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Show s!.:; aiasNa'sa.': i w 'idle rweiers '.f ihi.- paap'.'r wiil be p'.-;!-ed :o P-aatt (Par t!i"r.. :- at least oae (e'eaded di-.as'.. iPat seicie-e iuts ilett is ( Pen-rh. TfalP- Catarrh Cure mo, P. -a! iptttet-nity. ('ttiarrli luiine a ca-n-ap i a ;i , art i d'.--,.;lse. r 'nttires a coR--t 'te' iote; ! -reaaiteni. 1 Tail's ( 'alai-rh Cure ia lakeu iniereiallia arein.e directly direct-ly iroon the blood, aud. raucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroyme tlie foundation of the disease, and pivina' the patient .-t''eno",-i !y build inp up the constitution and assistiiip nature in doiny it- work". The pronrietor.s have so lunrh faitli in its .aaativc powers, tiuo diey ot,'..-r tine ipandred T'lellat-- i'or atpv cttse that ii. fail-, to en.".'. Send, for iia. r te.-i inioaial-, diiress: V. .!. I'll KXPY e ( 't )., Ilea's Panpiy Ipii- arc tltia best. |