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Show DELINQUENT TAX LIST wonCE hereby given that mIess the following delinquent ' taxes are paid, together with the nenalty provided by law, before , the 21st day of December, 1929, the real property upon which said ; taxes are a lien, will be sold for taxes penalty and costs, excepting except-ing only such property as is held I by the county under Certificate of " Tax Sale, beginning at noon on ; said date, at the front door of the court house In the City of St. George, Utah, and continuing from day to' day at the same time and piace until the list is exhausted, ' ox me taxes, penalty and costs ! m case there is no real prop-erty prop-erty on which personal property ; herein listed is a lien, the per- ' sonal property will be seized and sold according to law. Those wishing to settle before : the sale must pay the penalty of 3 per cent, as provided by the law ; for each separate piece of property prop-erty in addition to the taxes printed print-ed below. ! JOHN T. WOODBURY, County Treasurer. ST. GEORGE ' CITY SURVEY ' Joseph S. Whitehead, begin at SE cor of lot 1 B 2 plat A th N 94 ft; th W 8 rds; th S 1 rd; th W, 4 rds; th S 77' ft; th E 12 rds; 1 rd wide on W end of tract. Total tax $8.99 Brigham Jarvis, W ' of Lot 2, and N 3-4 of Lot 8 B 2. Total tax $24.30 Brigham Jarvis, all of Lot 6 Block 2, Plat A. Balance due ....$22.81 Lucinda Canfield, all of Lot 5, Block 3, Plat' A. Total tax $24.30 Wjm. Thos. Hunter, W 2-3 of N !, V4 of Lot 7, Block 4 Plat A. Total tax $5.83 - John A. Winder, W of lots - 6 and 7, block 5 plat A. Total I' tax ...$2.43 Fred A. Reber, all of lot 7, E E'A of N 1-3 of lot 2 block 5 plat A. Total tax $90.77 ' A. B. Andrus, all of lot 6 block 10 ; plat A. Total tax ....$77.96 ' Maggie S. Wulfenstein, lot 1 block j 11 less, begin at NE cor of Iot 1; i th S 100 ft; th W 132 ft; th ! N 100 ft; th E 132 ft to beg, ' cont. 13,200 sq ft. Total tax $68.04 H, Joseph M. Moody, W part of lot 3 (96 ft by 16 rds.) block 11 plat A. Total tax $26.87 ' Ethel Sorenson, S id of lot 3, block 12, plat A. Total tax $68.04 1 Victor Sullivan, all of lot 4 blk 1 12 plat A. Total tax $55.78 ; Karl E. Fordham, all of lot 8, i block 12 plat A. Total tax $77.76 Joseph E. Blake, all of lot 2, i block 13, plat A, Balance due ! - .... , $22.83 Wm. B. Baker, E 8 rds by 13 rds of lot 6, block 14 plat A. Balance due ..........$82.24 John T. Neilson, care Wj. D. Hay- cock, all of lot 2 except 82 ft S by 34 ft Wl in NE cor, blk l 15 plat A. Total tax ..........$37.67 Naomes L. Andrus, all of lot 3, i block 17, plat A. Balance due.. ....$58.04 i St. George Wells, all of lots- 1 and 2 block 19 plat A. Total tax ....... $77.68 Frank John Pymm, S of lots 7 and 8, block 19, plat A. To- ! tal tax .... $17.01 Henry Rufus Lang, W, of lot !, 4 and 5, block 22. Dlat A. To- tal tax $15.21 i Levi Empey, all of lot 6 block 22 , plat A. Total tax . $40.58 i John M McQuarrie, east 3-4 of I N of lot 8; also beg at SW cor of lot 7 and run th N 4 rds; E 5 rds; S 4 Tds; W 5 rds ; 'o begin, block 24, plat A. To- ! W tax ....471.68 Annle C. Johnson, EV4 of lots 1 ',' and 8 block 26 plat A. Balance iw $48.21 Qua W. Judd, beg at NW) cor of I ,ot 5 th E 208 ft; th S 120 ft; ' 1)1 E 50 ft; th S 12 ft; th W p J58 ft; th N 132 ft to beg, E 6 't of lot 5 used as lane not ' cssnble. Total tax ...... J$251.75 win Dalton, EH of lot 3 block -I plat A. Total tax ..........$63.18 All B. Lang, part o lot 6j jg NE cor of lot 6 th W 49V4 ! ; th S 72 ft; th E 42V4 ft; S 43 ft; th E 7 ft; th N "5 ft to beg, cont 14.19 sq rds. 1 Ba ance due $i.i8 I; C7,cs W. Cottam, W 5-16 of , l0's 1 and 8 block 28 plat A, wnt. 80 sq. rds. Total tax $20.79 'Jnk G. Higgins, S 7-8 of EVi i l lot 1 block 30 plat A. Tot-il :! ta . .. $4374 LMs .Mies Judd, part "of" lot' 6. "lock 30 plat A, begin at NW of iot 6 thence E 12 ft. th I 83 ft: th E 76 ft; th S 49 til W 88 ft; th N 132 ft to Total tax $4.86 W. Andrus, N'j' of lots 1 " 2 block 31 plat A. Total - $80.34 S. Sorenson, lot 3 block Plat A. Total tax $31.59 lm W. e. Woodburv, care f 'S Judd. S 7-16 of lot 4 blk Ph1VArTOtataX : $48'3 ' ' Carpenter. NE cor (3 - t front by 90.5 ft back of tax m bl0Ck 32 plat A- Total .j' - v $1 ' uL!?11' Jr",""'s-r""of" Tots "0 2. block 33, plat A. Total John i " $24-30 2 '.. Mc(5uarrie, all of lots (aland 3 block 34 plat A. To- vEahr,J!x "' -- - $7-29 j..; m Wilson Terry, lot 6 and 4 01 lot 7 block 34 plat A.' Total tax .... $3i 83 Clara E. Sylvester care Henry D. Holt, lots 4 5 6 and 7 block 35, plat A. Total tax $42.77 Job Hall, lots 3 4 5 and 6, block 36 plat A. Total tax ....$32.50 Jacob L. Laub, all lot 2 block 38 plat A. Total tax ...524.30 Annie R. Schone, all of lot 6 blk 38 plat A. Total tax $24.30 Richard G. Bentley S 68 ft of lot 7 and S 108 ft of lot 8 block 38 plat A. Balance due ....$19.47 Ralph T. Carter, W, pt of lot 2 (10 rds 5 ft 4 in S front) block 40 plat A. Total tax ?22.49 Wm. B. Bradshaw, care Claud Cannon, all lot 3 block 40 plat A. Total tax $24.68 Don S. Carter, W ; of lots 1 and 8, block 42 plat A. Total tax.. ... 1 n . v , Francis A. Blair care Mack Bowman, Bow-man, w; of lots 2 and 3 blk 42 plat A. Total tax .$26.97 Wilhelmina C. Sullivan care Gro-ver Gro-ver Shakespeare, W lots 4 and 5 block 42 plat A. Total tax ....$24.54 Rachel C. Cannon, all lots 2 and 3 block 45 plat A. Total tax.. - ...433.53 James R. Cragun, all lot 5 blk 45 plat A. Total tax $31.24 Loren Jones, all lot 6 block. 45 plat A. Total tax $33.78 Samuel L. Carter, all lot 8, block 47 plat A. Total tax ........$43.74 R. B. Carter, care Stephen A. Bunker, all block 52 plat A. To tal tax . jfi.zb Pearl Andrus Morris, ' all lot 4 block 3 plat A. Total tax $53.48 Sarah Erma Sorenson, frac. blk. 4 plat A. Total tax $87.48 George R. Hardy, all lots 2 and 7 block 1 plat B. Total tax $2.91 Adeline Hardy, all lot 3 -block 1 plat B. Total tax .$1.46 Wm. B. Bradshaw, all lots 4 and 5 blk 3 plat B. Total tax $2.92 Adeline M. Hardy care Gustave Rupp, all lots 5 and 6, block 4 plat B. Total tax ....$2.91 Artemisia Seegmiller, block 6 plat B. Total tax $11.66 John F. Pymm, all lots 1 and 2, block 14 plat B. Total tax $15.80 Richard G. Bentley, care John Frank Pymm, lot 3 block 14 plat B. Total tax $5.35 Josephine Hamblin, all lot 1 blk 16 plat B.. Total tax $2.43 Susan J. Milne, all io 3 block 16 plat B. Total tax ..'.JJ2.43 ' Josephine J. Hamblin, all lot 7 block 16 plat B. Total tax $37.80 Angus M. Woodbury, all block 13 plat B. Total tax ...$14.58 J. W. Nixon, et al, -blocks 21 and 22, plat B. Total tax .......$38.88 William H. Thompson est, care Nellie Wjoodbury, all lot 2 blk 60 picLU -D. 11iai hcva. v'-"" W(m. H. Thompson Est. care Matilda Ma-tilda Bleak Smith, all lot 5 block 25 plat B, Total tax $4.86 C. E. and Nora L. Christensen, all lot 5 block 29 plat B. ' Total tax 1 j. - ....$21.87 Ida Miles Crosby, all lot 5 block 30 plat B. Total tax $34.02 Zera T. P. Hunt, care J. T. Caldwell, Cald-well, W' of lots 2 and 3 block 32, plat B. Total tax ....,....$13.12 Emma A. Mathis et al care J. Wl Nixon, all of block 33 and lots 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in blk 34, plat B. Total tax ..........$48.60. Emima A. Mathis et al care J. W. Nixon, S 1-10 of block 39, S of lots 1 and 2 block 40. Total tax - $1-46 Agnes E. Macfarlene, N 3-4 of lots 1 and 2 and aU of lots 3 and 8 Dlat B. Total tax ....$3.64 Glenn E. Snow, S of lots 5 and 6, block 41 plat B. Total tax.. $7.29 Elmo Adams, all of lot 7 block 48, plat B. Total tax $18.47" D. H. Morris care Claud Morris, Si of lots 1 and 2, block 49, plat B. Total tax ....$70.47 Agnes E. Macfaralane, all block 51 plat B. Total tax $23.33 Isaac C. Macfarlane, Jr., E 2-3 of lots 6 and 7 block 52 plat B. Total tax $3-89 Arthur John Wood, all block 57, plat B. Total tax ............-$15.55 Samuel H. Wells, all lot 6 block 60 plat B. Total tax ..$8.50 Annie F. Faubin, S'A lot 1 block 63 plat B. Total tax 47.29 Frank Seegmiller, and E1 of N of lot 7 and aU of lot 8, block 63 plat B. Total tax $58.20 Lucy Thompson, beg at SE cor of lot 2 and run th Wl 6 rds; th N 8 rds; th E 6 rds;; th S 8 rds, to beg. in block 64 plat B. Total tax - 577.76 Annie Wfibb, all of lot 6 block 64 plat B. Total tax $19-44 Annie C. Johnson, all of lots 3 and 4 block 67 plat B. Total i&x $14.58 Adeline C. Kemp, E half of lot 1, lots 6 7 and 8 block 68 plat B. Balance due $21.73 Wallace Worthcn, W 7-8 of lots 4 and 5 block 68 plat B. Total To-tal tax - $53-46 Wm. Nelson, W lot 4 block 69 plat B. Total tax $3.15 Artimesia S. Seegmiller, all lots 6 7 and 8 block 70 plat B. Total To-tal tax -.- $9-" Daniel Seegmiller care Artimesia S. Seegmiller. all lot 6 block 71 plat B. Total tax $4-86 Robert L. Riding, all of lot 6 and N'i of lot 7 block 80, plat B. 1 Total tax '- $4-83 Annie Webb. SW cor (2 rds S front by 8'; rds back of lot, 1. all of lot 2. and also N parti (7'2 rds E front by 8 rds back! of "lot 1. and all of lots 7 and 8 blk 81 plat B. Balance due... $61.S2 ! i Elizabeth R. Snow care Edw. H. 1 Snow, E part of lot 1, frac. blk 9 beg at NE cor, th S along E side 115.1 ft to SE cor of blk; th W along S line 66 ft; th N 116.4 ft to N line of blk, th E along N line to begin, plat B. Total tax $0.73 Jas. W. Nixon, et al, all lots 3 5 and 6 block 4 Plat C. Total tax - - $3.64 Henry Atkin, all lots 6 and 7, blk. 5 plat C. Total tax $2.43 Henry Atkin, all lots 4 and 5, block 6 plat C. Total tax $3.65 B. P. Wulfenstein, all of lot 1 block 6 plat C. Total tax $2.43 jJohn Lee Jones, J. P. Jones, all lot 1 block 10 plat C. Total tax .... ..$29.16 Geo. W. Prisbrey, all of lot 5 blk 10 plat C. Total tax $18.23 Florence Adair, care Olena Larson, Lar-son, all lot 6 block 10 plat C. Total tax 57.29 1 Richard H. Atkin, all lots 1 and 2, block 12 plat C. Total tax. - - ....$4.86 Mrs. A. E. Cook, S of lots 7 and 8, block 12 plat C. Total tax - ......$19.68 St. George Wells, all lots 4 5 6 and 7 block 13 plat C. Total tax ....$4.86 B. P. Wulfenstein, all lots 17 8, block 11 plat C. Total tax $19.44 Henry Rufus Lang, all lots 1 and 2, block 15, plat C. Total tax.. - $4.86 Geo. Gile Hardy, W 15-16 of lot 5 block 16 plat C. Total tax. Elizabeth Jane R. Larson, all of lot 7 block 16 plat C. Total tax $12.15 Lorin Jones, S m of lot 4 block 17 plat C. Total tax $2.43 Annie B. Carpenter, N ' of lot 4 block 17 plat C. Total tax $5.83 Vernon Cannon, all of lot 5 block 17 plat C. Total tax $35.48 Carl A. Moss, N 3-4 and the W of the S ; of lot 8 block 17 plat C. Total tax .......$32.94 J. Keith McArthur, W of lot 2 block 19 plat C. Total tax.. - $9.72 J. Keith McArthur, beg at the N E cor of lot 3 and run S 87 ft, WT 91 ft, N 87 ft, E 91 ft to beg, in block 19 plat C. Total To-tal tax $7.29 Frederick N. Fawcett, part of lot 6 beg 12 W of NE cor of lot, th S 214 ft th E 3 ft, th S 50 ft, th E 9 ft, th V 116 ft, th N ii, Ih E 116 ft to beg, in block 19 plat C. T-tal tax.. i';.'! '.'4 James Wm. Nixon, Provo. Utah, that part of SE Vi SEW sec 25, twp 42 range 16 W S L M not lying in St. George City Survey, Sur-vey, cont 30 acres. Total tax.. 2.19 Wilford W. McArthur, lots 3 and 4, also that part of lot 2 as follows; beg. at N part of lot 2 and run thence S 4 rds; th Wly to a point on the W) boundary boun-dary line of lot 2, seventy ft Sly from N pt of lot 2, th Nly to beg., also strip 10 ft wide along W side of lot t. Total tax $41.21 Wrri. A. Nelson, all lots 4 5 6 and 7 block 5 plat D. Total tax $70.71 Wm1. A. Nelson, all lots 2 3 4, block 10 plat D. Total tax $7.29 Julia E. Graham, beg at S E cor of lot 4 and run NWly along the boundary line of lot 40 ft, th NEly parallel to side line of lot 4.75 ft; th NWly to a point 114 ft NEly from a point approximately 19.5 ft NWly from SE cor of lot 5 the NEly to N boundary line of lot 5 th SEly to NE cor of lot 4 th SWly to beg being part of 4 and 5, blk 11 plat D. Total tax ...... ...$2.43 Sarah Erma Sorenson, beg 40 ft NWtly from SE cor of lot 4, on street line of lot 4 and run NEly 75 feet parallel with side lines of said lot, th NWly to a point 114 ft NEly from a point 19.5 ft NWly from' S E cor ner of lot 5 th SWly 114 ft parallel with sidelines of lot 5, to S boundary line of lot 5, th SEly to point of beg. Total tax $7.29 Wilford W. Bleak, all of lot 5 and 5 1-8 of lot 8, block 12 plat D. Total tax - - ....$63.18 Joseph W. Earl, the N 7-8 of lot 7 and W 5-8 ol N 7-8 of lot 8 in block 12 P D and Part of lots 6 and 7 in 12 as follows: Beg. at a point which is E 43 ft from the W line of lot 7 and on the S line of SE NEVi, sec 24, T 42 S R 16 W, S L M, and run th SWly to Diagonal Diag-onal street at a point 32 feet E of SW cor of lot 6 and th NWly 32 ft to SW cor lot 6. th N on W line lots 6 and 7, to S line said SEU NEV4 th E 43 feet to beg. Also all that part of lots 6 and 7 situate in city entry and line E of fol. line. Beg at a point which is E 43 ft from the W line of said lot 7 and on the S line of SEU NEU sec 24 T 42 S R 16 W, S L M. and run th SWly to Diagonal street at a point 32 ft Ely from S W cor lot 6. Total tax ....$25.87 Moses W. Andrus. NW1-8 of lot I 1; N'i cf lot 2, all of lots 3 4 5 and W K of 6 7 8 in block 13 plat D. Total tax. I $12.15; ! Eli Whipole, all lot 1 block 14 plat D. Total tax $12-39 C. E. and Nora L. Christenson care Evelyn Prince. E'-j of lot 1 blk j I 15 plat D. Total tax S3. 75 j Par.guiteh State Bank, all of frk : ! 17 and all of fract block 1. plat . D. Total tax f 24.30 Geo. R. Hardy, care Orin Bliss. Hinckley. Utah, about S 2-3 of lot 4, block 4 plat E. Total tax $1.22 Frank Judd, beg at a point 553.2 ft W and 200 feet N from the SE cor of SWM SEVi sec 19, which said point lies approximately approxi-mately 348.5 ft N and 45 ft E from the SE cor of lot 1 blk 80 plat B, and ran th E 177 ft, th S 200 ft, th E 132 St, th N 660 ft, th E 244.2 ft, th N 650 ft, th W 598.2 ft, th S 725 ft, th E 45 ft, th S 395 ft to beg! Cont 13.02 acres. Total tax $21.87 Robt. L. Riding, beg at the N E cor of lot 6 in block 80 and run th N 57 rds to N boundary line of EWii, SEi sec 19, th Wj 16 rds, S 57 rds, E 16 rds to beg, cont. 5.70 acres. Total tax $2.67 Panguitch State Bank, sectional lot 2 less begin at the S E cor of lot 2 and run 17 200 ft th W 100 ft, th S 200 ft, th E 100 ft, to beg, cont. 40 149-160 A. Total tax ....$14.58 Wallace B. Mathis, care W. E. Mifflin, the SE& NWU cont. 40 acres less .07 acres for highway, in sec 20 twp 42 range 15. Total tax .......$19.03 Jas. Andrus, care Moses Andrus, NW cor of SBVi NE14 (22 rds N fr by 30 rds W fr) cont. 4.12 acres, in sec 24 twp 42 R 16. 'Total tax $0.49 WASHINGTON TOWN RE-SURVEY RE-SURVEY Peter T. Neilson, all lots 2 and 3, block 13. Total tax ....$16.71 James E. Turner, all lots 1 and 2, block 21. Balance due $23.61 Joseph Crawford, all lots 2 3 4, block 24. Total tax $11.37 Alexander Thayne, all lots 1 and 2, block 25. Total tax $4.67 Murray G. Averett, all lots 3 4 5 6 block 25. Total tax $12.72 Murray G. Averett, all of lot 5 and N of lot 6 block 26. Total To-tal tax ....$3.25 Ernest Tobler, W of lot 1 and all of lots 2 and 3 block 30. Total tax .......