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Show Successor to Wooiis, Lund & Judd, dealers in General Merchandise. , Will meet all prices. No shoddy goods, we keep nothing but the best, new goods just in, call and examine. I & S ? sr. rr sr. r- r -r. r-sr. r- vr. Nib qu tioOiP utrOpi i Is now making- a specialty of all kinds of j Also Farming Implements of all descriptions, -L iti l We also carry a large stock of I GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I U DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &G. & jjj We handle nothing but Good Goods, and Guarantee Entire Satisfaction. ih Prices Bed Rock. (? 1 Try lie Old end Reliable Go-op. I p o0ilTS6 SOUS i DEALERS IN - nn-JCRfli MFRRHBfJniSE FURNITURE & Wall Paper. We also carry a complete line of HOSIERY, SHIRTS, HATS, PAINTS, OILS. Call and Examine our Goods, we will as-1 as-1 sure you Good Satisfaction. New Stock of Or3s Goods, Trimmings MIMinery, Siloes o0 Evorytiiing NEW, 0000, CHEAP. TVlrs. Addl E. Price 4 n, S3i1k8i!8il m oon Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE We carry a full stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Gro ceries, and Mining Supplies FURNITURE ORDERED ON COMMISSION. SpMd Assortment of FURNITURE. E. ES. SNOW. STAGE LINE Between St. George, Cedar City, and Lund. DAILY SERVICE. Passenger Fare: From Lund to St. George $6.00, Bound Trip $11.00. St. George Offiice at City Drug Store, J K. Michels, Agent. Light Freight and Express rates reasonable, furnished on application to: F. G. MILES, Saint George, Utah. EfpBiV F?.St'f a low grade FLOUR whon you PlPl-'J 1 PiU can get'a liig'h R-nulo for Mo same. bUSy 1 MJ 8 price. Our "Choice . Family" is one grade higher than the conimom family Hour. WASHINGTON MILL CO., Jos. ft, fiumv, M;-". PYMM HOUSE, St. GEORGE, UTAH. JOHN PYMM, Prop. HEALS REASONABLE. Also dealer in, Jewelry, Stationery, Groceries, Etc. Antikamnia for Headache. Neuralgia, and Sciatic Pains. Sure Cure. DON H. PORTER, Prop. When you are in Salt Lake City, stay at this Modern Hotel. Elegance, comfort, convenience and refinement in every department. SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH Good accoinocluf 'oil ut n-:i:-on;ibli' !;!'.".. Loca lion the. most 'tit i"i 1 i n ii v. Fim st .sample I'onnis for d is ,l:i y nf Guilds. A share of 11." puMic oat :'oii;;,"i-, c"!!-Hfd. c"!!-Hfd. j"a--eii;':''i'H from Mo'b-na will be f'.tr-ni.- li'-d t'.'ini on applii'n t ion. Directly oppoMl'. Ta hi-i-naHe, F. L. DAGGETT, 1 Vo-n-h-to,.. fiords House GEORGE MORRIS, 1'mp. First class accomodation for the traveling travel-ing public. A good bath room has recently re-cently bcti abh-d. Half-block cast of postnfiicr., St. George 1 can g"t vim a Suit of Eir.-.t Out '-s 1 f I! v a l t . v . 3 i. L We ;.( f.",.f I Siii: Ve .Is a ! -. - r ' i-e. f .n eiee of our :-' a' I . Call v. d .e -auoees at A. N. WINDSOR'S. j t1: ' ': .-4 ) JW::K-I2zi&3'z& .LuUs p , -stf f sLr 5 v,;;.e WILLIAM CRAY, BHPvBEPv |