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Show COOLING SYSTEM FOR WINTER USE i Denatured Alcohol Favored to Prevent Freezing. The- ordinary cooling system holds about three and one-quarter gallons if water. "If one gallon of denatured alcohol Is added to two and one-quarter gallons of water, to fill the radiator, radi-ator, the driver will have about a ."0 per cent solution, which will not freeze until the mercury gels down to 10 above zero," says a bulletin Issued by the mechanical first aid department of the Chicago Motor club. "This Is latisfactory for most conditions, even If tlie thermometer may be hanging around the zero mark, because It takes some time for a car to cool down to the temperature of the air. One and one-third gallons, however. 40 per r-ent solution, will give Immunity Im-munity down to two degrees below cero, and If the car Is left In an un-heated un-heated garage over night this Is safer. Of course. If a real old-fashioned cold snap conies on, the safest thing to do Is to see that the radiator contains 50-50 solution of alcohol and water. Denatured Alcohol Harmless. "In buying alcohol for the radiator, only denatured should be accepted, as It Is harmless to the radiator, hose connections, or engine, whereas wood alcohol usually contains free acetic add which Is harmful to these parts, and while It Is a slightly better antifreeze anti-freeze than denatured alcohol It Is not enough to warrant Its cost "The trouble with alcohol Is that It boils at a somewhat lower temperature temper-ature than water, and although this Is not a drawback from the standpoint of heating, it means that It will evapor' ate fast and one can never be sure he has enough alcohol In his radiator unless he makes a hydrometer test. "Regular hydrometers for testing the specific gravity of antifreeze solutions are on the market. In the ordinary hydrometer a sample Is taken In the usual manner, but unlike un-like the battery test, the desirable thing Is to have as low a reading as possible. It Is also important that the reading be taken in a place where the temperature Is not below fio degrees de-grees Fahrenheit. If the reading Is 1.-000, 1.-000, then you have pure water, which will freeze at 32 degrees above zero. The presence of alcohol will lower the specific gravity, and also will lower the temperature nt which It will freeze. Find Gravity of Water. "With a hydrometer reading from 1,000 down to 0.9450 or lower, tlie specific gravity of the water can be found. If, for example, It Is found to be 0.9(533. then the radiator contains 35 per cent of alcohol, and will not freeze at temperatures above 5 degrees above zero. When the temperature Is 10 degrees below zero the radiator will require about 4G per cent of alcohol, which will show 0.9498 specific spe-cific gravity on the hydrometer. "If the car has a cooling system the capacity of which is two and one-half one-half gallons, of which one gallon is 40 per cent, the addition of one gallon gal-lon of denatured alcohol to such a cooling system should produce a hydrometer hy-drometer reading of 0.9570 which will serve as a protection against freezing down to a temperature of two degrees below zero." |