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Show Tii,: Co-op received a load of f.oods 'Hi;, UVL'k. IVkt Woolfeiistine will commence thrcshing next week. Brin- in your job work to this ollice and have ii neatly done. Sheriff Brooks Mid wife returned from 111.; northern end of the suite Friday. Toqtierville and Leeds corrospond-,-nce arrived too late for insertion in last issue. No need to send money away from iioine for job work. Have it done at the office of the home paper. Schley, not Sampson, was the man who was in charge of the American lleet which destroyed the Spanish fleet. Glance your eyes over our advertising advertis-ing columns and see what merchants and business men invite you to do your business with them. The thriee-a-Week-World, nearly equal to a daily, and the Washington County News, your home paper, both one year for $2.2." in advance. Rogers, the photograph ev, took some excellent pictures of the future man and woman float and some, other interesting inter-esting features ef the procession. Hon. Robert Lund and a party from Montana are making- an examination of the Lund-Campbell-.lohnson group at Statelme. Sunday's Tribune. Dr. Thomas G. Lines is now permitted permit-ted to practice in this state, he having passed the State Board of Medical Examiners, Ex-aminers, at Salt Lake City on Thursday. Thurs-day. We call the attention of our readers to the changed adv. of the Co-op in this issue. They have a fine new assortment assort-ment (if goods and invite you to inspect them whether you purchase or not. At 11.40 p. m. on July fith, President Subscribe for the Home l'aper. Rbuda Booth and Mark Lanb were "jarried on Tii'-sday. Second crop of bic.-rn neariy ail harvested. har-vested. A heavy crop. Willi:, in ami Thomas Sterling were ;n from Peed- on Friday. Rogers iiv -- -iher iefi lier-- 7r rjang'j;'.. ., --r, i : .!;. I'anaea coiv -. .. .:'.. :: uit.VwJ :ate for inserl;o. in Li.-t issue'. The daughter of Geo. Wortheii. who was operaied upon last week, is on the improve. Hon. Thomas Judd was registered It the Cullen Hotel. Salt Lake City in Sunday. Fnvi-lopes. )irinte-d with your return ,-ard on rhem U) cents per 1.00. Bel ter iialitv 0(i cents. W. V. Calder. representing the .imit h-Wallace Shoe Co., was hustliug jrders here this week. Miss Delia Nixon is seriously indisposed. indis-posed. She was very sick yesterday but is slightly improved today: Show THE News to your friends .tnd tell theni we want them to subscribe for the only newspaper in Dixie. .1. L, Poole and wife, l'epresenting the Computing Scale Co.. Dayton. Ohio, were rushing business here this week. "Bud'' Andrus was kicked by a mare, iu the left eye, ou Monday receiving re-ceiving a painful wound, He is ve-jovering ve-jovering nieelv. The News now has the -ery best "aeilities for printing wedding invitations. invita-tions. A small fee, and a kir.s from the bride settles the bill. If you receive a sample copy of The Washington County Mews it i:i an invitation to you to subscribe. If you ,lo not Want it kindly pass it to your neighbor. Albert Hartman was iu from Silver Reef, a guest of the Hardy house this week, . He Mailed in upon us and planked down the ready for a year's subscription to The News. WANTED High-grade man or woman wo-man of good church standing, first willing will-ing to learn our- business, then to act as Manager aud Coi tespondent here, oh salary. Address . General Manager Julia A., Face, St, George, Utah. LOCALS. Subscribe for the hum.! paper. K. G. MeGuarrie was ill from Silver ileef this week. See that new adv. for John I'uiim. of the f'yinm house, in this issue. II. Pickett & Son have an adv. in this issue. ( Jive I hem your work. Drop in The, News ollice and give Hie editor those small news items. Smith Harris and wife were in Iron 1 Silver Reef on Thursday and J-cturnec; , on Friday. j . i Mrs. tieber Smith was taken ill or I'rida v evening but t'iiis morning is on i :he improve. II. Pickett, went up the river on pi-day pi-day ori a visit to his daughter yhc resides at Virgin City. FRLSH LUMP LLMK oh hand al Bdward Christian's residence, Cor. Diagonal & Locust streets, St Ceorge. If you see our reporter on the streets don't forget to give him any little item iif news you may have. L is the news ,v e want. ' f . Uon't send to Salt Lake to get litho-; litho-; graphing done. We can get. out jot I ,.vork with lithographic effects which .vi 11 compare favorhb'sv