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Show Unnumbered Victims of Dream of Easy Wealth Sudden wealth, acquired without labor, assuring ease and luxury and power, appeals to the avaricious avari-cious Instinct of many otherwise sound and Intelligent people. The thrill of expectation, of suspense, the possibility of success with the next spin of the wheel, the next turn of the card, the next shovel of earth has kept men fighting odds since history began, says the St. Paul Dispatch. There is a rcnance to search for buried treasure, to stories of unearned un-earned wealth won In the gold fields, the roulette wifeel, the gaming gam-ing table and the stock market that is fascinating. It blinds Its victims vic-tims to risk any danger. They give o thought to how many are bealen. Men seldom boast of their losses, so failures In the gamble for easy wealth rifrely win the spotlight. Now and then a paragraph tells of a broken spirit ending his life. Young men who gamble with their comptmy's money are frequently Imprisoned Im-prisoned as embezzlers. But these are the dramatic incidenrs that get Into print The thousands who risk and lose their life's savings sink out of sight without leaving a ripple rip-ple on the surface. It Is sometimes worth remembering remember-ing that all who play do not win. |