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Show LIVING IN WAGKiKGTON. How People Arri Al 1 iictc:! t tiie National Na-tional ( :'.p!t:il. It would naturally be supposed thai business depression or a financial panic would not be felt in the city of Wash-ington, Wash-ington, but, this is not "id iroly the coo-to'. At least two-thirds of the inhabit a nts ,of this eiiy derive their living', direct ly or indirectly, from tho govern:. '-out. says the Washhigom Star. The merchant mer-chant is depetidciw. in a great measure upon tho rottremige of government, employes em-ployes for support, and. tile two largest store:; in the city recently moved oil' Pennsylvania and up town in ord; r to bo cotiveu icnt to the. bigf de'ptn'l ro: nts. In addition to thro an ouermntw sum its paid out here direct ly from inn iriaoo ury jor p-msions. Hundreds of pensioners pen-sioners have moved to the t.'istrl'-i. of Ceiiumbia :-.iru dy beerm o th -1, -'an .--ot due. AW these incomes nrrv. ,i by citizens citi-zens of nation::! : ,-i ; ; J. ott. ' nut-long nut-long ;:o Aoo.:'. r of being "- . - -. -. ! :... ly b-adA o ! :i- supp -, i Aon i'ot i.-.o.-y is never tio-'ot, .tit b:o-bio oh .0 S'.mo-lio.-.- a's ret the oniy 'i::o:i : -o . era -n t clerk eve I : a -.-( s no - rev is in o i ori. ,d of bus':.;. - i .' :' Am-. " i.. .. o- ,i 1 p, iuf ii- to : bank-, :;o 1K. ; ;i eitoer in the ieOt .on ,-f a t rank or hi tie- in-s.!e in-s.!e j-ic.-kf -.A hi-- m-A. I' - o.o;, s no lie".'.' oioiln oats al Vh"-f, .-atino-hom-os ee : . til., a ..!,. 1 1 - i.- ,-, ai'-l This: oeo.-i , .-very -it.- - ..,' o , :. ; A Wt.ot .,..!.,; 1,- 1,0 . ::;.,.! :-.o e Tb---o ,io- -bat r "te.o-o ! G body get--- ! boi, :i: "..('. I |