OCR Text |
Show UTAH & PACIFIC I'u 11 CO. Lower Rates to Conference Than Ever Before. The Utah and Pacific Railroad, will sell round trip tickets to Salt Lake on April V. h, olli. lit h, and 7th. good for return until Anril lUth, at the very low rat-of: ."'.MM J'roin Uvada, s-."i0 fr.an M'ld.-na, sT.-'o from I.uv.d. 'I his is Le-s Than i n.- l'.:r for the Round T; Train haves tAada I:111! i. m. ' " 'i;a j. m. " '' Lstrd i::V i. in. Arriving Salt L:i.;e a. in. Train lenV0 Salt Lake p. ia. Ari'ivi.ig - r.uiid -;V, a, M.vi.'na Dies a. m. ' Uv-iia li:."", a. m. Ev.:ry!ody come, the trip will w'.'A o.j you 7.,., d. JOS. A. '.Vh-i'. |