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Show liario 1 .v. tw. A wo.nttn wa.-, huAed o.livo at An-Goey. An-Goey. in Savr.y. A "'.'hdio tho p-ravodiytrors woro t i'r.ooAny e..r! !i tor n t::o ootihi t::oy iioard ;: ::::., .t::. : do. Ti'.oy vaito.i hal:' ao. :..:: i- i.o.'oo-o ;k-i:;g ;k-i:;g up thi-ir i.dnds win:: to d,:. and t'rn. instead of opening tiio 00. 'dr.. went to notify the aut itorit ios. A priest was the. hirst to arrive, an.i ail 'to dared to do was to have stainh t he.'.e: bored, so as to let in a. little air. !An ally, al-ly, after three hours, soon aft.r the knocking ceased, the eotiitt was (vr.oi! and lie woman's checks wove soon to be- lhished and her eye. hall 0110 nod. 1 1 took six hours and :: haif more to .,v; r. doctor, who when he oame said she hail been dead less than six hour.-: that is. .she must have been alive whei' the colli 11 lid was removed. |