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Show lMi()FKSS!0.:Ai.('Ai!l) FREDERIC CL1FT, M. D. CITY ATTORNEY St. George. UTAH. VVC CRAY, Tonsorial Artist. Iluli-w.ltiiil.', rtlmvliw '" S!.aip,.,i,v in latest stylo-- North SI. DAVID H. MORRIS, COUNTY ATTORNEY, St. George, UTAH. GotoFASCHER'S PHOTORAPH GALLERY For the Latest styles and best quality of Hall and Gloss finish Photographs, ns well as Enlargement; GALLERY WEST of COURT HOUSE. GEORGE R. LUND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, St. George, UTAH. All kinds oi practice solicited. For Good BOOTS & SHOES Go To JOSEPH ORTON, North St. St. George. H. PICKETT & SON, CARPENTERS. BUILDERS, and CONTRACTORS. Will build yn anything from Toothpick to a Meeting House. St. George. Utah. PYMM HOUSE, St. GEORGE, UTAH. HEALS REASONABLE. JOHN PYMM, Prop. Also dealer in, Jewelry, Stationery, Groceries. Lie. Antikumnia for Headache. Neuralgia, and Sciatic Fains. Sure Cure. HOME INDUSTRY R. M. ROGERS & Co. will compete with Chicago in tfie Picture Business, both in Prices and Qnaiity. Enlarging a specialty. Satisfaction Sat-isfaction guaranteed. No money in advance. Frames always on hand at very low figures . GiveusacaSlat Booth's Galiery. 1802. I- riONEEK MILLINERY SHOP Mrs. Julia A. Pace, successor to JULIA Hi IVANS'- Visitors always w.ileme Temple and Burial Suits a Specialty Locust street. St. George. MILES BROS. SADDLERS and Harness Hakers, Heavy Harness aud Stock Saddi.-s Specialty. Repairs nealh dime. Wi guarantee satisfaction ir, everyt liinc in tiie harness line, Prices re s"vi. ,,.: Call and see us. A. R. WHITEHEADS SON LViALERS IN General Merchandise. We also order Furniture, Carpets and Wall Paper j on commission St. George, Utah. banners, ,1echaniuv-Sheepshearers ,1echaniuv-Sheepshearers and. ail o;!-,,-rs i-ike in. i (. ithaiW G Miles keeps aiwa on l;ary the Ceiebrated Diamond Va'.iev tirii GRINDSTONES, Mounted with Hangers read-, lor us,' or without mounting. Prices and kino of pay to suit the- times and cmuum-v lhid Norths;. St. Ceor,'. i i r..w.,M ji.. si, X '' A"- N -..--s-. -rfi 50 FER CFa'T, SAVINS Xiiitv-j no top or bottvn rail .m.l n!v as manv vos'.s .is av.- 'l siv. -,' :""-Vf iiotli-i.T aaa maks a Vtiut fonce. A hill line o( ri-.-tJ .mU ti"e i-'.-.u-u.: ' 1 k!! "':. ".::. IV.ls. Kail. eu. WiUo (. lull pa.i:cp'.. . - UWSOM FENCE CO 'Oe Kaib, HI |