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Show nil this, and why ikn't they come forward and encourage ,YOU as much as they did the knight of the Star? We have known you from early boyhood and you have been with us and helped to make the country, and deserve to be better encouraged than you are. Come, gentlemen, give a helping hand and show by your works that you believe in practicing what you preach, "Encour oui home institutions." institu-tions." Reader. St. George, Utah, Aug 2, 1896. Editor Union: I have been watching the progress you have been making since the commencement commence-ment of the present volume of TnE Union, and am somewhat surprised to see such a meagre show of advertising from the business men of the town who were so ready with an extensive advertisement to boom the late Southern Utah Star. Why, some of them don't have even a word to say about their goods in your periodical, and those who do, teem to be afraid they will give you something that will do you any good! You need paper, you need a larger press, and you need j your paper enlarged, but you have got to have money to accomplish ' : 1 |