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Show rT IPT T II I f- J 1 N Xi- tU v "vr" k? Just Arrived at The Great .Reduction in Prices. s Ladies3 Shoes 75c. per pair. 5 g Men's Pants $1.40 to $5.00. 3 ib Ginghams A-c. per yard. s Print? in all patterns. Sugar RH lbs for $1.00. 2 Bacon 11c. per lb. :5 H Hani 15c, per lb. ; Arbuckles Coffee 15c. per pj-;e. 3 S All Cream Cheese 161 c per" lb 3 Wire Nails 6c. per ib. H UiiiiUUiiiiiiUiiauiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiaiiUiiitiiiiiuS We will not be undersold and will meet Any and All Reductions in Prices. Full Weight. Full Measure. Square Dealing. Everything we carry is First-Class. bEEil IF" Jul' CL, I J-. J IL lED . .of '-&zr: p ts .x -tf. -jf!ZZ2 ty wiliA fan fit J& Call and see them, they will Astonish You,, A complete stock of General Merchandise, firs. Addie Price, Cor. Washington & Diagonal Streets, W S HINCTO N ROLLER MILLS. Flour, Germade, Chopped Feed, Bran and Shorts, at lowest cash pricss. Have for sale Twenty-one feet of IRON PENSTOCK, Dirt Cheap. Apply or write to: E. H. Snow, St. George, Utah. Constantly on hand at E. B. SNOW'S a large Bopply of FURNITURE, iiicliKliiit'; Chairs, Tables, Bedroom Suits, Wall Paper, Linoleum, Etc. Also carries a good assortment assort-ment of Undertakers Supplies, D. M. Osborn Machinery, Machine and Wagon Extras, all at Bedrock prices. St. Georsre MEAT FIARKET J. . Pf:ARCE. Prop. St. George, L't;ih. t --I- ' 'j. V & r. a '' a V THE A f l I j. ' , i $ . J - X.I i - -i. -f i.1 .J. .J. K N '"' " i N . .a s ? "- r t- -'. r T-y.., r --" v. j |