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Show THK WTI-K'S WAI! XKWS. A Uriel of 0),-r:it !. ;i, on l.si.d and S,-a. i: i.( i i i ii im nisi. ' i lit: w i; i : . iili-ii f pi '---.I for lc-;tdi.-r who ' do Nia T;!kf !h" Uail.v i'ar.i-r.-. ! intiA1!". Va--ii i ne t on. Soaft'-r is ;i rr:y. ;g ing hi- a.rl i!i,-ry r,-ad. 'o rllaek Saiiiiago. t.-livraph ami lelrpiimH- .tlul h: has In-. - -: . 1 1 tl i .- Ii -t f at :i i.oiiil within two mi !(-- .. n! i:: go. , SATCklJAV ' W' U'aslHljgtol,. .Ilil.V 1. - 'I'll.- Wai Dept. ha rrei'i Vi-d lie following' irom (feu. Sir, l": (!-. i tat i'd jit SiboiK-y: Had a wry bc-;i' i ogaeeiui'iif today, which lasted from H :i. in. to sundown. We have ,-arried tie-ii outworl':s and are no-A" in possession of 1 1 em. I regret to say 1 hat our ca.-iutlt ies wilt be alie'-e four hundred. Of these, not main killed. SUNDAY. Washington. ,1 nl v i- Tlir Pre.-, and Sec. ol -Vui-. through a pi ivate di.q)ateh coming from the haltlolield. learned that the engagement was resumed this morning and has continued all day. The wounded are coining' in rapidly ,W and iudii ations point to heavy losses. The d is pa ' eh does not indicate a decisive-result decisive-result in any direction. The bombardment of the I'ons at the ..utei-ance of Santiago hai'bor was resum-.d resum-.d early this morning' and lasted over an hour. The east corner of Mo-i o I'sin-tlo I'sin-tlo wa .-: knocked loiiecesand the Hag was shutdown. No damage v.a.-. done :o the sh;p-", Several otlicers of tlie 24 1 it nui Hit h Infantry were wounded in the. first lay'r; light at Santiago. MON I iay. Washington. July -1.- Glorious news hoiii Cuba alfords the American populace popu-lace just cause for the celebration of this, the Nations Holiday. Admiral Sampson lias accomplished the work which he was directed to perform when lie left Key West for the coast of t -nba. He was ordered to llnil and destroy Cervera's licet. Yesterday after being bottled up and helpless in the harbor for weeks, the Heel was destroyed. Nothing now remains of the Spanish bf)) squadron but shattered and burning jnilks. In audition to this splendid work accomplished by Admiral Sanip-iaiti. Sanip-iaiti. Gen, Shatter, in command of the land forces before Santiago, had so far jirogrossed In i he carrying oat oi Ids Jans for '.he reduction of ihe city that lit HCiil e-;,;i'r:l;i,i morning lie demanded demand-ed the ill'ttlediaie a r I e 1 1 ' i e r e! the 'ho a del Ks... ,li,y :;. The ,!es-t ,!es-t rue: io;i of 'cr er:i 's 11 eel is continued. Al.l.l'-.N. l.iellleCol. HougUon-, .lul I. Th- I'. di-p;:e-'h 1 :e;' t .a i re. v liie'n lei: t'aviie on July Im. ha - arri ed iyiv. She .i:.;-W I hat til'" A Mieriea n I , e..'s .vi tile ";.;)- pel is ( -, e! S .lne. Cil y e! I 'et" illg" a lid A 1 1 -I '".I ! ia, com e , -d i i I ! e ( ii;- rie- I on :i rri ' ed :il 'a v i i J v ,o J". 'I r . i ir v : ne; i ;ikeu i he I .-.'drone Istairv- oi' i ,!,, and havin::" i.'ti men l bore. The Snati- isli t he error and n; her o;ti";:: Is ,.:. ui - ...I w ere I ,r"Ueh! lo a vi I e. '! lie ! ". S. I roups eon n I 1 1 1 debar!, a ; la i i e on Jul;, Is:. Kha ft er's !n mlo ua no--. W !;, ii ' he lew Ii el I ' ; i ; i 1 '-'.,:- I :l le'll. t ! e Sp.. 1 ,i Ji n.'K.SIJA Y. A-.-.