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Show V (M'l.KiiiiATKD , lai.ar a.a'iaa,- "')l :a'T A da, Tat will he C I: ' i.vlhe People of !ixi''- Pel, i.sile: Weli. I lioiil'l -' W(' tpir reporter Pettrd old I'.'.-idelds ,,1'St. i.eorpesay thai limy never had ,.?, a ''ood turn '"d oil .h.- Fur!h ,K.(1IV. :o,clali hecaase our eomni'.v i-- PePine Spain "ii aenerai principles. . ,"i ,,',,' of t-ii h'ortre IPitaeatsm! i he !P" are a Pa!1 of it as an epa is fnll .paiwai. Anot.hea meetinp, rich as the ot.c in tee '1'aPei'iiacle on -Men. law would lill tPc na-n so fe.ll of patriotism thai a recruitine serpean : would only have io show his colors hei e to enli.-T the '' hole male ponuhition. ami females too ll ihey wer. wanted Firine of puns crackers, ele.: eoiu-menced eoiu-menced iil.xrat 'midniplil, and aiiaiil the same time a pari;. .r tonne, iadie.-. serenaded sere-naded the city am, rend.ered patriotic sones. The sine'in.a was very fttse and the instruniental music which aeeom-pauied aeeom-pauied them was yaajd. 'Pwo tliin.es of which the people of St. Ccoree nuty be proud in connection connec-tion '.'.'ith this ceA'1'ralion we'ta the in'omptitttde with which every pari, ol tlw pt'oerani wtts carried on I . and the total aP.-cecc of drankenness. Drunk-enia Drunk-enia .na.v have i-vdsted Tutt onr i ep.jrt-er ep.jrt-er did not see a si:;;.fle t;aso. either at the iiroees.stoi.' or ,..l the sooris in the aifernooii. The pi-ocessioi: ,vas excellent The Peats and deeoi aa ion;- rcilcce-d a reat ci-edit, on tlie eomaiitiees wliolui'l ihoe matter.-! in hand. Miss Crace Alc-Allistcr Alc-Allistcr as Cod.dcss of .ilieriy. Mi .May I Irooks as 'Plait and -Mi-s ll.i.Ue Milne a.-Cnb:.'. worn all e'ood a.nd Ionised cliarmiiie'. The same can lie liaulaT.lly said rep'ardine tlie yoa.ee kid ies ','. ho rrprcsriii ed da.'' other .-tales. The Martial Mann worked iiianiiiliy. a-! a-! laps had doiic .-i nee earix tnern. ik-eir hearts weae in i'neir 'oiisiue-s. 'Pee Siake Mre.-ideney was rep!'se;ie.ai P I 'ai's. T'ke.-id IP C'tnnoe i" a ea caa ea The three oldest men wee. Kichard Mentley. Ccoree Woodi'vatre. I .mvn -o Clark-, (h'oree Wood'aaiad ia one of IP. all's pioneers and PoLeti.o Clark was a i.ieut. in tin- Mormon Matat'ion. Tlie Sir bap 1 fane, d id we! I. The yon ne ladies Slrine Maud was .e.cilont. iheir wapon attracted considerable attention and was neatly fittcd-un with an orea.n oecupviu the centre, covered wa.e- on. wliicii was a soui-ce of con-idera bp. amusement, had painted on its cover: " ,'!,!io I'll ion.- coiiee to White I Pber, (siened j .P ,t-a" The aeon wa- decorated decor-ated with a broken wheel, old movo-P'!11'. movo-P'!11'. ''aa, and its occupants kept ihe crowd in roar ,,f !a eli I e. 'I'he e'reat-es! e'reat-es! inidii-pr.'nokine atiracdon was a wait-on represent ii,,,- die I'm nr.. ,;,,, and woman, in which wars sealed t.ien Willi wonieiP 1,,,1S ilu, j.,,.,,,., ,,,... ine childrem seuine. peidini;' po;t!!o;a.. churnbi-, etc., v.iiile tlie women were bossine; (lie 10I1. piiie a unmoor of "''"'!' i''.e'!; wore in die pre-'casino anion;.:- v.liieh svas nne eoulai'd-e:' a Siiie'ea Sew ill.;- ,P'i ,in,, ;!m ,!ri ell b-that b-that co-np.aaay's ae'.mt. here. 'I'he TaPiereaele ;,s crnwded ami v ia; indeed a beaaa id ( 1 ,p,.' !u. 'pj,., nrations w ere' i as: ci'it I ami a pi .ropria i ,,. '!'1'" e.e!P,lresMpi. ,;l,p,, ,,!,,,.. l.v '! '!! of ihe tj'v w hiclt makes he-ri,,'s he-ri,,'s hei-nine.. 'pp,, ekoia,- nndcr ""' :'-''''' lianleieJiin ,,f . I'ieket: l"'"lli'i""i "!''''eeiloll,s sons on,,,,' iop, i" -'hoi',!'.," "PreeP.nuS; ,,,,, jn "''ail', ae low d , a" ;,, !'! ''!'.: -i;.','. Amcie;,' " ' ' ' ' ' i- 'a ' ' , ' , |