with the real - hing and at less cost. , An election will be held in the Cottn-.y Cottn-.y Court House, on July 11. for one chool uustee for the le.'m of three ,,ears. and a county School Superinten-.leut. Superinten-.leut. Pedis open 1 p. m. io p. m. . Old newspapers for sale at this office 25 cents per hundred. Edward Christian went to Cedar City to work on the branch Normal School this week. Half Gallon FRUIT JARS for This Week Only at ?1.3o per dozen at St, Geoi'ge Co-op. The Washington County News is located iu the Gardners Club Hall, on Second North street. A sample of delicious honey waseft at this office this week by Morris 7l3ros. It is as fine as anv we ever sampled. I Mc.Kinley issued a proclamation to the American public asking them to hold speciitl thanksgiving services in their respective places of worship, when next they meet for divine service. John R. Wallis, late editor and publisher pub-lisher of the .Randolph Round-LTp, has finally launched his new paper, the Washington County News, which is crisp and brignr. The Broad Ax wishes the News and its big hearted editor the greatest success. Broad Ax. f. Gordon Sullivan, the six-year-old son of John Sullivan, fell out of a wagon when the 4th of July procession started and the hind wheel of the wagon passed pas-sed over his stomach. It is not certain yet whether he is injured internally or not, but the little fellow appears' to be improving. Dou't mail your letters without having hav-ing your own address printed upon the upper, left hand corner, which will ensure it's prompt return to yen if not delivered and prevent it being sent to and opened a', fin; dead-letter . ollice. At The News ollice you can get .100 envelopes neatly printed to order for 50c. Larger quantities at reduced figures. Every missionary shall have a copy of The Washington County News sent him. Or her, free, if relatives will urnish this office with address. If the missi entry is in a i'ur'egn eounir, relatives are asie d fn-.-.-i 'j i'c-!agc stamps. Citizens should be especial! " careful during this hot weather to keep their premises fre from anything that will cause bad odors, such as st ag in nl. pools caused bv throwing dish water and the like iuti. the back yrrd. In thir way much sickness may be avoided. A conjoint conference of the V. L. and Y .. M. .1. A's viil be. held at Faiii. uiteh l.vk . on duly ?. ', 24. and 25, at which ihc.M. 1 A's of Beaver, Kant. V'nrguitcu. Parowan and St. George Stakes will take part. A moot excellent- rrogram h.a" been arranged and a delightfiT tim'. as -ured al! those who are so fortunate; as to be in a position posit-ion io attend. A general invitation is exie'-'d'-d to all and will "undoubtedly be ace. pted by a :.'reat nt. uber oi.' our peoph Tiie. :irst copy of the V A s H IN et TON The Indian ollice has decided .to ex-pend ex-pend 5.000 foi- the relief of the St.. George Indians. The sum :s to be immediately available, and Comniis , doner .loues luis so informed Congress-'nan Congress-'nan King. "I hate used Chamberlain's t ough dleinedy iu my family for years, and always with good results." say's Mr W. Cooper of LI Bio, Cal. lor small phildren we linu if especially ? ffec-:ve." ffec-:ve." For ?a!e by all druggists j. Tlu-Washington county News. ublifhed at St. i.Jeorge by John R. '"Valhs. is the latetf exchange t'-i Veach '..''he Advocate ollice. . It is a neat all Vome pi'irt papi'-'. ard we. wish Bvo. Vallis much succesi. I'astorn l."'.ah Advoeate. i I'm yourself in 'ouch with the times: 'swim with the stream: study the meth-' meth-' xis of -uce..-:-ful business men iu every branclt of Iva'dc and ftpply hes r n'elh-' n'elh-' ids to your own business as far a prac- 'icable to do ?o rnd success is w'thiu vour g'.'a -p -- raiiitetis Magazine. New York. I Preserve every copy of the home paper, and . keep them on file. They will prove to bo.a faithful record of-, the growth of your county. An exehango. says., let a few i'.o.vcio grow about the back deer, or in L he garden, to absorb tiie malaria, uev, and later ci to furnisli good chicken feed. Correspondents are requC-stt'd to write ou oiie side of the paper V'ul.v and to sign their names to ail communications, communica-tions, not uecessat-i'y for publication but as evidence, of good faith. Let us have'tie'v? item'.-. If on liuve friends visiting you, if you are going on a visit, if you know of accident;:, sickness sick-ness or any item 'of new.