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Show XTxxjTxst to 3V3CoHIixxloy. If a free coinage bill iij passed during "William McKinley's term as President, he is a good enough silver man to place his signature upon it, and don't you forget ii Lemhi Kepublic. This is the worst arraignment of McKinley we have yet seen and ccmes from a gold-bug papt r of Idaho. If McKinley would do j anything of the kind, he would be j an infernal traitor to his party. He has been nominated on a platform, plat-form, expressly demanding . the maintenance of the gold standard and his enemies will not even accuse ac-cuse him of being a traitor. It remains re-mains for an Idaho paper to do that, in a contemptible effort to wear a double face to their readers. Pocatello Advance. |