-'.jciated Press. Jab. i. Al;iiral Cervera's iieet consisting of the armored armor-ed eraiser- Cristobel Colon. Ain; irate 'Jqin ndo. lnfantii .Maria Teresa and Yizeaya. and i wo iorp'"'do-ooat: desi roy-ers. roy-ers. the t'ni-or and Pi 11:011. lies today at tin' bottom of he ("a; i-ihean tea oil' the sonihern coast of Cuba. The Spanish Admiral is a pri-onei of war: alsi, bilil) other Spanish soldi' as and sailoi all v.ho e.s'aaped tin- rightful euynag'e caused 'oy 'he slielf Irom the .'vtneri-ean .'vtneri-ean wars.hip.-. Adniii-al Cervera made as gallant a dash for liberty and pre-servaLion pre-servaLion ol' ids ships as e'er occurred in the history of naval warl'ate. The Spa iiia.nls sl'owei.i nu .-ignal of surrender surren-der even when their .-hius commenced losinl-: and rl-.e great clouds of smoke issuing- froi. i their sides showed tiiera to he on lire. The Americmis lowered their boats ..nil rescr.ed the wounded and drowning Spaniards. The Spanish Admiral was wounded in an arm: Lieiu Commander Wain wright, to whom he surrendered, grasped the hand of the gray-bearded Admiral and said tohini: "I congratulate yon. sir, upon having made as gallant a light, as was ever witnessed on the sea." The Lieut, then placed his cabin at the disposal dis-posal ol the gallant admiral. A.oout .TdO Spaniards were killed or drowned, anc about ihO wounded, WEDNESDAY. Last nig'ht the war buretm received several dispatches from Gen. Shatter, butthe, were not all made public. In one. of them the commander reports that the wounded are noing well and that only one death lias occurred since the battle. All the other men are well. The glad tidings will lie reeehed with joy in ail parts of the country, especially especial-ly as regards the wounded. He also says that, people in Santiago are starving. starv-ing. Rice practically the only staple article of food they have, One man killed and one wounded were all the disutilities on the .American .Ameri-can side in Sunday's battle, when the Spanish licet was destroyed. It is claimed that one shell alone killed Kid men on the, Yizeaya raking the vessel fore and aft. Washington. July fi. The annihilation annihila-tion of the Spanish !cct continues to be an absorbing topic, among naval officers, and they are giving most generous praise lo Commodore Schley for the noble manner in which he destroyed des-troyed the licet when the immediate, command fell to his lot. Washington. July ". A a result of the cabinet meeting today instructions were sent by the President lo Admiral Sainp.-on and General Shaffer to confer con-fer logether concerning a joint place outcome of this conference depends the line of act ion for the in i mediate I'm lire, for the present the land bombardment. It Gen. Shatter's forces, has been detcired as ilie siiaatiou has so completely com-pletely charmed by the annihilation of the Spanish licet that ii is lnanilestly the ear' or wi-iiom lor his land bom-baivmeni bom-baivmeni tnawail the coopei-ai ii at ami upoer; et a i'!','it'!ci"i''iit from Adi lira! Sa i e p-on 's tV"i. Ore. S'naller i'l "i disp':!'-'l feived las, nijh; I'rii'icis ihe repori ihat ho-,. 1'am.ie with about iit!.) .nik-oNIi troops had a rri 1 1 'd in Sa ui ;a u'o. Y:,h'ir.'i"li. -in'.N .- iirpiv-i tin: live It-.-!'"." e: llentCCS- ie,ht h V " '" 1 .Co." til 1 he I lellsc ;. i'-M IV-ohlt !T '"' .el-ill:;" .el-ill:;" 1 he : cauhs ef ( "cr-:"c- to ( "tie-dor, "tie-dor, S. !'.!, ;i:.i t he o:' h-i r.- a on men ,,, : o ,.r -h ',---: |