-: at- all letivm-be" letivm-be" the Home Paper wants jusi such things. A vopy of the firm issue tie Washington County News, published publish-ed at St. George by .1. 11, W allis. has re.tchea our exchange f able. It !s neat and newsy and sho'.ud receive the. support sup-port e' every live, i.'irvzen of Wahingf-ton, Wahingf-ton, County. Randolph Round-Cp. A suvpris.e was sprung upeu 1). Seg-miller. Seg-miller. at the home Vjf Geo, Jarvis, on Wednesday .evenitig. About eighty of the relalives and - friends of the young man and his wife; gathered together to-gether and a right merry time was had by all until the "wee sua lioors ayont th-i twal.'' The 'occasion was a farewell to young Segmilier.who d"jiartcd yesterday yes-terday to fulfil a mission in Gerinanv. His wife accompanied him and will s;-0 a's far as Salt Lake City. The Washington County Nkus is oil our exchange tabh,. The general m; keup of the paper ib good, and the ue,v:- of cuv Utah "Dixie" giveis in a cleft--, cor; p.-ehensive style.. ',-. M ould infer irons ihe remarks 'ef the editor that jhe pa'iie" is started a- an 'p,;vi-me.; 'p,;vi-me.; iV i.i. if umtii;nt suiqii,.-, is given it, will e-anti-iue VVe feel conlidcn' ; that the licople of our oni'-prlsin sou;he-n coor.try win give amp'... sup- I poP-', tee '-m.il.-,. If ,,t. tli.-v are certainly s,ai;.lii- f., Uieir own agin, j u?; most. inly merits ii i Loir, in., ,- U (.ii ;at.r. lews' ihroagli- ' 0i - .I'' Hi,;:, ;V.i,, , -', , ' Mi.-s Tillie Foster has gon-. to Salt La ke City on a visit. Overton. Nevada. correspondence arrived too late f.v inserthir in this is,' lie Mrs. ). G. Woolley ,.. luue yostrr-day yostrr-day to reside iii Salt Lai;,' t iiy Saui-tuid Saui-tuid Wells aim wife aceonqia oieu tier Us far as Mill'ord. The L'tah Church and Pan,.. ;,. ..M religious agvicuHuval aud a'nil; j,,,,;.. nal '" Slates, and the Washington Cunty nk.vs, be,!, otie year for $2.1(1 i,, adva-ua . . Bryant Adil.y and wire i,, i1Vl, j Vednesda lor VI,! p;v, ,.,.,, .""y will u.ake 1-,,,-ir Houv mi,,,, Vaketiug, .,.s. Ashb.Vs lather :.. ,r-'- .'"- "' .Mill ,,.,,.,, : ),, ; " ''-''. i'.u" ''V-,; ., , j 1 Morris Itros. exuaeal L', ,-,r.ns of honey this wtek. V bill tor ; iu anuexatioM ol Uawai, has passed I lie Senate by ., voie o; I: ayes '; o "1 ua s, M. P. 7i; i.s of I .e-eU: wa. i ., , ow , i, is 1U-:-M"i - 'lie. pieasan, "' r'l-"1 'lntwoi.eii,,,, ,lolll,rs machinery Tin. M'.WS aud u ep it j,, hiopou. l a bout t lie same i i 1 ' ' tiOIlt IIOOII rh""'' !-iMu,,,ti r r,v,.be-iear-o!u '"'A-ttl.o lives ,-u, K,n;:'s druestore. Mood , iroiu ,;, a small cannon when U .'Xpioi'le.l. I",,, 1 "i 1 , e,val a eliare,. ol W:!'h. !h ,lie ,,-i't ,j,ji r y eie , av , arriee Lille-- ,! v ' 1 ' .""i l e. ,;; ulldi'l ,!",iMUi'""-- n.-t . (,,! in-, N"'l'"":v' ;'"' Wuel-e, o;e.ed the 7"",'- ,! -! :..! be Ivi '''':1""V,i -'ve-ely. n,,, ,.,,. ,,,.,A l S- I l.llee.e I'',,. P..' I Wl'.a'.eve'. yibi do. stand out. 1") u"t '-e e'n.e ef ti e mo',-.. Make a' iharp nark Po;;'' l.r- fabt and spidery and omnior.. P - unique- rttuarkabie be tii-si. Threw e..r, voir, eomniercial 'chest. Void I'ij-I yodr c-vneaircial 'u-ad. t'bn't l'e o,-., o ' r i ma-'-; Be the eat '. i:r; tie' i . Mak- your -top. i!i.' i'!;:i;e.-i. b"igbe'st. the (,.--! Ij:t v.: your ifr'r"- ti- iest. ' oi-; ,-i.,r" '. - ,-iir w irai .- . '.ear v.au'- ,0'ir ''i i',-,1!'.. .-; . -''. '-'-I I n '..-v. l.-m ..: I- v CoVN'PY XEWj reached us lIus. week. Ii is iddished by Joh'u R Willis, tiie ''ormer edi'-'r of the Randolph RociC.-l p. Wt a e plea:. ed to get, an exeeauge rrotn Southern L'.ah so ihat we ca 't be'Cie'iu he'ie'1 aciuainied -'ith t'le pwpii- v the eiiTcreiu Dix'e av.'ns. N'if" ii , ;- bro-,- a jier-.m si' i ho- oul. illy in i.'uct vdiji 'he pe'ople o a certain lo.-,ei:y a-i.-ea! uewspape; It is to be i- ::,.,i ii,e I.,. eii0: 'f Vasbing-I Vasbing-I . ' lor i. '.eio.' ' 1 d... ail iu letr pow,;r to !,::.:; 1;.. ja;-,- : '.i,- - n-.-i- Miss L, B. Work, the leaehe:- on the InJ'au' Farm up Santa. Clara creek, was a pleasant visiUr.-to t-his-oitii-j last week. The lady is Weil p!ea'efl with the pi oj'i ess made by her i;i;pi!s. whom she descibes as traclablo al vrvy wi!'':".Lr lo learn. Tiie' 'larerr... of the Indian children attending the .-shoal. sho'v.-C- g.'e-ii inierest- ir. the oi-ngi-i-ss ii,, ver ; leaking ane jt.-.i-.v. l.y Vtn.s p.,-,-.- i .,.- , an w rite i.,U.e liieir V-Iii!.: .e, ,,- ',iss lYe-'i's |