$6.09 Mary A. Judd, N of lots 4 and 7, and all of lots 5 and 6, blk 33. Balance due $9.76 Claud Adams, all lots 6 and 7, each cont. 96 sq rds. Balance due $5.30 Peter Neilson care John T. Neilson, Neil-son, all lots 1 10 11 12, block 36. Total tax , $1.02 Melissa Turnbeaugh, Canesville, Utah, lots 1 and 8 less 40 sq it in NW! cor of lot 8 block ,"V' av $2.03 llyrum W. Prabi'cy, all loti 6 and 6 block 37. Total tax S4.06 Win. Weaver, lots 4 and 5 block 39. Total tax $10.15 Andrew Sorenson care Neils Sor enson, lot 4 block 40. - Total tax $3.24 Hyrum W. Prisbrey, . W. half of lots 2 and 3 bloc 48, Total tax ;1..:...$22.66 Wm. S. Gould and Isaac West et al, Wm. S. Gould owned ' int. Isaac West et al owned int. lot 3 block 50. Total tax ...53.05 William S. Gould and Isaac West et al, lots 3 and 4, block 51. Total tax - $3.25 Hyrumi W. Prisbrey, lot 2 block 59. Total tax ........40.61 R. F. GOULDS ENTRY S. L. Gould, lots 12 3 block 5, cont. 2.60 acres. Total tax ....$7.31 Jas. E. Turner, NV4 sec 23 part lots 3 and 7, cont. .98 acres. Total tax .... - $2-84 Levi M. Harmon, care David Turner Tur-ner Est., S sec 23, all lot 3 block 7. cont .98 acres. Total tax - - $2-84 Wlm. C. Titt Est, all lot 3 block 13. .52 acre. Total tax $0.81 H. S. Prisbrey, lots 12 3 block 17, cont 2.79 acres. Total tax. $12.11 Christina Thayne, lot 2 block 22. Total tax - ....$1.22 Hyrum W. Prisbrey, NWjV4 of SW Vi of SE14 and NH, of SW& of SWil of SE! sec 11 twp 42 range 15, cont. 15 acres. Total tax - $33.29 HURRICANE TOWNSITE SURVEY Robert P. Woodbury, lot 2 frac block 1 plat A. Total tax $84.21 Walter Spendlove, lots 3 and 4, fractional block 1 plat A. Total tax -- - $'16-77 Joseph Humphries, lot 2 frac blk 2, plat A. Total tax $21.35 Alma Wright, lot 2 frac block 3 plat A. Total tax 56.39 Alma Wright, lot 1 block 4 plat A. Total tax $64.13 Howard Wright, lot 4 block 4 plat A. Total tax $39.73 Benj. B. Bradshaw, all lot 1 blk 6 plat A. Total tax $43.45 Angus F. Ballard, all lot 3 block 6 plat A. Total tax $43.44 Margaret C. R. Morgan, all lot j 2 "block 7 plat A. Total tax.. $15.33 Lorenzo J. Spendlove, Sr. W'i lot 3 block 9 plat A. Total tax.. $53.93 Lorenzo J. Spendlove Sr. care Whitney Spendlove, E1 of lot 3 block 9 plat A. Total tax ... J S9.45 j Richard Isom, all of lot 2 ex- j ccpt beg at NW cor th S 83.5 ! ft, E 164.5 feet N 34 feet E 49.5 feet S 11 rds. E 1 rd, N 14 rds, W 14 res. to bog. in block 11 plat A. Total tax $37 57 Joseph T. Wripht, lot 3 b'.k 12 plat A. Total tax $44.6-3 i J. Harvey Wright. W '-i lot 4 j ar.d E lot 3 block 12 p'.at A. Total tax $30.24 George H. Wood Jr., lot 2 block 16 plat A. Total tax $45.89 James A. Stratton, care of Grinzy Stratton, South 1-3 lot 3 block 17 plat A. Total tax $9.45 Heber L. Naegle, NH of lot 4 block 17 plat A. Total tax $639 Hurricane Garage Co., care Ira E. Bradshaw, beg at a point E 102'i ft from NW cor of lot 2 and run th E 17 ft, th S 50 ft, th W 17H ft, th N 50 ft to beg., in block 19 plat A. Total To-tal tax ...410.22 Mikes Psehoyios, beg at NW cor of lot 2 and run th S 50 ft, th E 10214J ft th N 50 ft, th W 102U ft, in block 19 plat A. Total tax : 510.22 Mikes Psehoyious, beg at SW cor of lot 3 and run th E 14 rds, N 7 rds, W 7 rds, S 3.5 rds, . W 7 rds, S 3.5 rods to beginning, begin-ning, in block 19 plat A. Total tax $20.44 Jedediah Campbell, all of lot 5 block 20 plat A. Total tax $2.56 Jedediah Campbell all lot 2 frac block 21 plat A. Total tax $24.40 James Humphries, NE4 of lot 1 block 21 plat A. Total tax $7.67 Aurelia S. Petty, beg at SE cor of lot 1 th W 14- rds, th N 14 rds, th E 7 rds, th S 7 rds, th E 7 rds th S 7 rds to beg, con taining 147 sq rds, in block 21 plat A. Total tax .......$44.33 Marion Stout, all lot 3 block 21 plat A. Total tax $38.22 Thomas Isom! care Ervin Isom, lot 2 block 23 plat A. Total tax 4 --- ....$37.19 Geo. A. Wood Est., lot 2 block 24 plat A. Total tax $33.08 Mary W. Stout, lot 4 block 24 plat A. Total tax ....$52.26 Franklin Stratton care Cleo Sullivan, Sul-livan, m of lot 1 block 25 plat A. Total tax $16.60 Franklin Stratton, S1 of lot 1, block 25 plat A. Total tax $43.42 George F. Stratton care Lamond Stratton, lot 2 block 25 plat A. Total tax 417.88 Isaac Lemmon, lot 4 block 1 plat B. Total tax $30.66 Chester Slack, Toquerville, part of lot 1 begin at SW cor lot 1 th E 4 3-4 rds N 14 rds th w; 4 2-3 rds th S 14 rds to beg, cont. 65.30 sq rds, in block 3 plat B. Tou tax . . ...410.22 Merrill B'lK iu; l block 4 plat B. Total :ix $36.52 Wm. Ru-'-ch Si . care Cadamus Russell. S'u lot i block '5 plat B. Total tax $8.94 Emma Ballard, lot 3 block 6 plat B. Total tax $37.31 Mary Scow Est. lot 1 block 7 plat B. Total tax .$24.41 Mary E. I., Mary Augusta and Stella Campbell, lot 1 block 8 plat B. Total tax $33.36 WpL Robt. Langston, lot 2 block 8 plat B. Total tax $18.40 Herbert Isom, N lot 4 block 8 plat B. Total tax .......$33.22 David Spilsbury, Salt Lake, SW& NE sec 26 less beg at the NE cor at SW34 NEVi sec 26 th S 50 ft th W, 475 ft, th N 50 ft, th E 475 ft to point of beg. cont .54 acres. Total tax $6.90 Josephine Workman care Wm. F. Wilson, NE4 SWUl sec 26 twp 41 range 13 cont 40 acre's. Total To-tal tax $9.45 Louis Campbell, care J. H. Jennings, Jen-nings, beg at a point 31 rods W of SE cor of sec 26 and run th N 9 rds, 13 ft, th Wl 20 rds, th'S 9 rds 13 ft, th E 20 rds to beg, twp 41 range 13, cont. 1.225 acres. Total tax $0.26 George T. Stephens, care R. D. Adams, beg 3 chs N of Shi cor of sec 26, twp 41 range 13, and run th E 5 chs th N 17 chs, W 5 chs, th S 17 chs, cont 8.5 acres. Total tax $22.48 William B. and Riley C. Savage, sec lot 6 in sec 26 twp 41 range 13, classed as other lands, cont 40 acres. Total tax ....$4.09 Robert P. Woodbury, beg 64 rds W of SE cor of sec 26 twp 41 range 13, and run N 10 chs, NEly 11.9 chs, more or less ' to a point 6.46 c, E of NW cor of SEHSEVi sec 26, E 6.54 c SWly to beg. Cont. 13.77 acres. Total To-tal tax $2.30 Alston Isom SWUNAVU sec 26 twp 41 range 14, cont 40 acres. Total tax $5.11 Alston Isom, NEUSEU sec 27 twp twp 41 range 13 cont 40 acres. Total tax $5.11 Benjamin B. Bradshaw, beg at a point 13.75 chs S and 10.125 ch W of the NE cor of sec 33, twp 41 Range 13, run th S 6.25 c, th W 9.875 c, th N 6.25 c, th E to beg, cont 6.1 acres. Total tax $7.15 Ian thus Spendlove. be; at a point 19 rds V of the E cor cf SE'i NE:i sec 34. tT 41 rar:ge 13. and run th W 14 rds. th S 14 rds, th E 14 rds. th N 14 rds, to beg, cont 1.225 acres. Tela: tax 511.75 MA-es Psphoyic. b'S- 2 r-s- w-and w-and 2 rds N of EE cor of XE!, sec 34 ar.d run th W 30 res N j ' 16 res E 30 rds S 10 rds, in twp 41 rar.e 13. ccntalnir.; 3 acres. Total tax $25.55 Daniel Hogan, SH' of NEVi sec 35, twp 41 range 13, com at a point 16 rds S of a point 12 rds E of NW cor of SWUNEVi sec 35, th SWly to a point which lies 39 rds S of NW cor SWi NEVi sec 35, th S 9 rds th E 4 rds th S 4 rds th SEly to a point 52 rds E of SW cor th E 108 rds to SE cor th N 80 rds to NE cor th W 112.3 rds to a point 47.7 rds E of NW cor th SWly to a point 11 rds S and 41 rds E of NW cor of SWVi-NEVi SWVi-NEVi sec 35 th W 28 rds to beg, cont. 69.8 acres. Total tax $32.19 Merchant Bank care Stephen H Lynch (receiver) WViSEVi NW ViNWVi sec 36 twp 41 Range 13, cont 120 acres grazing. Total To-tal tax $15.33 Charles D. Alsop, SEVi sec 2 twp 42 range 13, cont 160 acres, class as other lands. Total tax - $8.18 C. Merril Hall, beg at the SE cor sec 4 twp 42 range 13 th N 19.25 rds th W, 12.5 rds th S 19.25 rds th E 12.5 rds to beg, cont 1' acres. Also beg at NE cor sec 9 th S 19.25 rds th W1 12.5 rds N 19.25 rds th E 12.5 rds to beg, cont IV2 acres. Total To-tal tax $0.51 Raymond B. Naegle, W SEVi sec 10 T 42 Range 13, also beg at a point S 20.5 rds fr NE cor of SEVi NEVi sec 10 th S 59.5 rds, th W 80 rds, th N 80 rds, th E 41 rds, th S 20.5 rds, th E 39 rds to beg, cont 115 acres. Total tax $14.82 Ira E. Bradshaw, beg 40.375 ch S' of NE cor of SEViNWVi and run th W 4.96 ch S 19.625 ch th E 4.96 ch th N 19.625 ch to beg, cont 9.73 acres. Total tax $1.02 Marion Stout, beg 4.96 chs W and .75 chs S of NE cor of SEVi NWVi, sec 10 twp 42 range 13, and run th S 59.25 chs th W 2.485 chs, th N 59.25 chs, th E 2.485 chs to beg, cont. 14.723 acres. Total tax ....$1.53 Samuel Bradshaw, Provo, Utah, beg 9.93 chs W and 30.46 chs S of NE cor of SEViNW.Vi sec 10 twp 42 range 13, and run th S 29.71 chs, th W 4.97 chs, th N 29.71 chs, th E 4.97 chs, to beg. Total tax $1.53 E. W. Payne, Provo, Utah, beg 75 Iks S and 14.90 chs W of NE cnr.. of SEViNWVi sec 10 twp 42 range 13, and ruu S 59.25 chs, th W 4.79 chs, th N chs, th E 4.97 chs, to beg, con. 29.447 acres. Total tax $2.56 Ira E. Bradshaw, beg 24.84 chs W and 50.29 chs S of the NE cor of SEViNWVi of sec 10 twp. 42 range 13, and run th S 9.71 chs th E 4.97 chs, th N 9.71 chs, th Wj 4.97 chs, cont 4.83 A. Total tax , $0.26 John H. Petty, beg 24.84 chs W and 40.375 chs S of NE cor of SEViNWVi of sec 10 twp 42 R 13 and run th S 13.868 chs, th W 4.97 chs, th N 13.8S8 chs, th E 4.97 chs, cont 6.89 acres. Total tax $0.51 Harvey Ballard, beg 34.78 chs W and 40.375 chs S of NE cor of SEViNWlVi of sec 10 twp 42 R 13 and run th S 19.81 chs, th E 4.97 chs, th N 19.81 chs, th W 4.97 chs to beg. cont. 9.84 A. Balance due $31.73 HURRICANE FIELD SURVEY Merril Hall, lots 3 and 6 block 3. " Total tax $30.66 C. Merril Hall, lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, cont 40 acres, block 4. Total tax j $78.69 Joseph W. Humphries, lot 2 blk 5. Total tax $14.05 Walter Spendlove, lots 3 4 5 and W: 3.57 acres of lot 6 blpck 5, cont. 18.57 acres. Total tax $21.72 Lee Eagar, N 3Vi acres of lots 20 and 21 block 5, Total tax $12.26 George H. Wood, lot 20 block 6 cont 5.02 acres. Total tax $15.33 Alma Wright, lots 19 20 also S 2 acres of each of lots 21 and 22, cont 14.08 acres. Total tax ...445.73 Harvey Dalton, lots 1 2 block 8, cont 10.14 acres. Total tax $31.17 Thos. M. Hinton, lot 15 block 8 cont 5.05 acres. Total tax $15.33 Marion F. Stout, lots 25 and 28 block 8 and beg 4.10 ch N of SW cor of lot 29 block 8 th run S 4.10 ch th E 10.01 ch th N 1.80 ch th NWJy to beg, cont 13.38 acres. Total tax .. $38.32 C. A. Stratton, N 1 acres of lot 36. block 8. Total tax .. $17.37 John Hasting, beg 4.77 ch N of SE cor of lot 8 and run th S 4.92 ch th W 5 ch th S 10 ch. th W 5.01 ch th N 10.15 ch. th E 1.09 ch, th II 10 ch, th E 3. CI ch. th S 35 dog, 50 min, E 4 51 ch. th approx S 53 dr 41 ni.n E 3.01 ch, cont 12.70 A more or Jr-ss. Total tax $';S.8I Ivan Workman, lot 4 and V 2 acres of 3 cont. 7.03 acrrs in block 9. Total tax $21.72 Walter S;x-ndlove. lot 6 and E 2 acres in lot 5 and W 1.03 A in 7 in block 9. Total tax . .... $25.04. Frank Sullivan, lots 4 5 12 13 blk 11, cont 20.24 acres. Total tax $69.51 John W. Spendlove, lot 10 block 11, cont 5.05 acres. Total tax.. $14.39 Carl W. McMullin, beg at a point 2.50 ch E of SW cor of ' lot I in block 12 and run th W 3.15 ch th N 6.32 ch, th E 3.15 ch, th S 6.32 ch, cont 1.99 acres-Total acres-Total tax $13.63 Frank Batty, ES- of lots 1 and '16, block 12, cont 4.89' acres. Total To-tal tax $7.15 Carl A. McMullin, beg at the SW cor of lot 2 and run th N 9.5S ch, th E 7.50 ch, th S 13.24 ch, th W 3.15 ch, th S 6.32 ch, tlx W 4.35 ch to beg. cont. 12.63 acres. Total tax $34.49 John Schumacker, Ni of lots 11 SVi of lots 11 and 12 block 12. cont 5 acres. Balance due $2.6 R. P. Woodbury, lots 7 and 10. block 12, cont 9.78 acres. Total tax $30.92 John Schumacker, Nli of lots 11 and 12 in block 12, described as follows: beg at a point S 3 ch from NE cor of lot 12 and run th W 10 ch th S 2 ch tit E 10 ch th N 2 ch, to place of beg, cont. 2 acres. Total tax $5.63 Ivan and Raymond DeMill lots 17 cont 5 acres and part of lot 18 block 12, as follows, beg at SE cor lot 18 and run W 26 Iks N 7.96 ch E 26 Iks S 7.96 ch to beg, cont .2 acre. Total tax $14.05 Allen J. Stout, Jr., beg 2.29 cli N cf SW cor lot 18 and run the S 2.29 ch th E 4.74 ch th N 7.96 ch th W 10.24 ch th in a. SEly direction to beg, cont 5.23 acres. Total tax $10.22 Angus F. Ballard, lot 23 block 12, cont 5 acres Total tax $14.05 Harvey Ballard, lot 24 block 12.. cont 4.75 acres. Total tax $13.29 J. Frank Batty, beg at SW, cor of lot 4 and run N 12.625 chs, th E 5.55 chs, th N 2.675 ch, th E 4.49 ch, th S 15.30 chs, th W 10.04 chs to point of beg, cont 13.46 acres. Total tax ...$48.02 Josephine Workman, part of lots 5 6 and 11 as follows: beg 1.50 ch N of SW cor of lot 12 and run th S 8.44 ch, th E 5.55 chs. th N 2.67 chs, til E 4.49 chs, th N 5.77 chs, th W 10.04 chs to beg. Cont 7.27 acres. Total tax $17.8') Frank Stratton, lots 9 15 . and If. and the N IV. neves in lot !':. Oiocfc 13, cni? jft.al acres. Tu- tal tax $29.3t Jeddediah D Campbell, com. 50-chs 50-chs S of the NW cor lot 12: and run E 10.04 chs, th S 2.50' chs, th W 10.04 chs, th N 2.50 chs, to beg, being parts of lots 11 and 12 cont. 2.54 acres, in block 13. Total tax $6.39 Marion F. Stout, beg at NE cor of lot 14 block 13 and run tin W 5.27 ch th S 10.50 ch th K 5.27 ch th N 10.50 chs to beg cont 5.53 acres. Total tax $1456. Robt. P. Woodbury, beg at SE cor of lot 1 and run th W 2.50 chs th N 10.06 chs th E 2.50 chs. th S 10.06 chs, to beg, block 14, cont. 2.51 acres. .Total tax $6.90- Frank Stratton, lots 11 12 13 and 14 block 14 cont 20.60 acres.. Total tax $48.03' Marion F. Stout, NV4 of lots 15 and 16, block 14. cont. 5 acres . Total tax 1 :..$0.5I Frank Barber, lot 1 block 15, con 1.75 acres. Total tax $38.31 Ellis Russell, lot 2 block 15, con-2 con-2 acres. Total tax $24.87 Alma Isom, N 2.75 acres of lot 12, N 2.75 acres of lot 11, and N 4.9 acres of lot 13, cont 10.4 acres. Total tax $30.6K BcnJ. B. Bradshaw, lots 2 3 4 5 block 17 and begin at the NK cor of lot 5 and run th E .125 chs, th S 19.50' chs to beg, cont. 19.25 acres. Total tax $51.61" Joel Roundy, the E 9.875 ch in ET. of lots 18 9 block 17 cont 11J35 acres. Total tax $29.38 Allen J. Stout, Jr., beg at SE cor lot 1 block 18 and run th W 3.50 chs th N 3.50 chs th E 3.50 chs th S 3.50 chs to !;;. cont 1.225 acres. Total tax $23.39 Leonard Isom, beg 10 ch.s W of SE cor of lot 1 block 18 and run th N 7 chs, th W 1.75 c!ib. th S 7 ch.s, th E 1.75 ch.s U. beg, cont. 1.225 acres. Totar tax n Hyrum Erad.'.haw, bg 6.125 ch.s N of the SW cor of lot 2 block 13 and run th N 4.875 chs, th E 6.75 ch.s, th S 4 chs, th V 3.50 ch.s, th S 87.5 ch.s, th W 3.25 ch.s. to br-g, cont 2'JS acres. Total To-tal tax S33.C!) Augusta Anderson, b-; 7.2 chs N and 4.83 chs V of SE cor lot 1 block 18 and run N 3.5 ch.s. W3.5 ch.s. S 3.5 ch;., E 3.5 chs. to b'.-g, cont 1.225 acres. Total tax ; ,; :iv Hirricane Canal Co. care P:iv Bui t,n. be;; at SW cor of iot 1 block 13 and run N 0.13 chs. E 2.54 ch.s. S 5.05 ch.s. S 47 de;; 30 min W l.G ch.s, W 1.23 chs to beg. Total tax $35.90 George F. Campbell, Jr., lots 4 and 5 block 19. cont. 16.40 acres. Total tax $G3.08 Thomas Eagar, beg SE cor of lot 8 block 19 and run th S 1.18 ch th W 5.4G ch th N 3.68 ch th E 5.46 ch th S 2.50 ch to place of beg, cont 2.01 acres. Total tax .....