williams 2nd and Michelle Carter 3rd. In 2nd class -Kayleen Eyre 1st, Rodney Carter 2nd and Allen Solomon Solo-mon 3rd. Kayleen's poster was sent to the Department Depart-ment of Utah. Phyllis Truman Tru-man reported on the Essay's for the Senior division from students going to Beaver High, the theme was "Freedoms "Free-doms Youth Challenge." Winners were 1st - Chad Hollingshead, 2nd - Lyla Truman and 3rd - Grace Marshall. Florence Wood reported regarding the coming com-ing Easter Egg hunt wich will be tills weekend. Sponsors giving prizes are Minersville Miners-ville Town, Pryors Merc, D&W Merc, Dan's Service, Minersville Feed, Scotts Service, Rema's Beauty Solon, So-lon, the two dairy barns, Legion and Auxiliary. The installation of the new officers of-ficers for the coming year was conducted. Past District Dis-trict Pres. Daisy Gillins issued is-sued the Oath of Office to Phyllis Truman, Pres., Theone The-one Mosher 1st Vice Pres., Virginia Marshall, Secre- Marshall over the weekend. Ross and Eleanor Marshall Mar-shall and Effie Marshall went to Salt Lake City Wednesday. Wednes-day. Ross entered the University Uni-versity Hospital Thursday morning for tests before under un-der going back surgery on Friday. Word received Saturday Sat-urday by friends, was he was doing just fine after successful suc-cessful surgery. Jackie Mooseman, daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mooseman was 5 years old on April 3rd. She had a birthday party for a few little friends. The parents of Ellis Nelson Nel-son from Star Valley, Wyo. visited with Ellis andRoene and their family for a few days last week. Lucy Murdock and daughter daugh-ter Joelene Bently and children traveled to St. George Monday to attend the funeral of a friend, Belle Fullerton. They brought Lucy's Lu-cy's sister Wilma back with them. She visited one day then went, on to her home in Magna. Mervin and Ada Edwards went to Panaca Wednesday to attend the funeral of Bruce Wadsworth, great-grandson of Ida Hollingshead. Lewis and June Griffiths spent the weekend in Provo and Salt Lake attending family fami-ly reunions. Visiting at the home of Bob and Lois Walton this week was Lois's mother from California. Martha and Jean Banks, Salt Lake City were visiting over the weekend with their parents, Guardell and La-Rue La-Rue Banks. Lee and Lynea Marshall have been taking care of their little grandson for a week while his parents, David Da-vid and Janet Bradshaw, Beaver were on a trip to South America. Lola Roberts and Jane Gressman were visiting relatives re-latives in Las Vegas during the week. Dan and Laree Brinker-hoff Brinker-hoff and family, Fillmore, were visiting Saturday and Sunday at the home of La-ree's La-ree's parents GoldieandHil-da GoldieandHil-da Marshall. Monday afternoon the Elementary Ele-mentary school students .. were entertained with a band concert, presented by the Cokeville, Utah school. The highlight was the presence pre-sence of Stewart Peterson, who is the boy character in the play "Where the Green Fern Grow." He signed autographs for the students. Dorothy Wood and children child-ren were in Provo Tuesday shopping for graduation apparel ap-parel for her daughter Keri. Visitors at the home of Floyd Woods Sunday were LaVar and Patsy Hollingshead, Hollings-head, Panaca Nevada and Vance and Joette Wood and children of Hurricane. Rhoda Browner and son Gary of Las Vegas visited Sunday with Vella Stephenson. Stephen-son. Kirk and Thelda Martin and family of Sparks, Nevada Neva-da visited Thelda's brothers Net, Jack and Jim Craw over the weekend. Bobbie (Kelsey) Parsons, Monroe is visiting her mother, mo-ther, Isabell Kelsey. Isa-belle Isa-belle and grandson, Chad have returned home for the summer. They have been living in St. George. Mike Kelsey has gone to New York with his race horses. Justin and Noreen Gray and family of Enoch visited visit-ed Sunday with parents, Delmer and Tlene Gray. A family dinner party was held at the home of Randall Ran-dall and Loneva Banks in honor of the birthday of Den -zel Craw. Sunday afternoon twenty -seven family members mem-bers were present. "Bud" and Virginia Carter Car-ter visited Thursday with parents, Frank and Drucella Dru-cella Carter. |