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Show sI'IilM.DAI.I'. One day. last, week. Joe Huber. who was in the employ of the lumberman at Mount Trumble, Ariz., had a little unpleasantness with his employer, whereupon Huber concluded to bit the trail for home, at Kockville seventy-live seventy-live miles away across a dry desert. He left Trumble at - o'clock one day and arrived at Gaanan ranch at J o'clock the next day footsore and exhausted, lie was picked up by some drummers who landed him saf"ly home that night. A little, display was made on our National Nat-ional Holiday but not. much. The young folks had a dance in the evening". Weather extremely Ijoi. Harvesting in full swing". Dixit-",. Spring-dale. Ulah. .Inly 7. IS'.IS. |