$15.83 Jessie Ella Adams, beg at NE cor block 20 and run W 12.67 ch th S 47 deg 20 min W 4.10 ch th S 22 deg 45 min W 11.10 ch th S 6.18 ch th N 50 deg E 2 ch th N 72 deg E 6 ch th NEly to point of beg, cont. 19.35 A. Total tax $77.43 W)n. F. Wilson care J. Lindon Ileaton, N 4 3-4 acres of lot 4 block 21, Total tax 413.54 George T. Stevens care Oliver De-Mill De-Mill 3rd beg .73 chs E of NW cor block 22 and run th E 3.48 chs th S 1.75 chs th S 47 deg 20 min W .40 chs th S 22 deg 45 min W 2.6 chs th N 30 deg 20 min W 3.90 chs th N 1 ch to beg, cont .99 acre. Total tax $24.29 HURRICANE LOCAL SURVEY Hurricane Canal Co. lot 9 sec 2, twp 42 range 13,' 1.25 acres. Total To-tal tax ...$0.76 Richard Wright, sec 2 beg NW cor lot 15 twp 42 range 13 and run S 14 rds E 14 rds N 14 rds W 14 rds to beg. 196 sq rds. Total tax $30.66 Cassie Isom Brown, beg 13.98 chs ; S of NE cor of lot 15 sec 2 twp 42 range 13 th S 3 chs th W 10 chs, th N 3 chs th E 10 chs to beg, cont 3 acres. Total tax . . sin. 22 Hyrum Isom, part of lot 15 sec 2 twp 42 range 13 beg 16.98 ch S of NE cor of lot 15 th S 4.13 ch th W 10 ch th N 4.15 chc th E 10 ch to beg, cont 4 acres more or less. Total tax ....$15.33 Chas. A. Stratton, beg 24.30 ch S of NE cor of lot 15 sec 2 th 5 3 ch th W 10 ch th N 3 ch th E 10 ch to beg, containing contain-ing 3 acres in twp 42 R 13. Total To-tal tax $10.22 HURRICANE TOWN SURVEY A. E. Hartley, beg at a point 3.50 ch S and 2.73 chs E of SW cor of lot 20 sec 2 twp 42 range 13 and run th W 2.73 chs th S 7 chs, th E 1.10 chs, th NEly to beg, cont 1.34 acres. Total tax $20.07 TOQUE RYTLLE TOWNSITE - Sl'KVKT Susan V. Naegle, part of lots 5 and 6 block 4 plat A, des as follows: beg at NE cor of lot 6 and run th W along boundary bound-ary of lot 6 91 links th W to dividing line between lots 4 and 5 th E to street th N along 33 side of block to NE cor the place of beg. Total tax ....$3.91 Margaret A. Barton, lot 2 block 5 plat A. Total tax $13.69 M. Bell H. Bringhurst, lot 4 blk 5 plat A. Total tax $26.86 Virgil Ellis "Smith, W 12 ft of lot 7 and all of lot 8 block 6 plat A. Total tax $22.68 Isaac N. TJuffin care Ernest Duf-fin, Duf-fin, lot 1 block 7 plat A. Total tax $14.41 Franklin B. Jackson, lot 2 block 7 plat A. Total tax .$11.73 Andrew A. Wilson, lot 3 block 7 plat A. Total tax .$0.78 "Wm. Jackson, SVi of lot 3 and all of lot 2 block 8 plat A. Total To-tal tax $13.68 Riley C. Savage, lot 1 block 9 plat A. Total tax .$9.78 Riley C. Savage, 44 sq rds in SE' part of block 10 plat A. Total tax $0.39 Nora Morill, lot 2 and part of 3 being lot 3 less N 96 ft of block 11 plat A. Total tax 311.73 Benj. H. Forsythe, lot 2 block 12 plat A. Total tax $21.11 Hamilton Wallace, lot 1 block 13, plat A. Total tax $34.67 . Walter H. Anderson, block 19 plat A. Total tax $32.84 ; "Walter H. Anderson, E'i of blk 20 plat A. Total tax ..$5.86 : H. M, Wallace, lot 2 block 7 plat B. Total tax $9.78 Inland H. Bringhurst, beg at a pt E 372.4 ft and N 64.6 ft fr SW cor of sec 2 and run th N 26 deg 10 min W 180 ft th N 70 deg 31 min E 243 ft th N 48 deg 50 min E 210 ft th N 69 deg 30 min E 637 ft, th N 46 deg 23 min E 32.7 ft th S 465.6 ft th S 80 deg 10 min W S42 ft to point of beg, in sec 2 twp 41 S range 13 W, cont 5.02 acres. Total tax J$24.05 , John L. Wallace, S 4.23 acres of W Vi sectional lot 2 section 2 : twp 41 S range 13 W, cont 4.23 acres. Total tax $12.12 Heber L. Naegle, EViNEU, NEU SEU sec 3 twp 41 S R 13 W, cont. 120 acres. Total tax ....$9.38 ; Hamilton M. Wallace, EVi S'.i S'.i j SVi' SEU SEU sec 10 twp 41 j S range 13 W, cont 2.5 acres, j Total tax $4.30 Chas. E. Wallace, Wi S'i S'.i S-i SEU' SE1-.', sec 10 twp 41 S range : 13 W. cont 2.50 acres. Total j tax $0.20 , Henry Bringhurst, Jas. Jackson's Entry, Lot 4 4.12 acres sec 11 Twp 41 S range 13 W. Total tax $6.06 Elsa Anderson Decker, all of lot 14 SEU sec 11 twp 41 range 13, cont 3.81 acres. Total tax $11.14 Ellis Smith, Bowyer entry, beg E 14.50 c and Sly 16.97 c from NW, cor NWU sec 11 twp 41 range 13 and run th Sly 10.28 ch th Ely 13.50 ch th Nly 10.27 c th Wly 13.50 c to beg, cont 13.86 acres. Total tax 28.54 Leland K. Bringhurst, Joshua Bow-yer's Bow-yer's Entry, beg E 7 chs from NW cor NW,U sec 11 twp 41 range 13 and run th Ely 14 c, th Sly 3.84 c th Wly 14.10 c; th Nly 7 c to beg, cont 7.68 A. Total tax ..... j$19.16 Hamilton M. Wallace, Joshua Bow-yer's Bow-yer's Entry, S 6.22 acres of NW USWU N'd SWU SWU SEU' SWU, SWy, sec 11 twp 41 range 13, cont 36.22 acres. Total tax $2.93 William Bringhurst beg at SVi cor of sec 11 th W 2.57 ch th N 13.48 ch th E 2.57 ch th S 13.43 ch twp 41 range 13, cont 3.48 acres. Total tax $4.30 William Jackson, NWU SWU sec 12 twp 41 range 13, cont 40 A. Total tax ......$15.25 Thomas Judd, beg at SWj cor of sec 13 twp 41 range 13, th E 9.09 ch th N 3 deg 25 min W 15.31 ch th S 12.32 ch to beg, cont 5.60 acres. Total tax ....$0.59 Ham M. Wallace, beg at NE cor of sec 15 twp 41 range 13 and run th W 18.623 chs th S 20 chs th Wj 1.375 chs th S 20 chs th E 20 chs th N 20 chs th W 300 ft S 49 deg 7 min Wi 119 ft th S 37 deg 24 min W 2.65 chs th N 56 deg 34 min W 9.16 chs th N 23 deg 30 min E 2.68 chs th N 34 deg 47 min, E "435.3 ft th N 76 deg 33 min W 486.4 ft th N 2 deg 17 man E 145.6 ft th S 81 deg 32 min E 592.5 ft th N 48 deg 22 min E 207.6 ft th N 72 deg 13 min E 413.6 ft th N 258 ft to beg, cont. 57.21 acres. Total tax u...$15.25 Henry Bringhurst, beg at a point 17.50 ch W fr the NE cor of sec 14 twp 41 range 13, th S 18 deg W 19 chs th W 9 deg 30 min S 9 ch th N 20 ch th E to -begin, cont 22 acres more or less. Total tax ...$38.70 Charles C. Wallace, beg at a ryylut S 21.37 chs and W 5.71 chs fr ME- cor sec 15 twp 41 range 13, and run th N 56 deg 34 min W. 9.81 chs th S 23 deg 30 min W 2.68 chs th S 56 deg 34 min E 9.16 chs th N 37 deg 24 min E 2.65 chs, cont 2.5 acres. Total To-tal tax ; .,........$1.96 Charles C. Wallace, W 2.75 acres of NEUNEU sec 15 twp 41 R 13, cont 2.75 acres. Total tax -.". $2.15 H. M. Wallace Jr., beg at a pt W 30.125 ch from NE cor sec 15 twp 41 range 13 and run th S 20 ch th E 6 ch th N 20 ch th W 6 ch to. beg, cont 12 acres. Total tax 1.17 Chas. C. Wallace, E 3.75 acres in NWUNEU sec 15 twp 41 range 13, W 7.15 acres in SWU1NEU sec 15, also beg W 30.125 ch fr NE cor sec 15 and run th W 9.875 ch th S 20 ch th E 3.575 ch th N 6.24 ch th E 6.30 ch, th N 13.76 ch to beg, cont 15.82 acres. Total tax $1.17 Hamilton RT, Wallace, E 32.85 A in SWUNEU sec 15 twp 41 R 13, also beg at a pt E 3.575 ch from SW cor NWiiNEH and run th N 6 ch th E 6.5 ch th S 6 ch, th W 6.5 ch to begin, also beg at a point W 1.875 ch fr NE cor NWUNEU and th W 2.25 ch th S 20 ch th E 2.25 ch, th N 20 ch to beg cont 41.25 acres. Total tax $3.13 LA VERXIN TOWNSITE SURVEY Arthur Webb care Cyrus Gifford, lot 1 block 5. Total tax ....$31.69 Powel Stratton, lot 4 block 5. Total tax " $22.23 LaMlar Stout, lot 1 block 6. Balance Bal-ance due $2.89 Samuel Webb, lot 4 block 6. To- , tal tax - $3.95 Samuel Webb, lot 2 block 7. Total To-tal tax $31.69 j George Elder, lots 1 and 2 block 9. Total tax ....$44.72 j Thomas Judd', La Verkin Town I and Field Survey, all of lots 1 and 2 except that part of lot 1 '; des as follows: beg at SE cor of lot 1 and run th W 7.75 ch th N 22 deg 30 min E 11.59 ch, th I E 3.50 ch th S 10.70 ch to beg, ! cent 6.58 acres; also except 4.25 : A fr N end of lot 1 cont 35.54 I acres. Total tax $4.47 LA VERKIN FIELD i SURVEY I George Judd, lots 3 and 51 in sec 23 24 25 26 twp 41 range ! 13, 8. 67 acres farm land, 3 acres fiuit land less beg at SW cor ' j cf lot 3 and run N 2.35 ch S : 79 deg 15 min E 3.85 ch S 38 J Iks, S 40 deg W 1.63 ch W 2.81 : ch to beg cont .69 acres, total j j 11 acres. Total tax $76.54 , 3"muel Webb, N 5 1-8 acres of let 40 being N'i in twp 41 range 13, cont 5.12 acres. Total tax $16.56 Emil J. Graff, lots 42 45 58 and 60 in twp 41 range 13, also 6.04 ch of lot 43 and E 11.04 ch of lot 44 cont 18 acres, total acres 70.27. Total tax $177.00 Charles C. Wallace, all of lots 6?, 72 and W 4.31 acres of lot 63, twp 41 range 13, 9.62 acres farm land, less beg at SE cor of lot 72 and run th N 8 ch and 36 Iks th W 2 ch 75 Iks, th S 18 deg W 3 ch and 43 Iks th S ch 10 Iks th E 3 ch 81 Iks to beg. 3 acres. Balance 6.62 acres. Total tax $19.20 Powell Stratton, lot 71 of field survey 5.54 acres farm land less beg at NW cor lot 71 and run S 1.9 2 ch E 1.84 ch N 1.92 ch, W 1.84 ch to beg, in sees 23 24 25 26 twp 41 range 13. cont .35 acres. Balance 5.19 acres. Total tax $15.78 Charles C. Wallace, lot 73 T & F survey, cont 7.43 acres less beg NE cor lot 73 and run th W 1 c 6 blks th S 5 c 18 'blks, th N 18 deg E 3 c, 43 blks, th N 1 ch 92 blks, to beg, sees 23 24 25 26 twp 41 range 13. Balance Bal-ance 7.09 acres. Total tax $1.05 Samuel Webb, lot 78 of field survey sur-vey in sees 23 24 25 26 twp 41 range 13, 4.08 acres. Total tax : $12.63 Levi Savage care Riley C. Savage, 'beg E 20 c fr SW cor SWU sec 23 twp 41 range 13 run th N 10 ch, th E 4 ch th S 10 ch, th W 4 ch to beg, 2 acres farm land and 2 acres other land. To' tal tax $5.26 TT.nmilt-.nn "M" WqIIqpp .Tr t-Vip NWU of NWU sec 23 twp 41 range 13 less the following, beg at SW cor of NWfUNWU sec 23 and run th N 15 rds th E 15 rds th S 15 rds th W 15 rds. 38.59 acres. Total tax $3.95 Thomas Judd, beg at a point E 6.05 c from NW cor of SWy of sec 25 twp 41 range 13 and run th S 23 deg 45 min W 6.95 ch th S 68 deg E 24.50 ch th N 22 deg 30 min E 15.81 ch, th W 26.20 ch to beg, cont 30.71 acres Total tax $3.16 Win. B. Savage, and Riley C. Savage, lot 2 sec 26 twp 41 range 13 cont 10.94 acres. Total tax i.... $1.32 3AJV1-A CLARA TOWN AND FIELD SURVEY John A. Stucki, Logan, Utah, SY2 lot 4 block 1. 2.16 acres. Total To-tal tax $6.68 C. Ensign Gubler, lots 4 5 block 6. 5.06 acres. Total tax ...j$12.45 C. Ensign Gubler, lots 6 7 block 7. 3.5 acres. Total tax $2.07 C. Ensign GublepfToT'li block 9. Total tax $1.15 C. Ensign Gubler, lots 8 and 9, block 10. Total tax $0.48 John A. Stucki, Logan, lots 6 7 8 9 block 11. 3.49 acres. Total tax $10.60 Adolph Hafen care Guy Hafen, beg at NW- cor lot 7 and run th S 49' ft E 38 ft N 49 ft W 38 ft, block 15. cont .437 acres. Total tax 167.11 C. Ensign Gubler, block 19 cont .55 acres. Total tax $24.47 Frank Hafen, all the unplatted land in the N of the SEU of sec 16 twp 42 range 16 cont 25 acres. Total tax $3.45 C. Ensign Gubler, all that part of Marius Ensign entry of SJNEU of sec 17 not included in the lots or blocks of Santa Clara Townsite and. Field survey, in itwp 42 range 16 cont 43.62 A mostly waste land. Total tax $8.30 John A. Stucki, Logan, Jacob Frei's entry, lots 3 and 5 sec 21 twp 42 range 16. 3.37 acres. Total tax $4.84 Win. Pulsipher care George E. "Staheli, Solon Foster's entry, lot 1, sec 22 twp 42. range 16, 1.75 acres. Total tax $3.23 " ENTERPRISE TOWNSITE SURVEY Gottfried Kurt and Eliza Kurt, Earlimart, Cal., block 1 plat A. Total tax ....$0.24 'wm. Bauer, lot 4 block 3 plat A. j Total tax $24.05 Dora Woodbury, Tulare, Cal., lot j 3 block 3 plat A. Total tax $1.66 C. S. Fackrell, Howell, Utah, lot ' 1 block 4 plat A. Total tax j ...$23.70 Nephi Hunt, S 1.236 acres of lot 2 block 4 plat -A. Total tax.. I $20.75 Gottfried Kurt and Eliza Kurt care W. J. Lund, lots 2 3 block ! 6 plat A. Total tax $15.40 Gottfried Kurt and Eliza Kurt, lots 1 and 4 block 8 plat A. Total To-tal tax $14.22 j Willis Fuearro care Mrs. C. L. I Wilson, Lebee, Cal., E of lot 3 block 8 plat A. Total tax $5.93 Chas. H. Barnum, E' of lot 1 block 9 plat A. balance due ' $30.83 William Barnum, W of lot 1 block 9 plat A. Total tax $15.53 W. H. Perry, Modena, lot 4 blk j 9 plat A. Total tax $8.30 Thomas L. Price, lot 3 block 2 plat B. Total tax $2.37 Arthur E. Lytic, lot 4 blk 3 plat B. Total tax $12.57 Thomas Elmer Hunt, lto 1 block 9 plat B. Total tax $10.67 Jas. W. Coleman, lot 2 block 9 plat B. Total tax $37.05 Jed M. Terry, part of lot 3 blk 9 plat B, begin at NE cor of lot 3 th S 264 ft th W 69.13 ft th N 64.1 ft th W 50.5 ft, th N 199.65 ft th E 119.63 ft, to beg, cont 104.5 sq rds. Total tax ....$35.47 Haven Paxman, beg at SW cor of lot 3 th E 194.87 ft th N 64.1 ft th W 50.5 ft th N 199.65 ft, th 144.27 ft, th S 263.75 ft to beg. Cont 151.9 sq rds. Total tax ...15.40 Franklin A. Terry, lot 4 block 9 plat B. Total tax $40.83 John Ellicker care George Tait, beg at NW cor lot 2 and run S 11 rds E 17 rds N 11 rds, W 17 rds to beg in block 10 plat B. Total tax $7.00 Jefferson . G. Hunt, lot 4 less a part of said lot 4 block 10 plat B beg at SE cor of lot 4 and run th W 13 rds N 6 rds E 13 rds S 6 rds to beg. Total tax 16.37 John C. Bosshardt, lot 1 block 11 plat B. Total tax ...11.85 Phebe M. Pendleton, lot 2 block 11 plat B. Total tax $11.85 Wallis W. Bowler, lot 4 block 11 plat B. Total tax $80.47 Don T. Emmett, lot 1 block 13 plat B. Total tax $41.71 Ed Twitchell care Jas. A. Hall, lot 2 block 13 plat B. Total tax $18.49 John Z. Alger Jr., lot 3 block 13 plat B. Total tax $41.27 John H. Kroencke, Pioche, S 2-3 lot 2, block 13 plat B. Total tax $4.74 John M. Hunt, .W lot 2 block 16 plat B. Total tax ...24.83 Thos. S. Terry care- John F. Laub Sr., lots 1 and 2 block 17 plat B. Total tax $23.70 James U. Coleman, lots 12 4 blk 18 plat A less com at the SE lot 1 and run th N 5 rds th N of W 17 rds to a poin 8 rds N of SW cor of said lot, th 8 rds S th 17 rds to point of beg, th beg at SE cor of lot 2 and run th 8 " i. .4 "rds N of W to a point 14 rds N of SW cor of said lot th 14 rds S th 17 rds to beg. Total To-tal tax $5.69 John Day, lots 2 3 block 19 plat B. Total tax $14.22 Lewis Bastian, lots 2 3 block 20 plat B. Total tax ....44.72 Elias Hunt, lot 3 also N 65.75 ft of lot 2 block 21 plat B. Total tax $44.68 Ivor Clove, beg at NE cor lot 3 and run W 35 ft S 100 ft E 35 ft N 10tf ft to beg block 23, plat E. Total tax $49.77 Ivor -Clove, part of lot 3 beg 103 ft S of NW cor of lot 3 th S 5 rds th E .17 rds th N 5 ' rds th W 17( rds to beg. 87 sq rds.. Total tax $33.92 Jacob T. Hunt, beg at SE cor of lot 1 block 24 plat B th N 8 rds 15.5 ft th W 175 rds th S 8 rds, 15.5 ft th E 17.5 ft to beg. Total tax $4.27 John Day, lots 2 and W of lot 3 block 24 plat B. Balance due $41.12 Henry Day, E of lot 3 block 24 plat B. Total tax $45.03 Rosco Ml Haley, lot 4 block 24 plat B. Total tax $4.41 Viola Canfield, lot 4 block 24 plat B. beg at the SE cor of lot 4 and run th N 49.5 ft W 178.75 ft th S 49.5 ft th E 178.75 ft to beg. Total tax $17.67 Eliza Barlocker, E 8' rds of N 13 rds of lot 4 block 24 plat 3. 110 sq rds. Total tax.... ...13.27 Sarah D. Morris, E lot 1 and all lot 4 block 25 plat B. Total To-tal tax $23.70 John Day, Jr., W W- lots 2 3. block 25 plat B. Total, tax $38.03 John Day, E W of lots 2 3, block 25 plat B. Total tax $4.74 Earl Hiatt, W cf lot 2 and S W lot 3 block 26 plat B. Total To-tal tax $24.39 Aaron D. Huntsman, part of lot 1 block 27- plat B as follows: beg SE cor of lot 1 and run th N 263.75 ft th W 193.75 ft, th S 44.75 ft th E 52 ft, th S 219 ft, th E 141.75 ft to beg. Total tax $23.70 Thcs. B. Robinson, 1 A 119 3-4 sq rds, It 1 blk 30 plat B. Total tax $2.84 Israel H. Adair, lot 5 block 2 plat C. Total tax $21.36 Israel H. Adair, lots 6 7 block 2 lots 17 8 block 3 lots 14 5 7 8 block 4 lot 1 in block 5 plat C. Total tax $16.59 Susannah H. Jones care Nathaniel Nathan-iel B. Jones, lots 2 3 block 4 plat' C. Total tax $23.81 B. F. Slade, lot 6 block 4 plat C. Total tax $2.37 V.Ln. Eauer, all frac lot 6 block 5 plat C. .43 a.cre. Total tax $1.65 Viola J. Canfield care Wm. Bauer, lot 7 block 5 plat C. Total tax $3.56 Thcmas G. Hunt, beg at SW cor of SWU SEU sec 12 twp 37 R 17 and run th E 13 rds N 20 rds W 13 rds S 20 rds, 1.62 A. Total tax $1.90 Lillian Pace, W of SW'i of SWii of SWU sec ,12 twp 37 range 17. 