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Show In the District Court of the Fifth J'Jrti. ciftl District, State of Utah, County of Washington. Martha Allen, Plaintiff, ) vs. y Summons. Charles L. Allen, Defendent.) The People of the Smte of Utah Snd Greeting: To Charles L. Allen, Defendant. Defend-ant. You are hereby required to appear in a action brought against you by the above named plaintiff, in the District Court of the Fiftb Judicial District of the State of Utah, and to answer the complaint com-plaint tiled therein within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on yoa of this Summon, if nerved within this County ; or, if served out of this County, but in this District, within twenty lays; otherwise within forty day: and if you fail to answer the coin-plaint, coin-plaint, the Plaintiir will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. The said action U brought to have the bonds of Mairimony between Plaintiff and Defendant dissolved on the following ground s f. I That the Defendant for more than three years past has wilfully neglected to provide for the Plaintiff the common necessaries ot life having the ability so to do. II That on or about the Second day of August A. D. 1893, the said Defendant Defend-ant uT-regarding his marriage vow, wilfully and without cause deserted and abandoned, and ever since lias and still continues so to wilfully and without cause desert and abandon said Plaintiff. WITNESS, the Hon E. V. illg-clus. illg-clus. Judge, and the Seal of the District Court of the Fift h Judi- ciul District, in and iov the State Seal. of Utah, thU First day of July, wir-' in he ear of our Lord, oue thousand eight hundred and ninety six. Seth A. Pymm, Clerk. |