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Show OUK CO; RESPONDENTS. Item i.t Xev.s Gathered by Our Alert- t orrespondenls. Till: I'PH'Cn'AL KVKT 1 THK WEEK, From Xearly Kver;, I'ov n in iVajh-i iVajh-i n l; f "i County and Adjacent 1 'or: ions (if Arizona and Nevada. IlKIIS. THi. phst week has been a ur' busy one with us here. Grain and hay have been out and b mled. The harvest of each is very good. Oio- town is beinjf canotmdeu this morning with anvils, and other noisy weaoons. We have had very little slee:) since midnight. The, young ladies of Leeds are worthy of congratulation for their earnest labors la-bors and ability in the work of improv-ment. improv-ment. Nearly all are subscribers to the Journal, and have also bought, and mostly paid for, the back, bound volumes. vol-umes. Yom.g men. wake up We were, visited last Monday by Sister Sis-ter Clayton and Sister -larvis and her two counselors, .vho were traveling in the interest of the Y. L. M. I. A. We had a splendid meeting, the house being filled with the ladies of Leeds both old and young; all bore testimony of .the goodness of God to theru. It was reported that no malts would be allowed allow-ed to be present., but the bishop and one other tellow manured to slip in. We also had a pleasant call from Sister Jarvis and her counselors on their return home, Thursday.. Such visitors are, and by right ought to be. always welcome. 15. I M. Leeds, Utah. .July 4. 1898. |