5 acres. Total tax $14.22 John H. Ellicker, E SEU SWU SWU sec 12 twp 37 range 17. 5 acres. Total tax $28.91 Gottfried and Eliza Kurt, Earlimart, Earli-mart, Cal., W 1-20 of SEU SEU SWU sec 12 twp 37 range 17, acre. Total tax $1.42 Josiah H. Adair, W SEU SWU SWU, sec 12 twp 37 range 17. 5 acres. Total tax $14.22 Israel Adair care Seth M. Jones, lots 4 5 block 4 plat C. Total tax $1.90 Gottfried and Eliza Kurt, Earli-mont, Earli-mont, Cal. NWUNEU and NEU NWU, sec 13 twp 37 R 17. 80 A Total tax $42.66 D. F. Fay care First National Bank, Earlimont, Cal., SEUNWU sec 13 twp 37 range 17. 40 acres. Total tax $9.48 Alfred Kurt care J. E. Stone, Earlimont, Ear-limont, Cal., SWU NEU sec 13 twp 37 range 17. 40 acres. Total To-tal tax $9.48 Bull Valley Gold Mines Co. care Jas. Scowcroft. Total tax $19.86 Utah Southern Mining Co., care W. H. Henrickson, mgr. Total tax $69.51 Mack Bowman, St. George, Utah, Total tax $278.62 Mid-American Oil Co., St. George, Total tax 66.20 Rhulon Taylor, New Harmony. Total To-tal tax ...144.43 Wm. H. Miller, Washington. Total To-tal tax $371.86 P. E. Harris, St. George, Total tax $80.01 Chas. C. Wallace, La Verkin, Total To-tal tax $1.84 Wm. J. Williams, " Kanarra, lots 3 6 7 8 20 21 23 12, sec 19 twp 38 range 10 cont 278.85 acres. Total tax $46.17 James S. Berry, Kanarra, lot 28 sec 19 twp 38 range 10. 40 acres -Total tax .::....'..'......6.62 Jane P. xnorley, Cedar City, all of sec 29 twp 38 range 10, less com at NW corner of sec 29 th S 160 rds E 160 rds, th NWly to place of beg, cont 80 acres, and less NEUNEU sec 29. Balance Bal-ance due $86.06 Jane R. Thorley, Cedar City, W SWU SWU NWU sec 11 twp 39 range 10. 160 acres. Balance due - $15.88 John A. Adams care G. B. Williams, Wil-liams, SWU NEU sec 12 twp 39 range 10 W. 40 acres. Total To-tal tax $5.30 Cedar City Merc, and Livestock Co., Cedar City, NEU NEU sec 13 twp 39 S range 10 W. 40 acres. Total tax $5.30 George Spendlove, Hurricane, S S TO SWU' sec 17 twp 39 S range 10 W. 200 acres. Total To-tal tax : $24.17 George Spendlove, Hurricane, SE U) SWU NEU lot 17 sec 18 and NWU NEU sec 19 twp 39 S R 10 W. 240 acres. Total tax.... 23.17 George Spendlove, Hurricane, NE U NWU E NEU NEU SEU, sec 20 twp 39 S range 10 W. 160 acres. Total tax $13.24 Lewis A. Brinkerhoff, Glendale, all of sec 36 twp 39 S range 10 W. 640 acres. Total tax $63.55 Wm. L. Crawford, NWU; N NE V. NWV RE NV, KWU. sec 21 twp 41 S range 10 W. 360 acres. Total tax $25.49 David W. Lemmon care E. J. Graff Hurricane, Springdale townsite survey, part of lots 3 and 28 less .24 acre for road. Total tax $12.66 Arnold Ruesch, Springdale town-site town-site - survey, beg 3.98 ch E 11 deg 30 min N from NW cor lot 6 said survey th E 11 deg 30 min N 1.87 ch th S 26 deg 30 min E 3.53 ch th W 26 deg SO min S 1.52 ch th "4 ch to beg, cent .57 acres, part of lot 5. Total tax $5.36 Lettitia Langston Justet, Efpring-dale Efpring-dale townsite survey, part of lot 26 beg at SW cor of lot 23 Springdale townsite survey th N 25 deg W 8.27 ch th S 38 deg E 4.3 ch th E 2 ch th S 43 deg th E 4.25 eh th W 3 rds and 14 ft th S 4 rds and 4 ft, j th W 4.77 ch to beg, cont 2.8 I acres. Total tax $9.60 David W. Lemmon, Springdale, all j of lot 5 in O. D. Gifford's Sur-! Sur-! vey, sec 28 twp 41 S range 10 I W. 5.07 acres. Total tax $10.76 John J. Gifford, Springdale, O D I Gifford Survey, lots 11 and 12 j sec 28 twp 41 S range 10 W. j 9.40 acres. Total tax $23.27 1 John J. Gifforc? Springdale, W j NWU sec 23 twp 41 range 10 j V" less .03 acres used for high-j high-j vay less beg N 48 deg 11 min : W 132 ft from SE cor SW'i j NWU said sec, th N 9 cleg 45 min E 375 ft th N 80 deg 15 I min W 375 ft th S 9 deg 45 min ; W 375 ft th S 80 deg 15 min I E 375 ft to beg, cont 3.22 A. To'.al tax $5.13 Christian A. Anderson, Hurricane, Springdale Field Survey, lot 4 sec 32 twp 41 S range 10W. 4.23 acres, less .28 acre for highway. Total tax $8.94 Oliver DeMill Jr., Rockville; E 20.85 acres erf SWU' SWU sec 6 T 42 S range 10 W S L M less .58 acres for highway less beg 14 rds S from NE cor of SWU SWU sec 6 T 42 range 10 W, th S 10 rds th W 4 rds 2 feet th SE 28 rds 10 ft th E 1 rd 10 ft S 10 rds 8.5 ft th W 41 rds and 11.5 ft th N 57 rds th E 15 rds 11.5 ft th S 8 rds th E 26 rds to beg, cont 13 acres 7 sq rds 43 sq ft. Total To-tal tax $3.97 William R. Langston, Rockville, beg from NW cor -of SWUSWU sec 6 th E 5.56 ch th S 13.75 ch th W 5.56 ch th N 13.75 ch to beg cont 7.64 less .03 acre for highway. Total tax $14.23 William M. Shanley, St. George, N SEU SWU SEU SEU SW U, sec 18 twp 43 S range 10 W. 160 acres. Total tax $15.89 William M. Shanley, St. George, Lot 1 NEU NWU sec 19, SWU SWU sec 28 S S sec 29 sec 19 twp 43 S range 10 W. Total To-tal tax $93.60 Tennyson P. Laurltzen, Short Crk, NWU NWU sec 25 NEU NEU W NEU N SWU E NWU sec 26 N, SEU SEU' SEU sec 27 twp 43 S R 10 W. 440 acres. Total tax $43.69 P. D. Gifford, Springdale, NEU N NWU sec 32 T 43 S R 10 W. 250 acres. Total tax $12.41 Elmer Johnson, Hurricane, EU of lot 2 sec 34 T 43 S R 10 W. 5.3U acres, rouai tax $i.it Isaac W. Carling, Short Creek, SEU of lot 4 sec 34 T 43 S R 10 W, also begin 20 rds W of SE cor of lot 2 said sec th N 75.3 rds, th W 20 rds th S 75.3 rds th E 20 rds to beg. cont 9.41 acres. Total tax $4.30 Tennyson P. Lauritzen, Short Crk, NWU NWU sec 35 T 43 S R 10 W. 40 acres. Total tax .....$3.97 David C. ' Bullock, Robt W. Bullock, Bul-lock, John Taylor Bullock, Mo-rani Mo-rani and Angus Bullock, Rebecca Rebec-ca Bullock and Mary A. Mack-elprang, Mack-elprang, Cedar City, S SEU NEU' sec 34 and S SWU NWU sec 35 T 43 R 10. 40 acres. Total To-tal tax $3.97 Joseph R. Naegle, Toquerville, S SWU sec 21 twp 38 R 11. 80 acres. Total tax.... $13.24 Lawrence S .Kleinman, Toquerville. Toquer-ville. NW.UNEU sec 36 T 38 R 11. 80 acres. Balance due $6.62 Franklin H. Isom, Virgin, NEU-SEU NEU-SEU sec 1 T 39 R 11. 40 acres. Total tax ,6.62 William H. Spendlove, Hurricane, Lot 2 and SWUNEU; sec 1 T 39 R 11. 80.15 acres. Balance due $244.25 Alma Wright, Hurricane, SWU-iSEU SWU-iSEU sec 1 twp 39 R 11. 40 A. Total tax $6.62 Alma Wright, Hurricane, SEUSE Vi NWUSEU, sec 1 twp 39 R 11. 80 acres. Total tax....$13.24 Alma Wright, Hurricane, NEU-NEU NEU-NEU sec 12 T, 39 R 11. 40 A. Total tax $9.93 Joseph Maloney, Virgin, lots 6 and 7, sec 28 twp 39 S R 11 W. 79 acres. Total tax 5.96 Joseph Maloney, Virgin, ESEU sec 29 twp 39 S R 11 W. 80 acres. Total tax $2.65 George F. Stratton, Hurricane, W SEU SWU NEU SEU SWU sec 30 and NWU: NEU sec 30, T 39 S R 11 W. 200 acres. Total To-tal tax ...19.88 George F. Stratton, Hurricane, NEU sec . 31 T 39 S R 11 W. 160 acres. Total tax $15.89 M. H. Kriebel, 911 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake, SEU sec 32 T '39 S R 11 W. 160 acres.- Total tax $21.18 Joseph Maloney, Virgin, N NW U SWU NWU NWUNEU sec 33, T 39 S R 11 W. 160 acres. Total tax $15.89 Evan S. Lee, Virgin, SWUSWU See 3 T 40 S R 11 W 40 A. Total tax $4.63 Elisha S. Lee, Virgin, SSEU sec 4 T 40 S R 11 W. 80 acres. Total tax $6.95 James Niles Earl, Virgin, S SEU I sec 5 twp 40 S R 11 W. 80 A. I Total tax $5.30 Henry F. Spendlove, Virgin, lots 2 3 4 6 7 8 and 9 SEU NWU NEU SWU sec 5 T 40 S R 11 W. 318.57 acres. Total tax $32.60 Henry F. Spendlove, Virgin, NEU SEU, sec 6 T 40 S R 11 W. 40 acres. Total tax $3.97 'j. Niles Earl, Virgin, E NWTvI Eli SWU and part of NWU NWU 20.85 sec 8 T 40 S R 11 W cont 220.85 acres. Total tax $21.52 , Sylvester H. Earl, Virgin, NEU NEU sec 8 T 40 S R 11 W. 40. acres. Total tax $2.65 James Nilep Earl, Virgin, W NEU sec 8 'twp 40 S R 11 W. 80 acres. Total tax $5.30 James Niles Earl, Virgin, SE'.i-NEU SE'.i-NEU sec 8 T 40 S R 11 W. 40 acres. Total tax $2.65 Benjamin B. Bradshaw, Hurricane, SEU sec 8 T 40 S R 11 W. 160 PacreTTot Sylvester H. Earl Z NWU sec 9 T 40 St. 40 acs. Total RllM Elisha S. Lee Viiw ' t; SEUNEU Se'c 9T S W' 120 -res. TotVSS: Benjamin B. Brartcv, ' t; swu S?,,. SEU sec 9 T acres. Total tax : Evan S. Lee, Vir"" 10 T 40 s R 11 " Total tax .... K , Jacob Lee, Virgi 6- c 15 Up 40 8 293.86 acres. Total ta "! Wm. H. Hopkins, Virg t,'- EWU sec 17 T t ? W. 160 acres. Total u : Silas L. Wilcox, mVy ' - William Wi:' SEU and SMWii sec j, ? s r 11 w, in 4 rds wide across the s used for a highway m ? Total tax ... 1 1 ' I William C. Wilson7'HumC3;r' 3 and 4 sec 5 T 41 s W. 100 A. Total tax . William C. Wilson, Hurria 1 sec 6 T 41 S R U w Total tax -7 H. A. Anderson, FiUmore V-SWUNEU V-SWUNEU Duncan Tow vey, sec 32 T 41 8 R n w acres. Total tax W. J. Wadhams, BrawW 7 W SEU SEViSE',4 sec'- 41 S R 11 w. 120 acrei tax William R. Langston, R' Townsite Survey, lot 1 b:Ki' Total tax ' (.' Wm. R. Langston, Rockville Ik. site Survey, lots 2 3 4 b'.i less .05 of an acre for hfe Total tax f Jacob E. Terry care James j. nings Jr., Rockville Towi Survey, lot 1 block 5. Tik tf William- R. Langston, Rock,-.. Townsite Survey, lot 1 block : Total tax ' Phoebe A. Langston, Rock;-. Townsite Survey, lot 4 to, 13. Total tax n, Rachel DeMill, Rockville, to. sec 3, lot 1 sec 18, lots 1 ! , and 4 and SEMNEIJ, E:iE sec 11, loti 3 and 4 and W!.E-U W!.E-U sec 12 twp 42 S R II F cont 63671 acres. Total U: c in James Arthur Terry, Rock;.; NEUNEU sec 13 T 42 S E W. 40 acres. Total tax Win. Hastings care David t j tings, Grafton Townsite St.-lots St.-lots 5 and 6 block 2 plat : Total tax 0 John Wood Jr. care L. M. P. It sell, Grafton Townsite Surf lot 1 block 1 plat C. Tola! f ...-C J. David Hastings, Virgin, Gri' Townsite Survey, part of lot and all of lot 3 block 1 p!s: Total tax Charles D. Alsop, St. Cr:' Jc Grafton Townsite Survey, ft' of lot 2 block 1 plat C as .': lows: beg at the SE cor U V,' and run S 1 deg W 1.60 k ! E along boundary line of t-to t-to SE cor of lot 2 th N -r I cor of lot 2 th Wl to X : 1 of lot 2 th S to poiBt : Total tax --"! ' Oenree H. Wood Estate, Gs- Jc-i Townsite Survey, lot ' :;' I plat C. Total tax . '" Charles D. Alsop 3-4 St rude S. McMullin, Si SEUNEU sec 4 and be? S from NE cor of NE' . twp 42 S R 11 WSLM- - 4.25 ch th N 50 ch th ' ch, th S 2.50 ch ft th S 3.50 ch th W A : S 13 Ch, th E 7.25 A; 3.50 ch, th E 4.25 ch - ch, th E 8.50 ch th g to beg, cont 70.46 acrs tax '-. -. Ear- Samuel C. Dodge, Toquer- ;.' SWU sec 5 SE'.SE NWU SWU NE1 W 20 sec 7, T 42 S R K. Total tax ' ri, Alvin Hall, Hurricane NE cor of lot 1 sec ' hrr.f rds S 103 rds W '" . s. II rds, th 97 !.-s .rds S of W th N 02 rds to beg, m Eyre, 87 acres. Total tax -- y Emma Humphries, B1" . UNEU, StfTC 15 SUSEU sec 18 ' ;s J-.v 20 twp 42 S R U . ' : !r,.s at NW.corSWU'- E 42 rds th S 80 rt- c,, rds th N 80 rds to aI 21 acres. Balance ft , V John T. -SEU sec 19. ; s s:. f-.! -SEU sec 30 CJ J 160 acres. Total . Alfred L. Hall, , , s R 11 w. 5 v J scc 30 aiso beg 2-5 N-tV cor said sec 30 th S 17.50 Ch th E 51.65 ch th N 3.50 ch, th N 58 deg W 13 ch th N 75 deg W 17 ch, th S 38V4j deg W jo 25 ch th N approximately 55i deg W 17 ch to beg. 99.52 acr'es. Total tax $19.50 Alston Isom, Hurricane, SWA NWVi SEH NEW. SWVi sec 30 T 42 S B 11 W. 120 A. Total tax -...$12.58 Thornton Hepworth, Springdale, jnviy sec 33 T 42 S R 11 W. 160 acres. Total tax $22.51 wffliam B. Langston, Bockville, E sec 5 T 43 S B 11 W. 320 acres. Total tax $34.76 Varian F. Stout, Hurricane SEVi sec 8 T 43 S B 11 W. 160 A. Total tax $20.35 jlarian F. Stout, Hurricane, NEVi see 17 T 43 S B 11 W. 160 A. Total tax - $8-11 William M. Shanley, St. George, S'.4 SV4 NW1 sec 23 T 43 S B 11 w- 400 acres- Total tax $32.77 William ML Shanley, St. George, Pi' NEVi SWVi WV SEVi sec 24 T 43 S R 11 WL 320 acres. Total tax $21.18 David P. Terry, Bockville, E sec 26 T 43 S B 11 W, 320 acres. Total tax $15.89 Olive Perkins, Cedar City, WA sec 26 T 43 S B 11 W. 320 A. Total tax ?L5.89 Charles F. Stephens, for heirs, Enoch, Utah, SEVi sec 27 T 43 S R 11 W. 160 acres. Total tax $7-94 Oscar D. Stephens, Hurricane, Shi SWA; sec 27 NEVi NEVi sec 33, N'i NWVi NWNEVi sec 34, 6EVi NWVi and lot 3 sec 34, T 43 S R 11 W. 318.22 acres. Total To-tal tax $15.72 Ada B. Leigh, Cedar City, W 3-4 sec 28 T 43 S B 11 W. 480 A. Total tax $31.78 Ada B. Leigh, Cedar City, SEVi I SE',4 sec 29, T 43 S R 11 W. ! 40 acres. . Total tax $2.65 Ada B. Leigh, Cedar City, NWVil W'A NEVi sec 32 T 43 S R 11 240 A. Total tax $15.89 Ada B. Leigh, Cedar City, NEVi NEVi sec 32 T 43 S R 11 W. 40 acres. Total tax $2.65 Ada B. Leigh, Cedar City, SEVi NEY sec 32 T 43 S R 11 W. 40 ' acres. Total tax ....$2.65 Ada B. Leigh, Cedar City, Nhi NW' NWVi NEVi sec 33 T 43 ' B R 11 W. 120 acres. Total tax $7.93 Olive Stephens, Cedar City, SV& NEVi SV4 NWVi sec 33 lots 1 and 2 SWA NWVi and lot 4 in sec 34 T 43 S R 11 W. 313.38 ' acres. Total tax $22.54 Joseph A. Scow, Hurricane, lots 4 9 10 sec 30 T 43 S R 11 W. ! Total tax $3.64 I Olaf J. Scow, Hurricane, NEVi lots 6 6 7 8 sec 31 T 43 S R 11 W, S'4' NE1: SV4 NWVi lots 1 and I 4. j.oa acres. Total tax ....$15.23 J. P. Williams care W. S. Thor- 'i ley, Cedar City, SWViNEVi SEVi ; NWK EViSWlVi WABEVi sec 19 T 38 S R 12 W. 240 acres. To- taI tax $392.03 f John R. Pearson, Jr., Elsinore, i' Lots 2 3 4 sec 19 T 38 S R 12 ' W. 118.38 A. Total tax $19.53 : William W. Pollock, Kanarra, EV'2 '' SE'i EViNEVi sec 19 T 38 S R !j 12 V. 160 acres. Total tax $15.89 Lnvis J- Balsar, Provo, W(SWVi. 3 NE'4SVli EViSEViSWVi sec 20 T 38 S R 12 W. 140 acres. To- :' 131 tax .$36.74 :'.' Jf'ott Wood, Kanarra, WyNEVi W 20 T 38 S B 12 Wi 80 A. ' "'-'I tax $i5 2;j m L. Davis, care Chas." Par-'' Par-'' or' Sr., Kanarra, NViNWVi-W'. NViNWVi-W'. sec 29 T 38 S R 12 W. :: 0 acres. Total tax $11.75 '.' s J. Balsar, Provo, NE4NWVi '. T3I8B 12 W.. 40 A. : : ..' ''U $6.62 A,1 ML Pollock, Kanarra, N 7-20 ; of SWitmv';1 Sec 29 T 38 S ' : 1 n, W' U acres' Total tax $9-27 i'; Charles Miller, Salt Lake City, i ;MS' sec 30 T 38 S B 12 i- V 80 acres. Total tax ....$33.43 1 5 --uel L. Pollocki Kanarrai wu ' 5"8 of NEneu sec 30 and: Li V SE Cor NWViNE',i seel 1 " " 12 W, th N 70 ! I . N 34 rds E 70 rds S 34! : t0 8- 19-87 acres. Total! - g. . Da"s care Chas "Parker ; narra. E 4-5 of N 5-8 of w sec 30 T 38 S R 12 . . Pollock care Enicry Pol- f. narra, s 3-8 of NEi-I c 30 T 38 S R 12 W. Jo!;n r'8' Total tax $11.25 !5 1 ', , earSOn' Jr- Hsinre, U9 50 30 T 38 S R 12, ' c'ar:c. ,ares- Total tax $19-69 j V- a:uttcrCott,m, St. George; ' V iM 4 sec 26 T 39 S R 12 Ciar',. ,,.aCreS- Total 513-90 AUXP aUer Cottam- St. Geo.! C cm 35 T 39 S R 12 W : n.TU1 taX r.3.90: If' l EsS1Can' La Verkin- SB? : ToT9 S R 12 W. 320! '"V E',S-. ' 'ard- Hurricane, SEVi ! , " SivV sec 35 T 39 I S R 12 Wi 320 acres. Total tax - - $27.80 William B. Bradshaw, care Clarence Clar-ence Bradshaw, Hurricane, lots 3 4 SVi'NW'4 and SW14 sec 1 T 40 S R 12 W. 289.29 acres. Total tax ....$32.09 Virgil Ellis Smith, Toquerville, SW'iSE sec 10 NW14NWV, sec 14 NVbNE',4 sec 15, T 40 S R 12 W. 160 acres. Total tax $13.90 James E. Segler, La Verkin, w, NE NWI'4 SEViiNE',i sec 12, T 40 S R 12 W. 240 acres, less Total tax ....$15.89 Alice Smith, Toquerville, SW& NW',4 sec 14 T 40 S R 12 W. 40 acres. Total tax $3.97 Charles C. Wallace, La Verkin, NISE'A SW4 sec 15 T 40 S R 12 W. 240 acres. Total tax.... $20.85 Charles C. Wallace, La Verkin, NV&NW34 sec 22 T 40 S R 12 W. 80 acres. Total tax $5.30 Mikes Pschoyios, Virgin, SE'A-SEVi SE'A-SEVi sec 1 Ny2NEVi SWNE1! sec 12, and NVilSEVi sec 12, T 41 S R 12 W. 200 acres. Total To-tal tax $100.96 Burnham Oil Co., Virgin, SKNW ! sec 13 T 41 S R 12 W. cont 53 acres, except westerly 27 A. Total tax $5.30 Perry D. Fuller, Silver City, Utah, lots 1-22 B 3 Virgin Reserve Oil Subdivision Survey. Total tax.. . 3 R'( Edna Roberts care Boberts Hotel, Provo, lots 24 25 26 block 3, Virgin Reserve Oil Subdivision survey. Total tax $0.50 Edward Day, Fillmore, lots 8 9 11 12, block 7, Virgin Reserve Oil Subdivision. Total tax $0.66 Robert E. Southern, Eurkea, lots 1 2 3 4 5 27 28 29 30 31, block 11. Total tax $1.49 A. W. Whittaker, Wichita, Kan., lots 22 23 26 inc and lots 43 to 53 inc, block 15, Virgin Reserve Oil Subdivision survey. Total tax $2.81 John T. Caton, lots 1 to 5 and 27 to 31 block 28 and lots 19 to 26 and 46 to 52 block 27, Virgin Reserve Oil Subdivision Survey. Total tax $4.13 S. H. Earl, beg W 321 ft from iSE cor SWA sec 22 N 422 ft th W 175 ft th S 422 ft th E 175 ft to beg, cont 1.7 acres. Total tax $5.14 Lewis Campbell care Henry Cornelius, Cor-nelius, beg at the SW, cor SEVt sec 22 twp 41 S R 12 'w ui E 67 ft N 47 deg 30 min E 300 ft, N 30 deg W! 264 ft N 40 deg W 237 ft S 621 ft to beg. cont 4 acres. Total tax $6.58 Marcus Skeem, O. L. Crawford and J. T. May, trustees, Fillmore, beg 496 ft W of SE cor SW sec 22, twp 41 S R 12 W th N 422 ft th E 175 ft S 50 ft E 321 ft N 57.46 rds W 80 rds S 699 ft S 40 deg E 237 ft S 30 deg, E 264 ft, SEly to beg, cont 28.8 acres. Total tax $27.33 Sylvester Earl, beg at the SE cor SW& S 22 T 41 S R 12 W, th N approx 372 ft to NW cor lot 4 block 2 plat B Virgin Townsite Survey, th W 321 ft th S approx ap-prox 372 ft th E 321 ft to beg, cont 2.5 acres. Total tax ....$4.11 Marcus Skeem, O. L. Crawford & J. T. May, Trustees, Fillmore, SV4SWVilSW NWtt SW&SW& sec 22 T 41 S R 12 W, cont 30 acres. Total tax $6.78 Henry Cornelius, NEV4 SW,',4 SWVi sec 22 T 41 S R 12 W. 10 acres. Total tax $1.23 Ester A. Earl, NE '4 SE hi sec 22 T 41 S R 12 W, cont 37.71 A, less beg at SW cor NE4 SEV4 th E 15 rds N 24Vi rds W 15 rds S 24.5 rds to beg, Total tax $3.08 Allen G. Burnham, beg N 8 rds E 80 rds from SVi cor of sec 22 twp 41 S R 12 W th E 15 rds N 24.5 rds W 15 rds S 24.5 rds to beg, cont 2.29 acres. Total To-tal tax $22.19 Dora E. Cheel, beg 82 rds N and 42.7 rds E from S'4 cor sec 22 T 41 S R 12 W til E 8 rds 8 feet th N 30 rds W 8 rds 8 ft 1 th S 30 rds to beg, cont 1.5 A. j Total tax $125.56 j Virgin Canal Co., SVjNE'4 NWU I SE'i sec 22 T 41 S R 12 W con j 114.4 acres, less beg 80 rds N ! and 27.2 rds E from S'i cor of i sec 22 th E 24 rds N 37 1-3 rds ! W 24 rds S 37 1-3 rds to beg. j Total tax S9.25 j VIRGIN TOWXSITE SURVEY Amasa L. Crawford, lot 2 block 1. Total tax $1-23 James Humphries care Henry Cor- nelius, lot 1 block 2. Total tax j ; S1.23 James Cornelius, lot 3 block 3 i plat A. Total tax $1.03 : Henry F. Spendlove. lots 1 2 block j 4 plat A. Total tax S19.04 ; Charles Burke, Los Angeles, lot j 3 block 4. Total tax $5.14 Henry F. Spendlove, lot 4 block . : ! 4 plat A. Total tax $3.08 j Harry Steinberg. Lcs Ar.preles. lots j ! 12 3 block 5 plat A. Total tax-': ' 55.14 i Sylvester Earl, let 2 block 6. To- j ! tal tax $22.SD,( lElisha S. Lee, lot 4 block 6 p'.at ! A. Total tax $4.11 I Charles Eurke, Los Angeles, lot 1 block 7 Total tax $3.08 Elisha Lee, lot 4 block 7. Total ta $3.58 Edwin Sprague care Henry Cornelius, Cor-nelius, lot 7 block 7. Total tax $3.08 William Beams, lot 1 block 8. Total To-tal tax . $7.19 Karl E. Spendlove, lot 2 block 8. Total tax $3.08 Joseph Barney care Henry Cornelius, Cor-nelius, lot 3 block 8. Total tax - $1.44 John W. Spendlove et al lot 4 blk 8. Total tax $1.03 Alma Wright care Henry Cornelius, lot 5 block 8. Total tax ....$382.97 Thomas Maloney care Henry Cornelius, Cor-nelius, lot 6 block 8. Total tax $0.62 Frederick F. Beebe care Henry Cornelius, Cor-nelius, lot 7 block 8. Total tax $1.44 Ira Bradshaw care Henry Cornelius, Cor-nelius, lot 8 block 8 less land in SE cor said lot as follows: begin at SE cor lot th W 50 ft th N 30 ft th E 50 ft th S 30 ft to beg. Total tax $6.78 George Isom est care Alice Isom, lot 10 block 8. Total tax $11.30 Joseph Maloney, lot 1 block 9. Total To-tal tax $1.03 Joseph Maloney lot 2 block 9. Total To-tal tax $30.67 Mikes Psehoyios, E of lot 3 blk 9 and all of lot 4 block 9 plat A. Total tax $8.01 James Hurriphries care Henry Cornelius, Cor-nelius, lot 5 block 9. Total tax $15.26 Mikes Psehoyios, lot 2 block 10. Total tax L $13.36 Dora E. Cheel care Charles D. Al-sop, Al-sop, lot 6 block 10. Total tax $13.97 David Hastings, lot 7 block 10. Total tax $3.08 David Hastings, lot 8 block 10. Total To-tal tax $3.08 Lydia B. Hastings, lot 9 block 10. Total tax $6.11 Jacob Lee, lot 1 block 11 less beg at SW cor lot 1 block 11 and run th E Zhk rds N 11 rds W 2hi rds S 11 rds to beg. Total tax $4.52 John Hastings care David Hastings, Hast-ings, lot 2 block 11. Total tax .... $3.29 Mamie Isom care Evan S. Lee Shi of lot 3 block 11. Total tax.... $5.55 A. I. Tippets; Hinckley, W of lot 3 block 11. Total tax $1.44" Reuben Maloney, lots 4 5 6 blk 11. Total tax $23.07 Rebecca Matthews, lot 1 block 12 Total tax $3.49 Rebecca Matthews, care S. L. Wilcox, Wil-cox, lot 2 block 12. Total tax $14.77 Joseph Mjaloney, lot 3 block 5 plat B. Total tax $1.03 Mikes Psehoyious, all of lot 4 block 1 and N of lot 3 blk 1 plat B. Total tax $1.44 Henry Cornelius, lots 14 5 block 5 plat B. Total tax $3.08 Sylvester Earl, lots 3 and 4 block 2 plat B. Total tax $2.06 Niles Earl, lots 1 2 block 3 plat B. Total tax $23.49 Reuben Maloney, lot 6 block 6 plat B. Total tax $1.44 Nina C. Martin, Long Beach, lots 4 5 block 6 plat B. 1.7 acres. Total tax $2.06 Marcus Skeem, C. L. Crawford, J. T. May trustee, Fillmore, com 9.82 ch E of NW cor SWHSWtt sec 23, T 41 S B 12 W th S 49 deg 9 min E 8.42 ch S 34 deg 54 min E 4.14 ch S 15- deg 55 min E 5.30 ch to point 14 ch due S from NE cor SWUSW-4 th E 11 ch th W of S 6 ch to point on S side of said 40 A tract 10.75 ch E of SE cor SW'4 SW'i sec 23 th E 29.25 ch to SE cor SW'iSEVl sec 23 th N 20 ch th W. 50.18 ch to beg cont 78.92 acres. Total tax $7.78 David A. Flanigan, begin at SW cor sec 23 T 41 S R 12 W th N 20 ch th E 9.82 ch th S 49 deg 9 min E 8.43 ch th S 34 deg 54 min E 4.14 ch th S 15 deg 55 min E 5.30 ch th E 1.5 ch th S 6 ch til W 13.83 ch th N 13 ch th W 4.12 ch th S 13 ch th W 3.50 ch to beg cont 30.39 acres. Total tax $54.05 Lovinia Wright est care D. A. Flanigan, begin E 3.50 ch from SW cor sec 23 T 41 S R 12 j W th N 13 ch th E 4.12 ch th 5 13 ch th W 4.12 ch to point ' of beg cont 5.36 acres. Total j tax $7.44 James Cornelius, beg W 9 ch and , N 6 ch from SW cor SE'4 sec j 23 T 41 S R 12 W. th W 9.50 i ch th S 6 ch th E 9.50 ch th j N 6 ch to beg cont 5.70 acres, j Total tax $17.05 Thomas R. Reeve. NTSSE'i sec 25 T 41 S R 12 W. 40 acres. Total tax $2.65 Henry Cornelius. NW:.,SE!, sec ! 25 T 41 S R 12 W. 40 acres. ! Total tax $2 65 David FlpnLtran. MV'XW", sec 25 T 41 S R 12 W. 40 acres. Total To-tal tax soc: C. E. Cine. Milford, SW:4XW!,. W'- SE"aV' sec 25 T 41 S R 12 W. 60 acres. Total tax : $3.23 : Harry Steinberg, Los Angeles, E4 SEtfNWy SWi NEH sec 25, T 41 S R 12 W. 60 acres. Total To-tal tax $53.62 Marcus Skeem, O. L. Crawford, J. T. May, Fillmore, NWUNEU sec 26 T 41 S R 12 W. 40 A. Total tax $3.97 Henry Cornelius, 3-4 int. W 21-40 of NEViNEU sec 25 T 41 S R 12 W less a lower line. 15.75 A. Total tax $1.66 W. R. Black, Salt Lake, undivided hi int in W 21-40 NEV4NE',4 sec 26 T 41 S R 12 W. 5.25 acres. Total tax - $0.83 L. G. Bradley, Salt Lake, E 19-40 of NEiNEVi sec 26 T 41 S R 12 W. 19 acres. Total tax $4.97 Economics Service Inv. Co. Salt Lake, SWViNW NWSW S 27 and SEtt.NE NESEVi sec 28 T 41 S R 12 W. 160 acres. Total tax $14.56 William F. Williams, Salt Lake, WHiSWlNW sec 32 T 41 S R 12 W. 20 acres. Total tax $1.99 US,. H. Kriebel, Salt Lake, Whi-SWhi Whi-SWhi sec 32 T 41 S R 12 W. 80 acres. Total tax $13.24 David Hastings, SWNE SE,4 NWV4I and SE sec 13 T 42 S R 12 W. 240 acres. Total tax $25.16 Alfred L. Hall, Hurricane, Shi' SE Yi . NE SEYi S 22 T 42 S B 15 W. 120 acres. Total tax ....$17.54 Leonard Isom, Hurricane, NVflhi SE& SWNE?4 E4 SEV4NWV4 EM, NEYi. SWhi E SE1! SWM. sec 22 T 42 S R 12 W. 120 A. Total tax $9.93 Richard Isom, Hurricane, beg E 20 ch N 7 ch from SW cor sec 23 T 42 S R 12 W and run th S 27 ch th E 20.625 ch th N 33.625 ch th SWly to beg. cont 62.52 acres. Total tax $8.77 Alfred Hall, Hurricane, W3W1!4 sec 23 . T 42 S R 12 W. 80 A. Total tax $7.28 Leonard Isomi, Hurricane, that portion of NE14NWM, sec 27 T 42 S R 12 W, which lies N of Gould's Wash cont 25 acres. Total tax $2.15 Alfred L. Hall, Hurricane, NV&NE hil sec 27 T 42 S R 12 W. 80 acres. Total tax $6.12 Atkin Hinton, Hurricane, SW:V4 S 27 T 42 S R 12 W. Total tax $11.93 Atkins Hinton, Hurricane, SEVi S 28 T 42 S R 12 W. 160 acres. Tfrf.a1 ....:...:...$iG.-53 Joseph A. "Scowi" SESE sec 24 T 43 S R 12 W. 40 acres. Total To-tal tax $2.65 Joseph A. Scow, SWhi SE Shi E sec 25 T 43 S R 12 W. 200 acres. Total tax $13.24 Hilda Hall care Alvin Hall, SEV4 SE sec 26 T 43 S R 12 W. 40 acres. Total tax $2.65 C. Merril Hall, Hurricane, SEV4 KEY SEM, sec 27 and NW-NEVi, NW-NEVi, EytNW!4 sec 34, T 43 S R 12 W. 320 A. Total tax $33.82 Elmer F. Wood, Hurricane, WV sec 29 T 43 S B 12 W. 320 A. Total tax $24.16 Hilda Hall, Hurricane, E!NEV1, SWfNE'4 lots 1 and 2 sec 34 T 43 S R 12 W. 195.89 acres. Total tax $12.91 Alvin Hall, Hurricane, NOTS sec 35 T 43 S R 12 W. 80 A. Total tax $5.30 Alvin Hall, Hurricane, SEV4SWV4 sec 26 T 43 S R 12 W. 40 acres. Total tax $2.65 Alvin Hall, Hurricane, EVaNEVi, SWUNE'.i lots 1 and 2 sec 34 T 43 S R 12 W. 210.89 acres. . Total tax $13.90 Erving Prince, Now Harmony, Ehi SE'4 SE',4 sec 9 T 38 S R 13 W. 20 acres. Total tax $3.31 James I. Prince, WVz SE hi SE'4 sec 9 T 38 S R 13 W. 20 A. Total tax $3.31 Robert A. Kirker, New Harmony, SWVjSEU SE'jSWU sec 9 T 38 R 13 W. 80 acres. Total tax $13.24 Edgar J. Whipple care Albert F. Mathis, New Harmony, S'-SW'i SW'jSE1., sec 11 T 38 S R 13 W. 120 acres. Balance due $14.02 Wm. Chinn, New Harmony, W'i ' SAV',4 sec 14 T 38 S R 13 W. 80 acres. Total tax $13.24 ! Nancy E. Prince, New Harmony. W- E'i SE'i sec 15 T 38 S R 13 W. 40 acres. Total tax ... ' $27.80 ' Marion S. Bartlett care Jessie Slkes. Salt Lake, ff'i NW1 SE1 SCC 15 T 28 S R 13 W. 20 A. Total tax S13.24 George F. Prince, New Harmony, SW'-iSE') E'i Wi SE1 sec 15 T ?S S R 13 W. 60 acres. Total To-tal tax $19.83 Nancy E. Prince, New Harmony, Beg W 550 ft from SE cor of sec 16 T 38 S R 13W and run W 27 rds N 9 rds E 17 rds ! 12 S3 res E 13.18 rds S 24 rds V 2.13 ri? S 3.9 rds to be;, cent 3.177 acre.'-. Total tax 0.93 Geo:ee F. Prince. New Harmony. SEMV.V- sec 16 T 33 S P. n V,". 40 acres. Total tax .. $12 53 Feenomics Service Invcstmrr.t Co. cere M. H. Kriebel, Sa'.t La-te. ST'tttU e"C 15 T 13 S R 13 V.". 40 acres. Total tax $5 62 Henry A. Pace, New Harmony, L. H Redd's Survey, WSEUNE SE and SWViNEH sec 21 twp 38 S R 13 W S L M, lots 1 2 3 cont 113.12 acres. Total tax 94.83 Henry A. Pace et al, New Harmony, Har-mony, L. H. Redds Survey, lots 10 and 11 sec 21. 9.44 acres. Total tax $14.40 Edmund G. Grant, New Harmony, Francis Prince Survey, lot 4 blk 1. 1.36 acres. Total tax ....$5.46 Irving Prince, New .Harmony, Francis Prince Entry, beg 20 rds S of NE cor lot 1 block 3 th W 26 rds th S 15 rds th E 26 rds th N 15 rds to beg, cont 2 acres and 70 sq rds. Total tax $12.08 George F. Prince, New Harmony, Francis Prince Survey, beg at NE cor of lot 1 block 3 ; th W 20 rds th S 20 rds th E 20 rds th N 20 rds to beg. 2.50 acres. Total tax $98.96 Nancy E. Prince, New Harmony, Francis Prince Survey, part of lots 1 and 2 block 3 as follows: beg at a point W 20 rds from NE cor of said block 3 th W 21 rds th S 35 rds, th E 15 rds, th N 13 rds th E 6 rds, th N 20 rds to beg cont. 4.01 acres. Total tax $4.63 William E. Chinn, New Harmony, All of block 4 less 3 acres in Frances Prince survey described as follows: beg at SE cor said block th W 21 rds N 28 rds E 12 rds S 12 rds E 9 rds S 16 rds to beg also less 1.25 acres as follows: beg at NW cor block 4 and run th E 6 rds Sly 30 rds W 12 rds N 27 rds to beg, 6.64 acres. Total tax $13.75 Henry A. Pace, Harmony, SEW SEVi sec 21 T 38 S R 13 W. 40 A. Total tax $6.62 Henry A. Pace, Harmony, Harmony Har-mony townsite survey, lots 3 and 4 block 1. Total tax $12.41 Henry A. Pace, Harmony townsite survey, lots 5 6 7 block 1. Total tax $13.24 Henry A. Pace, Harmony townsite survey, lot 1 block 2. Total tax $448.49 E. C. Grant, Harmony Townsite Survey, lot 2 block 4. Total tax $15.86 Henry A. Pace, Harmony Farm Survey, lot 3 block 1. .95 A. Total tax $1.99 Henry A. Pace, et al, Harmony Farrrf Survey, lot 6, block 1, 4.94 acres. Total tax ....,.. J9.93 J. M. Messer, Harmony Fr-L? survey, lot 1 block 2. 3.29 acres. Total tax $4.14 Henry A. Pace, Harmony farm survey, lots 5 and 8 block 2. 4.09 acres. Total tax $3.64 Henry A. Pace et al, New Har-mlony Har-mlony farm survey, lot 7 block 2. 10.36 acres. Total tax $19.86 Henry A. Pace et al, New Harmony Har-mony farm survey, lot 1 block 3. .79 acre. Total tax $1.32 Benjamin Cameron Jr and Kenneth Ken-neth Carrimeron, EV-iSEVi SE1! Wy2i SE1 SEV4 NEVi SEV sec 22 T 38 S R 13 W, 20 acres. Total tax $15.72 George H. Prince, Harmony, Whi NWV4 SEV4 sec 22 T 38 S R 13 W. 20 acres. Total tax ....$7.61 J. M. Messer, Harmony, SEV4NWV4 sec 22 T 38 S R 13 W less beg . at NW cor of SWVi NW'A' sec 22 th E 20 rds th S 16 rds th W 20 rds th N 16 rds to beg, cont 2 acres. Total tax.. ..$9.60 John A. Condie, Harmony, beg at NW cor of SE'iNW'A sec 22 T 39 S R 13 W. and run th E 20 rds th S 16 rds th W 20 rds th N 16 rds to beg, cont 2 acres. Total tax $4.63 I J. H. Messer, Harmony, James I Pace's entry of NE'i SW!i sec j 22 T S3 S R 13 W S L M beg at I SE cor of NE'i SW'i sec 22 th ' N 16.45 ch th S' 68 deg 40 min W 21.46 ch, S 8.66 ch E 20 ch to beg. 25.10 acres. Total tax $9.10 J. H. Messer. Harmony, beg at NE cor SW'i sec 22 T 39 S R 13 W. James Pace's entry th W 20 ch S 11.34 ch N 08 deg 40 min E 21.46 ch N 3.55 ch to beg. 14.9 acres. Total tax $7.45 William Chinn. New Harmony, Wi NW'.,NZ'; sec 22 T 38 S R 13 W. 20 acres. Total tax ... $23.17 Henry A. Pace, New Harmony, beg at NW 1 ccr SW1SW1 sec 22 ! T S3 S R 13 W. th S 20 rds th E 23 rds th N 20 rds th W 20 rds to beg. 2.5 acres. Total tax $0.50 George F. Prince. New Harrwny, I.-cts 8 and 9 of Wm. Pace's i Survey, sec 22 T 38 S R 13 W. 22.64 acres. Total tax $20.52 Edward C. Cre.nt, New Harmony. Lets 3 sr.d 4 Wm. Pace's' Sur- j vey. sec 22 T 38 S R 13 W. ; 10.73 acres. Total tax $3.4'i J. N. ?.:es?fr. New Karmcr.y, Wm. i Pace's Survey, let 6. Total tax .... $IC05 I'nter Taylor. New Harmony. NW , '.SE5 sec 23 T 38 S R 33 W. i 40 ares. Total tax $5.02 !e Davis. New Harmony. . SE- SW:, SW'i SE'i sC 23 T: 3 S R 13 W. CO acres. Total tax .... $26.48 Lester &: Victor Iverson, New Harmony, Har-mony, WjSEUSWU sec 23 T 38 S B 13 W. 20 acres. Total tax $19.86 John A. Condie, New Harmony, EHiNWViSWVi sec 23 T 38 S B 13 W. also beg at NE cor of NEViSWU sec 23 th S 80 rds th W 80 rds N 40 rds th E 24 rds th N 40 rds th E 55 rds to beg, cont 54 acres. Total tax $19.20 Elmer Taylor, New Harmony, NEViSE'i sec 23 T 38 S R 13 W. 40 acres. Total tax ....$13.24 Henry A. Pace, New Harmony, N1 sec 23 twp 38 S R 13 W. 320 A. Total tax $177.75 Carence M. Englestead, New Harmony, Har-mony, W.VjiNWVi sec 23 T 38 S R 13 W. 80 acres. Total tax $28.14 J. H. Messer, New Harmony, NE'-i WWhi sec 27 T 38 S R 13 W. 40 acres. Total tax $3.95 Nancy E. Prince, New Harmony, 'beg at SE cor of NEhi sec 27 T 38 S R 13 W, th N 15.15 ch ffi N 70 deg W 21.20 ch th S 22.45 ch, th E 20 ch to beg. cont 37.63 acres. Total tax $24.33 Benj. Cameron Jr and Kenneth M Cannon, beg at NE cor sec 27 T 38 S R 13 W, th W 10 ch th S 16.42 ch th S 81 deg E 10.125 ch th N 18 ch to beg cont 17.21 acres. Total tax $11.25 Archie E. Beatty, Cedar City, lot 7 block 2 lot 5 block 3 of Jacob Ja-cob Gates Survey of sec 1 and 2 twp 40 S R 13 W. S L ML cont 7.5 acres. Total tax $16.55 Albert Anderson, Toquerville, NE1. SWV4 SW'iNEVi sec 27 also beg at SE cor NEViNWV4 sec 27 T 40 R 13 W, th N 58 deg 18 min W 939 ch th N 31 deg 42 min E 6.23 ch th S 58 deg 18 min E 6.82 ch th S 31 deg 42 min W 1.21 ch th S 58 deg 18 min E . 2.57 ch, th S 31 deg 42 min WJ 5.2 ch to beg, cont 5.54 acres, less 2.12 acres in NEMjSWVi. Total tax .... $119.40 Albert Anderson, beg at NW cor SEViNWVi sec 27 T 40 S R 13 W, th S 455 ft th S 50 deg 55 min E 612 ft th N 5 deg 20 min W; 362 ft th N 29 deg 5 min E. 288.5 ft th N 66 deg 55 min E 325 ft th W 817 ft to beg, cont 10.89 acres. Total tax $3.81 Albert Anderson, SWViSEVi sec 28 T 40 S R 13 W. 40 acres. Total To-tal tax 1'9? AjjL. Anderson, -FintrjrLT'' NEVi' sec 33 T 40 S R 13 WL 40 acres. Total tax $1.99 Heber L. Naegle, Toquerville, SEVi SE'i sec 4 T 41 S B 13 W. 40 acres. Total tax $2.65 Maud Savage, Leeds, lot 4 sec 3 SSWV4 SW'SE' sec 5, SEy NEVi', NEVi SEVi sec 6 T 41 S R 13 W. 315.83 acres. Total tax $67.18 Martin L. McAllister, NWViSE' NEViSWVi sec 5 T 41 S R 13 R. C. Savage, Leeds, SWVi NW1 NWlViSW1 sec 5 T 41 S R 13 W. 80 acres. Total tax ....$64.32 Edward McMullin, care Riley C. Savage, Leeds, WViN'i, NW',i SEySWy', sec 6 T 41 S R 13 W. 2.5 acres. Total tax ....$0.50 Verna McMullin, Leeds, SVS NW',4 SEVi SW' sec 6 T 41 S R 13 W 2.5 acres. Total tax $5.49 Clyde McMullin, Leeds, Beg S 26 deg 44 min E 58 ft from SW cor of SEVi! 'SEVi sec 12 T 41 S R 13 W, th N 46 deg 30 min E 276 ft th S 42 min E 760 ft th S 43 deg 35 min W 265 ft th N 42 deg 35 min W 7.74 ft to beg cont. 4.8 acres. Total tax ....$11.59 Clyde McMullin, Leeds, Leeds Townsite and Field Survey, N'2 let 3 block 9. Total tax ....$3.31 j Lawrence McMullin, Leeds, beg at : the SW cor of lot 3 block 9 Leeds Townsite and Field Survey Sur-vey th N 41 deg 34 min E 235 ft th N 43 deg 20 min E 82.5 ' ft th S 41 deg 34 min W 235 ft th S 48 deg 26 min W 82.5 ft to beg. cent .4-19 acre more or less. Total tax $37. G4 j Wm. S. Nichells, Leeds Townsite 1 and Field Survey, SW'i lot 4 , block 10. Total tax $0.11 j Brigham Y. McMullin, Leeds Townsite and Field Survey, lots 3 and 4 block 11. Total tax ... S10.59 i Charles F. Hansen, Leeds Town-site Town-site and iFcld Survey, lot 2 blk 14 less SW 1-3 also less 1-3 of lot 2 block 14 Leeds townsite and field survey, as follows: beg at a point on southern boundary bound-ary line of lot 2 which point is sileated N 48 dj 26 min E 83 1-3 links frr-m SW cor lot 2 th N 48 de:; 26 min E E3 1-3 Iks th N 41 dfg 34 m.n W 5.975 eh th S 43 deg W 83 1-3 Iks, th S 41 deg 34 rr.in E 5.93 ch to br?. cor. I. 89 sq res. Total tcx $21.43 Charles E. V.V:?ht, Lends Town-site Town-site ar.d Fit-id Survey. 1-3 of lot 2 b'.oek 14 Lc'js T fc F Sur. is follows: be? at a point on southern south-ern boundary of lot 2 which said point is situated N 83 deg 20 i i.iin E 83 1-3 Iks from SW cor of lot 2 th I," 43 cg 20 m.n E. 831 1-3 Iks N 41 deg 34 min W 6.975 ch th S 49 deg W 83 1-3 Iks, th S 41 deg 34 min E 5.98 ch to beg, cont 80 sq rds. Total To-tal tax $6.62 A. G. Anderson, Leeds Townsite and Field Survey, lots 10 11 12 13 block 19; lots 5 6 7 8 9 blk 19, Leeds Townsite and Field Survey, also beg W 5.20 ch fr NE cor of SEVNWVi sec 7 T 41 S R 13 W, th W 2.70 ch th S 34 deg 36 min E 1.80 ch th N 48 deg 26 min E 2 ch to pt of begin, cont .18 acre. Total tax .. $232.32 David Stirling, Leeds, beg 559 ft W of NE cor NWU SE1- sec 7 th S 1320 ft th W 431 ft N 1320 E 431 ft to beg cont 13.06 acres. Total tax $7.27 A.' G. Anderson, Leeds, beg at the SE cor sec 7 T 41 S R 13 W. th W 20 ch N 10.5 ch E 20 ch, th S 10.5 ch to beg cont 21 A. Total tax $10.26 Max McMAUlin, Leeds, com S 4.39 ch from NW cor SWVi NEVi sec 7 T 41 S R 13 W, th S 2.55 ch th S 41 deg 34 min E 76 Iks th N 48 deg 26 min E 5 ch th N 41 deg 34 min W 2.66 ch th S 48 deg 26 min, W 3.30 ch to beg. Total tax $8.58 Emma C. Vincent, Leeds, com S 41 deg 34 min E 76 Iks from a point S 6.94 ch from NW cor SW'4 NEVi sec 7. th S 41 deg 34 min E 2.34 ch th N 48 deg 26 min E 5 ch th N 41 deg 34 min W 2.34 ch th S 48 deg 26 min W; 5 ch to beg. Total tax $2.65 Maude W. Savage, Leeds, lot 1 SEVi NE'i NEVi SE'4 and lot 10 T 41 S R 13 W. 56.15 A. Total tax $40.22 M. H. Kriebel, Salt Lake, WV4-NEVi WV4-NEVi sec 16, T 41 S R 14 W. 80 acres. ' Total tax $5.30 Charles W. Angell, Leeds, SWV NWVi NWViSWVi lot 4 sec 17 T 41 S R 13 W. 129.28 acres. Total tax .1 $8.28 David Spilsbury, SWV NEVi sec 26 T 41 S B 13 W. 40 acres. Total tax $3.97 Merchants' Bank care Stephen H Lynch, receiver, Salt Lake, SW', SEVi sec 32 T 41 S R 13 W. 40 acres. Total tax $3.97 W. J. Wadhams, Los Angeles, NV4 NWV4 sec 32 T 41 S R 13 W. 80 acres. Total tax $5.30 Alvin Hall, Hurricane, SEViNWy -f-c 34..T 41l,'5J&.A5 ofSf Ira E. Brnwmaw, rturrivo ,-at ,-at NE cor of NW'A sec 15 T 42 S B 13 W, th W 4.96 ch th S" 20 ch th E 4.96 ch th N 20 ch to beg. 9.92 acres. Total tax $0.50 E. W. Payne, Provo, beg 14.90 cli W of NE cor of NE'NW'4 sec 15 T 42 S R 13 W, th S 20 ch th W 4.97 ch th N 20 ch th E 4.97 ch to beg cont 9.94 acres. Total tax $0.50 Ira E. Bradshaw, Hurricane, beg 19.89 ch W of NE cor of NW' sec 15 T 42 S R 13 W th W 4.97 ch th S 20 ch th E 4.97 ch th N 20 ch to beg. Total tax $0.50 Howard Wright, Hurricane, beg 34.78 ch W and .19 ch S of NE cor NW' sec 15 T 42 S R 13 W th S 19.81 ch th E 4.97 ch th N 19.81 ch th W 4.97 ch to beg. cont 9.84 acres. Total tax $0.50 M. H. Kriebel, Salt Lake, NWVi-NWVi NWVi-NWVi sec 16 T 42 S R 13 W. 40 acres. Total tax $2.65 W. J. Wadhams, trustee, Los Angeles. An-geles. All of S'i sec 16 T 42 S R 13 W. 320 acres. Total tax $18.54 Ernest I. Duflin, Toquerville, lots 3 4 5 9 10, scc 18 T 42 S R 13 W. 141.44 acres. Total tax $7.12 Merchants Bank care Stephen IT Lynch, receiver. Salt Lake, W'.a NE'i Wi NW'i .sec 3G T 42 S R 13 V. 1C0 acres. Total tax $10.58 Riley C. Savn::e. Leeds, W2 SE'i and W'.iNEVi sec 33 T 40 S R 14 W. 100 acres. Total tax $20.81 William , B. Savase. Milford lots 1 and 2, sec 4 T 41 S R 14 W. 80 acres. Total tax $20.36 Clyde McMullin, Leeds, beg 26 de;; 44 min E 53 ft from, SW cfrr SE'i BE', sec 12 T 41 S R 14 W th N 46 dfg 30 min E 270 ft th S 42 deg E 7C0 ft th S 43 deg 30 min W 265 ft th N 42 deg 35 min W 775 ft th to beg, cont 4.8 ft. Tctal tax .. $4 97 Max McMullin. Leeds, begin W 21.61 ch and N 2.52 ch from BE cor NE'i rc 12 T 41 S R 14 V th 40 deg 50 min W 14.2G eh S 50 deg 15 min W 3.45 ch S 4G deg 50 min E 15.33 ch N 4') deg -40 min E 3.32 eh to ben. cont 4.90 acres. Total tax $3.11 Will. am Henry Twitchell, Lewis, beg W 21. CI eh an: N 2.52 ch from EE cur NE'i sec 12 T 41 S R 14 W, th N 40 deg 43 min E 1.3.47 eh N 48 deg 15 min W 9.82 c S 53 deg 15 m.'in W 13.73 eh S 40 (!(.: 50 min E 14.25 ch to beg, cont 18.74 acres. Total tax $11.93 A. G. Anderson, Leeds, beg at 6E cor NTS ',4 sec 12 T 41 S R 14 W th W 7 ch th N 8 deg 15 min E 6.44 ch th N 67 deg E 3.91 ch th S 59 deg E 5.16 ch th 6 19 deg W 5.45 ch th W .26 ch to beg, cont 5.24 acres. Total tax $6.62 iryrum Leany, St. George, NWVi 6EVi sec 23 T 42 S R 14 W, less that part of blocks 1 and 6 Harrisburg town survey, 38 A. Total tax $21.02 Edwin Dalton, Leeds, lots 1 and 2 block 1 Harrisburg Townsite Survey. Total tax $26.29 Hyrum Leany, lot 1 block 3 Harrisburg Har-risburg townsite survey. Total tax $3.31 James H. Lee care Chas. P. Hansen, Han-sen, lot 3 block 6 Harrisburg Townsite Survey. Total tax $3.31 Edwin D'alton, lots 12 4 block 6 Harrisburg Townsite survey. Total tax $2.48 Hyrum Leany, lot 5 block 6 Harrisburg Har-risburg Townsite Survey. Total tax $2.48 Edwin Dalton, lot 3 block 10 Harrisburg Har-risburg Townsite Survey. Total tax $1-99 Edwin Dalton, lot 4 block 10 Harrisburg Har-risburg Townsite Survey. Total tax $1-66 Edwin Dalton, lots 3 4 blocks 11 and 12, Harrisburg Townsite Survey. Total tax $1.66 Orin Dalton, Leeds, EWi and NEViSWVi sec 34 T 41 S R 14. 120 acres. Total tax $5.96 Provo Commercial and Savings Bank, SEV S NEVi EVSWU sec 36 T 41 R 14 W. 320 A. Total tax $15.89 Provo Commercial and Savings Bank, SEVi lots 9 and 10, sec 2 T 42 S R 14 W. 196.90 acres. Total tax $9.93 Virgin Dome Oil Co., S 36.64 A of lot 5 and S 33.25 A of lot 6 sec 2 T 42 S R 14 W. 69.89 acres. Total tax $3.48 Julia E. Graham, Los Angeles, lot 4 and N 3.72 acres of lot 5 sec 2 T 42 S R 14 W. 34.94 A. Total tax $1.82 Charles Hansen, Leeds, lots 2 and 5 SVNEVi sec 4 T 42 R 14 W. .09 acre. Total tax $7.94 Robert Fawcett, Hurricane, SEVi SEVi sec 10 SV4 SWVi sec l 'NW'i NWrVi sec 14, T 42 S ft 14 W. 160 acres. Total tax $7.94 E. T. Rappley, Casa Grand, Ariz. , NW'i SWy4 SWA NEVi sec il T 42 S R 14 W. 80 acres. Total To-tal tax $3.96 Brigham Carpenter, Hurricane, m '-"-s--rSy4 sec fl a fr &'r14W. 60 acres. TolP5 :$28.09 William S. Nicholls, Leeds, NEVi NWVi SWVi NWYi lot 1 sec 11 T 42 S R 14 W. 113.07 acres. Total tax ..$7.45 Hyrum Leany, NWViSEVi sec 13 T 42 S R 14 W 40 acres. Total To-tal tax $1.99 W. J. Wadhams, Los Angeles, lot 8 sec 16 T 42 S R 14 W. 32.95 acres. Total tax $1.66 Julia E. Graham, EVSSWViNWVi 6W!4NE4NW!4SW4 ap S 5 A of lot 5 and S 20 A of lot 6, S 20 A lot 7 sec 16 T 42 S R 14 W. 135 acres. Total tax $11.93 Virgin Dome Oil Co., lots 12 3 and N 2 A of lot 4 and N 5 A of lot 5 N 8.39 A of lot 6 and NWVi NWVi; NEViNWVi; NWVi NEVi SWViSWVi SEVi 6WVi sec 16 T 42 S R 14 W. 290.92 A. Total tax $77.45 Andrew Sproul, Jr., Washington, lots 14 15 16 18 block 19 twp. 42 S R 14 W. 131.69 acres. Total To-tal tax : $6.62 Theodore Prince and George Berry, Ber-ry, Washington, lots 7 12 block 21 T 42 S R 14 W. 66.68 acres. Total tax $3.31 Economic Service Investment Co. care M. H. Kriebel, Salt Lake, sec 36 T 42 S R 14 W. 40 A. Total tax $1.99 Richard E. Prince, St. Thomas, EVijSEVi sec 18, WVEEVi SW'i sec 17, T 43 S R 14 W, 320 A. Trvt.al t-av 1RR9 Orin Dalton, Hurricane, SEViSWVi sec 27 T 41 S R 14 W. 40 acres. Total tax $1.99 Charles P. Hansen, Leeds, lot 4 sec 4 and SWVi SEVi NEVi, E SEViNEVi sec 5 T 41 S R 14 W. 69.78 acres. Total tax $3.48 George H. Koest, Los Angeles, W4 lot 4 and NWViSEViNEVi sec 5 T 41 S R 14 W. 30 acres. Total To-tal tax $1.49 Robert Piatt, Newcastle, SViSV NWVl.NW'i SW'.i SWVi NEViNWVi NEVi-NWVi NW 1 4 NW Vi SE Vi NW Vi WVj NWUSW'i , NWV4SEUNWViSWVi n -:ne unv; Li swh wtsw vi - KW14 WViE'.-SWViNWVi NE'i -NE'iSWViNW'i sec 15 T 37 S R 15 W. SO acres. Total tax.. $32.44 R. E. Tullis, care Walter J. Knell Pinto townsite, part of lot 3 block 15. Total tax $5.63 Eenj. Bleak care Hale and Royal Blake, S'i of SWU NEU of SW'.i and NWVi of SE'i sec 9 T 40 S R 15 W S L M. Total tax $25.81 Hyrum S. Prisbrey, Washington, WVi W.i SEViSWVi SEViNWVi SEVi SWVi NWVi NEVi SWVi NV NW',4 SW',4 NE'i SE',4 SWVi' sec 9 T 41 S R 15 W. 130 acres. Total tax $7.45 William A. Nelson, NWViSE'.i and NEVi SW',4 and part of SEVi of NW'.i beg at SW cor of SEVi NW',4 and run th E 12 ch 50 links th N 20 ch th W 12 ch 50 links th S 20 ch to beg in S 10 T 42 S R 15 W. 105 acres. Total tax - $6.95 Vilford Bellnap, Washington, W 3-8 NW',4 of NWVi WV2 of SWVi of NWVi and WV4 of NWVi' of SWVi of sec 13 T 42 S R 15 W. 55 acres. Total tax $26.65 Hyrum Prince, Washington, SVi SW Vi sec 12 and EM:NWVi sec 13, T 42 S R 15 W. 160 acres. Total tax $10.59 Wilford Bellnap care Annie Bell-nap, Bell-nap, St. George, EVi NW',4 SWVi S 14 V& acres of E'.: SWViNWVi less 3.5 acres for highway, sec 13 T 42 S R 15 W. 34.5 acres. Total tax $22.18 George Prince, Washington, Lot 2 block 19, sec 21 T 49 S R 15 W. 1 acre. Total tax $2.32 Richard E. Prince, lot 2 block 20 Middleton town. Total tax $1.66 Andrew Sproul, Washington, lot 7 block 2 John P. Chidester Entry, En-try, sec 23 T 42 S R 15 W. 4.93 acres. Total tax $9.76 Andrew Sproul Jr., Washington, W. C. Smithson entry, lot 5, all of lots 12 3 SVi lot 4 and S 3-5 of lot 8, sec 23 T 42 S R 15 W. 19.23 acres. Total tax $17.87 Andrew Sproul, Washington, S 3-8 lot 7 and N 2-5 lot 8 C. W. Smithson Entry, sec 23 T 42 S R 15 W. 3.78 A. Total tax $5.63 Frank Judd and Lewis Hinkson J. H. Crawford's Entry, beg S 21.79 ch and E 4.70 ch from NW cor SWVi sec 23 T 42 S R 15 W, and run th E 18.8 rds, S 26 rds E 18 rds S 9 rds W 36.8 rds, N 35 rds to begin. Total tax $0.99 Frank Judd and Lewis Hinckston, J. H. Crawford Survey, beg 15 ch 8 of N line and 16 ch E of W line of SWVi sec 23 th E 9.75 ch th S 6.50 'ch th W 3.50 ch th S 6.50 ch th W 6.25 ch th N i3 ch to beg, sec 23 T 43 8 R 18 W. 10.40 acres. Total tax ., $10.92 S. L. Gould, Washington, lots 3 and 4 of SWVi and NWVi of SWVi' sec 23 T 42 S R 15 W, tean a-t. NW cm SWVi of sec TTh E 7.70 ch th S ir-.i E 5.28 ch th W 7.70 ch thft 30 min W 5.28 ch to beg. 4.07 acres. Total tax $7.45 Andrew Sproul Jr., WViSWVi sec 24 and WViNWVi sec 25 T 42 S R 15 W, cont 160 acres less the following: beginning at a point N 25 Iks from Vi sec cor on W of sec 25 and run th N 19.58 ch th E 2.18 ch th S 26 deg 45 min E 5.60 ch th S 27 deg 30 min W, 5.64 ch th W 50 Iks th SWTy to beg, cont 4.09 acres. Total tax $22.68 Andrew Sproul, Jr., NWVi NWVi SWViNWVi, EV SEVi' SWVi SE Vi sec 24 cont 200 acres, also 'NViNEVi NEVi NWVi sec 25, T 42 S R 15 W. 320 acres. Total tax $11.59 R. A. Morris, New York, beg at SE cor sec 26 and run N 1320 ft W 110 ft S 29 deg 10 min W 621 ft S 18 deg 24 min E 1188 ft E 42 ft N 357 ft to beg cont 9.3 acres, T 42 S R 15 W. Total tax $0.66 Peter T. Neilson, N part of lot 4 and NW part of lot 15 block 1 beg at a point W 20 ch N 11.20 ch fr SE cor SWVi' and run th N 3.34 ch E 13.22 ch S 27 deg 45 min W 3.70 ch W 11.46 ch to beg, s.ec 26 T 42 5 R 15 W. 4.12 "acres. Total tax $6.62 Peter T. Neilson, Martin Soren-son's Soren-son's Survey of SWVi sec 26 T 42 S R 15 W, all of lot 5 part of lot 14 block 1 as ' follows fol-lows : beg at SW cor lot 14 and Tun th E 3.50 ch N .95 ch E 6.25 ch N 4.05 ch W 9.75 ch S 5 ch to beg. 9.15 acres. Total ax $11. au Brigham Jarvis, lot 2 sec 28 T T 15 W. Total tax $0.66 Nephi R. and Geo. W. Fawcett, Hannah I. F. Nixon and Deseret Eyring (Wffl .Fawcett's heirs) care William J. Squires, lot 2 block 18 sec 31 T 42 S R 15 W. 2.22 acres. Total tax ....$2.43 Eldon W. and Hyrum H. Cox, lot 1 5 block 18 section 31 T 42 S R 15 W. 6.65 acres. Total tax $334.13 Marion E. Cox care Eldon W. and Hyrum Cox, E 16.5 ch of L 6 block 18 sec 13 T 42 S R 15 W. 2.89 acres. Total tax ....$3.81 William J. Squire, lot 4 of block 18 of George Jarvis' entry sec 31 T' 42 S R 15 W. 2.22 acres. Total tax '. $3.31 Eldon W. and Hyrum Cox lots 3 and 4 block 19 of George Jarvis' Jar-vis' survey, sec 31 T 42 S R 15 W 4.17 acres. Total tax $0.17 Hannah N. Snow, care Harvey Staheli, Santa Clara, all of lots 3 and 4 and N .69 acres of lot 2 block 3 of Erastus Snow's entry, sec 31 T 42 S R 15 W. 9.81 acres. Total tax $17.87 Hyrum S. Thompson, William Lang's entry, lot 15 block 10, 1 sec 31 T 42 S R 15 W. 2.21 A. Total tax $0.17 Vernon Cannon, William Lang's entry, lot 17 and 18 block 10, sec 31 T 42 S R 15 W. 4.36 A. Total tax $0.65 Henry R. Lang, lots 23 24 25 26 block 10 Wm. Lang's Entry, sec 31 T 42 S R 15 W. 8.19 acres. Total tax $3.31 Levi Empey, beg at a point 25 links N of SW cor of Eli NWVi of sec 31 T 42 S R 15 W, rim th N 17.37 ch th E 2.89 ch th 6 17.37 ch th W 2.89 ch including includ-ing lots 8 9 14 block 15 Wm. Lang's Entry. 5 acres. Total tax $5.79 William Harridance care Earl Cannon, beg at SE cor sec lot 3 sec 31 T 42 S R 15 W, th N 5.60 ch th W 6.25 ch th S 5.60 ch th E 6.25 ch to beg. 3.50 acres. Total tax : $3.31 St. George Valley Irrigation Co., care Jos. S. Snow, lot 2 block 4 sec 32 T 42 S R 15 W. 4.29 acres. Total tax $4.18 Eldon W. & Hyrum H. Cox, Jos. T Atkin Survey WViNWVi sec 32 T 42 S R 15 W, lot 1 block 1 4.887 acres, lots 2 and 7 block 1 cont 9.667 acres. Total tax.... $13.07 E. L. Jarvis, Jos. T. Atkin survey lot 8 block 1 lots 1 2 3 4 block 5 cont 57.87 acres less right of way on N end of lots 3 and 4 and E side of lots 4 and 1 block 5, and along W line of lot 8 block 1 E along N boundary line of lot 3 block 1, sec 32 T 42 S R 15 W. 58.87 acres. Total To-tal tax $2.65 Jos. S. Snow, W 39 acres of SEVi NWVi sec 32 T 42 S R 15 W. 39 A. Total tax $40.05 Brigham Jarvis, NEViNEVi, sec 32 T 42 S R 15 W. 40 acres. Total To-tal tax $1.99 Brigham Jarvis, lot 3 4 SVi' of NWV4 cont 135.62 acres also Wm. Butler's Entry of sec lots 2 3 and lots 1 5 6 7 block 1 lots 1 2 3 5 block 2, also all unplatted un-platted lands in sectional lots 2 and 3 in sec 33 T 42 S R 15 "W. 181.62 acres. Total tax.... $9.10 Brigham Jarvis, NWViNEVi sec 33 T 42 S R 15 W. 40 acres. Total To-tal tax $1.99 George T. Cottam, Wm. F. Butler's But-ler's Entry, lots 3 and 4 block 1 sec 33 T 42 S R 15 W. 2.83 acres. Total tax $0.33 Sarah M. Foster and children, Wm. F. Butler's entry lot 4 bik 2 sec 33 T 42 S R 15 W. 2.48 acres. Total tax $0.35 Samuel Sullivan, care Miller & Veile, Salt Lafle, Richard Morris Mor-ris Premption Survey N .89 ch of EVi of lot 7 and F..' ei lots 8 and All of .arts 10 11 and fcC -89 ch of lot 12 block 1. sec i T 42 S R 15 W. Total tax .. $2.48 Elizabeth O. Andrus, Richard Morris Premption survey beg at U point N 30.45 ch. from SW cor block 2 th N 4.25 ch th E 12.25 ch th S 4.25 ch th W 12.25 ch sec 34 T 42 S R 15 W. 5.21 acres. Total tax ....$1.66 David H. Cannon, R. D. Morris deseret entry, NEViSWVi and NWVi) of SEVi sec 35 all of bik 1. T 42 S R 15 W. 37.92 acres. Total tax $75.14 Ernest and Archie Tobler, R. D. MJorris desert entry, lots 2 and 3 block 4 sec 35 T 42 S R 15 W. 8.72 acres. Total tax ....$9.93 Samuel Sullivan care Miller and Veele, Salt Lake, John M. Macfarlane Mac-farlane sur lots 8 9 10 11 bik 1 sec 35 T 42 S R 15 W. 19.49 acres. Total tax -..$27.14 Samuel Sullivan care Miller & Viele Salt Lake. John M. Mac-farfene Mac-farfene sur lots 8 11 12 and W part of lot 9 block 2 begin at NW cor of lot 9 th E 6.56 ch th S 5 ch th W 6.56 ch th N 5 ch to begin, sec 35 T 42 S R 15 W. 17.88 acres. Total tax $12.08 Virgin Dome Oil Co., NEVi NWVi NWViNEVi NWViSEVi S SEVi NWVi SVi NEVi SWVi; SEVi SWVi sec 36 T 42 S R 15 W. 200 acres. Total tax $14.90 George B. Hancock, Cedar City NVi SEVi NWVi sec 26 T 42 S R 15 W. 20 acres. Total tax $1.32 L. J. dine care J. Graham, NEVi NEVi; NVi; SEVi NEVi NEViSEVi, sec 26 T 42 S R 15 W. 100 A. Total tax $6.62 Arthur B. Wboley, NViNEViSWVi sec 36 T 42 S R 15 W. 20 A. Total tax ..: $1.32 Allen Clark, Ogden, SVi SEVi SEVi sec 36 T 42 S R 15 W. 20 acres. . Total tax $1.32 John T. Neilson, EVi SWVi NWVi and W Vi SEVi NWVi sec 2 T 43 S R 15 W. 40 acres. Total tax $113.31 A. B. Andrus, lot 4 block 1 T 43 S R 15 W. 4.62 acres. Total tax $1.16 Joshua Crosby, lots 2 3 block 8 T 43 S R 15 W. 8.82 acres. Total To-tal tax $7.12 Hyrum H. Cox, Horatio Pickett's Entry SVi of sec 3 all block 5 all block 6 in T 43 S R 15 W. 37.75 acres. Total tax $25.93 A. B. Andrus, lots 5 6 7 8 or SEVi sec 2 T 42 R 15. 163.23 A. Total tax $6.62 Arvel Webb, W. 13.93 A lot 3 all lot 5 in T 43 S R 15 W. 50.79 acres. Total tax $38.89 Arvel Webb, SWU NWVi SVi SWVi sec 5 T 43 S R 15 W. 120 A. Total tax $22.01 Arvel Webb, SEVi NEVi sec 6 40 acres, lots 7 8 9 10 11 12 and SEVi SEViSWVi sec 6 T 43 S R 15 W. 405.05 acres. Total tax $63.30 Arvel Webb, NVi NE'i NE'.i NWVi sec 7 T 43 S R 15 W. 120 acres. Total tax $5.96 Arvel Webb Nli NWU sec 8 T 43 S R 15 W. 80 acres. Total tax $3.97 Wm. A. Nelson, Jessie W. Crosby's Entry lot 1 block 3 sec 6 T 43 S R 15 W. 7.56 acres. Total tax $2.48 John R. Bentley, Jessie W. Crosby's Cros-by's entry, all of lots 6 7 part of lots 3 4 5 2 block 4 sec 6 T 43 S R 15 W, begin at SE cor lot 6 block 4 th S 25 deg 30 min, E 5.70 ch th S 49 deg 40 min E 1.70 ch th S 49 deg 50 min E 2.66 ch th S 4 deg W 81 ch th W 7.43 ch th N 63 deg W 3.36 ch th N 3-4 deg E 7.36 ch th E to beg. 9.05 acres. Total tax $31.79 Francis S. Leany care Charles Hall beg at a point 5 ch E of S Vi cor of sec 8 T 43 S R 15 W run th N 47.50 ch E 3.68 Ch N 12.50 W 10.04 ch S 15.04 ch W. 18.64 ch S 44.96 ch E 25 ch to bea. 126.55 acres. Total tax ...$71.33 George P. Lovegrove, beg at SE cor of SEViSWVi sec 8 T 43 S R 15 W th N 40 rds E 20 rds th S 40 rds W 20 rds to beg. 5 acres. Total tax $0.33 Frank Seegmiller, sec lets 12 3 sec 9 T. 43 S R 15 W. 117 A. Total tax $39.92 Alexander B. Andrus, lots 12 5 6 7 8 12 13 (or E'iO sec 11 T 43 S R 15 W. 326.81 acres. Total tax $16.22 Annie Webb, NWViSE'A NEViSW Vi sec 16 T 43 S R 15 W, also beg at center of sec 16 and run th W 20 ch th N 5.17 ch th E 40 ch th S 5.17 ch th W 20 ch to beg. 100.68 acres. Total tax :...$48.33 Julia E. Graham, S SWVi NWVi SWVi SWVi sec 16 T 43 S R 15 W. 30 acres. Total tax $1.99 Virgin Dome Oil Co. NWVi NWVi S. SWVi SWVi sec 16 T 43 S R 15 W. 60 acres. Total tax $3.97 Isaac C. Macfarlane Jr., SEViNEVi NEViSEVi sec 22 T 43 S R 15 W. 80 acres. Total tax $3.97 Isaac C. Macfarlane, Jr. SWVi and SEVi NWVi sec 23 T 43 S R 15 W. 240 acres. Total tax $11.92 Newcastle Rec. Co, Salt Lake, lots 1 2 SH NEVi NWVi SEVi sec 3 T 37 R 16. 1 202.20 acres. Total tax $20.03 John C. Bosshardt, Enterprise SV SV4 sec 4 T 38 R 16, 160 acres. . Total tax .... .-$37.22 John C. Bosshardt NV4' N SEVi Sec 5-T 37 R 16. 40 acres. Total To-tal tax $24.00 Elias F. Hunt, Enterprise, SVN xw- -N.VASVf.N of sec lot .4 J-ftr 5 T 37S R16 W. lo aJTes. Total To-tal tax $13.07 Elias Hunt, Enterprise, SH sec lot 4 and NV& NV SWVi NWVi sec 5 T 37S R 16 W. 31.55 acres. Total tax $3.10 John.M. Hunt, Enterprise, SV& SV& NV4 of sec lot 4 sec 5 T 37 S R R 16 W. 5 acres. Total tax $5.30 Jonathan A. Hunt, Enterprise NV4 NV NV4 sec lot 4 sec 5 T 37 S R 16 W, 5 acres. Balance due .... ....;..:. $5.29 Lewis H. Bastian care Federal Lank Bank of Berkeley, lot 1 sec 5 T 37 S R 16 W. 41.25 A Total tax $30.73 Thomas B. Robinson, beg at a pt W 7.61 ch from NE cor of SEVi sec 6 T 37 S R 16 W, run th W 14.85 ch th S 20.24 ch th E 14.77 ch th N 20.28 ch to beg. 30 acres. Total tax ...$26-.81 Lewis H. Bastian, SEViSEViSWVi Sec 6 T 37 S R 16 W. 10 acres. Total tax $7.45 Lewis H. Bastian, NEViSEViSWVi sec 6 T 37 S R 16 W. 10 acres. Total tax $8.94 LeRoy Adams, Parowan, lots 4 5 6 7, Sec 6 T 37 S R 16 W. 160.03 acres. Total tax $150.22 J. M. Pulsipher care I. W!. Pace, Enterprise, NNEV4SWVi Bee 6 T 37 R 16. 20 acres, less 5 acres, Balance due $13.40 Franklin A. Terry, Enterprise Sy2 NEViSWVi sec 6 T 37 S R 16 W. 20 acres. Total tax ....$17.87 W. E. Alger, Enterprise S .3 of EV4lSEViNWV4 sec 6 T 37 S R 16 W. 6 acres. Total tax ....$1.99 W!. H. Williams, Murray, N .7 of ESEV4JNWVi sec 6 T 37 S R 16 W. 14 acres. Total tax $14.56 Joseph E. Jones, E!W SEVi NEVi sec 6 T 37 S R 16 W. 10 acres. Total tax $111.78 Lillian Pace, Enterprise, NWVi-NEViiNEVi NWVi-NEViiNEVi sec 6 T 37 6 R 16 W 10 acres. Total tax ...$12.19 Glen Simkins, Enterprise EV4 lot 2 and NV lot 3 and N 8.75 A of SWViNEViNWVi. sec 7 T 37 S R 16 W. 58.61 acres. Total tax $12.59 Israel H. Adair, Enterprise E 4-5 of SEVi NWVi NEVi sec 7 T 37 S R 16 W. 8 acres. Total tax '. $5.95 Israel EL Adair, Enterprise NEVi-NWViNEV4 NEVi-NWViNEV4 and NWVi NWVi NEVi, NE-Vi, W 1-5 of SE Vi NW Vi NE Vi , SWVi NWVi NE Vi, sec 7 T 37 S R 16 W. 32 acres. Total tax $31.95 National Farm Loan Association of Enterprise, NEViNEVi sec 7 T 37 S R 16 W. 15 acres. Total To-tal tax $30.83 Mark Laub, Enterprise NVitSEVi, sec 7 T 37 S R l" 6W. 80 acres. Total tax $7.28 Frank Hiatt, Enterprise, serial No 011438 Jan 22 1920 SEViNEVi S 7 cont 40 acres, SViNWVi NE'i NWVi sec 8 T 37 S R 16 W 160 acres. Total tax $24.83 Mark Laub, WSWVi sec 8 T 37 ' S R 16 W. 80 acres. Total tax $7.53 C. Henry Barnum, Enterprise WV4 NWVi NWVi sec 8 T 37 S R 16 W. 20 acres. Total tax ....$12.91 William T. Barnum, Enterprise, E'NWUNWU sec 8 T 37 S R 16 W. 20 acres. Total tax $12.74 Julius Radum, Los Angeles, SE'i SE'i sec 16 T 37 S R 16 W. 40 acres. Total tax $2.65 Joseph E. Jones, Enterprise lot 7 and SEViNWVi E'-iSWVi sec 18 T 37 S R 16 W. 158.6 acres. Total tax $21.68 Henry J. Hol, Enterprise EVj SE'i SWVi SEVi EVSEViSWVi EH NWViSEVi sec 34 T 37 S R 16 W. 160 acres. Total tax ....$10.59 Oscar I. Randall, beg at cor No 1 common to sees 1 2 11 12 and run th N 40 ch to cor No. 2, th S 89 deg 45 min W 5.05 ch to cor No. 3, th N 38.82 ch to cor No. 4 th S 89 deg 48 min E 2.42 ch to cor No. 5, th N 89 deg 56 min E 27.78 ch th S 19 ch th W 14.60 ch to cor No 9 th S 60 ch to cor No. 10 th N 89 deg W 10.13 ch to place of beg. T 39 o R 16 w. ib.yi acres. Total tax $11.59 Joseph E. Carpenter care Jennie Carpenter, beg at cor No. 7 of H. E. survey No. 78 cor No. 7 being 43.07 ch E of NW cor of sec 1 T 39 S R 16 W, and run thence S 19 ch W 15.79 ch N 19 ch E 15.79 ch. 30 acres. Total To-tal tax $2.98 Sylvester Wilcox care B. F. Blade, WV5 SEVi SWVi. WH SWV4 sec 10 T 39 S R 16 W less 2.45 A for highway. 97.55 acres. Total tax $13.90 Grant Z. Keys, Central, Townsite Survey, lot 2 block 1. Total tax $5.30 Vivian Bracken, Central Townsite - Survey lots 1 and 2 block 4 sec 11 T 39 S R 16 W. Total tax $17.01 Vivian Bracken, WV NWVi' NEVi sec 11 T 39 S R 16 W. 20 A. Total tax $17.87 ATchie M. Chadburn, Veyo, lots 1 2 3 4 sec 31 T 39 S R 16 W. 59.15 acres. Total tax $7.78 Fedelia E. Baker care A. H. Bracken, Brack-en, SV4NV4 NWViSEVi and SWVi SEVi and SHNWViSEVi sec 15 T 39 S R 16 W. 70 acres. Total To-tal tax $3.48 William) B. Baker, care A. H. Bracken, NVilSWVi SEViNWVi SWViNEVi sec 22 T 39 S R 16 W. 160 acres. Total tax $72.62 Fedelia , E. Baker care A. H. Bracken, NWViNEVi SV4 NEVi NWVi SWViNWViNEViNEV4 W ' SWVlNKViNMVi WV2 WV-i NWVi NWVi NWVi' NEVi SEVi N NH NWVi SEVi SEC 22 T 39 S R 16 W 60 acres. Total tax t-. .J i- ......$4.47 ftCrs. Deah Dobbin, Los Angeles, lot 3 Cbeing NEVi NWVi) sec 2 i T 40 S R 16 W. 38.67 acres. I Total'-' tax : ,...$2.65 Henry Wemkauf, Los Angeles, SE ViNWVi sec 2 T 40 S R 16 W. 40 A. Total tax $2.65 Mrs. L. Bailey Mather, San Diego, OTinTiTIin; t. O rp An O T3 1C W. 40 acres. Total tax ....$2.65 Samuel L. Carter, ,WV4 SEVi dry farm', sec 7 T 40 S R 16 W. Total tax ...$8.61 Samuel L. Carter, W NEVi sec 17 T 40 S R 16 W and also SEW (ex. a strip 4 rds wide on S side of SWVi SEVi) 158 acres dry farm. 238 acres. Total tax $11.75 John M. McQuarrie, N NEVi S NEVi S NWVi NV& SWVi SWVi SEVi sec 33 T 40' S R 16 W.. 360 acres. Total tax $17.87 Fred Burgess, Veyo, SHSEVi 80 acres less 'beg at SE cor of sec 34 T 40 S R 16 W. th N 145 ft th W 200 ft th S 145 ft th E 200 ft to beg. Total tax $16.22 Fred Burgess, SWVi SWVi' sec 35 less right of way 2.37 acres, less beg at SW cor of sec 35 T 40 R 16 W, th E 250 ft N 145 - ft th W 250 ft th S 145 ft to beg. 37.27 acres. Total tax $1.82 P. J. Woodbury, D. C. Watson and Clare Woodbury, SWVi SEVi SEViNEVi sec 35 T 40 S R 16 W, cont 160 acres also EV4 SEVi of sec 160 acres. Total tax $29.79 Joseph E. Bleak, NEViSWVi'' and 'NWVi SEVi' sec 35 T 40 S R 16 W. 80 acres. Total tax ....$5.13 Josiah Leavitt Sr. care Fred Burgess, Bur-gess, Veyo. SWViNWVi sec 35 T 40 S R 16 W. 40 acres. Total tax $14.56 Josiah Leavitt Sr. care Fred Burgess, Bur-gess, NWViSWVi sec 35 T 40 S R 16 W. 40 acres. Total tax $5.79 F. J. Woodbury, D. C. Watson, Clare WoodbuTy, O. A. Fawcett, WH- NWViSWVi less 1 acre beg 28 rds N of NW cor of SWVi SWVi, th N 8 rds th E 20 rds, th 28 rds th W 29 rds to beg cont 19 acre, also NEViSWVi and E 3-20 NWViSWVi sec 36 T 40 S R 16 W. 46 acres. Total tax $32.65 A. B. Andrus, W .7 of E NWVi SWVi sec 36 T 40 S R 16 W. 14 acres. Total tax $5.13 John M. McQuarrie, pt of NWVi SWVi; and part of SWViNWVi sec 1 beg at SW cor of said NW qu sec th N 5.79 ch th E 8 ch th S 20 ch th W 8 ch th N 14.21 ch to beg, T 41 S R 16 W. 16 acres. Total tax.. - $0.83 John M McQuarrie, part of NWVi sec 1 T 41 R 16, beg 8 ch E of SW cor of NWVi 20.23 ch th W) 12.17 to beg. 24.60 acres. -Total tax $0.83 John M. McQuarrie, part of EH of sec 21 T 41 S R 16 W, beg at SE cor of said sec th W 39.60 ch th N 1 deg 5 min W 18.53 ch th E 11.24 ch th N 21.67 ch th N 89 deg 33 min E 8.54 ch th N 10 deg 32 min W 20.16 ch th E 4.85 ch th S 2.91 ch th E 3.50 ch th S 11.46 ch th E 12 ch th S 46.21 ch to beg cont 158.91 acres, also beg at a pt 2 rds S of NW cor of NWVi sec 2 th W 4 rds th S 20 rds E 4 rds th N 20 rds to beg, cont 80 sq rds. Total tax $56.60 A. B. Andrus, part of SEVi of sec 2 beg at center of sec 2 T 41 R 16, th E 11.63 c th S 21.67 ch th W 11.24 ch th N 21.52 ch to beg, also NEU SWVi. 64.70 A. Total tax $28.63 William B. Baker, lots 3 4 and SVi of SEVi NWVi sec 2 T 41 R 16 . 90.89 acres. Total tax.... $16.88 Artie Thomas, Enterprise, NVi of SVi of SEVi of NWVi sec 2 T 41 R 16. 10 acre. Total tax $0.50 Alex B. Andrus, W 39-40 of NWVi NEVi sec 2 T 41 S R 16 W. 39 acres. Total tax $16.88 Joseph E. Blake, WVi SEVi EVi SWVi SWViSWVi lots 10 11 sec 3 T 41 S R 16 W, 273.7. Total tax $4.96 Joseph E. Blake, lot 1 sec 10 T 41 S R 16 W. 36.34 acres. Total To-tal tax $0.99 Joseph E. Blake, NViNWVi SWVi JLN VV 74 t O OCb J.X J. a r J-w 16 W. 204.75 acres. Total tax.... $4.96 Joseph E. Blake, lots 3 4 5 6 sec 14 T 41 S R 16 W. 113.07 A. Total tax ...$2.48 John M McQuarrie, lots 3 4 6 SEViNWVi sec 3 and lots 2 3 sec 4 T 41 S R 16 W; 165.67 acres. Total tax $8.11 St. George Santa Clara Bench Irrigation Ir-rigation Co., lots 2 3 block 2 plat A, Ivins Townsite Survey. Balance due $1.65 St. George Santa Clara Irrigation Co., Ivins Townsite Survey, lots 2 4 7 8 block 4 plat A. Balance Bal-ance due $1.64 St. George and Santa Clara Bench Irrigation Co. Ivins Townsite Survey, lots 1 3 4 5 6 7 8, bik 5 plat A. Balance due $3.07 James McArthur, Ivins Townsite Survey, lot 8 block 6 plat ' A. Total tax $1.66 St. George Santa Clara Bench Irrigation Ir-rigation Co. Ivins Townsite Survey, Sur-vey, lots 2 5 6 block 8 plat A. Total tax $4.96 Ernest J. Reber, Ivins Townsite Survey, lots 17 8 block 8 plat A Total tax $25.66 C. Ensign Gubler, N 3-4 EH SWVi' SEVi sec--5"T 42 S R 16 W. 15 acres. Total tax $1.99 John A. Stucki, Logan, S 25 acres in sec lot 2 sec 6 X 42 S R 16 W. 25 acres. Total tax :$3.80 Reuben Ence, sec 1 T 10 S R 16 W. Balance due $4.72 Efw. Stucki care Ernest Reber, N 15 acres -ir SOTfe sec 8 T 42 S R 16 W. 15 acres. Total tax .... - $12.58 ' Frederick Reber Jr., NWViNEVi sec 8 T 42 S R 16 W. 40 acres. Total tax $35.46 Herman W Stucki, beg at a point E 24 rds from NW cor NWVi NWiVi,' sec 16 T 42 R 16 and run S 80 rds E 8 rds N 80 rds W 8 rds to beg. 4 acres. Total tax ; $1.32 Julia E. Graham, NEViSEVi SWVi SEVi WHtSEViNEVi WHNEVi!-SEVi: WHNEVi!-SEVi: SEVi NEVi SEVi, SHNEVi NEViSEVi sec 23 T 42 S R 16 W. 135 acres. Total tax ....$19.36 S. A. Hanson, San Francisco, EH SEV41NEV4 sec 23 T 43 S R 16 W. 20 acres. Total tax $1.32 Vernon Church, NWViSWVi and part of SWViSWVi sec 23 T 42 S R 16 W beg at SW cor sec 23 and run N 6.56 ch th S 66 deg 45 min E 3.93 ch th N 15.25 ch th E 16.08 ch th S 18.38 ch, th N 44 deg 45 min W 2.88 ch th S 33 deg W 4.47 ch th W 6.39 ch th N 25 deg 45 min E 1.07 ch th N 26 deg 50 min W 2.19 ch th N 44 deg 15 min W 2.23 ch th S 24 deg 15 min W 4.25 ch th W 3.77 ch to beg. 71.83 acres. Total tax ....$24.05 Joseph E. Blake, George Woodward's Wood-ward's Entry of NH; and SEVi SWVi lot 1 sec 26 T 42 S R 16 W. 9.80 acres. Total tax $21.01 James S. Jones, lot 22 George Woodward's Entry, sec 26 T 42 R 16 W. .54 acre. Total tax.. $0.66 James E. Jones lot 2 William Car-James Car-James S. Jones lot 2 William Carter's Car-ter's entry, sec 26 T 42 S R 16 W. 4 acres. Total tax $6.62 James S. Jones, part of lot .18, beg S 15.63 ch and W 9.16 ch from NE cor NWVi sec 26 th Nj 50 deg 15 min W 3.02 ch th S 33 deg W 8.30 ch th S 49 deg 40 min E 3.02 ch th N 30 deg 15 min E 8.37 ch to beg cont. 2.5 acres, also lot 24 cont 4.07 acres, William Carter's Entry, -sec 26 T 42 S R 16 W. Total tax $9.93 M. H. Kriebel care Economics Service Ser-vice Investment Co. Salt Lake, NEViNEVi sec 32 T 42 S R 16 W. 40 acres. Total tax $2.65 Henry Atkin, NEVi NWVi sec 35 T 42 S R 16 W, less part beg at NE cor NEVi NWVi th S 4.24 ch th N 32 deg 21 min W 2.55 ch the N 32 deg 21 min E 255 $428.05 Henry Atkin, D. D. McArthur Entry En-try lot 1 block 2, sec 35 T 42 S R 16 W, 4.22 acres. Total tax $0.83 Jedediah Cox, Cedar City, D. D. McArthur Entry, lot 3 block 3 sec 35 T 42 S R 16 W. 3.08 A. Total tax $6.62 Jane Eliza Brown, D. D. McArthur Entry lots 4 and 5 block 3 sec 35 T 42 S R 16 W. 11.31 acres. Total tax $17.54 James S. Jones, Bloomington, D. D. McArthur Entry, 6ec 35 T 42 S R iswTtotT Total tax . 0t 11 block j SW. and SWV4 Nw H Total tax ' 23-8' s' John M Squire, ca"ii Aur, lots 6 13 Jt: T 42 S R 16 W. it" tax sa A. TV. Sherman C. Har--' and George Wells, J f'Vf 5 T 42 S R 16 W, j, cor of lot 16 th N 49 a ai 5 W4.42 ch N 29 deg4E'5 N boundary line bt ..7 4; deg 20 min E 5 ch l!s lot 16 th S 30 deg 45 ? tJ .!";; St. George Wells, w 7."",'v l; cor of lot 16 th N 49 5 min W 4.42 chN29d. sV ch to N boundary W , ' th S 40 deg 20 E 5 V! NE cor lot 16 to 30 des i: Wl 9.84 ch, sec 36 T 40, 5 W. 4.67 acres. Total tlr , ''' Chas. P. Foster, Jr., ots 19, sec 36 T 42 S R i6 acres. Total tax ... ': Sherman C. Hardy, tare' R and George Wells( lot 4.43 acres less beg at Nw of lot 23 sec 36 T 42 S R and run th S 44 deg 25 ns t 585 ft S 29 deg 45 min 1' ft th N 44 deg 57 min W Sr ft N 28 deg 15 min E is ft . beg. cont 2.14 acres. Total u St. George Wells, beg at the w cor of lot 23 and tun ft ; 44 deg 25 min E 585 ft 4 i 29 deg 45 min W 155 ft N H 57 min W 578.6 ft N 28 15 min E 162 ft to beg, T 42 S R 16 W. 2.14 ac're. V tal tax j,'. Jedediah Cox, lot 25 sec if" 42 S R 16 W. 4.43 acres. TK tax (;, Richard H. Atkin, Henry At Entry, lot 4 block 1 and fc; ; block 2, T 43 S R 16 W. IS! I Total tax sr Richard H. Atkin, Henry Ait survey, all of unplatted pan ; said entry (Hill land) cont r. acres less beg at a point by as the SW cor of lot 6 in t; 2 said survey, of lots 3 and and run th S 32 deg W ( -th SEly 41 rds and 22 ft to ; monument of stone, th N 31 S-, E 15 rds 6 ft to SE cor of ; 5 block 2 th N 64 deg 21 1 Wl 41 rds 10 ft to beg cont!:-; acres in sec 16 T 43 S R If t Total tax C" Edw. Vernon Snow, Chas. At ry's Entry, beg 6.34 ch W 0! S cor sec 1 th W 8.68 ch S '.: ch E 8.68 ch S 3.21 ch lo If. sec 1 T 43 S R 16 W 2.80 acr-"iO'l'ai" acr-"iO'l'ai" taA" Rosella B. Andrews, Chas. A. to ry's Entry, all of unplatW It: in said entry of SVyNEK T 43 S R 16 W, and lot 1! . in sec 1 except the toDoK beg 6.34 ch W of NE cor set : and run W 8.68 ch S 321 ch! 5.02 ch S 4.89 ch E 3.66 6 ! 8.10 ch to beg. 21 acres. Ir. tax l. Wdllard Larson, Bloomington, SWy sec 11 NV4NW14 NWViSEVi SEVi SWVI lot 2 s" 15, T 43 S H. 16 W. 2615! i Total tax .... , Wm. Webb, Jr., Salt UteM - j 0f mt. S 10 ch from f ' on E side of sec U W" ; 5 39 deg 15 nfln-WJM - ; th S 29 deg 30 min W W ; ; th S 81 deg 45 min E 13 ; f th N 19.75 ch more or 1 sec 12 T 43 S B 16 . acres. Total tax .... : Geo. F. Whitehead, lW : sec lot 10 and sec lot U , that part of lot in i penter's survey which is : in lot 11 being in sec U ' ; 6 R 16 W. 87.38 acres. ; Total tax 77T- Brig P. Wulfenstein lot T43SR16W,8.83: g tal tax - ; i Brig P. Wulfenstein, " NEVi' NWVi SE c " . ? S R 16 W. 60 acres. To ,: josephigTip;;: si 13, T 43 SB 16 W' "j; Total tax .... g - Wallace Blake, NE T43SRl6W,lessi- j cor SEVi NW "fBS r 15ch57 1ksthS 58 (; - E 18 ch 20 Iks N 9 to beg, cont 7.33 a g tax VT'iTtM 13 T'; S Wallace Blake, lot 6 set r 16 W. 19-38 acres, Lars J. Lirs'oZ ca y,' penter, Bloomington ,, -sec 14 T 43 S B 16 g Total tax .; B-oo-ffljEg -; Lars J. .Larson, BK ,.- 10.11 sec 14 T 43 S 9.06 acres. Total g Wmard Larson 14 sec H T w 5 acres .... iTrffls aS ' Lars J. f'J-'' Roy Larson, E g 36.9 acres of lot s. 43 s R 16 W. 1" ' (: ance due .... -- - Charles Larson, tne g ? 1 16 sec 14 J 17.43 acres.. Total , 5 AJbert O. IWV cont 7.58 acres au 14 T 43 R 16?JV g Alfred A. Carpenter, sec 14 T 43 S B g Total tax .... j - Alfred A. Carpen sec 14 T 8 acres. Total Nephi R. Facett W 3 sS -rrtTsec 14 T 43 B if 4 19 acres. Total tax $5.30 "iF Whitehead care Gor-Whitehead, Gor-Whitehead, lot 13 sec 14 T 43 R 16- 9 acre- TOtal taX T " $1.66 vonhi R Fawcett care Gordon Teft lot M sec 14 T 43 R fT ,24 acres. Total tax ....$3.31 Arthur' Fawcett, lot 15 sec 14 T R 16 15-30 acres. Total tax 43 K $20.52 T.re"7 Larson, lot 16 sec 14 T t p. 16 23.92 acres. Total tax w ' $23.83 A-hur Fawcett lot 21 sec 14 T 43 P 16 8 50 acres. Total tax $11.41 n-jlard Larson, lot 22 sec 14 T R 16 8.06 acres. Total tax M ' $7.61 u-Sard Larson, sec lot 1 cont 34.61 A less beg at a point S 820 ft from the NW cor of lot 1 in s 15 T 43 R 16, and run th E 500 ft th S 45 deg W approx. 325 ft to the meander line on the N side of the Virgin river th SWly along said line to the SW cor of said lot 1 th N ap 630 ft to beg, cont 8 acres. Total To-tal tax $1-99 John M. Larson, serial No. 013635 liar 25 1920 NEttNWtt sec 22 T 42 R 16. 40 acres. Total tax $1.99 Frank Hernstreet, NW M, NE Vi SEVi sec 1 T 37 R 17. 10 A. Total tax $1.32 Edwin H. Livingston care MJUer & Viele, beg at SE cor SW!i SE'A sec 1 T 37 S R 17 W, and run W 14 rds, NWly to a point 34 rds W of NE cor SWVi SEU th E 34 rds S 80 rds to beg. 12 acres. Total tax $5.96 Willard E. Alger, SVi and SVi of "W of, lot 1 also N 19.9 acres of SEVi NE'4, sec 1 T 37 S R 17 W. 45 acres. Total tax $9.60 Willard E. Alger care Roscoe M. Haley, beg at a point 978.9 ft S and 667.5 ft W of NE cor of Sec 1 T 47 S R 17 W, and run W 667.4 ft N 326.3 ft E 667.4 ft S 326.3 ft to beg. 5 acres. Total To-tal tax $3.80 John A. Bryson, Caliente, Nev, beg at a point 667.4 ft of NW cor sec 1 T 37 S R 17 W and run S 652.6 ft W 667.4 ft N 652.6 ft E 667.4 ft to beg. 10 acres. Total tax $1.99 Levi Atkin, lot 4 (SWttSWW) SEViSWU. also sec 7 T 37 S R 17 W. 81.58 acres. Total To-tal tax $8.94 Thomas B. Robinson, care Jas. E. Jones, SWU NEU NViSEVi sec 10, NWU SWU sec 11 T 37 S R 17 W. 160 acres. Total tax $15.56 Thomas B. Robinson care Joseph E. Jones, EUEU SWUSWU sec 11 T 37 S R 17 W. 10 acres. Total tax $2.48 Ivor Clove, VfVi NWU SEU sec 12 T 37 S R 17 W. 20 acres. Total To-tal tax $8.28 Gottfried & Eliza Kurt, Ni of SEUSWU sec 12 T 37 S R 17 W. 20 acres. Total tax ....$10.76 Ivor Clove, care Nephi Hunt, beg at a point E 14.25 ch from NW cor of SW!4SW!4 sec 12 T 37 S R 17 W and run th E 12.25 ch N 13.25 ch SWly 18.04 ch be it more or less. 8.11 acres. Total tax $7.28 Louis Ellicker, W i E U of NW-U, NW-U, sec 12 T 37 S R 17 W. 40 acres. Total tax $46.63 Phebe Ellicker, E',-2 NEU SW!i SW'i sec 12 T 37 S R 17 W. 5 acres. Total tax $4.47 Phebe Ellicker care John H. Ellicker, El-licker, E1 E of NWU, EV2 NEUSWU6WU and being at NW cor of NEU- sec 12 T 37 R 17 W, and run th S 20 ch E 6 ch N 27 deg 8 min E 22.48 ch W 16.25 ch to beg. Also beg 1 SW cor of SEU NWU 'and run th E. 13.75 ch N 4.50 ch E 11.25 ch N 15.50 ch W 26 ch S 20 ch to beg. 67.25 acres. Total tax $37.73 Tom Truntan, beg 60 rds W of SE cor of SWUSEUi sec 12 T 37 S R 17 W, and run W1 45 rds N 18 rds E 45 rds S 18 rds to beg. 5.06 A. Total tax ....$3.80 Lydia A. Jones, beg at S 23.338 ch from cor common to sees 1 6 12 th S 3.333 ch th W 10 ch N 3.333 ch th E 10 ch to beg, in T 37 S R 17 W. 3.33 acres. Total To-tal tax - $2.98 Joseph E. Jones, beg S 26.66 ch fr cor common to sees 1 6 7 12 and run th S 3.334 ch to SE cor of NE USE U NE U sec 12 T 37 S R 17 W, th W 10 ch "N 3.334 ch E 10 ch to beg. 3.33 acres. Total tax $2.98 Josiah H .Adair, SNWUSEU sec 13 T 37 R 17 W. 20 acres. Total tax $3.31 Joseph E. Jones, beg E 53.34 ch from cor common to sees 13 14 23 24 th N 20 ch E 26.66 ch to E boundary line of sec 13 th S 20 ch to cor common to sec 13 18 19 24 th W 26.66 ch to Ibeg, In T 37 S R 17 W. Total tax - $5.30 Lydia A. Jones, beg E 26.67 ch from cor common to sec 13 14 23 24 th N 20 ch th E 26.67 ch th S 20 ch th W 2HB7 ch th S 20 ch th W 26.67 ch to beg. in T 37 R 17 W. 53.34 acres. Total tax $5.30 Edmund O. Norr, SWUNWUSWU ISEUSWU sec 14 T 37 S R 17 W 160 acres. Total tax $12.25 Wash Co., care Amos W. Hall, NEV4 NWU also W 5.63 acres NWH NEH sec 15 T 37 S R 17 W. 25.63 acres. Total tax $39.22 S. W. Peterson. EU SWH NW'i NVi SE NWi and SV-i NEU NAVU sec 16 T 37 S R 17 W. 50 acres. Total tax $18.20 Levi Atkin, NWttNWU W'-j SW1, HWil sec 17 T 37 S R 17 W. 60 acres. Total tax $15.72 Levi Atkin, N SEU sec 18 T 37 S R 17 W. 80 acres. Total tax $20.69 Levi Atkin care Walter W. Bowler SjNWVi sec 18 T 37 S R 17 W. 40 acres. Total tax $7.23 Willard E. Alger, Wi SWi NWU ISEH W's SWU SEH SEi SWii Ei SEK NEU SWU EV4 NEUSWU SEU SWV1 SWV4 EH SWViSWH SWVi sec 27 T 37 S R 17 W. W W-j NWU NEU NEU NWU E','2 NWU NWU EH Wy. NWU NWU 160 acres. Total To-tal tax $53.62 Josiah Leavitt, beg at cor 1 on line bet sec 14 and 15 cor 3 of this survey bears N 5 min W lg.12 ch dist and cor sec 14 - 15 22 23 bears S 5 min E 9.59 ch dist th N 47 deg 17 min W 26.41 deg to cor 2 th N 89 deg 20 min E 19.33 ch to cor 3 th N 89 deg 20 min E 1.03 ch to cor 4 th N 5 min W 8.87 ch to cor 5 th S 67 deg 7 min E 44 ch to cor 6 th S 58 deg 22 min W 36.91 ch to cor 7 th N 47 deg 17 min W 13.89 ch to cor 1. 98.35 acres. Total tax $23.17 Lee V. Leavitt Veyo, SWUSEU NWU sec 1 T 40 S R 17 W. 10 acres. Total tax $0.83 Ellis W. Jones, lots 3 and 4 and SWUNWU sec 1 T 40 S R 17 W. 120.60 acres. Total tax $11.42 William M. Jones, NWUSEU sec 11 T 40 S R 17 W. 40 acres. Total tax $6.62 Vernon Leavitt, Gunlock, lot 3 blk 2 Gunlock townsite and field survey sur-vey $4-63 Francis W. Leavitt, Gunlock Town and Field survey, SW 1.17 acres of lot 5 block 2. Total tax $2.15 Neils J. Neilson, Gunlock Townsite and Field Survey, lot 10 block 2. Total tax $19.50 Vernon Leavitt, lot 1 block 3 Gun-lock Gun-lock townsite and field survey, Total tax $16.58 Neils J. Neilson, lot 1 block 6 Gun-lock Gun-lock Townsite and Field Survey. Sur-vey. Total tax $2.32 Samuel Vernon Leavitt, SEUSEU sec 29 T 40 S R 17 W. 40 A. Total tax $20.85 Vernon Leavitt, NEUNEU sec 32 . T '0 S R 17 W. 40 acres. To- flatl taTr?eaIr we br,,.. Heber t: injSUNWU sec 17 WViNEU WHISEU SEUNWU EHISWU sec 8 T 43 S R 17 W. 320 acres. Total tax $23.17 Legal heirs estate of Amos Hunt care Elmer T. Hunt Enterprise, SWUSWU sec 4 T 37 S R 18 W. 40 acres. Total tax $8.78 Thomas Elmer Hunt, EHSWU sec 37 S R 18 W. 80 acres. Total tax $29-85 Legal heirs of Amos P. Hunt care Elmer T. Hunt, NEUSEU sec 5 T 37 S R 18 W. 40 acres. Total tax .'.$13.24 Thom'as Elmer Hunt, NEUNWU, sec 9 T 37 S R 18 W. 40 A. Total tax $7.61 Walter W. Bowler, E 1-8 SEU NWU and SVIJNEU sec 10 twp 37 R 18 W, cont 85 acres, SWU sec 11 cont 40 acres. Total tax $55.28 Walter W. Bowler, N!'j SEU sec 10 and NWU SWU sec 11 T 37 S R 18 W. 120 acres. Total tax '$59.58 C. H. Oakden, SEU SEU sec 11 T 37 R 13 W. 40 acres. Total tax $7.28 Wm. T. Truman care P. D. Can-field, Can-field, beg at the NE cor of NEU SWU sec 11 T 37 S R 18 W, and th S 132 ft th W 169 ft th N 515 ft th S of W 674 ft th W 522 ft th N 1320 ft th E 1320 ft to beg. 32.25 acres. Total To-tal tax $61.35 Jefferson Geo. Hunt. SWUSEU SHSVU sec 11 T 37 S R 18 W. 120 acres. Total tax $7.95 W. T. Truman care P. D. Canfiekl S'tj SEU 0 acres lc;s 25:i A bog ea rds N cf E U cor and run th E 20 rds to S bank of Shcal wash, th SZly 60.67 rds continuing SEly 81 rds to a pt 49 rds N of SE cor of sec 12, T 37 S R 18 W., th N 31 rds th W 160 re's th S 22 rds to beg. 53.5 acres. Tc'.r.l tax $36.41 Win. T .Truman, care P. D. Can-field. Can-field. SEU SWU sec 12 T 37 S R 13 W. 40 acres. Total tax $12.91 W. T. Truman care P. D. Can-fic'.L Can-fic'.L SWUNWU lots 3 and 4 ZCC 13 T 37 b P. 18 W. 138.13 A. Total tax f 7.C1 Jeff erf on . Hunt lot 4 sec 14 T 37 S R 18 W. 47.26 A. To-ti To-ti tax t '' John F. Laub Jr. care Wm. J. j rryr.er. NEU SWU N'i N'i NU I SEU SWU sec 3 T 38 S R 18 W. 50 acres. Total tax $4.30 John F. Laub Jr. care Ramond F. and Milton F. Laub. H int in SWU NEU and W'i NWU SWU sec 3 T 38 S R 18 W. 60 acres. Total tax $4.97 John A. Bauer, Gunlock, SEU NWU EU-SWU WV26EU sec 20 Sl SEU sec 21, NH NV2 SEU NEU NEU SEU sec 28 EU NEU NWU NEU sec 29, twp 40 S R 18 W. 640 acres. Total tax - - - $42.56 James Guerrero, Motoqua, SEU NWU EH SWU sec 17 T 40 S R 19 W. 120 acres. Total tax $17.05 James Guerrero, NEUNWU sec 20 T 40 S R 19 W. 40 acres. Total tax ...$2.65 Duffin Bros, care R. H. Duffin, Salt Lake, Requa Lode mining claim, 17 A. Total tax $2.81 James Andrus Est. the Blackbird Mining District. 20 A. 1 claim. Total tax $3.31 Brigham Jarvis, Andrew F. Creg-erson Creg-erson and A. W. Gregerson, lode mining claims in Tutsagubet milling district, Paymaster and Utah 2 claims. Total tax $5.96 E. C. Grant, Wm. Pace's survey, lot 5 sec 22 T 38 R 13. 3.12 acres. Total tax $4.97 |